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张飞鹏 《海外英语》2011,(7):200-201
拜伦的诗歌在世界文坛一直占有不可或缺的位置。文章从接受美学角度评析了其诗歌WhenWeTwoParted四个中译本所取得的美学效果。认为译者在翻译诗歌时应合理填补原作中的"空白"和"不确定性",并应努力使读者期待视野和译者文本视野很好地融合在一起。  相似文献   

story time板块是每个单元的核心板块。然而在教学中教师往往会在story time板块的问题设计、知识教学、框架设置上出现各种问题,从而阻碍了学生语用能力的发展,因此,在教学中教师可以通过提炼核心问题,进行小组合作,进行"角色卷入",变框架为支架以及丰富阅读教学模式等方式,提升学生的综合语用能力。  相似文献   

"少教多学"模式在小学英语教学中的运用能收到好的效果。根据新译林版小学英语教材的特点,可在story time板块运用"少教多学"的教学模式。在教学中,教师应注意话语量及语速等问题。  相似文献   

小学英语Sory Time板块教学的设问,宜从学生想回答的问题以及学生需要思索的问题等方面入手。教学实践证明,这样的设问可激发学习兴趣,促进思考。  相似文献   

文章以当今语言学论坛热门的象似性为研究的理论基础,探讨了"When We Two Parted"原文及其四个译文与原文的象似度。根据Nnny&Fischer的象似性框架,选取了素材中最具代表性的象似性现象进行解析,即听象符、拟象符中的成分象似性和关系相似性(数量象似性、顺序象似性)三个大方面来论述译文与原文的象似度。  相似文献   

教学过程一、创设主题情境,激发体验乐趣1.Students enjoy an English song"A beautiful day in the park".2.Free talk.(Help Miss Feng to finish her profile)The students look at the key words and phrases to ask the teacher some questions.Eg:What subjects do you like,Miss Feng?When do you go to the park?...【设计意图】一首与主题相关的、节奏明快的歌曲,活跃了课堂学习氛围。学生根据关键  相似文献   

王抒飞 《海外英语》2012,(1):221+223
The relationship between time and consciousness is what T.S.Eliot concerns much in his early modernist poem The love song of J.Alfred Prufrock.This paper is an analysis of the way Eliot employs the stream of consciousness technique to create a typical Western modern man who suffers greatly from meaningless life and spiritual crisis.  相似文献   

王伟 《海外英语》2011,(4):206-208
The publication of the famous novel The Sound and The Fury projects the long-enduring reputation of William Faulkner as a household American writer in every nook and cranny of the world.Just in this novel,Faulkner employs the literary device of stream of consciousness and makes a good play with time and order to his own joy,which makes it an outstanding literary feature in the novel.In this essay,the unusual conceptions of time and order in the novel are tentatively probed mainly from the following three perspectives:1) the initiative for Faulkner creating the novel as a novel against time and order.2) the disordered arrangement as an artistic device——the optimum key to delivering the story.3) the potential order underlying the seeming disorder in the novel.  相似文献   

刘帅一 《海外英语》2014,(21):198-201
As a carefully designed work, Flannert O’Connor’s short story“A Good Man is Hard to Find”is a brilliant example for skillfully using narrative techniques to convey her Catholic faith. Mieke Bal’s theories of time in narratology provide a fresh perspective to explores the characterizations in Flannert O’Connor’s“A Good Man is Hard to Find”. Time functions greatly to the characterizations of the characters through the narrative text in terms of the story and the fabula. It helps to present the characters’ personalities by playing with the sequential ordering, rhythm and frequency. By using these narrative techniques, grandmother’s selfishness, her moral inanition and her considerations that she is morally superior to others is fully expressed to the reader as well as Misfit’s struggling and renascence to his disbeliefs of God and so on.  相似文献   

The first wave of educational reforms in Macau took place in late 80s and early 90s. In 1991, the first Education Law was approved in Legislative Council. It signified a path leading to more "disciplined" education system. It was then by legislative means through standardization, regulations, implementation of the universal free education, establishment of the "public school net", construction of a "localized" curriculum framework, and the definition of various kinds of teacher education enabled the government to participate in overall educational matters. Among all, curriculum development is a significant component in the arena of educational reform. The localized curriculum was first implementation in 1995 in all government schools with Chinese as a medium of instruction, and was not compulsory in private schools. Macau is now starting a second wave of educational reform, with special attention to the re-construction of the present curriculum. Thus, it is the objective of this study to examine and disclose the discourses and practices of the curriculum development in the territory in order to re-vision the future development. The time travelling tunnel gives two scientists the ability to travel in time and space in the television series in the UK in 1960's. In this paper, 'excursion into the time tunnel' is used metaphorically, to describe the research process for it is to be adventure and an exploration. Furthermore, the metaphor 'time tunnel' also bridges the present to the past and the future. This is how the author attempts to reveal the story of discourses and practices of the curriculum development in Macau through the 'time tunnel' interweaving with the past, the present and the future. This study stems from a particular stance of educational policy analysis. The study is informed by aspects of critical and post-structuralist perspective, with particular reference to Michel Foucault. In this paper, official document, namely Gazette (known as Boletin Oficial in Portuguese) is the focal point of interest.  相似文献   

