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播客是目前web2.0中最流行的技术和应用之一,在教育教学中拥有独特的优势和良好的发展前景。本文从播客的内涵及教育传播特征出发,分析了其在教育教学中的应用潜力。  相似文献   

本文调研播客在国内外教育应用情况,研究作为新一代网络媒体的播客与高职教育存在的契合空间,其应用于高职教育领域具有重要的现实意义与价值,展望播客在高职教育应用中的前景,并提出了发展播客在高职教育应用所面临的问题。  相似文献   

播客是一种在Internet上发布视音频的文件.它允许用户通过RSS聚合技术订阅以自动更新的Web2.0应用技术。介绍了播客的由来及运作方式,归纳了播客的教育案例,分析了播客的教育应用前景,最后提出了播客在教育应用中存在的问题。  相似文献   

播客传播的盛行,给大学生思想政治教育提供了新的机遇,也带来了新的挑战。本文试从分析播客传播特点入手,着重探讨其给我们思想政治教育工作带来的新机遇和新挑战,并提出解决路径。  相似文献   

受技术进步的影响,外语教育一直在不断地成长和变迁.播客(podcasting)的出现正在使外语教育领域发生一场潜在的革命.本文首先简要介绍了播客.在分析基于播客的外语教学案例的基础上,探讨了播客技术在外语教育中的应用潜力,并指出了应用过程中值得关注以及有待探讨的问题.  相似文献   

通过对播客基本概念的研究,分析其基本特点,阐述了教师、学生及管理者在教育中如何运用播客,并简要论述了其在英语教学中的应用和不足。  相似文献   

张凯 《教育技术导刊》2009,8(12):202-203
通过对播客的内涵及传播学特性分析,构建播客学习平台,实现视音频教学资源的共享,创建互动开放的学习、交流环境。通过实际应用,探索播客与社区教育的有机整合方式,并检验其在社区教育中的实际应用效果。  相似文献   

播客及其在教育技术中的运用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过讨论播客的起源、特征,分析播客与现代教育技术的联系,介绍国外播客在教育中的应用情况,提出播客技术在当今所提倡的素质教育中的广阔应用前景。  相似文献   

播客是网络发展的产物,其短小精悍、“内容为王”的特点符合现代信息的发展趋势,如果将其应用于教育当中,会是教育领域的一件利器。通过对播客基本概念的研究,分析其基本特点,阐述了教师、学生及管理者在教育中如何运用播客。同时,对于播客在教育中的应用进行了一定反思,提出播客制作时需要注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

播客是web2.0中最流行的技术和应用之一,在教育教学中拥有独特的优势和良好的发展前景。本文介绍了播客的定义及特点,分析了Podcast在高校德语专业教学中的应用前景,提出了如何通过播客来进行德语教学。  相似文献   

The versatility, intimacy and ease of production of podcasting make it a logical technology to apply to flexible education contexts. As a result, there has been increasing scholarly interest in the value of education podcasting in recent years. While education podcasting literature has tended to explore podcast implementation in institutional contexts, education podcasts outside of academia have also grown in popularity, to the extent that “education” is a common sub-group in podcast aggregation sites. This paper adapts Fernandez, Sallan and Simo’s framework of variables in education podcast design, to conduct a textual analysis of emergent design themes in non-institutional education podcasts. The findings reveal how highly successful podcasts from outside of educational institutions can both reinforce and challenge norms about education podcast design that exist within academic discourse, including in regard to podcast length, pedagogical approaches and the position of the podcast in the learning experience. It is the hope that the findings of this study might shift discourse from an interest in universalising ideas about “good practice” in education podcast design, towards more nuanced discussion of design practices that fit within specific contexts.  相似文献   

播客作为流行的网络应用技术之一,在教育教学中具有独特的优势和良好的发展前景.本文介绍了基于苹果技术的播客系统,包括系统的组成结构、主要设备及功能、工作原理,以及在教育方面的典型应用.  相似文献   

