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吴菁琳 《江西教育》2002,(22):10-10
社会性发展是儿童心理发展的重要内容之一。所谓社会性发展也称儿童的社会化,是指儿童从一个生物人,逐渐掌握社会的道德行为规范与社会行为技能,成长为一个社会人,逐渐步入社会的过程。这是在个体与社会群体、儿童集体以及同伴的相互作用、相互影响的过程中实现的。游戏是幼儿运用一定的知识和语言,借助各种物品,通过身体运动和心智活动,反映并探索周围世界的一种活动。游戏对于幼儿来说,它是一种符合幼儿身心发展的快乐而自主的实践活动。幼儿游戏具有自主性、趣味性、虚构性、社会性、具体实践性等特点。一、游戏中的人际关系有利…  相似文献   

游戏是学龄前儿童最主要的活动。许多幼儿教师已经注意到,有些儿童游戏的内容、形式与性别有关。而且在游戏过程中,儿童也表现出对自己身体和同伴身体的强烈好奇心。  相似文献   

高璐璐 《家教世界》2022,(33):51-52
<正>幼儿身体协调能力的发展是实现幼儿全面发展的重要组成部门。对于幼儿的身体协调能力的提升,投掷类游戏活动作为基础动作训练的一种游戏,具有很高的价值。通过投掷类游戏,幼儿的上肢关节柔韧性和灵活度得到提高,也可以更好地发展幼儿的视觉运动能力以及整体的肢体协调性。我们在开展投掷类游戏活动的时候,不但要遵循儿童游戏活动的规律性,还要融合现阶段投掷类游戏活动开展的效果,制订切实可行的掷类游戏活动内容,把握幼儿在投掷类游戏活动过程中的个体差异,根据高效的观察、鉴别,掌握不同儿童在投掷类游戏活动中所呈现出的协调能力,才能为提升幼儿园幼儿身体的协调能力供应参照。  相似文献   

在儿童语言学习的过程中,游戏与其他形式的主动学习活动一样,通常是儿童能力发展的一个自然起点。儿童认为游戏是他们的“工作”、是一切活动的“中心”。由于游戏能够促进儿童能力的发展——情感的、社会的和身体的发展,因此,我们应该从语言是思维的角度出发,将幼儿语言整体发展与游戏结合起来,建构有意义的、自主而有趣味的语言学习,使幼儿在快乐的活动中习得语言,发展语言,提高语言能力。概念一:幼儿的语言需要在实  相似文献   

身体、审美与艺术教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童审美体验的缺失是当前我国艺术教育存在的主要问题.究其原因在于今天的艺术教育乃至整个教育压制和剥夺了儿童的身体生活,有意地将他们的身体与心灵、身体与世界割裂.要在艺术教育中找回儿童失落的感性身体,就应倡导儿童的游戏生活,激发儿童的游戏冲动;重视在各艺术门类中刺激和训练儿童的审美感官;关注儿童本体感觉的丰富.  相似文献   

在婴幼儿的发展过程中,游戏的重要作用已愈来愈为人们所认识,正如国际儿童教育协会(ACEI)指出的,游戏“为儿童提供了发展生理、认识和社会能力的机会”。然而,游戏在缺陷儿童教育中的作用却没有受到应有的重视。造成这一状况的原因很多,归纳起来主要有以下两个方面。一是缺乏游戏机会。许多为缺陷儿童设计的幼儿园课程,把重点放在传授特殊的技能,尤其是自立能力的培养上,这使缺陷儿童游戏的时间在客观上大为缩短。同样,缺陷儿童在家庭中的游戏时间也非常有限。缺陷儿童的敏  相似文献   

早在人类社会初期,游戏就作为教育和体育的一种手段出现,并藉此传授劳动技能和各种社会活动经验。在国外,好多国家把体育游戏作为体育活动的主要内容,经常举行饶有趣味的比赛,作为增强体质、愉悦身心的手段。前苏联教育家克鲁·曾斯卡娅曾说:“游戏能发展儿童的体力,使臂膀更结实,身体更柔软,眼睛更准确,游戏还能发展儿童的灵敏、机智和主动性。”高尔基也高度评价游戏的意义,他说:“儿童生活在世界上,并有责任改造世界,游戏就是认识世界的途径。”在我国,游戏性的体育活动在小学阶段开展得很好,但在中学、大学等高年级中,…  相似文献   

