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The National University Library Information Literacy Plan has been in place since 1999. Following a slow start, information literacy has begun to be accepted throughout the University. Faculty collaboration, dogged determination of librarians, and impressive assessment results have helped pave the way for this program. In this paper, a program overview will be briefly discussed followed by the National University LIC Librarians (virtual librarians at the regional learning centers) discussing faculty collaboration efforts, a University core curriculum class on information literacy, and information literacy assessment.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(51-52):359-383
In April, 1994 Mercy College completed an extended self-study in preparation for a team visit from The Commission on Higher Education, Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. This article examines the impact of institutional evaluation on the library's bibliographic instruction program, and its evolution into an information literacy program responsive to changes in student demographics, curriculum content, assessment methods, and communication technologies. Three initiatives are described: (1) an effort to increase course-integrated information literacy instruction in the general education requirement; (2) development of an information literacy assessment plan; and (3) recruitment and training of information literacy peer tutors to assist public services librarians. Although still in a formative stage, eight future directions are recommended for successful implementation.  相似文献   

As part of the ongoing debates over the best methods for teaching information literacy, some librarians have argued for a “teach the teachers” strategy. In this approach, librarians concentrate some of their instructional energies on teaching disciplinary faculty to teach information literacy. In this paper, multiple examples of “teach the teachers” efforts are reviewed, in order to provide insight into the impact that taking this approach might have on librarians, faculty, and students. Results indicate that the “teach the teachers” approach shows promise as one method by which librarians can support the integration of information literacy into the curriculum, but that more assessment is needed to determine the long-term impact of such initiatives on faculty teaching practices and students' information literacy development.  相似文献   

This study gauges instruction and information literacy coordinators' awareness of higher education accreditation processes at their institutions and provides a picture of how coordinators use assessment documentation produced by units external to the library. The study took the form of a survey sent to a random sample of instruction coordinators and information literacy librarians stratified by regional accrediting body. Results showed that instruction coordinators generally are aware of accreditation processes but that only about half use documentation relating to student learning assessment, which may include written student learning outcomes at the institution, program, or course level, plans for assessing learning outcomes, and reports on assessment activities and results, to further their information literacy goals. Accreditation awareness is influenced by time in position, time in the profession, and, to some extent, regional accreditor. Use of and considered importance of assessment documentation is influenced by size of institution, regional accreditor, and, to some extent, time in position. Suggestions for increasing awareness and use of documentation include introducing the accreditation process to new librarians in library school, encouraging contribution of experiences with assessment documentation to the literature and regional conferences, and advocating for instruction coordinators to serve on campus assessment committees.  相似文献   

As information literacy instruction outcomes assessment in academic libraries continues to increase as a key indicator of pedagogical value both within libraries and throughout their parent institutions, the call for the design and implementation of such assessment continues to rise as well. Ideally, this process is supported with adequate time, funding, and personnel. The reality, however, is not always so accommodating. This case study relates the Brooklyn Campus Library of Long Island University's experience with developing a start-from-scratch outcomes assessment of information literacy instruction in its undergraduate core curriculum.  相似文献   

Background: To ensure that physical and occupational therapy graduates develop evidence‐based practice (EBP) competencies, their academic training must promote EBP skills, such as posing a clinical question and retrieving relevant literature, and the information literacy skills needed to practice these EBP skills. Objective: This article describes the collaborative process and outcome of integrating EBP and information literacy early in a professional physical therapy and occupational therapy programme. Methods: The liaison librarian and a faculty member designed an instructional activity that included a lecture, workshop and assignment that integrated EBP skills and information literacy skills in the first year of the programme. The assignment was designed to assess students’ ability to conduct a search independently. Results: The lecture and workshop were successful in their objectives, as 101 of the 104 students received at least 8 out of 10 points on the search assignment. Conclusions: The teaching activities developed for the students in this course appear to have achieved the goal of teaching students the EBP research cycle so that they might begin to emulate it. The collaboration between the faculty member and the librarian was integral to the success of this endeavour. Future work will include the evaluation of students’ long‐term retention of information literacy objectives.  相似文献   

