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Using netnographic evidence on iPhone usage, this study suggests that devoted and innovative consumers adopt and use new technology for hedonic experiences and social positioning, which generates experiential outcomes. This article presents an interpretive analysis of consumption behavior of iPhone users after their experience with iPhone v1 and its successive iterations, prior to the release of Apple's latest model the iPhone 4. The day the iPhone v1 was released was dubbed iDay1 by Apple brand aficionados, and the anticipated release date of the iPhone 4 iDay2. While the original iPhone v1 was seen as very cutting edge, successive releases (the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS), were far less innovative. Each successive iPhone release has not had as devout a following as the original. This raises the question: will innovation seeking consumers abandon the iPhone for a newer, more technologically innovative device? This study suggests that innovators prefer really new products instead of upgraded ones, because they cannot see the advantage of using an upgraded version of a product which has already been widely adopted.  相似文献   

改革开放以后我国社会价值观呈现出新的特点,对大学的科技活动产生双重影响。同样是受到功利主义社会价值观的影响,但由于学术界的内在文化的差异和体制的不同,功利主义的社会价值观对英国、美国和中国的科技活动造成的结果是不一样的。功利主义的社会价值观与功利性的学术文化内外结合、共同影响,是我国大学科技活动中急功近利行为的文化根源。因此,需要重建社会价值体系及学术价值体系。  相似文献   

郭佳 《现代情报》2017,37(8):49-56
社交问答平台因满足用户对知识精准化与细分化需求,兼具社交功能日益受到人们的青睐,但仍存在活跃用户少,知识贡献积极性不高从而难以激发知识创新等问题,因此研究社交问答平台个人创新行为影响因素,对改善平台服务有重要意义。以社会资本理论和自我决定理论为理论基础,本研究从知识贡献角度建立了社交问答平台个人创新行为的结构方程模型,通过问卷调查,运用偏最小二乘法对研究模型和假设进行验证。研究结果显示,乐于助人、知识自我效能和互动强度是影响社交问答平台知识贡献的重要因素,进而影响用户个人创新行为。根据实证结果提出增强社交问答平台用户知识贡献意愿的相关对策和建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对移动互联网环境下陌生人社交软件的用户群体开展持续使用行为影响因素的分析研究,有助于了解这类用户群体的信息需求和情感需求,进一步丰富社交平台用户行为领域研究的相关理论,对陌生人社交平台未来的发展提供一定的参考。[方法/过程]采用扎根理论方法,对“Soul”社交APP用户展开调研,利用半结构化访谈采集用户相关数据并对其进行开放式编码、主轴编码和选择性编码,在确定范畴关系的基础上对用户的持续使用行为进行实证分析,并对影响因素进行探究。[结果/结论]陌生人社交软件用户的使用行为受到用户情感、用户感知、平台因素、社交因素、情境因素、用户持续使用意愿六方面的影响,并由此在产品运营角度对陌生人社交平台未来发展提出若干建议。  相似文献   

The increasing need to compete in innovation and the prevalence of IT in social and economic interactions have led to greater globalization in innovation sourcing, particularly through online crowdsourcing platforms. Crowdsourcing platform participation, a phenomenon inadequately covered, is an instance of providing an innovative solution or idea intertwined with personal and social factors that interact to result in a behavior. A better understanding of the impact of social factors and participants’ hedonic, utilitarian, and social motivations can guide the design and management of these crowdsourcing platforms to foster sustained engagement. This study considered the competitive and social nature of these platforms and analyzed participation intentions from a novel standpoint—a combination of motivational and socio-cognitive perspectives and their relationships within two different types of crowdsourcing platforms: Atizo’s third-party-hosted community and Nokia’s brand-hosted IdeasProject community. A comparison of these two types of crowdsourcing platforms for the same activity of ideation at an individual level revealed differences in behavior determinants based on the platform host type, domain specificity, and mechanisms supporting different motives and social factors.  相似文献   

