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第五种力是物理学中提出不久,且尚待研究的一种新型中程力,有关第五种力和引力对Newton反平方律的偏离的实验检验,国际上已有不少,但因其效应微弱,不易检测,所以目前尚不能定论,本文就有关第五种力的理论与实验情况作以简单的讨论。  相似文献   

为了提高物理教学质量,搞好实验教学工作,我们创编了《五字检索法》手册(以下简称为“手册”),并辅以相应的管理措施,使实验室工作达到了新水平,为物理教学提供服务。1 “五字检索法”的结构 “手册”中每一个小单元全是由四个数字和一个字母组成的五个字,用它来代表某一个实验。“五字”的第一个数字表示课本册数,第二个数字表示章节,第三个数字是表示某章中第几个实验,第四个字母表示是用哪一种类型的教具来完成实验的,第五个数字表示是某类型实验中第几种方法。例如:有“283A1”表示的实验是物理课本的第二册,第八章中第三个实验,类型是用模型(可用“B”表示用幻灯”;  相似文献   

现行初中物理课本第二册第十章第五节《电磁铁》课文中提出:“通电螺线管具有磁性……磁性的强弱跟哪些因素有关昵?”教材要求通过实验来解答。  相似文献   

2010年4月12至14日,泰安市举行了初中化学优质课评选活动,评课的内容是山东教育出版社出版的义务教育课程标准实验教科书八年级全一册,第五单元化学反应的表示中第二节化学方程式和第三节化学反应中的有关计算。  相似文献   

《物理课程标准》对高中学生提出了有关科学探究及物理实验能力要求。首先,能发现与物理学有关的问题,其次,是对解决问题的方式和问题的答案提出假设;第三,根据已有条件制订实验方案;第四,能进行安全操作并收集实验数据;第五,对实验数据进行分析处理并得出结论;第六,分析误差,发现新的问题,改进探究方案;第七,要有交流与合作精神,写出实验探究报告。而在我们现有的教  相似文献   

高中一年级课本第四章第二节(实验4—5)、第五章第四节(实验5—2),高二(甲种本)第三章第一节(实验3—2),都是有关化学反应速度比较的实验。要同步向两个试管滴入试剂,效果不好,对这些实验进行改进,收到良好的实验效果。  相似文献   

为了充分发挥演示实验的重要作用,帮助学生理解和记忆有关化学知识,对初中化学课本中规定的演示实验。笔者认为有些可作必要的重复,同时,根据教学实际需要,还可以补充一些课本中没有的演示实验。 重复演示实验要注意选择。例如:在初中化学课本第五章第五节《常见的碱、碱的通性》中,讲到氢氧化钠与酸碱指示剂的作用时,可重复氢氧化钠和紫色石蕊、无色酚酞作用的实验。讲到石灰水与二氧化碳反应时,可重复将二氧化碳通入石灰水中使澄清石灰水变浑浊的实验。在第五章、第六节《盐》中,讲到盐与酸,盐与碱、盐与盐的反应时,对六个化学反应的有关演示实验重复做有好处。 又如:学生在作关于物质鉴别的一类习题时,课本上并没有相关的实验,学生更没有作过此类实验,只能是凭借主观想象去解答此类习题,因而不能够正确、灵活的运用已学过的化学知识,所以学生对物质鉴别过程的叙述,常常是语无伦次、层次不清。或者是三言两语、叙述杂乱累赘,甚至出现化学原理上的错误。怎样使学生解答此类习题时作到化学原理正确,描述完整简洁呢?对于教学条件  相似文献   

最近.笔者在2004年2月份的《科学课》杂志上读到一篇有关《骨骼》教学设计的文章.文章中介绍了人教社小学自然第五册第十八课的教学内容《骨骼》。恰巧,笔者正在山东一所实验学校进行一套名为FOSS的美国科学教材的教学实验.其中在五年级施教的一个单元也是关于人体知识的。本文将简单介绍美国FOSS科学教材中有关骨骼部分的教学活动设计.  相似文献   

初中物理第一册第五章第七节介绍了著名的“帕斯卡实验”(课本P114页图5—24)。由于受条件限制,一般不能照本演示。另外,这实验只说明了液体压强与液体的深度有关,不能说明液体压强与液体的密度有关。针对这两个问题,进行了以下改进。  相似文献   

教学内容 《义务教育课程标准实验教科书·数学》(北师大版)五年级上册第61、62页。 教学目标 1.能读懂一些用来表示数量关系的图表,能从图表中获取有关信息,体会图表的直观性。  相似文献   

This paper compares students’ conceptual understanding of a standard physics law, i.e. frictional force, following the execution of real vs virtual experiments. The research sample was made up of 110 fifth grade students attending a primary school in the city of Ioannina, Northwestern Greece who were randomly assigned to either the control group (55 students) or the experimental group (55 students). The control group carried out experiments with real world objects, while the experimental group used Interactive Physics simulation software. Data was collected by administering to both groups identical pre and post tests, before and after the experiments respectively and which contained six questions each. The SOLO taxonomy model was used to evaluate student answers and the findings reveal that both experimentation methods are equally effective in the conceptual understanding of frictional force.  相似文献   

