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A systematic approach to the analysis of sporting events is discussed. The basic tenet is that objective quantification of critical events is required for a complete analysis. This approach encompasses diverse areas of methodology and research, such as quantification, biomechanics and physiology. The theoretical underpinnings are behavioural, in so far as athletes produce observable behaviour that can be quantified and ultimately changed. Several areas of analysis are linked together in a general framework and each one of these areas is dealt with in detail.  相似文献   

采用文献资料调研等研究方法 ,对广东省竞技体育后备人才资源和运动项目布局现状进行了分析。研究表明 :广东省竞技体育后备人才资源在一些项目上数量具有一定优势 ,但在运动项目布局上地区差异明显 ,项目普及率低 ,对山区城乡广大地区的开展重视不够 ,比赛缺乏整体竞争力。应加强城乡结合 ,积极开发中小城市和山区农村体育后备人才队伍建设 ,并合理配置扩大竞技项目地区覆盖率 ,拓宽后备人才资源渠道 ,建立科技攻关体系 ,实行科训一体化 ,为广东省竞技体育的良性发展构建坚实的基础  相似文献   

In this paper, we identify appropriate statistical methods for analysing categorical differences in discrete variables or 'performance indicators' resulting from performance analysis. The random mechanisms associated with discrete events do not follow a normal distribution; that is, the normal distribution is a continuous not a discrete probability distribution. We propose appropriate statistical methods based on two key discrete probability distributions, the Poisson and binomial distributions. Two approaches are proposed and compared using examples from notational analysis. The first approach is based on the classic chi-square test of significance (both the goodness-of-fit test and the test of independence). The second approach adopts a more contemporary method based on log-linear and logit models fitted using the statistical software GLIM. Provided relatively simple one-way and two-way comparisons in categorical data are required, both of these approaches result in very similar conclusions. However, as soon as more complex models or higher-order comparisons are required, the approach based on log-linear and logit models is shown to be more effective. Indeed, when investigating those factors and categorical differences associated with binomial or binary response variables, such as the proportion of winners when attempting decisive shots in squash or the proportion of goals scored from all shots in association football, logit models become the only realistic method available. By applying log-linear and logit models to discrete events resulting from notational analysis, greater insight into the underlying mechanisms associated with sport performance can be achieved.  相似文献   

In this paper, we identify appropriate statistical methods for analysing categorical differences in discrete variables or 'performance indicators' resulting from performance analysis. The random mechanisms associated with discrete events do not follow a normal distribution; that is, the normal distribution is a continuous not a discrete probability distribution. We propose appropriate statistical methods based on two key discrete probability distributions, the Poisson and binomial distributions. Two approaches are proposed and compared using examples from notational analysis. The first approach is based on the classic chi-square test of significance (both the goodness-of-fit test and the test of independence). The second approach adopts a more contemporary method based on log-linear and logit models fitted using the statistical software GLIM. Provided relatively simple one-way and two-way comparisons in categorical data are required, both of these approaches result in very similar conclusions. However, as soon as more complex models or higher-order comparisons are required, the approach based on log-linear and logit models is shown to be more effective. Indeed, when investigating those factors and categorical differences associated with binomial or binary response variables, such as the proportion of winners when attempting decisive shots in squash or the proportion of goals scored from all shots in association football, logit models become the only realistic method available. By applying log-linear and logit models to discrete events resulting from notational analysis, greater insight into the underlying mechanisms associated with sport performance can be achieved.  相似文献   

陕西高校城乡大学生体质状况的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2004年陕西普通高校学生体质调查资料,对陕西城乡不同年龄学生体质水平进行对比分析,结果表明,陕西高校城市学生(男、女)的身高、体重、胸围及皮脂厚度总体上均大于乡村;城男的心血管系统好于乡男,而群体心肺功能则乡男好于城男;乡女的心血管系统和群体心肺功能明显好于城女;速度性项目和爆发力项目城男好于乡男,而耐力性项目和力量性项目乡男好于城男;乡女速度性项目、耐力性项目和力量性项目明显好于城女,而腹肌力量城女好于乡女。  相似文献   

通过文献综述法对体育赛事经济影响的评估现状进行分析,发现体育赛事经济影响评估中所存在的问题。分析结果表明:目前体育赛事经济影响评估的指标体系缺乏科学性;对体育赛事经济影响评估的模型方法较为单一,缺乏系统全面的评估方法;对体育赛事经济影响进行全面评估较为困难;体育赛事的经济影响评估主要针对大型体育赛事,而对小型体育赛事的经济影响评估较少。建议:对体育赛事经济影响进行评估时,要对评估方法、指标进行实证检验和比较分析;利用其它学科评估知识,开发更具科学性的评估方法和模型。  相似文献   