张屹  朱莎  杨宗凯 《现代教育技术》2012,22(4):16-20,39
地平线报告是国际新媒体联盟组织(New Media Consortium)发布的关于"地平线计划"进展情况的年度报告。文章运用内容分析法,对2004至2012年的地平线报告中包含的共54项新兴技术进行内容分析,得出了若干关于新兴技术在高等教育领域发展状况与趋势的结论。最后,笔者从信息化环境建设、人才培养、科学研究、技术与教育融合等方面提出了历年地平线报告对我国高等教育信息化发展的启示。  相似文献   

In this essay the author uses a sample of Greek primary school teachers to investigate environmental education awareness in three counties of northern Greece. The author begins by outlining the status of environmental education in Greek primary schools. The author then states the study’s rationale by defining the term ‘awareness’ and moves on to discuss the methodological considerations that guided the project. This is followed by a presentation of the study’s findings. Here the author shows that environmental education awareness is influenced by several philosophical notions about nature and that its implementation is mediated by both local and state factors. This then allows the author to offer recommendations for enhancing the current practices of environmental education and discuss future perspectives for it in Greece.  相似文献   

儿童媒介素养教育源自20世纪30年代的英国,当时的目的是要对抗大众文化对青少年的侵扰,随着多年的研究与发展,如今在许多国家得以实践,其主旨逐渐从最初的抵抗与防疫转向解放与赋权。我国对儿童媒介素养教育关注的时间还不长,研究与实践基础都很薄弱。笔者通过对中小学教师的访谈,发现他们对于儿童媒介素养教育的认识非常模糊,存在许多出于直觉而产生的误解。本文试图阐释儿童媒介素养教育的基本问题如内涵、师资、立场等,以期引发大家对这一议题的探讨,促进媒介素养教育的普及与深化。  相似文献   

This article is a revised version of the author’s contribution to the 2006 meeting of the International Seminar on Religious Education and Values in Driebergen, the Netherlands and is concerned with the need for continuing discussion about the identity of religious education. The article begins by arguing that, despite current criticisms, Smart’s original intentions for phenomenological religious education were far from inappropriate for a critical religious education. It then attempts to introduce some fresh ideas about how we might understand the commonly used terms of learning about and from religion. It suggests that in learning about religion it is important to engage students with the soteriological dimensions of religious traditions. The article then goes on to offer a revised version of learning from religion based on the Mahayana Buddhist concept of upaya or ‘skilful means’.  相似文献   

研究者个人对某个问题的认识历程就是个人对某一问题的认识史,这看起来好像是研究者个人的事情,实际上是具有公共的学术价值的。研究者对教育概念进行了长达30多年的思考,一方面获得了教育概念认识上的不断进展,而且自然生成了一个教育概念的认识史个案。简而言之,研究者对教育概念的认识经历了三个阶段:第一阶段是无批判地接受了一种权威的教育界定;第二阶段是从"教育性"概念入手进行分析,获得"教育是一种善意的干预"这一结论;第三阶段是通过对"教育性"判定依据的追寻,获得了"教育意念的结构"。研究者对教育概念的认识,从接受成见到生发出个性化认识,这个过程的实质是对教育从外部形象到内在依据的谨慎认知。  相似文献   

This article presents a report of a pedagogic experience carried out in a Portuguese 6th-grade music education class during the 2008–2009 school year. A podcast was created (www.podomatic.com) and several activities were developed, in classroom context, taking advantage of the tool's potential for teaching and learning. Although the podcast was managed by the teacher, the published contents were developed mostly by the students, therefore becoming themselves producers of the information on the Web and having an active role in the construction of the global society of the 21st century. The informal learning activity was evaluated at the end of the year, using both qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. Results show that the podcast activity involved students in the learning process, making them aware of the new roles they will play in the global information society.  相似文献   

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