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More and more, special needs children are entering early childhood education programs. But the integration of special needs children into the regular classroom — and their acceptance by their nonhandicapped peers — continues to be a concern of both parents and teachers. Many of the proposed benefits of mainstreaming are based upon opportunities for interactions between special needs children and their nonhandicapped peers. What we know about enhancing the quality of these interactions has definite implications for teachers. After examining the research on social relations and social skills training programs for special needs children, we will discuss these implications.Cary A. Buzzelli is an assistant professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in Birmingham, Alabama. Nancy File is a doctoral student in the Department of Child Development and Family Studies at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.  相似文献   

社会的稳定、繁荣是以诚信为基础,学校教育中,其竞技体育决不可陷入缺失的怪圈。由于教师的言行具有示范性和后延性的特点,出自于教育者的不讲诚信的行为,不可避免地对成长的学生造成极不良的影响,所以,体育工作者应十分重视自身的示范作用,身教重于言传。通过严格各种竞赛、训练等手段,将体育教育与诚信教育相结合,培养学生的公民信用观念和意识,使之成为具有睿智思想,美好人性与健康体格的对社会有益的人。  相似文献   

According to government policy in Ireland, special needs assistants (SNAs) may be employed in post-primary schools to support students deemed to have chronic and serious care needs. There is currently no national policy regarding the continuing professional development (CPD) of SNAs, to meet the requirements of their role. This study investigated the CPD needs of SNAs, working in post-primary schools, in the Border, Midland and Western region of Ireland. Findings from a survey of SNAs and principals revealed that while the majority agreed CPD for SNAs should be compulsory, an ad hoc approach to provision of CPD prevailed, and barriers to CPD were identified. Findings also indicated that CPD in supporting students with Emotional and Behaviour Disorders was a key requirement identified by principals and SNAs. Supporting students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and promoting student independence were also identified as areas for CPD. The need for a national policy with regard to CPD for SNAs is highlighted.  相似文献   

“感恩的心,感谢有你,伴我一生,让我有勇气做我自己。”听着这熟悉的旋律,我们应当心存感恩。我们感恩父母师长,是他们把我们养育成人;我们感恩国家和社会,给了我们安定的生活环境,给我们提供了“海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞”的舞台……每个人对生活心存感恩,是创建和谐社会的基础。  相似文献   

DEMOCRACY AND DISAGREEMENT. By Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1996; pp. viii + 422. $27.95; paper $16.95.

THE MILD VOICE OF REASON: DELIBERATIVE DEMOCRACY AND AMERICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. By Joseph M. Bessette. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1994; pp. xvi + 289. $32.50; paper $15.95.

NORMS OF RHETORICAL CULTURE. By Thomas B. Farrell. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1993; pp. x + 374. Paper $18.00.

PUBLIC DELIBERATION: PLURALISM, COMPLEXITY, AND DEMOCRACY. By James Bohman. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1996; xi + 303. $30.00.  相似文献   

In this article, John Cowan (Open University in Scotland), Carlos Alonzo‐Blanqueto (University of Merida, Yucatan) and Derek Fordyce (Heriot‐Watt University) describe their efforts to offer learners genuine openness as regards course content. They draw on three examples from diverse situations to illustrate their use of the ‘sideline tutor’, an arrangement by which learners can directly influence the choice of what they are about to learn and what the teacher teaches’.  相似文献   

In light of the rarity and unavailability of academic publications on literacy/illiteracy in the Arab world, this study attempts to determine the linguistic needs of illiterate adult women in Egypt in the context of informal adult basic education. The purpose of this study is to understand illiterate adult women’s daily linguistic needs in relation to diglossic de‐contextualization in Arabic, the comprehension gap between colloquial and standard Arabic that contributes negatively to the process of reading and writing acquisition in standard Arabic. The present study, based on participatory action research methodology, was conducted in Egypt where 11 adult female literacy classes, five (139 subjects) in Cairo (urban) and six (151 subjects) in Menia (Upper Egypt/Northern Egypt) were group‐interviewed. The results of the group interviews clearly define the functional context of adult female illiteracy (i.e. age and immediate linguistic/literacy needs) and enforce a diglossic dichotomy, entailing ‘reading’ and ‘writing’ categories. If considered by literacy authorities, diglossic integration in adult literacy programmes/curricula will certainly help Egyptian illiterate adult women to integrate easily in their environment, the ultimate goal of all involved in the fight against adult illiteracy in the Arab world.  相似文献   

刘永 《高中生》2011,(9):61
"我能看看我的孩子吗?"刚刚做了母亲的女人高兴地问。当襁褓被放到她怀里,她拿开挡着孩子小脸的布时,她倒吸了一口凉气。孩子天生没有耳朵。事实证明他的听力完全没有问题,只是容貌有缺陷。一天,他从学校飞奔回家,投入妈妈的怀抱。妈  相似文献   

以课堂为主阵地,促进学生"生成性"学习不仅有利于提高课堂教学成效,更重要的是有利于学生学习能力的长远发展;建构开放式教学不仅是对传统的"教师一言堂"的转变,而且是促进学生"生成性"自主发展的需要,但这需要教师运用相应的教学策略。  相似文献   

结合中国期刊发行业的现状和不足,阐述了加入WTO后对期刊发行业提出的应对策略,指出中国期刊市场迫切需要发行经营师,并结合《华中电力》期刊发行经营工作的实际说明了怎样培养期刊市场的发行经营师,以及发行经营师应该具备的素质。  相似文献   

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