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记叙文写作是中小学作文教学的重点内容,"支架问题"写作教学从"为谁写""写什么""怎么写"三个方面设置作文教学问题,引导学生在回答老师设置问题的过程中完成作文的写作内容。本文从"支架问题"作文教学对为谁写记叙文、写什么记叙文、怎么写记叙文三个方面出发,结合图画类记叙文、写人类记叙文和记事类记叙文进行论述,研究记叙类作文"支架问题"教学方面的问题。  相似文献   

探索英语写作教学新模式是英语教学改革的一个组成部分。自主写作教学是一种培养学生自主写作的习惯,方法是从作文的任务的设计、留置、评改等方面入手,通过强调作文长度及内容来提高学生的英语水平。经过循序渐进的写作训练,使学生增强了写英语作文的信心,语法、文风通畅,实现了英语学习‘听、说、读、写’中的“写”的环节突破。  相似文献   

作文教学是中学语文教育的最重要一环,学生的作文水平可以全面反映其阅读、思维、表达等各方面的语文能力。但当前中小学特别是农村中小学却普遍存在着一种学生“厌写”作文的误区。究其原因,是作文教学没有激发起学生的写作兴趣,养成他们“会写”、“乐写”、“勤写”的写作习惯。教师只是一味要求学生按照所谓的计划即一次次不同的目标和要求“硬写”,并达到一定数量,殊不知这种“按住牛头吃草”的被动式作文教育,只会使学生越来越厌倦作文,而不会切实提高其作文水平的。而这正是当前作文教学的误区之所在。  相似文献   

语文是一门基础学科 ,作文教学是语文教学的重要组成部分 ,在作文教学中如何培养学生作文的兴趣呢 ?  一、树立信心是作文取得成功的前提  中学阶段的作文教学 ,内容丰富多彩 ,但受传统教学观念、方法等方面的影响 ,部分学生写作能力提高不快 ,作文兴趣不浓 ,甚至把一学期的 8次作文当作是一种“负担” ,因此表现出来的是写作时不愿意写 ,没有主动性。  怎样才能树立学生写作信心 ,笔者认为应从以下几方面着手 :1.教师作文命题时不脱离学生实际 ,不让学生写陌生的东西。 2 .根据不同年级学生的特点 ,按《大纲》要求定出各年级的作文教…  相似文献   

作为一名教写作多年的教师,笔者在批改学生的英语作文时,会发现有的学生的英语作文写得不好,分析一下原因,主要问题还是出在句子的写作上。他们写的句子在语法、修辞、逻辑、惯用法等方面的错误很多,用词方面的错误更是五花八门。我们很难想象,连英语句子都写不好怎能写好英语作文。现在一般的英语写作书,主要介绍写作内容,指导写作技巧和方法,  相似文献   

小学生多数是从二三年级开始接触简单的写作,一开始基本上是写一小段话。但是在漫长的作文教学中,学生越来越怕写作。究其原因,一方面,是教师的命题作文让学生翻来覆去地写;另一方面,是教师在进行作文教学的时候就给学生固定了基本的作文模式,不是学生想写什么就可以写什么,  相似文献   

小学生多数是从二三年级开始接触简单的写作,一开始基本上是写一小段话。但是在漫长的作文教学中,学生越来越怕写作。究其原因,一方面,是教师的命题作文让学生翻来覆去地写;另一方面,是教师在进行作文教学的时候就给学生固定了基本的作文模式,不是学生想写什么就可以写什么,  相似文献   

话题作文是近年备受青睐的一种高考作文命题方式。在成人高考中 ,掌握话题作文写作规律 ,善于从提示性文字、话题本身及写作要求三方面寻找写作信息 ,可以利用其自由度和开放性 ,发挥自己的写作特长 ,写好话题作文。  相似文献   

作文难写,因此怕写;因为怕写,总写不好;因写不好,更不愿写.这似乎是学生写作的一个怪圈.如何让学生不怕写、愿意写,直至喜爱写.本文结合教学实践,从作文内容生活化和培养写作兴趣两个方面探讨这一问题:  相似文献   

作文源自生活,重在积累,得益于练笔。然而,很多学生在作文面前却毫无兴趣,"没话写""不会写""写不好"是他们写作的主要问题。发挥学生的主体作用,激发他们的写作热情,使写作教学更实用、更高效是我们作文教学要做到的。本文从现状、原因、方法三方面对提高作文教学的有效性做了阐述。  相似文献   

This study examined the development of beginning writing skills in kindergarten and the relationship between early writing skills and early reading skills. Sixty children were assessed on beginning writing skills (including letter writing, individual sound spelling, and real and nonsense word spelling) and beginning reading skills (including letter name and letter sound knowledge, global early reading ability, phonological awareness, and word reading). Children’s beginning writing abilities are described, and they exhibited a range of proficiency in their ability to write letters, spell sounds, and spell real and nonsense words. Global early reading proficiency, phonological awareness, and/or letter sound fluency predicted letter writing, sound spelling, and spelling of real and nonsense words. Appreciation is expressed to the participating students and teachers at Dwight D. Eisenhower School and to Margaret Boudreau and Joan Foley for assistance in scoring students’ responses.  相似文献   

