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<正>课后作业具有巩固课堂知识、开阔学生视野的重要作用,但当前初中语文课后作业的布置存在诸多问题,如采用题海战术、作业形式枯燥等。这种课后作业难以激发学生学习、探究的兴趣,效果很差。因此,总结初中语文课后作业布置存在的问题,并提出对策具有重要意义。1.当前语文课后作业布置存在的问题1.1只追求数量,不追求质量在当前的初中语文课后作业布置中,有关于默写、背诵、抄写、随笔一类的内容,占据了课后作业的很大一部分比重。  相似文献   

课后服务是解决“三点半”问题的重要民生工程,是促进教育公平的“助推器”,是学生安全的“保护伞”,也是学生全面发展的“加速器”。文章采用案例分析法,调查了中小学课后服务实施的情况,分析了课后服务实施过程中存在的问题,提出了促进课后服务顺利开展的改进策略。  相似文献   

<正>课程改革以来,小学数学课堂发生了很大的变化,很多教师的教学理念都能够与时俱进,为教学注入鲜活的力量。然而,教师布置的课后作业仍存在许多问题,如教师对课后作业重视不够、课后作业设计不合理、课后作业内容不科学等。课程改革并不仅仅体现在课堂上,课后作业也同样需要进行适当的改革,使它能够更好地配合课堂教学,发挥出课后作业应有的功效。那么,面对课后作业存在的主要问题,如何在实践中加以改进呢?一、课后作业存在的主要问题  相似文献   

高中化学教材课后作业的编写存在一些问题,教材课后作业不能满足教学的要求。以苏教版化学1《从铝土矿到铝合金》为例,对高中化学课后作业的设置和评价进行了研究,探究高中化学课后作业的有效性。  相似文献   

近年来,我国中小学生课后服务在增强人民群众获得感、促进教育公平和中小学生健康成长等方面取得了一定的成效,然而,从进一步充分发挥课后服务的作用和功能来看,在质量保障、师资保障、经费保障及校外教育服务机构参与机制等方面还存在问题。破解这些问题,需要加快出台国家课后服务质量标准和建立完善监督评估机制,加强课后服务师资数量、结构和质量建设,推动建立完善课后服务成本分担制度,加快建立完善购买课后服务公开招标制度。  相似文献   

课后英语学习是保证学生英语水平提高的重要渠道之一。笔者通过对农村初中学生课后英语学习情况进行了跟踪调查,发现当前农村初中生课后英语学习存在诸多的问题,这篇文章分析了初中生课后英语学习情况,并且提出了相应的改进建议,以期提高我国农村初中英语教学水平。  相似文献   

作为教师,要利用好布置课堂和课后作业机会,给学生更多的有针对性的练习,帮助学生及时巩固教学效果。但是目前,初中英语课堂和课后作业布置中存在着一些不容忽视的问题,本文结合现状和问题,详细介绍了课堂和课后作业的布置策略。  相似文献   

随着“双减政策”的落实,中小学教育面临新的环境。为切实打通学校课后服务“最后一公里”,2021年6月4日,教育部发布《关于推广部分地方义务教育课后服务有关创新举措和典型经验的通知》,对保证课后服务时间、提高课后服务质量、强化课后服务保障做了具体的要求。本文以安徽省各小学为例,通过调查和访谈了解到目前课后延时服务的过程中出现的教师工作压力大、负担加重、教学积极性减弱,以及学校对政策认知偏差、课后延时服务成了“补课”等一系列的问题。为促“双减”政策和课后延时服务更好更快的发展,针对以上问题从政府、学校、教师三个主体入手提出一系列解决策略。  相似文献   

张家昫 《教师》2024,(9):15-17+1
随着“双减”政策的推行,小学语文课后延时服务在教育领域引起了广泛关注。将绘本资源应用于小学低段语文课后延时服务面临以下问题:课后延时服务目标与绘本资源规划脱节、课后延时服务内容与绘本资源缺乏融合创新、课后延时服务质量与绘本资源监管评价缺失。基于此,文章作者提出了“双减”政策背景下将绘本资源应用于小学低段语文课后延时服务的路径,以期提高课后延时服务质量,促进学生的综合素养发展。  相似文献   

在小学高年级数学教学中,设计课后探究性作业不仅能够激发学生的学习积极性,还能培养学生的数学素养。因此本文重点研究了小学高年级数学课后探究性作业设计问题,在总结课后探究性作业对小学数学重要影响的基础上,对如何开展课后探究性作业设计进行了分析与讨论。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等多种方法,通过分析、研究丽水学院体育教育专业学生课余生活的现状及所存在的问题,找出产生大学生课余生活问题的因素,并通过对这些因素的分析提出相应的、可行的解决课余生活问题的对策,以丰富体育教育专业学生课余生活、提高课余生活的质量,从而为学校、家庭及相关部门正确引导学生合理安排和利用课余时间提供参考。  相似文献   

应用锻炼诱导情绪问卷、POMS问卷和SCL-90问卷调查进行研究,探索运动类型、城乡、性别、独生子女因素对警院学员课后体育活动后心理情绪影响的相关因素.研究中利用一定的生理监控手段检测各类体育锻炼活动运动强度,分析警院课后体育锻炼对警院学员心理健康情绪影响机制,以期为警院学员课后自我体育活动提供科学化服务和建设性参考,为警院学员心理健康教育提供相关基础性研究.  相似文献   

