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美国读者隐私权运动及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
注重保护读者隐私权是美国图书馆界的传统。联邦调查局根据美国《爱国者法案》对图书馆、书店等用户记录的搜查是美国读者隐私权运动产生的直接原因。美国图书馆协会是美国读者隐私权运动最重要的领导力量。美国读者隐私权运动得到了馆员、书商、出版商、作家、国会部分议员等的大力支持和推进,并取得了阶段性成果。美国读者隐私权运动对中国图书馆事业的发展提供了许多有益的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

This study investigates beliefs about the determinants of suchbehavioral characteristics as intelligence, athleticism, obesity,and alcoholism by asking respondents to the 2004 General SocialSurvey to rate vignettes describing individuals exhibiting thesecharacteristics along a 21-point scale ranging from completegenetic determination to complete environmental determination.The vignettes systematically varied the social desirabilityof the characteristic as well as the race and gender of theperson exhibiting it. We analyzed the effect of the carefullycounterbalanced vignette characteristics and the correspondingrater characteristics on respondents’ ratings of the vignettes,hypothesizing that these ratings would reflect mechanisms ofclaiming credit for desirable characteristics and avoiding blamefor undesirable ones. Contrary to our expectations, we foundno effect of any of the vignette characteristics on the ratings,and only two significant main effects of respondent demographiccharacteristics: Black respondents were more likely to use geneticratings; and better educated respondents, environmental ones. Received for publication October 26, 2006. Accepted for publication April 23, 2007.  相似文献   


HOW TO MAKE BETTER SPEECHES. By William G. Hoffman. New York: Funk and Wagnalls Co., 1948; pp. 266. $3.00.

YOU AND YOUR SPEECHES. By E. C. Buehler. (Revised edition) . Lawrence, Kansas: Allen Press, 1949; pp. 266. $3.00.

ESSENTIALS OF COMMUNICATIVE SPEECH. By Robert T. Oliver, Dallas C. Dickey, and Harold P. Zelko. New York: The Dryden Press, 1949.

FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH. A Text‐Handbook of Principles and Methods. By Roy C. McCall. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1949; pp. 240. $12.50.

PRACTICAL DEBATING. By Luther W. Courtney and Glenn R. Capp. New York: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1949; pp. xii: 308.

THE ART OF ACTING. By John Dolman, Jr. New York: Harper &; Brothers, 1949; pp. xx + 313. $3.50.

LIVING LITERATURE FOR ORAL INTERPRETATION. By Moiree Compere. New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, Inc., 1949; pp. xii + 451. $3.00.

HANDBOOK OF RADIO PRODUCTION. By Erik Barnouw. Boston: D. C. Heath and Co., 1949; pp. xii + 324. $3.25.

VOICE AND DICTION. By Victor A. Fields and James F. Bender. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1949; pp. ix + 368. $4.00.

SPEECH METHODS IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. By Carrie Rasmussen. New York: The Ronald Press, 1949; pp. 340. $3.50.

SPEECH IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. By Lorna Shogren Werner. Evanston, Illinois: Row, Peterson and Co., 1947; pp. 222. $2.00.  相似文献   

美国图书馆协会与读者隐私权的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国图书馆协会历来重视读者隐私权的保护,通过积极推动隐私权的立法和制定完备的行业政策,充分发挥协会的领导作用和组织作用.同时,为促进读者隐私权的保护及图书馆事业的发展,它设法取得政府及主管部门的支持及大力联合相关团体和组织的宝贵经验,值得我们学习、借鉴.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 用户隐私信息保护是图书馆用户信息资源化的前提和基础。[方法/过程] 采用文献调研和访谈法研究大数据环境下图书馆用户信息资源化各环节中的信息安全问题。[结果/结论] 提出在开发利用用户个人信息过程中,图书馆通过合法采集、妥善加工保管、合理使用、受控共享等方式保护个人信息特别是敏感信息或隐私,增进图书馆与用户之间相互信任,密切两者之间关系,实现图书馆永续发展。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对我国图书馆用户隐私保护指南的制订现状及现有的图书馆服务标准中存在的问题,对国外图书馆用户隐私保护指南文本进行分析,为我国图书馆用户隐私保护指南的制订提供参考。[方法/过程]通过对澳大利亚、加拿大、英国等国比较有代表性的图书馆用户隐私保护指南的具体内容进行分析,总结出其特点,在此基础上对我国图书馆用户隐私保护指南的制订提出建议。[结果/结论]指出我国图书馆用户隐私保护指南应由权威机构进行制订,要具有可操作性、实用性、可行性、谦和性,符合大数据时代发展的需要,明确规定问责制,各个图书馆应制订用户隐私保护政策和用户隐私保护影响评估机制,同时着力提高馆员和用户的隐私保护意识。  相似文献   

1.公共档案馆的信息权利 信息权利是对有价值的信息资源行使权利的法律权利类型.它包含有信息财产权、信息知情权与获取权、信息传播自由权、信息环境权、信息管理权、信息秘密权、信息安全权(主要指载体)等子权利.  相似文献   