People are increasingly searching for information in social Q&A communities, especially through a new form of paid knowledge product, namely, live course. Such course provides a way for users to interact synchronously with content creators online. However, how this knowledge product is accepted and why users pay for it deserve attention from researchers. In this study, a research model was developed based on information foraging theory (IFT) and social information foraging (SIF) theory to analyze users’ information processing and evaluation when making payment decisions. Our research model was validated by collecting subjective and objective data from a Chinese social Q&A community that has been successful in offering live course services. We found that perceived quality of free content, perceived credibility of content creators, and perceived quantity of participants positively influence users’ willingness to pay, and thus, positively affects users’ payment behavior. Unexpectedly, social endorsement negatively moderates the relationship between willingness to pay and payment behavior. This study enhances the theoretical understanding of the drivers of users’ payment for live courses in social Q&A communities. For IS practice, our findings provide unique insights for community managers and content creators on how to operate paid knowledge products appropriately and effectively.  相似文献   

王德胜  韩杰  蔡佩芫 《科研管理》2020,41(5):191-201
以微信小程序为代表的轻量应用一定程度上改变了企业与用户之间的互动方式,如何提高“用户留存”已经成为企业进行社交媒体营销所面临的重要问题。在社交媒体情境下,小程序具有哪些特征、这些特征是否以及如何影响用户的持续使用意愿,并未得到理论界的足够重视。本研究从轻量化视角深入分析,基于信息系统成功模型与情绪理论构建了小程序轻量化特征影响用户持续使用意愿的理论模型。研究表明:信息-任务匹配、系统易用性以及服务响应性正向影响用户持续使用意愿;信息-任务匹配、服务响应性分别对用户积极情绪和流体验有促进作用,系统易用性正向影响用户流体验而对积极情绪的影响不显著;积极情绪分别在信息-任务匹配、服务响应性与用户持续使用意愿之间起到完全中介作用,流体验则完全中介了小程序轻量化特征与持续使用意愿之间的关系。研究构筑了“轻量化特征-情绪反应-行为意愿”完整的传导机制与影响路径,拓展了轻量应用持续使用、社交媒体用户情绪成因相关研究,结论对企业借助轻量应用进行社交媒体营销具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

There is an emerging consensus in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature suggesting that the quest for the so-called business case for CSR should be abandoned. In the same vein, several researchers have suggested that future research should start examining not whether, but rather when CSR is likely to have strengthened, weakened or even nullified effects on organizational outcomes (e.g. Margolis et al. in Does it pay to be good? A meta-analysis and redirection of research on corporate social and financial performance. Working Paper, Harvard Business School, 2007; Kiron et al. in MIT Sloan Manag Rev 53(2):69–74, 2012). Using perspectives from several theoretical frameworks (Needs Theory, Technology Acceptance Theory, and Psychological Distance Theory), we contribute to the literature by empirically examining the tension between functional and sustainability attributes in a novel context, namely that of green e-banking services. The findings indicate that the positive effect of CSR on users’ attitudes towards green e-banking services is moderated by two primarily utilitarian information systems factors—namely perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness—and an important utilitarian individual difference variable—namely perceived self-efficacy with technology. Our findings are also important if interpreted within the context of the ethical decision-making literature (e.g. O’Fallon and Butterfield in J Bus Ethics 59(4):375–413, 2005), as they indicate that the linkage between moral judgment and moral outcomes is unlikely to be that straightforward.  相似文献   

Observing the positive aspects of others’ lives on social media (SM) can bring about envy among users. Drawing from social comparison and technology acceptance theories, this study develops a research model to explain how envy occurs and impacts SM users’ behavior. In this work, we conducted two studies across three different SM settings to investigate two types of envy, benign and malicious envy. The results show that malicious envy is negatively related to the dependent variable of SM use intention while benign envy facilitates it. The findings provide many valuable contributions to both information systems (IS) academia and industry. This study identifies the unique SM factors intertwining with envy. Moreover, this work helps SM users and practitioners be aware of the potential envy issue on SM so they can take effective actions to enhance SM use.  相似文献   

结合社会网络分析的推荐方法研究已成为热点。电子商务中用户的动态行为异常丰富,隐含了用户的关联关系,利用这些信息进行商品推荐是个新研究思路。分析电子商务系统中用户动态行为关联关系及用户间明确好友关系形成复杂隐性社会网络,将社团划分算法应用到该网络中,则社团内部用户联系紧密且具有更相似的消费偏好,据此设计了电子商务中社团内部的推荐方法,应用R语言进行了算法的验证并与传统的协同过滤算法进行比较。实验表明,该推荐算法提高了推荐的质量,缓解了传统推荐算法中数据稀疏性及冷启动问题等。  相似文献   

