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本文根据制度缺失理论分析了当前我国信托业的制度供给不足问题,并从完善信托法律体系、转变信托监管理念、放宽信托机构的政策约束、完善信托相关配套制度、优化信托公司治理结构等方面提出促进我国信托产业制度化建设的政策建议。  相似文献   

运用来自47个国家的数据资料,考察了政府质量和文化价值观对大学信任的影响。研究发现:(1)政府质量中的政府效率指标对大学信任有显著的积极影响,而腐败和法治水平对大学信任无显著的影响作用;(2)文化价值观中的不确定性规避和后物质主义指标对大学信任有显著的影响作用,而权力距离对大学信任无明显影响;(3)文化价值观比政府质量对大学信任的影响更大;(4)政府质量和文化价值观对不同收入水平国家和不同人力资本国家大学信任的影响表现出一定的差异性,它们均显著影响低收入国家居民的大学信任,但对高收入国家居民大学信任的影响甚微,文化价值观仅对高人力资本国家的大学信任有显著的影响,而文化和制度变量对低人力资本国家的大学信任均未表现出明显的影响。  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the trust relationship between parents and teachers in first grade. Additional research questions were whether trust was related to ethnicity and reading performance. The five facets of trust; benevolence, reliability, competence, honesty and openness, were measured on a 4-point Likert scale. Reading performance was measured by the three-minute test. Parents were found to have more trust in the reliability, competence and honesty of teachers than teachers in parents. Native-Dutch and immigrant parents have the same trust level towards their children’s teacher. However, teachers reported lower trust levels on all five facets of trust for immigrant parents. Our findings indicated that ethnicity has no influence on parents trust in teachers, but ethnicity may explain teachers’ trust in parents. Some support was found for the assumption that teachers’ trust plays a role in reading performance. Children were found to have higher reading performance when teachers reported higher trust in the benevolence and openness of parents.  相似文献   

近十几年来,国内外的研究者对中国传统信任文化存在着一些误解:一是认为中国传统文化缺少普遍信任成长的因子,二是认为中国人对陌生人和外人极度不信任或者说根本不信任。在建构普遍信任的过程中.市场是普遍信任产生并得以存续的前提条件,中间组织成为信任建构的组织保障,各项法律、规范的完善为普遍信任的建立提供了有效的制度保障。  相似文献   

随着网络的普及,虚拟交往已成为大学生上网的最主要内容,但其对象的虚拟性和复杂性给大学生的人际交往带来一系列的挑战。通过探讨大学生虚拟交往对现实交往中的人际信任、情感平衡的影响,以期能全面分析大学生的人际交往状况,改善大学生的人际关系。调查研究发现:(1)在人际信任度上,女生在现实交往和虚拟交往两个维度上的得分均普遍高于男生;(2)不同年级大学生在虚拟交往和现实交往两个维度上存在显著差异。随着年级的升高,大学生的人际信任度逐渐升高;(3)大一学生情感平衡得分最高,随年级的升高呈递减的趋势;(4)大学生网络人际信任与现实人际信任存在显著的正相关。回归分析表明,网络人际信任对现实人际信任具有显著的预测作用。  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of trust perceptions on teachers’ intention to continue using e-learning technology in higher education. Drawing on the model of organizational trust and the information systems continuance model, a new research model is developed and tested using data from a university college based on a survey of 401 university teachers. We find that teachers’ perceptions of system-based trust and trust in management exerted strong direct effects on intention to continue using an e-learning system. Additionally, system-based trust affects perceived usefulness, and thus fully mediates the influence of perceived usefulness on teachers’ intentions to use e-learning technology. Our findings clarify the relationship between trust and teachers continued use of e-learning technology and have implications, theoretical as well as practical, for trust-building structures that could improve the implementation of e-learning technologies in higher educational settings.  相似文献   

文章从吉登斯有关信任的研究入手,将信任危机产生的原因归于两犬类:主观方面是社。会成员自身的本体性不安全;客观方面是抽象体系入口处的糟糕体验。并在此基础上。提出建立个人信任、促进代理组织完善和加强代理组织监督来增强社会信任的建议。  相似文献   

基于差序格局理论,从多维度信任角度出发,分析了因对能力需要的不同,中国家族企业多维度信任的差序格局变异。研究结论表明:第一,技术性和服务性企业的非家族高层管理人员感知的情感性信任存在着显著的差异.其中,技术性企业高于服务性企业;第二,技术性和服务性企业的非家族高层管理人员感知的认知性信任存在着显著的差异,其中.技术性企业高于服务性企业;第三,技术性企业非家族高层管理人员感知的情感性信任和认知性信任没有显著的差异;第四,服务性企业非家族高层管理人员感知的情感性信任和认知性信任存在着显著的差异,其中,情感性信任低于其认知性信任。  相似文献   

