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通过对台湾中学化学实验的研究和分析,介绍了台湾中学化学实验趣味化的四种途径:变换实验名称,替换实验材料,与生活结合,打破常规。以供对新课程中学化学实验的趣味化改进参考。  相似文献   

Changes in early adolescents' self-reported cheating behaviors in mathematics before and after the transition from middle school to high school are examined. Students were surveyed in school regarding their cheating behaviors in math, and the motivational goal structures perceived in their math classrooms. Surveys were completed twice during the eighth grade (during middle school) and once at the end of the ninth grade (at the end of the first year in high school). Results indicated that self-reported cheating did not change in the year prior to the high school transition, but that reported cheating increased after the transition. Additional analyses indicated that across the high school transition, self-reported cheating in math increased for students who moved from high mastery to low mastery-oriented classes after the transition, and for students who moved from low performance to high performance-oriented classes; in contrast, self-reported cheating decreased for students who moved from low to high mastery-oriented math classrooms.  相似文献   

The present research examined the role of maladaptive self-regulatory beliefs as vulnerability factors for academic and emotional difficulties during the transition to middle school. A short-term longitudinal design was employed to follow two groups of early adolescents: 187 adolescents who experienced a school transition between the fifth and sixth grades, and 142 adolescents who did not experience a school transition between the fifth and sixth grades. Adolescents completed measures of perceptions of academic control and importance of academic success, experience of chronic academic strain, daily school hassles, and depressive symptoms. Teachers reported on students' academic engagement, including levels of helpless behavior, effort, and academic performance. Consistent with the proposed model of self-regulation, maladaptive self-regulatory beliefs (i.e., decreased perceptions of academic control and importance) predicted individual differences in perceived school-related stress and depressive symptoms over the course of the middle school transition, but were not associated with academic and emotional difficulties in adolescents who remained in a stable school environment. Moreover, a self-regulatory sequence was identified proceeding from maladaptive self-regulatory beliefs, to academic disengagement, to enhanced perceptions of school-related stress, to depressive symptoms. This study bridges prior theory and research concerning the psychological impact of normative developmental transitions, the developmental context of depression, and the associations among self-regulatory beliefs, achievement-related behavior, and emotional experience.  相似文献   

This study examined several aspects of the socioemotional experiences (i.e., loneliness, social skills, reciprocal friendship, reciprocal rejection, and social status) of adolescents with and without learning disabilities in an Israeli kibbutz environment during school transition periods. The sample consisted of 106 students with learning disabilities (LD; 74 boys and 32 girls) and 101 students without learning disabilities (NLD; 62 boys and 39 girls) drawn from seventh grade (i.e., early adolescence) and ninth grade (i.e., middle adolescence). The results revealed that seventh- and ninth-grade adolescents with LD received more social peer rejection than did NLD group adolescents, and students with LD were judged by their teachers to exhibit lower social skills and higher behavioral problems than their classmates. No significant group differences were found on loneliness, but an age-related increase in loneliness feelings was noted, which was independent from group membership and gender. Gender differences on self-report, peer ratings, and teachers' ratings on social measures in favor of girls were demonstrated. The discussion focuses on the potential impact of school transitions and of the developmental environment provided in the kibbutz on adolescents' socioemotional functioning and adjustment.  相似文献   

本文介绍通过制作高中生物学实验室网页来优化实验室教学管理,并为学生课外探究性实验提供技术平台和理论指导的情况。  相似文献   

The present qualitative study examined the experiences of nine students with mild disabilities during their first year in an inclusive middle school in a Midwestern state of the United States (US). Data were gathered through interviews with students, teachers, and parents; classroom observations; and document analysis. Following the data analysis, three themes were identified: how the demands of navigating a new environment increased students’ anxiety; how students satisfied their need for belonging; and how students’ perceptions of school influenced their attitude towards help. Suggestions for facilitating school transitions for early adolescents with mild disabilities are provided.  相似文献   

There is a significant overlap between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning disability (LD) student populations. The inattentive subtype of students with ADHD, in particular, is difficult to differentiate from students with LD. What differentiates between these groups can be seen in their regulation of behavior and attention to attain different goals. In turn, their behavioral choices alter the social context and the social context alters their outcomes. These outcomes are increased emotionality and sensitivity to positive and negative social feedback, negative future expectations, as well as decreased social and academic participation and prosocial response. The educational implications presented are related to their primary goals and the long-term outcomes they experience.  相似文献   


Educational transitions are points during which students move from one level or unit of the schooling process to the next; they are generally associated with a cluster of discontinuities that can disrupt student progress. This article focuses on one type of transition that all students in US public schools must traverse: the systemic transition from middle to high school. More specifically, the study establishes the transition as a problematic occurrence receiving insufficient attention from education professionals, and considers policy options that have the potential to influence educational practice to be more supportive during these disruptive periods. The first section defines the transition of interest in the study and discusses the ways in which this seemingly ‘invisible’ organizational policy can be addressed in practice. The second section analyses a nationally‐representative data set to demonstrate the negative impact of the transition on pupil performance in mathematics and science. The final section explores potential policy responses to this disruptive organizational feature of US public educational systems that may overcome the heretofore insufficient responses in practice.  相似文献   