Impact and legacy research of touristic issues has become more popular with the appearance of manifold approaches to examining tourism. In recent years, the region of Western Austria has successfully staged multi-sport youth events, with two being staged in Innsbruck, Tyrol (YOG 2012; ICG 2016) and one in the region of Montafon, Vorarlberg (EYOF, 2015). This leads to the assumption that the high frequency of youth sports events in these regions necessitates and therefore also follows a set hosting policy or at least a strategic approach to event bidding and staging. To examine these assumptions, a mix of desk research and qualitative interviews was chosen, encompassing bidding files, final reports, official tourism statistics, press releases from tourism boards, political working papers, internal documents and interviews with organising committee members, event experts and political representatives. Staging youth sports events is found to have left legacies in Western Austria such as generating immediate overnight stays in the low season and creating a positive image for the host regions, depending on the frequency with which events are staged and affirming the purpose of using events to boost tourism. The host areas lacked a written (youth sport) strategy and unexpectedly, the existing strategies do not include the youth sports events. However, it can be assumed in the case of Innsbruck that a hidden event strategy exists. In conclusion, the study reveals the importance of sharing events and their benefits among the various local stakeholders, thus branding the region as a host city.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of sports performance has been shown to produce information that coaches can use within the coaching process to enhance performance. Traditional methods for quantifying sport performances are limited in their capacity to describe the complex interactions of events that occur within a performance over time. In this paper, we outline a new approach to the analysis of time-based event records and real-time behaviour records on sport performance known as T-pattern detection. The relevant elements of the T-pattern detection process are explained and exemplar data from the analysis of 13 soccer matches are presented to highlight the potential of this form of analysis. The results from soccer suggest that it is possible to identify new profiles for both individuals and teams based on the analysis of temporal behavioural patterns detected within the performances.  相似文献   

运动竞赛项目的竞赛方法学分类研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以揭示竞赛方法的共性特征、本质联系及内在规律为目的,以竞技体育、社会体育及学校体育中所有竞赛项目为对象,主要采用文献资料法、访问调查法、逻辑分析法,对竞赛项目进行分类研究。研究深入具体项目的比赛过程,抓取不同种类项目用作比较的参照系的共仅属性,并以参照系的共仅属性作为分类标准,实现了运动竞赛项目分类,提出了“竞赛项目分类体系”和“运动竞赛项目体系”。  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of sports performance has been shown to produce information that coaches can use within the coaching process to enhance performance. Traditional methods for quantifying sport performances are limited in their capacity to describe the complex interactions of events that occur within a performance over time. In this paper, we outline a new approach to the analysis of time-based event records and real-time behaviour records on sport performance known as T-pattern detection. The relevant elements of the T-pattern detection process are explained and exemplar data from the analysis of 13 soccer matches are presented to highlight the potential of this form of analysis. The results from soccer suggest that it is possible to identify new profiles for both individuals and teams based on the analysis of temporal behavioural patterns detected within the performances.  相似文献   


Although sports heritage is increasingly recognized as a potential catalyst of tourism, heritage sporting events (HSEs) are still an emerging concept in the academic literature. Notions that associate sports events and heritage remain rare, and are usually analysed through the scope of nostalgia sport tourism. This can be partly explained by an inclination to associate the notion of heritage with conventional ideas about folklore and traditional culture. Through a constructivist approach of heritage, this contribution argues that contemporary sports events, which would generally have competition as their primary focus, might also be perceived as HSEs. A comprehensive framework, built on a multi-disciplinary literature review, is presented to show the process that transforms an initial resource (a sports event) into an accomplished resource (a HSE), which might represent a competitive advantage for the territory. A qualitative–comparative analysis is conducted among 24 sports events in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, to observe the configurations of HSEs and understand which characteristics are necessary for the perceptions of a sports event as a heritage good. Interestingly, this contribution shows that if the event needs to be sustainable in the territory to be perceived as a HSE, it is not sufficient. Indeed, a differentiation strategy should be set up to distinguish the event from other more or less similar events, to be perceived as an authentic feature of the territory by the local population.  相似文献   

采用灰色关联度分析法对女大学生体育达标项目计分尺度进行了分析,建立了与计分尺度有关五个单项项目的关联序列。进一步用分值法讨论了达标五项中计分由高而低的项目排序。通过统计计算90~94届西安建筑科技大学五届女生504人一年级达标项目成绩,给出了学生成绩排序。按对策论思想,考虑项目计分高低、学生的实力强弱,提出了达标对策项目排序。  相似文献   

侨乡乡镇居民体育参与者体育活动特征调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用文献法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法、比较分析法,就侨乡乡镇居民体育活动特征对重点侨乡晋江13个乡镇1300名居民进行了调查研究。调查表明:侨乡乡镇居民体育参与人口比率高于全国平均水平,但体育人口比率偏低;活动时间安排随意性、间断性;活动项目以散步跑步、羽毛球、篮球、乒乓球、棋类为主;活动场所以村落体育场地、自家庭院、住宅区空地、学校场馆、公园广场为主;体育消费实力较强,消费类型主要实物消费为主;活动组织化程度较高,自发性群体体育组织(非正式组织)扮演着重要角色。  相似文献   