对我国大学信任不平衡结构的实证考察及理论思考,是大学信任研究和大学内部治理效能提升的应有之义。本文从权威文化和制度绩效两方面考察了我国层级性大学信任的生成机制,深入探讨了两者的共同影响和异质性效应。实证研究发现,当前我国大学信任呈现出随着大学层次的下降而逐级下降的层级性特点,这一特点受到了权威文化和制度绩效的负向建构作用。研究还发现,权威文化和制度绩效对层级性大学信任的影响不是单独起作用的,而是共同产生影响。研究结果表明,高等教育公平可以作为威权主义价值观影响层级性大学信任的替代性变量,应建立基于分类分层的大学信任差别化构建机制,以弥合重点大学信任和非重点大学信任的差距。  相似文献   

Gratitude was an important missing factor in the extant relationship quality and relationship loyalty model. We introduced gratitude into the model of relationship quality and relationship loyalty. Two hundred and eighteen teachers from elementary schools in Taiwan were used to conduct an empirical research. The results show that teachers' gratitude has positive direct effects on teachers' trust, satisfaction and commitment. Teachers' trust has no significant effect on behavioural loyalty but has a significant effect on attitudinal loyalty. However, teachers' satisfaction has no significant effect on attitudinal loyalty but has a significant effect on behavioural loyalty. Teachers' commitment has a significant effect on behavioural and attitudinal loyalty. The mediating role of commitment implies that it (1) partially mediates the relationship between teachers' trust and attitudinal loyalty, and fully mediates the relationship between teachers' trust and behavioural loyalty; (2) partially mediates the relationship between teachers' satisfaction and behavioural loyalty, and fully mediates the relationship between teachers' trust and attitudinal loyalty.  相似文献   

Trust is an important dimension of parent educational involvement and parent‐teacher relationships. Preliminary research suggests that parent trust in teachers and schools is associated with student learning and behavior. However, examinations of parent trust in children's education are limited. The present study investigated the influence of demographic variables on parent trust and relations among parent trust, student behavior, and parent involvement. Findings suggested that student eligibility for a free or reduced‐price lunch predicted parent trust of teachers and schools, parent trust was correlated with dimensions of student behavior, and parent trust of teachers predicted parent involvement. Implications for parent involvement and parent‐teacher relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

The Early Childhood Generalized Trust Belief Scale   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study was designed to develop and evaluate the Early Childhood Generalized Trust Belief Scale (ECGTBS) as a method of assessing 5–8-year-olds’ generalized trust. Two hundred and eleven (103 male and 108 female) children (mean age 6 years and 2 months at Time 1) completed the ECGTBS twice over a year. A subsample of participants completed the ECGTBS after two weeks to assess the scale's test–retest reliability. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses confirmed that the ECGTBS assessed the expected three factors: reliability, emotional trust, and honesty with item-pairs loading most strongly on their corresponding factor. However, the ECGTBS demonstrated low to modest internal consistency and test–retest reliability which indicates a need for further development of this instrument. As evidence for the convergent validity of the ECGTBS, the reliability and emotional trust items were associated with the children's trust in classmates at Time 2. Concurrent asymmetric quadratic relationships indicated the importance of midrange generalized trust. Specifically, children with very high generalized trust experienced greater loneliness and children with very low generalized trust had fewer friendships than children with midrange trust.  相似文献   

Research Findings: The aim of this study was to explore the relations between children's trust beliefs and social competence as well as social preference. In addition, this study examined how children with different trust belief profiles may differ in their peer interactive behaviors. A total of 47 children ages 5 to 6 participated in this study. Data were collected via observation of play behaviors, a teacher-rated social competence scale, and a child interview. The results indicated that children's trust beliefs in friends’ promise-keeping behaviors were positively associated with intrapersonal and interpersonal domains of social competence. Children who had greater trust in non-friend classmates’ promise-keeping behaviors tended to be sociable in a group, polite, and more preferred, and they were less likely to be disliked by peers. Children with different trust profiles exhibited differential interactive behaviors with peers. Practice or Policy: These findings suggest that parents and early childhood educators should pay more attention to the extent to which young children trust their close friends and familiar peers, especially in terms of keeping promises. Adults may model their efforts in keeping their promises made to children and enhance children's capacity to reciprocate trust in close relationships. Adults can help children differentiate their trust based on the intimacy of relationships.  相似文献   


