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词汇语义学和第二语言词汇习得的图式化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第二语言习得(second language acquisition)是一种复杂的心理认知过程,而词汇习得(vocabulary acquisition)又是语言学习中的一个重要环节。因为,词汇是音、义、形的结合,是语音、意义和语法三者统一的整体。词汇语义学是专门研究语言词汇意义的一门学科,应用其有关原理探索英语词汇的习得方法可最大限度地改善和强化学习者语言学习过程中的词汇输入量,对推动英语学习将有积极的意义。从语义方面开展词汇习得,符合学习者掌握和学习词汇的感知及心理认知过程,有助于扩充和记忆词汇。本文通过对词汇的语义特征、语义级差、语义网络和命题串联等意义关系的图式化分析来探索英语词汇习得的方法。  相似文献   

从目前已有的国内外研究成果来看,词块在听力理解方面的研究十分缺乏。本文主要从二语习得过程中广泛存在的语言现象——词块的研究理论入手,探讨在听力理解这一动态过程中词块对英语听力理解的影响,揭示词块教学对听力理解的影响,旨在寻找一种提高大学生英语听力理解能力的新方法。  相似文献   

词汇习得是语言技能赖以生存和发展的基础。然而传统大学英语词汇教学模式在一定程度上制约着学生英语实际应用能力的培养和提高。通过对词汇衔接理论的研究,从词汇复现和词汇共现两个方面探索新的英语词汇教学模式,可以使英语词汇教学进入篇章层次,让学生学会从篇章的角度去重新认识词汇的选择和组织在语言使用中的作用,从而促进其词汇习得和语言发展。  相似文献   

本文针对英语学习者在听力过程中遇到的困难,以词块教学为切入点,通过实证研究得出结论:词快教学对于促进听力理解有显著影响。最后提出词块教学方法的建议和它在听力教学中的潜在优势,并指出词块在二语习得过程中的普遍意义。  相似文献   

张禕 《海外英语》2012,(2):173-174,184
Language transfer is one of the central questions in second language acquisition (SLA) study. It claims that learners’ the native language (NL) or first language (L1) will make great impacts, either promoting or hindering, on their second language (L2) acquisition, i.e. positive transfer and negative transfer. The issue has been widely concerned and researched in such relative fields as language education and psychological study during the past years. It is far beyond the scope of this paper to discuss it thoroughly since the scope of L1 influence is so wide that it affects almost all linguistic subsystems. Instead, this paper aims to focus on how the Chinese language facilitates Chinese learners’ English lexical acquisition. Some suggestions on how to make use of the positive aspects is provided at the end of the paper for practical purpose.  相似文献   

论二语习得的情感因素及其教学启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英语学习过程中,学习者易受到性格、动机、态度和焦虑等情感因素的影响和制约,因此,对学生情感因素的培养和把握是二语习得和英语教学效率提高的重要的因素。该文首先探讨了二语习得的情感因素,然后提出二语习得中情感因素对英语教学的几种启示。  相似文献   

商务英语信函语篇具有明显的语块性。在高职商务英语信函写作教学中,运用语块理论和语块教学法,让学生学习和掌握大量的语块,包括语篇结构套语和专业语,能更好地帮助他们学会写出规范、得体、流畅的商务英语信函,提高写作能力。  相似文献   

As English increasingly becomes the international language, many ministerial and educational organisations have identified the need to improve the competence of Thai students in speaking English. While there is significant research devoted to developing software tools to support the teaching of English as a second language, they are mostly concerned with adult learners. This project focuses on addressing the need to improve the teaching of English as a second language to primary school children with hearing impairments. This paper presents the development of an educational software tool referred to as the Total Communication with Animation Dictionary (TCAD), which supports learners in the acquisition and retention of new English lexical knowledge and is based on the theoretical approaches of Total Communication and situated learning. A series of experiments was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of the TCAD in improving vocabulary acquisition and retention. Early results are promising with increased learner engagement and performance compared with traditional approaches.  相似文献   

该文以原型范畴理论为指导,着重从英语词汇的教学与记忆两个方面来探讨原型范畴理论在英语词汇习得研究中的影响,英语词汇的习得是一个极为复杂的心理认知过程,原型范畴理论帮助学习者将词汇的教学与记忆置于客观世界,人类经验及认知语言结构中,从而提高英语词汇习得的效果。  相似文献   

本文运用认知学的二语习得理论分析高职学生写作中的中介语失误.旨在了解高职学生在英语学习过程的心理发生机制和遇到的困难。我们收集了某高职院校学生的英语习作.借用了桂诗春等人在《中国英语学习者语料库》中的错误分类和标记的方法.对学生的写作错误进行了标注和统计。从语言习得的双模式,记忆,语言学习三个过程的角度对这些失误进行了解读。文章认为高职学生语言系统发展不完全.尚未完成句法化阶段的学习,在教学中教师要注重词法教学。优化输入,引导学生使用恰当的学习策略.促进学生认知方式的转变.  相似文献   