运用量化分解法在排球选项课中的实验研究,从中得出量化分解法是提高学生技能水平非常有效的方法,并提出相关建议,旨在为提高体育教学质量提供参考。  相似文献   

为了促进宁波品牌体育赛事进一步发展,找出掣肘其发展的因素,研究以宁波市品牌体育赛事的运营效益为研究对象,2018、2019年入库的10项品牌体育事为样本。采用文献资料法、数据包络分析、逻辑分析法等方法,应用体育品牌赛事第三方评估报表数据,分别对赛事赞助、观众人数、电视直播平台数量、网络直播平台数量、网络直播平台收视人数的综合技术效益、纯技术效益、规模效益进行分析。结果发现宁波市品牌体育赛事中EWG国际电子竞技女子俱乐部大奖赛的综合效益值最高,达到2.53,处于强有效状态;一带一路中国宁波国际攀岩大师赛的纯技术效益值为0.707,处于无效状态,其他9个赛事均有效;所有赛事规模效率值均低于1,处于无效状态,反映出所有品牌体育赛事的规模水平均相对不足。通过三方面效益分析,并进行投入冗余与产出不足计算,明晰宁波市体育赛事产业培育方向,逐步完善措施,优化赛事资源配置,实现社会效益和经济效益多赢。  相似文献   

以我国2017年五大国际田联路跑金标赛事为例,运用空间自相关、距离累计曲线、网络信息扩散半径等方法探寻大型体育赛事网络信息扩散的时空规律及机制。结果显示:大型体育赛事网络信息扩散的生命周期呈现“酝酿期—成长期—反复期—爆发期—衰退期—稳定期”等6个发展阶段,并存在赛前长时间波动增长和赛后一致性骤降的特征,赛前网络信息扩散量大于赛后的信息扩散量;网络信息空间扩散具有明显的经济趋向性和人口集中性,也存在距离衰减规律,表现为举办地及周边地区比远距离地区受到的信息扩散量更高,呈现明显的本地集中性特征;赛事吸引力、空间距离、信息化程度、经济发展水平、人口规模和社会环境共同构成了大型体育赛事网络信息扩散的运行机制。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(3):295-321
The study of sport event legacies has grown rapidly since 2000 across a number of disciplines related to planning and hosting large-scale sport events. However, to date, there have been limited attempts to systematically review and synthesise extant sport event legacy research, reflect on existing knowledge, and identify key gaps for future research. In this article, the authors reviewed the state of sport event legacy research through a systematic quantitative review of 305 original, peer-reviewed research articles published in English language journals between 2000 and 2016. Results demonstrate that a small group of academics concentrated in particular countries are driving the publication of studies on sport event legacy in predominately specialised sport and event journals. There is a clear research interest in legacy outcomes realised through hosting sport events in areas of public life, politics, and culture, as well as mass participation sport. The authors identify key areas for future research and make recommendations for empirical research designs to progress scholarship and better inform policy and practice pertaining to sport event legacy.  相似文献   

第28届奥运会奖牌走向和项目分布的统计分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要以文献资料法、统计分析法对第28届奥运会金(奖)牌进行了统计分析,结果表明:夺金第一、第二集团的金牌总量在本届奥运会呈下降趋势;在某些项目中世界顶级水平的国家数量正在增多,而具有竞争力的国家数量却在减少;洲际竞技实力特征表现为欧洲最强;美国的金牌总数呈现了小幅下滑趋势,俄罗斯的优势项目呈现不稳定状态;中国在自己传统强项上发挥出色,并在田径项目上获得突破。  相似文献   

In sport and exercise research, examining both within- and between-individual variation is crucial. The ability to investigate change both within competitive events and across a competitive season is a priority for many sport researchers. The aim of this article is to demonstrate an approach to analyzing intensive longitudinal data collected through time-scale-dependent longitudinal designs. Following didactic presentation of the approach, two illustrations from secondary data analysis are used to describe the modeling process in detail. Illustration 1 includes affective response data from an exercise intervention randomized pilot study. Illustration 2 uses referee and player distance data collected during professional soccer games in the English Premier League. Each illustration describes a process for testing and comparing multiple time scale models based on the three-level multilevel model, and results are interpreted. In the discussion, advantages and limitations of the approach are highlighted.  相似文献   

广西少数民族传统体育项目的分析及其发展前景   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
运用查阅文献资料、问卷调查和数理统计等方法,对广西11个少数民族的传统体育项目进行了统计分析。结果表明,广西少民族的传统体育项目种类齐全、数量丰富,文化内涵丰韵,具有竞技性、娱乐性、健身性、传播性、观赏性、群众性等特点,是少数民族地区人们健身、娱乐和促进生产的有效手段,从而提出了广西少数民族传统体育项目的发展前景,为整个中华民族传统体育研究和发展提供参考。  相似文献   

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