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郭敏楠  李效静 《科技风》2015,(1):168-169
目的:探讨快速康复外科理念在全膝关节置换术患者围手术期的应用效果。方法:选取50例拟行全膝关节置换术的患者,分别采用快速康复外科理念方案(新理念组27例)和传统治疗方案(对照组23例),比较两组术后并发症发生率、术后住院时间、住院费用、开始进行CPM锻炼时间和关节疼痛、活动范围等指标。结果:新理念组与对照组相比,术后并发症发生率显著下降,关节疼痛及活动范围有明显改善,住院时间缩短,住院费用减少。结论:对全膝关节置换术患者在围手术期采用快速康复理念方案,有助于减轻患者焦虑,缓解术后疼痛,加速了患者康复,扩大了治疗效果。  相似文献   

目的:观察加长柄人工股骨头置换治疗高龄股骨转子间骨折临床疗效和安全性。方法:2009.09~2015.01,广西中医药大学瑞康附属医院高龄股骨转子间骨折患者中选择加长柄人工股骨头置换术34例,男15例,女19例。年龄在81?97岁,中位数85岁。结果:手术时间43~90(65±10)min,术中出血量250?550(350±50)ml,术后平均下床时间7(4~12)d,采用生物型假体8例,骨水泥型假体26例。术后6个月Harris评分:19例优,10例良,5例尚可。结论:采用加长柄人工股骨头置换术治疗高龄股骨转子间骨折效果好,具有并发症少、髋关节功能恢复良好等优点,值得临床推广及应用。  相似文献   

目的:分析高龄(〉75岁)股骨粗隆间骨折患者采用人工股骨头置换术的疗效。方法:对2004.1-2013.10我院103例高龄股骨粗隆间骨折患者采用人工股骨头假体置换治疗。其中女性67例,男性36例,最大年龄102岁,最小年龄75岁,平均83岁。结果:术中、术后死亡2例,余患者均得到随访,随访时间1-9年(平均3.5年),参照Harris法评分[1]优65例,良26例,可6例,差4例。疗效优良率达88.34%。所有随访患者无发生脱位,经复查X片,假体、髋臼完好无松动93例,髋臼磨损5例,假体周围骨折2例,假体松动1例。结论:证实人工股骨头置换术治疗高龄股骨粗隆间骨折具有减少患者卧床时间,早日下地负重功能锻炼,减少术后并发症等优点。  相似文献   

目的:通过进行临床治疗,对于利用关节置换进行老年膝关节退行性关节炎的治疗效果进行分析及临床疗效探究。方法:择取一家医院,选取在该医院骨科接受治疗的106例老年膝关节退行性骨关节炎的患者作为研究案例,对于案例患者均采用关节置换治疗方法进行治疗,术后对于该组案例进行为期一年的观察。在观察期间,主要是针对于手术前后患者在1个月、6个月、12个月后的关节疼痛程度、活动度和功能进行观察和评定,并通过HSS评分的比较来进行总结,观察过程中应注意细节的记录,保证观察到位。结论:经过1-12个月的术后观察,我们明显的发现通过关节置换治疗的患者,治疗后的疼痛程度和活动程度都明显得到了改善,因此,可以认为采用关节置换进行治疗老年膝关节退行性骨关节炎具有良好的临床效果。  相似文献   

目的由于条件和技术的限制,全膝关节置换术在我区尚未大量开展,通过回顾全膝关节置换术的手术配合过程和注意事项,总结经验,提高手术配合能力,从而提高手术成功率,以促进这一手术在我区继续顺利开展。方法对我院2012年4~12月共9例全膝关节置换术的手术配合从年龄、性别、所患疾病、物品准备、手术配合过程、注意事项等进行总结。结果 9例全膝关节置换术手术配合顺利,术后无一例感染发生,全部治愈出院。结论全膝关节置换术是复杂的关节重建术,术后感染是膝关节置换术的严重并发症,关系到手术的成败。所以,手术配合中必须加强对各个环节的管理,严格无菌操作,严防术后感染。  相似文献   