A national longitudinal database was used to compare the aspirations and attainment of individuals with and without learning disabilities (LD) 2 years after high school completion. Analyses revealed that individuals with LD reported lower graduation rates, were more likely to aspire to moderate- (men) or low-prestige (women) occupations, and were more likely to be employed and less likely to be enrolled in some type of postsecondary education program than their nondisabled peers. High educational aspirations in Grade 12 and successful completion of an academic or college-prep high school program were equally important in predicting 2-year postsecondary status for adolescents enrolled in postsecondary education regardless of disability status. However, depending on disability status, different predictors were identified for individuals who were either employed or out of the workforce. These results point to a continued need for transition planning and support for young adults with LD and suggest ways in which professionals can anticipate and adjust for identified differences in aspirations and postsecondary attainment.  相似文献   

School transitions are important phases in students’ educational experiences. The current study aimed to explore the trajectories of academic and social motivation across the transition from elementary to middle school. Participants (N = 415) were sampled from six elementary schools; 55% transitioned after sixth grade (transition) and 45% remained at the same school (no-transition). The students reported academic and social goals and perceived teacher goal emphasis at four time points over two successive years. A growth curve analysis revealed that students who transitioned reported a greater decline in mastery goals and an increase in performance-approach goals. Students from no-transition schools reported higher initial levels for all social goals, with a steeper decline in seventh grade. Perceived teacher goal emphasis was associated with social development goals over time. Practitioners should be aware that school transitions may influence academic motivation but may not similarly influence social motivation.  相似文献   

徐红雁 《生物学教学》2005,30(10):24-25
浙江省自1993年开始,将生物学与物理、化学、地理等学科综合,在初中开设自然科学课程。自2003年起,四门学科进一步整合,开设科学课程。根据现行高中课程标准,高一年级不设生物学课。高二年级开始开设生物学课,高三为选修课。随着近几年教育体制的改革,大部分地区将初中、高中分校而设。初中与高中教师之间缺乏交流,高中老师不太清楚初中的教学流程及教学方法,很易造成教学上脱节的现象。笔者曾任教初中自然科学,现从事高二生物学教学,深感如何处理好高二生物学教学与初中课程的衔接,从而使高二学生能尽快适应新的学习模式,是每个高二生物学教师都应重视的问题。  相似文献   

《普通高中英语课程标准》中强调,高中英语教学要贴近生活,让学生在生活中学英语,用英语。本文通过从教学目的,教学方法,教学内容,教学语言四个方面,分别阐述了英语课堂教学的生活化方式,及其优点和必要性。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高,越来越多的人开始关注教育。作为教师,我们有必要深入讨论如何让小学数学课堂真正活起来。要让小学数学课堂真正活起来,必须精心设计课堂内容,激发学生学习的兴趣;营造宽松的课堂氛围,激发学生的主体性;科学的评价学生,促进学生学习的积极性。  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了复习课实施科学探究的理论依据及实践价值。认为在教学中实施科学探究能促进学生动脑积极思维,进入问题情境;能促进学生主动参与,转变学习方式;能促进学生表达交流,创新学习;能促进教师纵横联系、创设新问题情境。提出了复习课实施科学探究的一般策略及应注意的几个问题。并结合案例分析予以说明。  相似文献   

We review domain-specific teaching approaches for students with learning disabilities in social studies, then present De La Paz's 2005 historical reasoning strategy so that readers understand the rationale for and have information on each stage of instruction. Next, we highlight the role of self-regulation for the reasoning process. We then turn to describing the role of each teacher (Morales as the social studies educator and Winston as the special educator), first as they collaborate with De La Paz and each other, then as Morales works alone, 1 year later. Implications are given for changes in teaching. The topic of women's suffrage is used throughout the article to highlight the teaching approach and to present student work.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of oral repeated reading, with and without corrective feedback, on the fluency and comprehension skills of 60 struggling readers in 7th Grade. Comparisons were made by group on narrative and expository reading ability and by comprehension question type. Students were randomly assigned to one of two reading groups (oral repeated reading with corrective feedback and oral repeated reading without corrective feedback). Participants in each group were required to repeatedly read a narrative and an expository passage. Statistical analyses (namely, repeated measures ANOVA and ANCOVA) were used to determine the overall effects on fluency and comprehension and differential effects demonstrated by groups on text type and comprehension question type. Results indicated that both forms of intervention improved fluency and comprehension. Limitations and implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Results are reported for an exploratory study of eligibility decisions made for 21 Spanish-speaking English language learners (ELLs) with learning disabilities (LD) and no secondary disabilities who received special education support in reading. Eligibility determinations by an expert panel resulted in decisions that differed significantly from those of school multidisciplinary teams. The panel agreed that some students appeared to have reading-related LD (n = 5) but also identified students that they believed had disabilities, but not necessarily reading-related LD (n = 6). Another group of students (n = 10) had learning problems that the panel believed could be attributed to factors other than LD or for whom substantive additional data would be required to validate eligibility. Issues associated with referral, assessment, and eligibility determinations for ELLs are discussed, and recommendations for improving practice are offered, with an emphasis on the importance of linking data from multiple sources when deciding whether ELLs qualify for special education.  相似文献   

1 什么是化学学科的大问题 世界著名学术期刊Nature的顾问编委Philip Ball在对多位世界著名化学家就什么是化学学科的大问题进行专题访谈后,撰写了题为"化学家想知道什么(What chemists want to know)"的专论[1,3].设问的中心议题是:就绝大多数科学技术领域而言,化学已经成为具有关键作用的学科之一,是否意味着它仅仅是服务于一切需要借助于化学的科学技术的"工具"之一?学科本身是否还存在着某些重要问题有待于继续深入和突破?从而得出了公众对化学作为一门基础自然科学的认同程度和高校化学系生源质量下降均与此有关的结论.该文所论及的问题和学者们的真知灼见,对于新世纪化学学科的建设、发展以及化学教育的改革都有参考价值.  相似文献   

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