李轶 《新闻界》2008,(4):62-63
本文对公众人物的认定标准及其隐私报道的界限进行了分析。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]总结厦门大学图书馆在疫情期间参与管理在线教育平台的实践,探讨疫情之后高校图书馆推进学校教学创新的发展策略。[方法/过程]统计在线教育平台每年度开设课程、教师和学生数,面向用户进行问卷调查,分析平台在选课管理、教学平台、教学资源、教学效果、教学模式、满意度等方面的优点和不足,监测并分析服务器日志,对平台性能进行持续改进。[结果/结论]高校图书馆在疫情期间参与在线教育平台的管理与服务,推动图书馆员与教师、学生之间建立起有效的沟通渠道,拓展了图书馆的服务领域。疫情之下,危机之中亦存在机遇,高校图书馆应与学校相关单位通力合作,提升教学信息化运用能力、管理能力、服务能力,为推进高校教学创新提供新动能。  相似文献   

This paper moves beyond a conventional critique of gay stereotyping on Bravo's popular makeover show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy to consider how the show puts gay cultural expertise to work to reform a heterosexual masculinity that is compatible with the neoliberal moment. At issue are the newly public acknowledgement of gay taste and consumer expertise; the “crisis of masculinity” that requires that heterosexual men must now attend to their relationships, image, and domestic habitus; and the remaking of the straight guy as not only an improved romantic partner—the metrosexual—but a more flexible, employable worker. The author concludes by considering how camp deconstructs some of Queer Eye's most heteronormative aims, even while leaving its class and consumption rationales intact.  相似文献   

Successful disaster response is an exercise in managing human resources under very difficult conditions. Catastrophic disasters can disrupt both the physical communication networks and the social networks critical to efficient response and recovery. While a well-designed disaster plan serves as a framework, it often requires communication and collaboration between responders to adapt it to the situation at hand. Displacement of library staff adds to the chaotic nature of post-disaster communications, increasing the need for collaborative Web spaces to adapt to changing situations. Using case studies of catastrophic disaster response at libraries, this article begins with an analysis of human resource management problems common to disaster response coordinators worldwide. It then discusses Auburn University Libraries’ uses of free Web 2.0 applications in support of library disaster preparation, response, and recovery. While Auburn University's location on the coastal plain of Alabama is vulnerable to both hurricanes and tornadoes, Auburn has so far only needed to respond to small-scale disasters. The devastation suffered by libraries in the paths of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita served to propel Auburn toward a more comprehensive preparedness stance. Disaster planning at Auburn has embraced Web 2.0 applications, such as Google Documents and Google Talk, to introduce redundant communication channels and to allow for efficient collaboration regardless of the location of library responders. By identifying key Web 2.0 applications and properties that are useful for response and recovery efforts, the research in this article may assist other libraries in improving their disaster preparedness.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对我国科研工作者获取国外学术信息过程中涉及的隐私保护问题,提出相关建议、对策与防范策略,并探讨大数据与区块链隐私保护技术及其实现隐私保护的可行策略。[方法/过程] 通过对国外学术数据库平台网站的访问数据进行收集分析,发现这些数据库平台除了在其自身网站中插入收集用户信息的脚本外,还存在使用第三方平台脚本对用户信息进行实时收集的情况,并对此结果进行分析,挖掘其关联性。[结果/结论] 通过大数据技术,科研用户访问国外学术数据库信息可为数据库商及其合作伙伴或政府机构所获取利用,致使科研用户的隐私信息发生泄露的风险,从而导致个人安全问题、财务问题,甚至国家安全问题,需要从多个层面加以重视。  相似文献   

贾翠娟  武文 《编辑学报》2013,25(1):39-40
在工作实践中发现,稿件录用前增加一次编辑加工是解决稿件遗留问题的最佳时机;同时总结出电子版稿件编辑加工中使用批注、采用“修订状态”、举例说明及直接修改等几种技巧.这种时机把握和修改技巧对于提高稿件质量和编辑工作效率效果很好.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]整理国外关于社交网站隐私悖论的研究,以帮助国内学者了解该问题的成因和提供解决思路,为国内本领域研究提供借鉴与参考。[方法/过程]以社交网站为背景,以隐私悖论为研究对象,借助文献调研和内容分析的方法,梳理国外的研究成果。[结果/结论]明确隐私悖论的概念,分析社交网站平台上产生隐私悖论现象的5个主要方面的原因,并探讨应对该问题的法律、技术、社会路径。最后,为国内后续研究提出3点建议。  相似文献   

This study explores how the perceived effect and bias of reported election poll results are associated with voters' attitudes toward restrictions on polling reports and their political participation intention through emotions. A telephone survey using a representative sample of South Korean voters (N = 597) was conducted prior to the 2012 South Korean presidential election. Results indicate that the third-person perception of reported election poll results was indirectly linked to support for restrictions on polling reports through anxiety. For supporters of Mr. Jae In Moon, the nominee of the liberal Democratic United Party, who was reported to be behind in the polls, the hostile media perception was indirectly associated with support for restrictions through anxiety and directly associated with political participation intention. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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