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付敬  朱桂龙 《科研管理》2014,35(3):25-34
本文提出一个知识源化战略、吸收能力对企业创新绩效产出影响的综合分析框架,并以广东省343家技术中心企业为调查对象进行实证检验。研究结果表明:企业内部RD投入直接影响潜在吸收能力与实际吸收能力,而外部RD合作提高企业潜在吸收能力,但对实际吸收能力并无直接影响;企业潜在吸收能力对创新绩效并无直接作用,而对创新财务绩效有显著影响;实际吸收能力显著促进创新绩效,却对财务绩效无直接影响;企业内部RD与其知识基础广度之间存在显著的协同效应,而企业知识基础广度与外部RD合作之间存在替代效应。  相似文献   

相比传统的自主研发创新、内部研发,开放式创新条件下寻求外部知识源化,重视非研发创新途径是有效的创新转型策略。基于中国高技术产业2009-2014年省际面板数据,系统分析了高技术产业外部知识源化和非研发创新路径特征、地区异质性和发展趋势,实证考察了其对专利产出的影响机理。研究结果显示:东部地区高技术产业开展外部源化、非研发创新活动的经费远高于中西部地区,而西部地区以及东北地区高技术产业外部研发支出和非研发创新投入比重要高于东部地区和中部地区,地区异质性显著,空间分布活动存在差异;高技术产业通过外部知识源化和非研发创新整体上对专利产出产生了显著的正向影响,需要引起足够的重视和利用;而现阶段中国高技术产业外部知识源化、非研发创新与内部研发之间的协同驱动效应呈现出不显著或微弱的负向作用,多样化有效创新路径正向协同效应没有得到充分发挥。研究为高技术产业优化创新资源配置、探索独特、有效的多样化创新路径提供了有效借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

陈钰芬  叶伟巍 《科学学研究》2013,(2):266-275,285
利用外部知识实现创新已经成为我国企业创新实践的常用策略。究竟内部R&D和外部知识搜寻之间存在怎样的关系,过多的外部知识搜寻是否会削弱企业内部R&D的战略性地位?本文基于209家中国创新型企业的问卷调查数据,对企业内部R&D活动和外部知识搜寻之间的关系进行了实证分析。研究结果表明外部知识搜寻对提升企业创新绩效有重要影响,但是不同类型的外部合作对象对创新绩效的重要性存在差异。研究发现,企业在创新实践中,内部R&D和纵向合作企业与横向合作企业知识搜寻之间存在互补协同的关系,但没有充分的证据表明内部R&D和大学/研究机构知识搜寻之间存在互补性。内部R&D和外部知识搜寻之间存在互补抑或替代的关系,主要受企业对外部知识吸收能力的影响。  相似文献   

复杂产品系统创新的知识管理:以GX公司为例   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陈劲童亮  周笑磊 《科研管理》2005,26(5):29-34,40
复杂产品系统在现代经济和社会扮演着越来越重要的角色。而在以知识、信息为特征的新经济社会中,知识管理大大促进了企业技术创新的开展,是提升企业竞争力的有力保证。本文立足于复杂产品系统与规模制造产品的不同之处,对复杂产品系统创新中如何进行知识管理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper examines the within-industry diversification of software small and medium enterprises that collaborate with the open source software community (OSS SMEs). In doing so, it offers new insights into the association between open innovation and diversification. We rely on arguments inspired by the literature and evidence collected through interviews with OSS SMEs’ top managers to investigate factors that favor or hinder within-industry diversification. First, in line with the mainstream diversification literature, we focus attention on the role of firm size. Second, in the spirit of the open innovation research, we concentrate on the mechanisms that OSS SMEs put in place to get access to the external resources of the OSS community. Econometric evidence on 100 European OSS SMEs shows that firm size is negatively associated to within-industry diversification, while OSS SMEs that have contributed to a larger number of OSS projects have a more diversified portfolio of software products. Furthermore, we provide preliminary evidence that the practice of authorizing firm programmers to contribute autonomously to OSS projects of their own choice during working hours may be positively associated to within-industry diversification only if OSS SMEs possess adequate internal technological resources.  相似文献   