通过分析智库信息传播的过程和影响因素,为新媒体平台智库信息的推广,智库信息传播效率和影响力的提高提供理论依据和参考建议。本研究借鉴计划行为理论模型提出新媒体环境下智库信息传播的影响因素概念模型,通过调查问卷收集数据,运用偏最小二乘结构方程模型对研究假设进行实证检验。实证研究结果表明,新媒体环境下智库信息、智库信息传播主体、智库信息传播环境各因素均正向影响智库信息传播意向,智库信息传播技术各因素直接显著正向影响智库信息传播行为。  相似文献   


The design and use of information technologies are not as easily separated as they may seem. Designers have much at stake in the use of their software, while users are greatly influenced by the design of the software that they use. In this article, I explore the complex relationships built up between the designers and users of human anatomy simulations, including processes of cooperation and conflict. I develop and apply a three-step process for studying the design and use of a software product in its social context. First, it is important to focus on the social worlds of designers and users that influence the development of the technology. Next, the emphasis shifts to the technology itself, which can be viewed as a boundary object emerging from the intersection of the contributing social worlds. Finally, the technology exhibits agency by reshaping the relationships and interactions among the contributing social worlds.  相似文献   

影响员工创新行为的因素众多。本研究基于授权赋能和社会认知理论的视角,通过对高新技术新创企业员工的调研,探究领导授权赋能对员工创新行为的影响路径及作用机制。研究发现:领导授权赋能对员工创新行为有明显的促进作用;创新自我效能感在领导授权赋能对员工创新行为的影响中起部分中介作用;不确定性规避在领导授权赋能对创新自我效能感的影响中起负向调节作用,差错管理氛围在创新自我效能感对员工创新行为的影响中起正向调节作用。  相似文献   

Drawing on the stressor-strain-outcome framework, this study investigates how information irrelevance and overload induce social network fatigue, and the relationship of these variables to users’ information avoidance behavior. It also examines the conditions under which social network fatigue is more likely to be translated into information avoidance behavior. The analysis of data collected from 341 users of WeChat Moments suggests that information irrelevance directly leads to information avoidance behavior, and social media fatigue as a mediator partially mediates the impact of information overload on information avoidance behavior and fully mediates the impact of social overload on information avoidance behavior. Furthermore, time pressure strengthens the effect of social network fatigue on information avoidance behavior. This study fulfills the identified need for an in-depth investigation of actual discontinuous behavior in social network services (SNSs) by investigating information avoidance behavior and its antecedents. The findings provide SNSs providers with guidelines on how to manage users’ behavior so that they remain active users of the SNSs.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探究诱发移动社交网络用户间歇性中辍行为的关键因素及其相互作用机理,为移动社交网络的设计者、开发者和运营者的社交网络功能优化、信息服务质量提升和精准营销推广等实践工作提供可供参考的意见和建议。[方法/过程]以"压力源-压力-结果"为分析框架,在整合压力应对理论、使用与满足理论和社会支持理论的基础上,从技术压力和使用满足的视角出发提出研究假设构建研究模型。实证研究以微信的深度用户为研究样本,采用"情境实验+问卷访谈"的方式获取404份有效样本数据,利用Smart PLS2.0软件验证假设和模型。[结果/结论]技术压力和使用满足的影响在用户使用社交网络时同时存在,均能显著正向影响用户的产品转换疲劳和使用疲劳,两者的综合作用能诱发用户间歇性中辍行为。其中,技术压力因素中的信息过载、功能过载是产生社交网络使用疲劳的重要前因;使用满足因素中的情感需要满足、社交需要满足和信息需要满足是产生社交网络转换疲劳的重要前因。  相似文献   