游戏是儿童的天性。是自然赋予儿童的非人力所控制的活动,是儿童认识世界的主要方式,对儿童身心发展至关重要。目前,随着网络技术的发展,游戏的方式也丰富多彩了,不仅局限于现实中的游戏,电脑游戏也迅速发展并日益成熟。  相似文献   

游戏的象征行为是孩子的一种比较高级的游戏行为,这种游戏行为显示出孩子已有可能使自己的行为脱离真实情景,或物体的直接信号刺激作用,进入一种假设的或想象的世界。游戏的象征性行为特征是象征,以物代物是象征在游戏中最基本的表现形式之一。所谓以物代物,是指用一种物品代替另一种不在眼前的物品。例如:把方形的小积木当糕,把细细的纸条当面条。苏联的儿童心理学家维果茨  相似文献   

音乐游戏是学前儿童音乐教育中的一项重要内容(其他四项内容为歌唱、韵律活动、打击乐器演奏、音乐欣赏),也是小学低年级音乐教学表演领域中综合性艺术表演(律动、集体舞、音乐游戏、歌表演等)的一项重要内容。儿童的世界是游戏的世界。游戏是儿童的基本活动,是向儿童进行教育的重要手段。儿童的游戏是多种多样的,分类的方法也各不相同。教育学以游戏作为教育的手段为着眼点,既注意儿童的自然游戏,又注意为儿童编制有规则的游戏。音乐游戏是一种  相似文献   

The paper privileges the voices of British social anthropologists examining their perceptions of how their research expertise was acquired. Reference is made to the case of education research in Britain, which, by comparison with social anthropology, reveals limited capacity as measured through performance audits of scientific research quality. The paper endeavours to facilitate knowledge transfer by uncovering and theoretically classifying the origins of research capacity. Life history interviews provide the data which illuminate the grounded nature of symbolic capital. The intellectual formation of the sample is characterised through Pierre Bourdieu’s theorisation of symbolic capital. The results indicate that research capacity can be characterised in terms of a transmission of symbolic capital, including that gained in the field through institutional affiliations whose reputational assets enhance the power of academics to play the game.  相似文献   

国外自闭症儿童游戏及游戏干预研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国外关于自闭症儿童的游戏水平、游戏行为等方面的研究表明,自闭症儿童的游戏呈现水平低,象征性游戏少的特点,但自闭症儿童现有的游戏水平也可以为干预提供契机。自闭症儿童的游戏干预有两种取向:一是以应用行为分析、关键反应训练等为代表的行为主义取向游戏干预;二是以基于发展、个别差异和人际关系的模式、整合性游戏团体等为代表的发展取向的游戏干预。研究者在分析国外已有研究的基础上,进一步讨论了游戏干预中游戏的目的和作用、治疗关系的重要性及游戏干预的取向等问题。  相似文献   

This study describes symbolic representation in block play in a culturally diverse suburban preschool classroom. Block play is multimodal and can allow children to experiment with materials to represent the world in many forms of literacy. Combined qualitative and quantitative data from seventy-seven block structures were collected and analyzed. The observed frequency of symbolism used for three levels of symbolism (1) pre-symbolism, (2) first level symbolism, and (3) second level symbolism was investigated. Results indicated significant differences for first level symbolism or real-world objects. Students reported making homes for Webkinz, indicating an ability to encode multimodally the Webkinz computer game played at home to their school block play. The implications from these findings suggest educators should consider both a sociocultural perspective on playing and children’s out of-school experiences on learning. A research agenda that includes multimodality as performance is critical to early childhood education.  相似文献   


Low-income preschoolers have lower average performance on measures of early numerical skills than middle-income children. The present study examined the effectiveness of numerical card games in improving children’s numerical and executive functioning skills. Low-income preschoolers (N?=?76) were randomly assigned to play a numerical magnitude comparison card game, a numerical memory and matching card game, or a shape and color matching card game across four 15-minute sessions. Children who played either of the numerical games improved their numeral identification skills, while only children who played the numerical magnitude comparison game improved their symbolic magnitude comparison skills. These improvements were maintained eight weeks later. The results suggest that a brief, low-cost intervention can successfully improve the numerical skills of low-income children.  相似文献   