开源软件是分布式创新下集体智慧的代表,知识共享是影响项目绩效的关键。本文对403份有效问卷进行大样本定量分析,研究影响开源软件项目内成员间知识共享的核心要素和机制。研究表明,以共享知识为中介的分布式创新影响开源项目绩效。其中,开发员作为供给端,从参与动机、社会网络、组织文化三方面;用户作为需求端,从用户创新角度共同对共享知识显著影响,进而影响开源项目绩效。薪酬刺激对于开源软件开发员的参与动机影响并不显著,打破了以往的认知误区。社会网络对成员间知识共享的影响程度最大。开源项目核心团队的管理能力胜于其技术能力,对项目绩效产生作用。用户创新对于促进开源软件项目绩效意义重大。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the changing role of regional innovation systems and regional policies in supporting the transition of indigenous firms in developing countries from competing on low costs towards becoming knowledge providers in global value chains. Special attention is paid to policies supporting the emergence and development of the regional innovation system in this transition process. Regional innovation systems in developing countries have very recently started to be conceptualised as specialized hubs in global innovation and production networks (Asheim, B., Coenen, L., Vang-Lauridsen, J., 2007. Face-to-face, buzz and knowledge bases: socio-spatial implications for learning, innovation and innovation policy. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 25 (5), 655-670; Chaminade, C., Vang, J., 2006a. Innovation policy for small and medium size SMEs in Asia: an innovation systems perspective. In: Yeung, H. (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Asian Business. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham; Maggi, C., 2007. The salmon farming and processing cluster in Southern Chile. In: Pietrobello, C., Rabellotti, R. (Eds.), Upgrading and Governance in Clusters and Value Chains in Latin America. Harvard University Press). A specialized hub refers to a node in a global value chain that mainly undertakes one or a few of the activities required for the production and development of a given good or service or serves a particular segment of the global market. In global value chains, firms in developing countries have traditionally been responsible for the lowest added-value activities. However, a few emerging regional innovation systems in developing countries are beginning to challenge this scenario by rapidly upgrading in the value chain. There is, however, still only a poorly developed understanding of how the system of innovation emerges and evolves to support this transition process and what the role of regional innovation policy is in building the regional conditions that support indigenous small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) in this transition process. This paper aims at reducing this omission by analyzing the co-evolution of the strategies of indigenous SMEs and the regional innovation system of Bangalore (India).  相似文献   

樊钱涛 《科研管理》2011,32(5):29-35
基于1995年到2007年的面板数据,本文分析了中国高技术产业在外部知识获取对于创新绩效的影响机制。研究结果表明企业不仅直接从外部获取知识还可以借助本地网络间接获取外部知识。不同类型知识的转移方式是不同的,总体上知识的异质性程度越高,知识转移的方式就会越复杂。  相似文献   

This study investigates four different sourcing strategies employed by firms in order to successfully deal with a new architectural innovation hitting the market. The four sourcing approaches reflect the varying degrees of internalization of component design and manufacturing: make, in-house design, long-term supplier, and new supplier, where make implies the highest and new supplier the lowest degree of internalization of the firm’s component sourcing in a spectrum. Comparing and contrasting the innovation performance of the four sourcing approaches in the pre- and post-dominant design eras, we suggest theoretical implications for the critical path of strategic sourcing decisions over time for a new architectural innovation. By doing so, we suggest an integrated framework of stage-contingent sourcing strategies and provide the associated empirical results that demonstrate normative strategic guidance for managers.  相似文献   

Incentives to innovate are a central element of innovation theory. In the private-investment model, innovators privately fund innovation and then use intellectual property protection mechanisms to appropriate returns from these investments. In the collective-action model, public subsidy funds public goods innovations, characterized by non-rivalry and non-exclusivity in using these innovations. Recently, these models have been compounded in the private-collective innovation model where innovators privately fund public goods innovations. Private-collective innovation is illustrated in the case of open source software development. This paper contributes to the work on this model by investigating incentives that motivate innovators to share their knowledge in an initial situation, before there is a community to support the innovation process. We use game theory to predict knowledge sharing behavior in private-collective innovation, and test these predictions in a laboratory setting. The results show that knowledge sharing is a coordination game with multiple equilibria, reflecting the fragility of knowledge sharing between innovators with conflicting interests. The experimental results demonstrate important asymmetries in the fragility of knowledge sharing and, in some situations, more knowledge sharing than theoretically predicted. A behavioral analysis suggests that knowledge sharing in private-collective innovation is not only affected by material incentives, but also by social preferences such as fairness. The results offer general insights into the relationship between incentives and knowledge sharing and contribute to a better understanding of the initiation of private-collective innovation.  相似文献   

Knowledge Management Research & Practice - The paper critically examines the literature of innovation management – the assumptions and the limitations of each dominant approach. The paper...  相似文献   

The U.S. Orphan Drug Act provides R&D incentives to drug-makers that go beyond statutory patent protection. The study explores the act's effect on financial returns to innovation and on the strategy of orphan drug development. Results indicate that the financial return to orphan drug development is positive. The findings suggest that when market size is small and cumulative innovation is an important phenomenon the policy that extends effective patent duration or subsidizes R&D activity improves incentives to innovate.  相似文献   