There are studies showing that utilitarian (perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness) and hedonic (entertainment and aesthetics) attributes of products are two fundamental resources that ensure brand equity in the mobile domain. However, few studies examine the attributes of products and how and why such resources influence mobile brand equity. In this study, a survey was carried out on 262 mobile users in Taiwan to examine the mediating effects of customer experience on the relationship between product attributes on mobile brand equity. Our findings suggest that utilitarian and hedonic attributes of products affect mobile brand equity through customer experience. In other words, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, entertainment, and aesthetics may not be intrinsic value; their value on mobile brand equity is realized through customer experience. However, whereas the effect of perceived ease of use on mobile brand equity is partially mediated, perceived usefulness, entertainment, and aesthetics are fully mediated by customer experience. By showing the differential effects of product attributes on mobile brand equity, this study provides a more refined understanding of the interplay among product attributes, customer experience, and mobile brand equity. The results suggest that by overlooking the mediating role of customer experience, previous research may have provided an overly optimistic view of the value of product attributes in mobile brand equity.  相似文献   

刘懿 《情报科学》2022,40(4):56-63
【目的/意义】随着互联网与智能手机的普及,移动图书馆逐渐成为信息获取的重要来源之一。本研究旨在 探讨影响移动图书馆用户社区服务中用户参与的因素问题。【方法/过程】本研究构建了基于使用和满足理论 (U&G)的模型来解释用户满足和用户参与之间的因果关系。通过在线调查和验证性分析对理论模型进行了检验。 结合调查和数据分析,本文验证了相关的研究假设。【结果/结论】结果表明,享乐满足、技术满足、实用满足和社会 满足对用户参与均有显著影响。【创新/局限】研究发现用户参与已经成为移动图书馆用户社区发展中的关键问题, 用户通过移动图书馆构建虚拟用户社区融入该群体的社会服务。研究通过影响移动图书馆用户因素的分析为移 动图书馆用户社区建设提供了政策启示及理论支撑。  相似文献   

本文将同侪影响引入在线创新社区的用户行为研究中,从广度和深度两方面考察同侪影响对用户贡献行为的影响,并分析感知收益的中介作用。研究以小米社区MIUI功能与讨论区的创意集市板块为对象构建S-O-R模型,采用6567名用户发布的8830条创意、5.26万条评论和收到的103.36万条评论数据,利用Mplus8.1分析检验,结果发现:同侪影响广度与深度均有利于促进用户贡献行为,综合收益在同侪影响广度、深度与用户贡献行为间起正向中介效应,情感收益仅在同侪影响广度、深度与主动贡献行为间起正向中介效应,而认知收益则在同侪影响深度与反应贡献行为间起负向中介效应。研究拓展了在线网络情境下知识管理与社会学领域的交叉研究,并为在线创新社区社交网络和知识管理提供重要启示。  相似文献   

梁太鑫  刘世峰 《情报科学》2022,39(2):162-168
【目的/意义】旅游信息服务平台是现代旅游发展的关键支撑,研究旅游信息服务平台用户使用意愿与行为 及其影响因素,有助于平台运营商不断优化功能、提升服务水平。【方法/过程】基于UTAUT模型,综合考虑信任程 度、感知风险、产品或服务权威性等,构建旅游信息服务平台用户使用意愿影响因素的结构方程模型,并以“掌上高 铁”为例,设计了用户使用意愿影响因素测量量表,通过发放问卷方式收集数据,利用软件 R4.1.0对结构方程模型 进行了分析。【结果/结论】数据分析结论显示:付出期望、社会影响、便利条件、信任程度、产品或服务权威性对使用 意愿有显著的正向影响,感知风险对使用意愿有显著负向影响,绩效期望和使用意愿对使用行为有显著正向影响。 【创新/局限】本文新增了“产品或服务权威性”变量,构建了铁路旅游信息服务平台即“掌上高铁”软件用户使用行 为影响因素模型。  相似文献   

The design and use of information technologies are not as easily separated as they may seem. Designers have much at stake in the use of their software, while users are greatly influenced by the design of the software that they use. In this article, I explore the complex relationships built up between the designers and users of human anatomy simulations, including processes of cooperation and conflict. I develop and apply a three-step process for studying the design and use of a software product in its social context. First, it is important to focus on the social worlds of designers and users that influence the development of the technology. Next, the emphasis shifts to the technology itself, which can be viewed as a boundary object emerging from the intersection of the contributing social worlds. Finally, the technology exhibits agency by reshaping the relationships and interactions among the contributing social worlds.  相似文献   

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