Practices such as formal focused professional dialogue groups, coaching conversations, mentoring conversations and professional learning staff meetings have been taken up in schools and pre-schools as part of long-term action research and development activities to improve the learning and teaching practices. The development of relational trust has long been described in the literature as pivotal for the ongoing ‘success’ of such research and development in sites. In this article, we attempt to re-characterise relational trust as it is accounted for by participants in action research. We present data from a cross-nation study of middle leaders from Australian primary schools and Swedish pre-schools. Middle leaders are those teachers who ‘lead across’; they have both an acknowledged position of leadership or responsibility for the practice development of colleagues and a significant teaching role. The larger study examined the practices of middle leaders; and in this article we draw on interview data from one of the case-study sites that illustrate how colleagues in schools recognise the role middle leaders have for facilitating action research and teaching development. This article specifically presents excerpts from semi-structured interviews with 25 teachers, three principals, three executive teachers and three district consultants. Interviewees described how nourishing a culture of relational trust and mutual respect are critical features in the change endeavour. For them, the practices of the middle leader who facilitated the action research were instrumental in developing trust for teacher development. Analysis of participant accounts revealed five dimensions of trust: interpersonal trust, interactional trust, intersubjective trust, intellectual trust, and pragmatic trust.  相似文献   

探讨了诚信作为社会意识,总是根植于生产方式和由此所决定的社会结构(组织)中,农业文明时期和工业文明的计划经济时期形成了血缘、地缘、职缘为基础的社会组织,依靠道德和权威裁判来维系诚信。市场经济体制时期,陌生人组织成为社会的基本单位,充满开放性和不稳定性。诚信只能靠契约及其背后的法制来维系。契约诚信具有四个要素:诚信主体间是独立、平等的关系;诚信的原则是公正,获取信息的公正、权利和义务的公正、仲裁的公正;维系诚信的制约机制是建立个人诚信档案和评估制度,依靠完备的法律体系对违反诚信的行为进行惩罚,形成强制性的约束力;诚信的内在驱动力是道德,要树立法律至高无上、遵纪守法的道德。  相似文献   

委托人是信托关系的设立者,是重要的信托当事人之一。关于委托人的概念及其在信托关系中的法律地位,各国法律有不同的规定,各国学者也有不同主张。笔者认为,在我国信托法中,委托人是指基于对受托人的信任将自己的财产权委托给受托人,形成信托财产,并要求受托人为受益人的利益或特定目的而管理、处分信托财产,自己仍然对管理和处分信托财产的行为享有约定或法定权利的信托当事人;委托人居于信托关系当事人地位,同时也是信托利害关系人。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined teachers’ beliefs concerning the meaning and nature of teacher–student trust in a diverse sample of secondary-school teachers (n = 34). Using a grounded-theory approach, a process model of teacher–adolescent trust emerged based on semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Antecedents of trust could be categorised as a function of student ecology (e.g. home environment) and teacher and student actions, including: demonstrating care, being consistent and reliable, making personal connections and engaging in helpful behaviour. Other teacher actions included drawing upon personal resources such as efficacy, social roles and available instructional approaches. Unique student actions highlighted the importance that teachers place on compliance with social norms and honest, responsible behaviour. Perceived benefits of trust reflected changes in: classroom climate, quality of social interactions, available teaching methods and positive student behaviours. Finally, teachers discussed ways in which trust evolved over time. Model processes and new hypotheses generated by the model are discussed in the light of current literature on adult–child relationships and trust in schools.  相似文献   


The goal of this paper is to describe and analyze the relationship between ability tracking and student social trust, in the context of low-income students in developing countries. Drawing on the results from a longitudinal study among 1,436 low-income students across 132 schools in rural China, we found a significant lack of interpersonal trust and confidence in public institutions among poor rural young adults. We also found that slow-tracked students have a significantly lower level of social trust, comprised of interpersonal trust and confidence in public institutions, relative to their fast-tracked peers. This disparity might further widen the gap between relatively privileged students who stay in school and less privileged students who drop out of school. These results suggest that making high school accessible to more students may improve social trust among rural low-income young adults.  相似文献   

通过实证调查研究南昌市600名大学生,结果表明:性别与年龄是影响大学生人际信任的因素;人际信任的程度和性格的内外向是交往焦虑的重要影响因素;是否是独生子女和学习什么专业对大学生人际信任与交往焦虑并没有显影响。  相似文献   

本研究采用"人际信任量表",考察了福建省部分高校大学生的人际信任现状。结果表明:(1)不同性别、独生/非独生、父母职业、家庭所在地、年级大学生在人际信任总分存在显著差异;(2)不同性别、年级、专业的大学生在普遍信任方面均存在显著差异;(3)不同家庭所在地、独生/非独生、性别、年级大学生在特殊信任方面存在显著差异;(4)大学生人际信任受内部因素(性别)、外部因素(家庭、学校)影响。  相似文献   

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