基于2009—2019年中国省际面板数据,采用SYS-GMM模型、中介效应模型、空间计量模型和面板门槛模型等方法,系统考察金融集聚的创新激励效应。结果显示,金融集聚发展能够有效提升颠覆性创新和渐进性创新,且这种提升效应因地理区位和集聚程度的不同而存在异质特征。通过中介效应模型进行机制检验后发现,金融集聚可以通过缓解资本要素扭曲和劳动力要素扭曲两种途径间接促进技术创新,且在金融集聚对颠覆性创新的激励效应中发挥主要作用的是资本要素扭曲缓解,而在对渐进性创新的激励效应中劳动力要素扭曲缓解是主要路径。在空间特征方面,由于金融集聚存在明显的虹吸效应,对颠覆性和渐进性创新的提升作用只在本地区体现,并存在负向的空间溢出效应抑制邻近地区技术创新。在非线性特征方面,金融集聚对颠覆性创新和渐进性创新的影响程度和方向都存在着明显的差异,在经济发展和产权结构门槛的约束下,金融集聚发展的驱动功效呈现边际递增态势;但只有在适度的政府引导和对外开放条件下,金融集聚才能更好地发挥创新激励效应,提升技术创新水平。  相似文献   

Manufacturers customarily provide only a few product variants to address the average needs of users in the major segments of markets they serve. When user needs are highly heterogeneous, this approach leaves many seriously dissatisfied. One solution is to enable users to modify products on their own using “innovation toolkits.” We explore the effectiveness of this solution in an empirical study of Apache security software. We find high heterogeneity of need in that field, and also find that users modifying their own software to be significantly more satisfied than non-innovating users. We propose that the “user toolkits” solution will be useful in many markets characterized by heterogeneous demand.  相似文献   

组织结构决定组织功能.通过对高校知识创新组织体系的特征和当前高校知识创新组织体系的不足进行分析,提出在充分认识我国高校具有行政组织特性和学术特性的两维性基础上,应加强高校知识创新组织体系的构建,力求为高校提升知识创新能力提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

创新跳跃指的是企业创新行为在时间维度上的变动性,表征了企业识别未来的技术轨迹、探索未来的技术机会、摆脱现有的技术发展惯例。本文针对现有创新跳跃文献对前因关注不够的不足,基于双元转换视角,从技术知识系统及其属性的角度入手,探索创新跳跃的知识基础前因。基于489家新兴企业的研究发现,技术知识系统的多样性对创新跳跃有显著的正向影响,且相关多样性比不相关多样性的正向作用更大;技术知识系统的独特性与创新跳跃间呈倒U型关系。本文的研究拓展了"创新跳跃"前因的研究,也为企业构建合理的技术知识系统以探索未来的技术机会,提供了一定的启示。  相似文献   

白骏骄  李芮 《科学学研究》2015,33(9):1414-1423
2008年金融危机后,宏观经济波动和金融市场波动成为了学者关注的重点。互联网创新作为一种科技革命中后期的商业模式创新形式,在中国得到了高速的发展和普及,对经济社会和金融等行业产生了巨大的影响。本文首次从理论上分析了互联网前向预警和后向平缓经济、金融波动的作用,并运用AHP法分别建立了互联网创新波动、宏观与外部经济波动、金融市场波动三个指数,通过2006年至2014年的历史数据进行拟合。发现,互联网作为创新最为活跃的现代服务业,可以前向预警宏观经济和金融市场波动,后向平缓波动冲击,同时能够在经济增长出现波动的同时,使就业和消费价格维持在合理的水平。  相似文献   

张新香 《科学学研究》2015,33(4):616-626
技术创新与商业模式创新交互驱动,考虑已有的文献多侧重技术创新驱动商业模式创新的研究,本文聚焦于商业模式创新驱动技术创新实现机理的探讨。收集整理20家中外软件企业样本案例资料,开展多案例扎根分析,挖掘商业模式创新驱动技术创新的内在机理和实现途径。研究结论显示:产品/服务创新和市场定位创新作为商业模式定位创新,产业链重定位和网络生态系统构建作为商业模式营运创新,合并盈利创新构成商业模式创新的主体内容。主体内容形成关键动因,加上商业模式创新所处现实情境的逼迫,商业模式创新终极目标的激励,共同促使软件业积极实施技术创新。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103709
In this article, I study the relationship between valuable trademarks and a firm’s technology sourcing strategy. The Profiting from Innovation (PFI) and Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) perspectives have generated competing predictions regarding firms’ historical stock of valuable trademarks and their decision to pursue external technology sourcing. To conduct the empirical analysis, I use a sample of innovator firms in the manufacturing sectors from the Division of Innovative Labor survey, matched to the USPTO trademark data. Consistent with the TCE perspective, I find that firms with valuable trademarks are less likely to commercialize external inventions, and are likely to have lower innovation performance if they do so. I further show a boundary condition for PFI such that when firms are new entrants to an industry but already holding valuable trademarks, they are more likely to commercialize external innovations.  相似文献   

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