The article is devoted to the problem of the development of skills connected with the acquisition of foreign lexis (Lexis = all possible words or phrases in a language) on the basis of semantic fields (Semantic field = a lexical set of related items, e.g., colour, red, green, blue). This becomes possible due to grouping well-known and unknown to the students lexical units to systemized semantic groups—semantic fields. Semantic fields can be useful for the quantitative and qualitative enrichment of the vocabulary; they serve to choose a lexical unit correctly, to collocate lexical units according to existing norms, to use the lexis of various semantic fields in different contexts without mistakes, to guarantee conscious, automatic language skills of the students and to increase their active vocabulary.  相似文献   

语言接受能力和产出能力的不平衡是困扰我国大学英语教学的难题。鉴于有效的词块教学是促进学生语言产出能力发展的重要途径,尝试以模因论为借鉴,从模因传播周期的特点出发,结合二语信息加工的过程,探索模因论指导下的大学英语词块教学模式,为切实提高大学生的英语综合应用能力提出教学新思路。  相似文献   

Abstract. This study focuses on the source of reading problems of English as a second language learners at the high school level. The results indicate that while reading comprehension is impacted by level of receptive vocabulary knowledge, the ability to select and implement word-appropriate lexical inferencing strategies can compensate for low receptive vocabularies in relation to the demands of the text. The ability to make this selection, however, implies not only sensitivity to word structure, but also the ability to implement morphological analysis in conjunction with contextual guessing, where appropriate. These findings suggest that the development of English as a second language reading proficiency may be accelerated by acquisition of the meanings of the most productive affixes of English in conjunction with instruction in the principles of morphological analysis.  相似文献   

注意机制在二语习得中发挥着重要作用。在二语习得各阶段中,注意机制对大学英语教学有着重要影响及启示。采取各种措施强化注意机制在大学生英语教学中的应用,可提高大学英语教学效果,促进学生英语综合应用能力的提高。  相似文献   

通过对非英语专业大学生在英语学习中的一些心理状况进行调查,并运用心理学、第二语言习得以及现代外语教学的一些理论对此进行分析,发现情感因素对第二语言习得有重大影响。将情感因素应用于教学策略中,可提高课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

基于原型范畴理论,多义词语义范畴构建的过程就是其原型义项依照辐射方式和连锁方式向其他义项延伸扩展的过程,而每一个义项的衍生都具有某种语义理据性.二语习得中,原型范畴理论,和理据性分析有助于学习者架构语义联系网,使所学词汇表征意象化和具体化,拓展多义词的习得深度.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study focuses on the source of reading problems of English as a second language learners at the high school level. The results indicate that while reading comprehension is impacted by level of receptive vocabulary knowledge, the ability to select and implement word-appropriate lexical inferencing strategies can compensate for low receptive vocabularies in relation to the demands of the text. The ability to make this selection, however, implies not only sensitivity to word structure, but also the ability to implement morphological analysis in conjunction with contextual guessing, where appropriate. These findings suggest that the development of English as a second language reading proficiency may be accelerated by acquisition of the meanings of the most productive affixes of English in conjunction with instruction in the principles of morphological analysis.  相似文献   

封桂英 《培训与研究》2007,24(10):119-121
法律英语作为专门用途英语的一种,具有其独特的语言特征,从文体的分类来看,较其它文体更为正式、刻板,属于庄重文体。现代法律英语的简明化特征主要体现在词汇和句法等方面,简明法律英语的词汇特征主要包括:减少起衔接作用的词汇,尽量使用有实在意义的词汇;用单词代替复合词;避免使用繁杂的法律表达;使用基本动词,避免使用动词的名词化结构;尽量避免使用古体词;使用熟悉的、普通的词汇,慎用大词;避免使用带有性别歧视的语言等等。但由于其本身的保守倾向,法律英语词汇的简明化不是一蹴而就的,而是在保留一定传统法律语言习惯的前提下,逐步简化的过程。  相似文献   

迁移是头脑里原有知识对新的学习的影响.在语言学习过程中,第一语言对第二语言学习产生影响的现象就是语言迁移.促进新语言学习的迁移为正迁移,阻碍新语言学习的为负迁移.粤方言与英语在发音上差别很大,给使用粤方言的人在英语语音习得上造成困难.通过对粤方言与英语语言在语音方面进行对比,就可以找出迁移的因素,也能尽量减少粤方言对英语语音习得的负迁移作用.  相似文献   

Learning to read in a shallow alphabetic orthography such as Urdu may depend primarily on phonological processing skills, whilst learning to read in a deeper orthography, such as English, may place more reliance on visual processing skills. This study explores the effects of Urdu on the acquisition of English literacy skills by comparing the reading, memory and phonological processing skills of bilingual Urdu‐English and monolingual English children (7–8 years). The bilingual children had more difficulty in reading irregular English words, but were better at reading regular words and nonwords compared to the monolinguals. The poor performance of the bilingual children with irregular English words was linked to their poor visual memory skills, whilst their good performance with regular words and nonwords was related to the presence of enhanced phonological skills. The results demonstrate the transfer of first language skills to reading development in a second language. In English, first language skills can facilitate the development of either lexical or non‐lexical routes to reading.  相似文献   

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