This paper addresses two sets of organizing principles to guide prevention and intervention in beginning reading: (a) the complexity in our alphabetic writing system, and (b) the complexity in our schools. The first set is related to instructional design, while the second set is related to a schoolwide model. Prevention and intervention efforts in beginning reading for students with learning disabilities must attend to 2 systems, our complex alphabetic writing system and our equally complex schools. In this article, we present 2 sets of organizing principles to guide prevention and intervention in beginning reading drawn from the substantial body of converging research evidence accumulated over the past 40 years. The first set consists of 6 instructional design principles focused on teaching reading in our alphabetic writing system. These principles include big ideas, mediated scaffolding, conspicuous strategies, strategic integration, primed background knowledge, and judicious review. The second set includes organizational principles designed to anchor effective reading practices at the school‐building level. These principles are structured around 3 interrelated areas: (1) the schoolwide establishment of long‐term reading goals and intermediate performance benchmarks, (2) the early identification and frequent monitoring of students experiencing reading difficulties, and (3) the development of coordinated and differentiated instructional interventions for the full range of learners.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate prospective relationships between reading and writing performance during the first grade of primary school. The data was collected from 83 Finnish‐speaking children who were examined four times on reading, spelling, and productive writing skills during the first grade. At the beginning of the school year, they were also tested on initial reading skill. The results showed that reading and spelling manifested a reciprocal relationship during the first semester: reading performance increased subsequent spelling proficiency, and spelling skills enhanced subsequent reading. Later on, however, reading predicted spelling in a less reciprocal association. In turn, productivity of writing predicted subsequent reading performance during the first grade although the reverse was not true. The results suggest that it may be important to emphasize the support which compositional writing may offer to the development of reading.  相似文献   

平雪萍 《天津教育》2021,(8):151-152
小学阶段的学生是刚开始接受基础教育的时候,而阅读能力和写作能力作为语文学习的重点内容,阅读教学和写作教学并非是割裂式的教学内容,可以实现互补式教学。为此,小学语文教师应该根据小学语文教学特点,探寻小学语文阅读教学和写作教学的联动式教学方法,以此提高学生的阅读能力和写作能力。  相似文献   

Reading and writing are increasingly performed with digital, screen‐based technologies rather than with analogue technologies such as paper and pen(cil). The current digitization is an occasion to “unpack,” theoretically and conceptually, what is entailed in reading and writing as embodied, multisensory processes involving audiovisual and ergonomic interaction with devices having particular affordances. Highlighting the sensorimotor contingencies of substrates and technologies — how movement and object manipulation affect perception, experience, and sensory “feel” — this article presents an embodied approach to reading, writing, and literacy, using three cases of digitization as illustrations of some educational implications: (1) beginning writing by hand or by keyboard; (2) dialogic reading with iPads and print picture books in kindergarten; and (3) deep reading of long, linear texts on paper and on screens.  相似文献   

冯玉红 《天津教育》2021,(7):146-147,150
在作文教学中,教师经常说好的开头就是成功了一半,就是说作文有了一个好的开头,那么写作的思路就清楚了,作文就能一气呵成。这样写出来的作文就前后连贯、层次分明,让人读了以后明白写了什么内容,抒发了作者什么样的情感。所以,在作文教学中一定要抓好作文的开头教学,训练学生整体上把握作文的能力,提高他们的写作水平。在培养学生写作能力的同时,还不能忘记对学生语文基本能力的训练,强化学生的语言积累和知识储备,以此提高学生的语文综合能力,进一步提高他们的写作技能。  相似文献   

读后续写是高考英语新增加的书面表达考核内容。读后续写要求学生在准确理解文本的基础上,找出文本的核心要点,并结合所给段落开头和关键词续写出一篇内容上有逻辑衔接、情节和结构上完整的短文。文章以读后续写表达思维活用为论述要点,探讨结合学生的文本阅读和写作需求,引导学生由此及彼地运用要点摘录、核心词汇深思、前后语句联读、语句整理和回头审读等方法找到所给文本的切入点与发散点,提高学生的书面表达能力。  相似文献   

There has been considerable recent controversy over the competing emphases to beginning reading known as Whole Language and phonics. In order to provide a different perspective on the debate, this paper examines the history of disputes about reading, particularly as they apply to at‐risk students. It commences with a brief discussion of the advantages and difficulties of our English alphabetic system, and the literacy problems associated with it. Identification of the major attempts to deal with the complexity of our writing system is followed by a history of the research into the most efficacious means of enhancing reading development. An examination of early research, such as The Great Debate, The USOE Study, Follow Through and Becoming a Nation of Readers, helps illuminate the current debate by indicating which issues are novel, and which are those from the past as yet unresolved. A thread throughout the paper involves the role of educational research in influencing practice in beginning reading instruction.  相似文献   

在古代语文教育中,科举制度产生以前以读为主.在科举制度产生以后以写为主。在现代语文教育中,前期是以写为主,20世纪70年代以后过度为以读为主。在现代语文教育中,有人提出读比写重要,也有人提出写比读重要;其实这两种说法都是没有依据的。就读与写关系来说:读可以促写,写也可以促读。就目前语文教育现状来说,我们应该直面两点:相对于阅读能力,学生写作能力普遍严重不足;就实际的生活与工作来说,读比写更常用。  相似文献   

开篇是文章结构的重要组成部分,历来为文章写作家所重视。开篇的写法千姿百态,万千变化。如何使开篇显示出勾魂摄魄的艺术魅力,仁者见仁,智者见智。本文从巍峨的文章殿堂里采撷筛选若干范文名篇的开篇予以论析概括,以示揭示开篇的写作规律。  相似文献   

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