This study measures how online library instructional tutorials implemented into an evidence-based practice course have impacted the information literacy skills of occupational and physical therapy graduate students. Through a rubric assessment of final course papers, this study compares differences in students’ search strategies and cited sources pre- and post-implementation of the tutorials. The population includes 180 randomly selected graduate students from before and after the library tutorials were introduced into the course curriculum. Results indicate a statistically significant increase in components of students’ searching skills and ability to find higher levels of evidence after completing the library tutorials.  相似文献   

本文在分析了信息素质教育"模块化课程"的内涵以及高校信息素质教育课程模块化设计优势的基础上,对高校信息素质教育课程的总体框架和三个模块的教学目标和教学内容进行了具体设计,并对模块化课程设计中特别需要注意的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Librarians at four different academic institutions concurrently completed curriculum mapping projects using varying methods to analyze their information literacy instruction. Curriculum mapping is a process for systematically evaluating components of an instructional program for cohesiveness, proper sequencing, and goal achievement. There is a dearth of documentation of how this process has applied to an information literacy curriculum; however, the benefits of an organized examination of course progression is clear. The librarians explored curriculum mapping using different methodologies and approaches in order to formulate a more strategic approach to teaching students information literacy skills.  相似文献   

Objectives: To investigate the extent to which junior doctors in their first clinical positions retained information literacy skills taught as part of their undergraduate education. Method: Participants drawn from different training cohorts were interviewed about their recall of the instruction they had received, and their confidence in retrieving and evaluating information for clinical decision making. They completed a search based on a scenario related to their speciality. Their self‐assessment of their competency in conducting and evaluating a search was compared with an evaluation of their skills by an experienced observer. Results: Most participants recalled the training they received but had not retained high‐level search skills, and lacked skills in identifying and applying best evidence. There was no apparent link between the type of training given and subsequent skill level. Those whose postgraduate education required these skills were more successful in retrieving and appraising information. Conclusion: Commitment to evidence‐based medicine from clinicians at all levels in the profession is needed to increase the information seeking skills of clinicians entering the work force.  相似文献   

基于建构主义理论的高校信息素养教育   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
针对当前信息素养教育存在的诸如:教学体系层次不科学、内容与实际联系不够密切、教学过程中忽视学生的主动性和能动性、评估不够科学与全面等问题,认为应对高校信息素质教育进行改革.引进建构主义理念,在现代信息技术的支持下,开展探究式教学、情景教学、讨论协作教学等新教学模式,并建立科学的评价体系,对信息素质教育进行意义构建.  相似文献   

朱丹阳 《图书馆论坛》2012,32(5):153-156
近年来,国外高校开始探索将信息素养教育纳入学科课程体系,从而完成专业能力掌握和信息素养能力掌握的双效成果。文章从这种课程整合的契机和可行性入手,通过抽样调查问卷了解当前高校信息素养教育的现状,汲取国内外同类研究的经验,结合具体的抽样数据分析,建构出三种与专业课程整合的信息素养教育模式。  相似文献   

Megan Oakleaf is an Associate Professor of Library and Information Science in the iSchool at Syracuse University and provides consultancy services on academic library value, outcomes assessment, evidence-based decision making, information literacy instruction, and information services. She is the author of the Value of Academic Libraries Comprehensive Review and Report. Her research areas include outcomes assessment, evidence-based decision making, information literacy instruction, and academic library impact and value. In this presentation Megan discusses the evolution of library services and the corresponding changes in how a library’s value may be measured and assessed within the larger context of an organization.  相似文献   

With the increased emphasis on evidence based practice, developing information literacy skills earlier in health care education programmes is widely accepted. However finding opportunities for relevant teaching can present challenges, often leading to a lack of integration. In this paper, guest writers Sean Stone and colleagues from Indiana University discuss their involvement with an expanded dental hygiene curriculum in the University School of Dentistry. This expansion has provided the opportunity to plan integration of information and oral health literacy instruction and evidence based practice across the new curriculum, and provide transferable skills for any major. In particular, the paper addresses the developmental work the health librarian team engaged in from course design, delivery and assessment to improve student preparedness for evidence based practice. H.S.  相似文献   