耐莉是<呼啸山庄>中举足轻重的人物,既是故事叙述者,又是故事参与者.耐莉的叙事是整部小说的核心,它所隐含的耐莉的故事是一个被资本主义文明异化的小人物的故事.  相似文献   

在严歌苓的长篇小说《陆犯焉识》中,叙述者利用故事时间和叙事时间的双重性与矛盾性,在时序、时距和频率三方面巧妙运用多种手法,从而建立起富有弹性和张力的虚构的叙事时间,使作品呈现出高超的叙事艺术和丰富的审美价值,对作品叙事伦理的构建起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

广告叙事指的是在特定的社会文化语境中,广告主以盈利为目的,借助一种或多种媒介表述一件或一系列真实或虚构事件,传递产品、服务等企业信息的活动。通过使用时序、时长、时频三个概念来探讨电视广告叙事时间,电视广告中多用顺叙,保证其通俗易懂,避免理解错位;从时长上来看,最常见的是省略和概述,因其能在较短的时间内表述更多的信息;为了强调产品,时频上常采用重复性叙述。  相似文献   

肖锋 《成都师专学报》2009,(2):69-71,77
日本作家村上春树的作品《挪威的森林》是在一种倒叙的叙事时间模式下来进行叙述的,本文试从叙事时间的角度来对其进行解析,以阐释其独特的叙事时间魅力。  相似文献   

本文从叙述学的角度,通过分析木兰故事三个代表性的版本,找出其中重要的叙事元素,阐述其情节发展的逻辑,比较其差异,从而发掘木兰故事的可塑性和探索其背后意识形态的运作。  相似文献   

黄梅戏故事作为一种有意味的文本,在“叙述时间”上存在着独特性,这表现在时间标注、倒叙和预叙的运用、用缩写代替省略等三个方面,它们充分揭示出黄梅戏以故事时间为主导的线性结构特征。  相似文献   

论昭君故事的三重叙述模式与审美体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于昭君故事的解读,史家重在客观真实的记录,着眼于汉朝与匈奴的民族关系;文人则是结合自身的主体意识,开启昭君故事的情感与艺术空间,借“咏昭君”表达自身的人生价值观与审美情趣;而在民间,昭君故事被劳动人民编织成众多神奇绚丽的传说,把昭君理想化、神化,体现了劳动人民追求幸福生活的美好愿望与积极进取的乐观主义精神。史家、文人及民间的不同解读构成了昭君故事的三大叙述模式与审美体系,表现为史家求“真”、文人尚“悲”、民间重“乐”。  相似文献   

小说是时间的艺术,具有天然的时间性,而作为在文化夹缝中生存的华裔作家对小说时间的结构更是有着特殊的感悟与表达。借助柏格森的"心理时间"理论,探讨汤亭亭《女勇士》的叙事时间结构艺术,可以发现,汤亭亭复杂而纷乱的时间意识折射出的是其身处两种文化空间,对自我身份构建及归宿的体认和沉思。汤亭亭对小说独特的时间安排彰显出了虚构的力量,为美国华裔女性树立了新的形象,开拓了新的生存空间。  相似文献   

张爱玲的小说《年青的时候》是现代文学史上一篇被忽略了的短篇佳作,其独具的特点显示出鲜明的不可替代性。小说通过一段年青人的情感经历,揭示了人的二重性,展示了人生固有的、普遍的、深层的"底子",以深刻的哲学内涵表现出对特定时代的超越,可谓寓哲理于凡俗,寓大悲于平静。创造性的对比和象征手法的运用是其艺术形式上的突出特征。  相似文献   

李洱是一个对细节极为敏感的作家,对细节的张扬造就了李洱小说独特的时间景观。论文通过文本细读,从不需要向故事时间复原的碎片时间、叙述时间上强烈的节奏感以及文本所呈现出来的涡卷图案的叙述线条三个方面,论证了时间在李洱小说中所具有的修辞意义。  相似文献   

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