文章介绍了一种小型波流循环水槽的池体设计方案及其控制系统和控制软件;整合波流循环水槽测试设备及测试技术资源,依托波流循环水槽搭建了创新实验教学平台;依据测量变量的不同,将波流循环水槽教学实验平台水动力模型实验归为力测量、位移测量、流场测量三个类别,并介绍了各类模型实验测试方案,给出了三类模型实验操作难点和注意事项。  相似文献   

Active control experiments on a newly proposed herringbone ribbed cable dome are described in this study. The cables of the dome are designed to have the ability to change length in order to adjust the geometrical configuration and the force distribution of the structure. Thereby, the dome is adaptable to different load cases. To begin with, for achieving the control amount for the active control test, an active control algorithm based on a nonlinear force method is presented. Then, an assembly and pre-stressing procedure is implemented. Active adjustment tests on three possible types of adjustable cables are performed to provide a practical method for the following active control test. The active control test demonstrates the applicability of the active control algorithm to achieve both force control and shape control. The method can be used to prevent failure of the cable domes due to slackening of the ridge cables and excessive displacements of the central section of the cable dome. The experiments verify the proposed control algorithm and the feasibility of the cable dome to adapt to excessive full span load and maintain the integrity of the structure.  相似文献   

2 experiments were carried out to clarify the process by which children encode briefly presented spatial positions. The task in both experiments was judging whether a test dot occupied the same position on a card as any 1 of a number of dots which had been presented tachistoscopically. Subjects were first, third, and fifth graders. In the first experiment, performance improved with grade level for stimulus arrays composed of more than 1 dot. The finding contrasts with an earlier report of only minimal developmental change in position encoding, but the procedures of the earlier study appear to have permitted a confounding of position and configural encoding. In the second experiment, position encoding was found to improve with increasing pattern goodness at all age levels. The finding attests to a powerful influence of pattern information on the perceptual system and further suggests that position information is encoded within configural information.  相似文献   

CSY系列传感器实验系统集成了多种传感器的静态实验,动态实验内容相对较少,且大部分是幅频特性实验,缺少时域特性参数测试实验,针对该薄弱环节,设计了CSY系列传感器实验系统中典型一阶传感器热电偶和二阶传感器双平行梁的单位阶跃响应实验方案,包括单位阶跃信号的施加方法及传感器时域特性参数测试的实验内容。  相似文献   

Two experiments evaluating the effects of external stimuli on attack and biting in rats elicited by electric tailshock are reported. In the first experiment, stimuli presented to four groups of test subjects consisted of a stimulus animal, a stimulus animal plus taped vocalizations of a rat experiencing shock, an inanimate object, and an inanimate object plus taped vocalizations. Subjects in a fifth (control) group were tested in the absence of these stimuli. The presence of another animal in the test situation significantly increased the amount of target-directed responding. A decrease in responding, rather than increase, was shown by the subjects tested under the stimulus-object plus taped-vocalization conditions. Experiment 2 investigated the salient features of the stimulus animal and found a combination of both olfactory and visual cues to be most effective in eliciting target-directed responding. These studies indicate that the amount of target-directed attack and biting shown in this situation may be related causally to the type of sensory input received by the test animal.  相似文献   

根据有心力作用下物体角动量守恒和机械能守恒的基本规律,通过适当设置循环变量、设置输入输出变量进行程序设计,建立模拟实验环境,针对二次曲线方程表征的三种不同的物理过程,进行虚拟实验。  相似文献   

China's reform and opening up have been implemented for more than thirty years now. The "fifth generation" of young people, born between 1978 and 1988, has gradually grown up to become a backbone force for the advancement of social development.* This article takes young people living or working in the Xuhui district as a sample and uses statistical data to describe the subjective and objective state of current stratification among the fifth generation of young people and to describe the feelings about life among different strata of young people. The article also puts forward corresponding proposals with regard to the future work of youth league organizations.  相似文献   

今年是我校发展的“关键年”,学校面临五大挑战:一是学校发展速度的“两难”考验,二是开放教育和高职教育两架马车亟待二轮驱动,三是学校发展的老问题与新挑战并存,四是保障和改善民生任务繁重,五是推进改革与努力攻坚克难并存。因此,只有把校内外一切积极因素调动起来,为学校事业服务,才能应对上述挑战。而要把校内外一切积极因素调动起来,就必须处理好开放教育和高职教育,学校和各部门之间的关系,处理好改革、发展和稳定,管理和服务,规划和落实,重点和一般,考核和评估,文化和精神等诸关系。  相似文献   

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