4 types of after-school care (formal after-school programs, mother care, informal adult supervision, and self-care) were examined for 216 low-income children ( M age = 9.1 years). After-school care was associated with maternal education, race, and family income but not with child gender, family marital status', neighborhood safety, or parenting style. When maternal education, race, and family income were controlled, attending a formal after-school program was associated with better academic achievement and social adjustment in comparison to other types of after-school care. Children's activities and experiences also varied in different after-school settings. Children in formal programs spent more time in academic activities and enrichment lessons and less time watching TV and playing outside unsupervised than other children. They also spent more time doing activities with peers and adults and less time with siblings than did other children. The time that children spent in these activities was correlated with their academic and conduct grades, peer relations, and emotional adjustment.  相似文献   

以浙江省金华市婺城区城乡四所具有鲜明城乡特点学校的学生课外培训消费为研究对象,通过自编的问卷对这四所学校的学生家长进行抽样调查发现,义务教育阶段学生课外培训消费现象非常普遍,但是家庭所在地、家庭月收入、家庭子女数、父母亲学历、年级不同等,对学生的课外培训消费不同程度的影响。城镇学生和家庭月收入高的学生课外培训消费规模和支出明显高于农村学生。应从政府、教育部门、社会及家庭四个方面规范和引导义务教育阶段学生的课外培训消费。  相似文献   

通过文献资料调研、问卷调查和数理统计等方法,对山西省高职院校学生参加课外体育活动的现状进行调查分析。结果表明,山西省高职院校学生参加体育活动的次数少、时间短。体育意识淡薄,场地、器材不足,学校组织不力,是影响高职院校学生参加课外体育活动的主要因素。  相似文献   

The reading attainment of the 3,875 primary 4 Hong Kong primary school students participating in the 2011 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study ranked first among 49 countries and regions surveyed worldwide. Analysis of the association between (a) participating students’ reading attainment and (b) responses to questionnaires completed by the students and their parents revealed that classroom teaching, the school curriculum, the reader’s social and economic background and support from home had all helped shape reading performance. It is not unusual for school students in many Asian countries to receive after-school tuition in various areas of the curriculum to boost performance in impending examinations. The study reported here focussed (1) on the Chinese language reading attainment of students who had attended private tutoring classes after school in this subject against the scores of fellow students who had not and (2) asking whether such after-school tutoring had been of any notable benefit to their reading. Although a majority of the parents questioned said they paid for extra tuition for their children after school, analyses of the data found there was a statistically significant difference between the scores of students who received extra tuition and those who did not, the score of the latter group being superior. It is suggested that the Hong Kong education authorities reassure parents about the quality of teaching in primary schools and publicly pronounce on the potential value of after-school private tutoring.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how the implementation of after-school programs in Korea’s public schools is related to educational equality and private tutoring expenses. The analyzed data was from the Survey on the Status of Private Tutoring and the Study of the Policy Measures to Reduce Private Tutoring Expenses conducted by KEDI (Korea Education Development Institute) in (International conference for exploring the ways to activate the after-school program, KEDI, Seoul, 2007). The Chi-square test was employed to investigate (a) the relationship between after-school participation and family income and residential location of students (b) the association between after-school engagement and the reduction in private tutoring expenses. The study found that: (a) in general, low-income and rural students participated more than higher income and urban peers in after-school programs and (b) after-school participation was generally negatively associated with private tutoring engagement and the impact of after-school participation on the reduction in private tutoring expenses was stronger for low-income students in elementary and high schools and rural students in high schools. The overall findings provide further research issue regarding whether after-school programs can help foster educational equality by offering more opportunities for learning and achievement improvement for disadvantaged students. The results also imply the potential of after-school programs in reducing private tutoring expenses, particularly for low-income families.  相似文献   

当前,对校外培训机构的监管和治理已经成为国际社会所共同面临的现实课题。日本校外培训机构学习塾在其发展过程中曾面临严峻问题":利益至上"导致"乱塾时代",应试目标导向干扰学校教育,监管体系不完备造成治理滞后。为此,日本政府主导制定了多部门协作、法律监管和行业自律三管齐下的治理体系。在该体系的治理下,日本学习塾的发展开始回归正轨,行业规模保持稳定,教育理念开始关注学生的能力培养,并且学习塾扮演起学校教育合作者的角色,承担起更为重要的社会责任,为自身发展寻找到了新的生长点,也为日本教育事业注入了新的活力。  相似文献   

Cultural differences in the structure of adolescents' daily lives were examined by interviewing representative samples of 578 grade 11 students, aged 16–17 years, in Minneapolis, Taipei (Taiwan), and Sendai (Japan) about the amounts of time they spent in a wide variety of activities. Studying, interacting with peers, and watching television were the most frequent activities in all 3 locations, but the relative importance of each activity differed among the locations. Chinese students spent significantly more time than American students engaged in academic endeavors, such as attending school and after-school classes and studying. Japanese students did not spend significantly more time studying or attending after-school classes than American students, but they did spend more time attending school. American students, in turn, spent more time working and socializing with friends. Differences in adolescents' use of time were related to both cross-cultural and individual differences in mathematics achievement.  相似文献   


This study assessed the effects of attending an after-school program (ASP) on a range of outcomes for middle school youths. The program operated for 9 hr per week for 30 weeks and included attendance monitoring and reinforcement, academic assistance, a prevention curriculum, and recreational programming. Participants were 447 students randomly assigned either to the ASP or to after-school activities as usual. Program attendance was sporadic. Although treatment students experienced increased exposure to ASPs relative to controls, nearly all youth in both groups reported participating in some organized activity during the after-school hours, and the number of different activities in which youths reported being involved did not differ across groups. Participation in the treatment reduced time spent with friends with no adults present during the after-school hours. No differences between treatment and control youths were found on measures of conduct problems, academic performance, school attendance, or any of the intermediate behaviors and attitudes targeted. The study replicates findings from the national evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program for middle school students using a more rigorous research design.  相似文献   

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