文章通过网站调查,对澳大利亚各级政府、行业协会、中小学校等主体推动中小学生信息素养教育实践进行分析,并对我国中小学信息素养教育发展提出如下建议:修订国家课程计划,制定中小学各阶段无缝衔接的信息技术国家课程标准;发挥行业组织作用,充当各级政府与图书馆员沟通的桥梁和纽带;落实地方政府责任,因地制宜制定地方性信息素养教育创新策略;营造良好的校园氛围,注重教师与馆员协作以促进信息素养融入各学科教学;构建家校共育模式,鼓励社会力量参与中小学信息素养教育。  相似文献   

我国高校信息素质教育发展新动向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国高校信息素质教育的现状、教学内容和理论研究等三方面进行调查并分析其特点。最后归纳和总结出我国高校信息素质教育的发展新动向:强调学生信息素质的全面培养、注重培养创新思维和创新能力、重视教学内容及时更新、注重检索技能训练和实践教学、重视研究性学习和合作教学、倡导在线自主学习、重视信息素质教育理论研究。  相似文献   

Broad and discipline-specific information literacy competencies must be mastered by science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) students. This study assessed changes in student perceptions of their competency in information literacy after continuous efforts in course curriculum. Data were gathered in 2015–2016 from first year interdisciplinary project-based courses with STEM students to assess changes in information literacy competencies. Analyses suggested there was a significant increase in students' perception of their familiarity with library resources, search strategies, citation use, and ability to evaluate source quality. There was no change in their perception of their ability to evaluate the variety of source and source relevance and a decrease in their perception of the ethical use of information. With faculty-librarian partnership and integrated instruction in a first year course, students showed the largest perceived increases in foundational information literacy skills but struggled with information literacy abilities. This study provides a baseline of information literacy competencies of first year students and provides recommendations for continuing education.  相似文献   

The Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California's newly revised Year I-II curriculum integrates information literacy components based on the AAMC's medical informatics objectives throughout the two-year continuum. Students are required to participate in various components taught by librarians from the Norris Medical Library including (1) an information skills workshop, (2) a yearlong literature search project, and (3) an evidence-based medicine resources workshop. Critical appraisal of literature also is included in the curriculum to ensure that the students are familiar with the various research study designs. Librarians also provide resources to assist students in researching learning issues related to cases presented in the curriculum. To encourage the faculty mentors to serve as good models of information users, librarians offer brief training sessions on information resources to faculty.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 以福建农林大学图书馆信息素养教育课程思政改革为例,探讨课程思政与信息素养教育融合的路径与模式。[方法/过程] 在厘清课程思政、信息素养教育课程特点等问题的基础上,通过文献调研掌握国内信息素养教育课程思政的研究现状,以福建农林大学图书馆信息素养教育课程思政改革为例,探索思政元素融入信息素养教育的路径和模式,反思课程思政改革过程中教师队伍建设、教材建设以及教学质量评价等问题。[结果/结论] 从嵌入式、支撑式和协同式3个方面探索信息素养教育课程思政的路径。归纳总结3种信息素养教育课程思政模式:模式一,新媒体技术应用法;模式二:案例教学法;模式三:项目教学法。信息素养教育课程思政改革的关键是教师,基础是教材建设,动力是教学评价。  相似文献   


As information sources have expanded, there have been parallel changes in the way students and researchers find and use that information. The role of the library has shifted to embedding information literacy skills into the curriculum as a primary function. This presentation explored how librarians are becoming more involved with information literacy curriculum and how publishers can assist them, particularly regarding access to information and the scholarly publishing process. Since 2015, Rebecca Donlan at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) and Stacy Stanislaw at Taylor & Francis Group have been collaborating on an information literacy program for FGCU students and faculty that focuses specifically on navigating the scholarly publishing landscape. Donlan and Stanislaw provided an overview of the project, its formation, implementation, and progress to date.  相似文献   

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