Objective. This longitudinal study assessed similarities and differences in exploratory, symbolic, and social play in mother-child dyads in the south and north of Italy. Design. Altogether, 89 mothers and their children were observed and recorded at home when children were 13 and 20 months of age. From videotapes, exploratory, symbolic, and social play were coded and analyzed. Results. Children did not differ in their play with mothers across region and play type, but they played less in exploratory and more in symbolic modes as they grew. At 13 months, mothers in the south did not differ from mothers in the north in engaging in exploratory or symbolic play with their children; at 20 months, mothers in the south engaged in more demonstrations of exploratory and mothers in the north more demonstrations of symbolic play. Mothers in the south and north engaged in equivalent social play at the two ages, but northern mothers verbally praised their children more at the two ages. Child play was not stable, and mothers' play only irregularly stable. In both regions at both ages, individual variation in children's exploratory and symbolic play was specifically associated with individual variation in mothers' exploratory and symbolic play, respectively, but mothers' play did not predict children's play, nor did children's play predict mothers' play. Mothers' social play was not predictive of child play, although verbal praise was associated with child play. Conclusions. These data highlight the universality of general developmental processes in play as well as specific intra-cultural variation in parenting and child development.  相似文献   

幼儿主体性是幼儿本身所固有的内在特性,其发展是幼儿教育的重要任务。象征性游戏是2—6岁幼儿典型的游戏形式,其对幼儿主体性发展具有重要的价值和意义。幼儿主体性发展的内容包括主动性、独立性和创造性三方面的发展,幼儿参与象征性游戏活动,有利于促进幼儿的主动性发展,增强幼儿的独立性并激发幼儿的创造性。幼教工作者应当提升象征性游戏对幼儿主体性发展的价值认识,重视并鼓励幼儿的象征性游戏活动。  相似文献   

《幼儿园工作规程》明确指出:"玩是幼儿的天性,幼儿园教育应尊重幼儿的人格和权力,尊重幼儿身心发展的规律,以游戏为基本活动"。玩沙游戏是幼儿童年的欢乐、自由和权力的象征。丰富多彩的玩沙游戏不仅可以促进幼儿身心健康发展,而且能增强幼儿的知识,发展智力、培养能力,同时也给我们带来了许多的快乐。本文针对目前幼儿玩具日益科技化、电子化、价格高昂化的现状,特别指出利用废旧物品制作幼儿玩沙玩具的意义和作用,详细介绍了玩沙工具分类、制作方法以及在玩沙活动中利用废旧物品的注意事项。  相似文献   

假扮游戏的出现、发展到成熟伴随儿童的认知发展.儿童需要具备必要的认知技能才能参与假扮游戏,与假扮游戏有关的认知技能主要包括:社会参照、解读意图、分离、符号化假扮、角色扮演等.假扮游戏与儿童认知发展是一个交互作用的过程,作用的起点是假扮行为的出现.  相似文献   

童年体验提供了一个认识儿童世界的有效途径。通过考察童年体验发现:儿童生而就是生活者、游戏者和学习者,其生活、游戏和学习之间相互交融,并由此构成多维交叠的儿童世界。  相似文献   

Two representational abilities, expressive and receptive language and symbolic play, were assessed in multiple formats in hearing and deaf 2-year-old children of hearing and deaf mothers. Based on maternal report, hearing children of hearing and deaf mothers produced more words than deaf children of hearing mothers, hearing children of hearing mothers more words than deaf children of deaf mothers, and deaf children of deaf mothers more words than deaf children of hearing mothers. Based on experimenter assessments, hearing children in both groups produced and comprehended more words than deaf children in both groups. By contrast, no differences emerged among these groups in child solitary symbolic play or in child-initiated or mother-initiated child collaborative symbolic play; all groups also increased equivalently in symbolic play between solitary and collaborative play. Representational language and symbolic play were unrelated in hearing children of hearing mothers and in deaf children of deaf mothers, but the 2 abilities were associated in children in the 2 child/mother mismatched hearing status groups. These findings are placed in the context of a proposed developing modularity of verbal and nonverbal symbol systems, and the implications of hearing status in communicative exchanges between children and their mothers in diverse hearing and deaf dyads are explored.  相似文献   

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