目的:通过临床治疗选结果对Ti Ni形状记忆合金内固定器治疗骨折的特点进行探究。方法 :使用Ti Ni形状记忆合金内固定器治疗64例髌骨及长管状骨骨折患者,并通过3-14个月的术后随访调查对于患者进行调查,安排患者进行定期X线片拍摄查看骨质愈合情况。结果:采用Ti Ni记忆合金进行内固定的手术术后骨质愈合良好,术后骨头功能正常,无不良情况发生。结论:通过临床治疗表明Ti Ni形状记忆合金内固定器治疗骨折拥有以下优点:(1)手术过程较为简单,易于操作;(2)手术时间和骨折愈合时间相对较短,方便患者工作和生活;(3)固定效果好,骨折端口血运破坏较低等。  相似文献   

目的:分析再植半骨盆关节置换术后外周穿刺置入中心静脉的护理方法。方法:80例再植半骨盆关节置换手术后并入由PICC进行完全胃肠外营养和药物补充,并对患者进行导管周围感染、导管堵塞、导管脱落与穿刺部位出血等方面的护理。结果:80例病人置管一次成功率为95%,其中66例术后无感染、创伤得到较好恢复;31例在导管后,由于摩擦问题导致局部肿胀,经过碘酒处理后,肿胀消退,8例出现了回血问题,伴有血块阻塞,对其进行尿激酶溶栓和肝素溶液抽吸操作,使导管恢复通畅,在较大血块出,有5例患者没有成功疏导肿块,对其进行拔管处理。结论:80例患者全部恢复,说明改进方法能够有效预防患者发生各种并发症,保证了术后营养及药物的正常补充,减轻了病人痛苦,对促进患者康复,提高术后生活质量具有积极意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨分析锁骨钩钢板治疗锁骨远端骨折术后并发症发生的原因,并提出对策.方法:通过研究2018年1月至2020年12月在梧州市中医医院应用锁骨钩钢板治疗的38例Neer分型Ⅱ型锁骨远端骨折患者,分析其术后并发症的原因.结果:术后随访1~18个月,平均12.7个月.钢板留存时间平均12.5个月.所有骨折均骨性愈合,平均愈合时间12.8周.术后肩关节疼痛23例,3个月后缓解9例,拆除内固定后缓解12例,遗留慢性疼痛2例;钢板周围骨折l例,经重置钢板后也得到骨性愈合;肩峰下骨溶解8例;锁骨钩脱钩l例;肩峰下撞击15例.结论:应用锁骨钩钢板治疗锁骨远端骨折操作简便、疗效确切,但术后并发症发生率高,大多数并发症发生的原因与钢板设计自身的特点有关.可通过研发更加适用于国人解剖特点的钩钢板,或术中适当的二次塑形,提高手术者的手术技巧及术后的管理来有效降低术后并发症的发生.  相似文献   

目的探讨人工全膝关节表面置换术治疗老年严重膝退行性骨关节炎的手术方法和临床疗效。方法回顾性分析我科于2013年6月至2014年12月收治的10例老年膝退行性骨关节炎患者,采用人工全膝关节表面置换术治疗,观察临床疗效。结果观察本组患者膝关节功能活动情况,随访6~18个月,平均12个月。膝关节屈伸活动度由术前平均80°(伸直5°-屈曲80°)提高到术后平均115°(伸直0°-屈曲120°);应用美国HSS评分系统(纽约特种外科医院,1976年)对患者进行临床评分由术前平均45分(24~66)提高到术后平均86分(80~92);本组患者膝关节在疼痛、关节功能及活动度上均得到明显改善。结论全膝关节表面置换术治疗老年严重膝退行性骨关节炎,能有效缓解疼痛,改善膝关节活动度,并矫正膝关节畸形,显著提高患者膝关节功能和生活质量,获得满意的临床疗效。  相似文献   

吴丽娜 《西藏科技》2012,(11):62+65
目的通过对我院骨科收治的35例老年全髋关节置换术病人心理护理,改善了病人术前的焦虑状态,促进了术后的功能康复。方法收集我院骨科35例老年全髋关节置换术病人的信息,根据不同病人的心理特点做好人性化护理,对老年人心理护理工作进行分析、总结。结果通过细致、有效的心理护理,能改善病人术前的焦虑状态,促进术后的功能康复,对促进病人康复有积极的作用和重要的意义。  相似文献   

双向电泳分离在髋关节运动损伤中的治疗分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究富血小板双向电泳分离在髋关节运动损伤中的治疗分析,提高诊疗效果。方法:考察患者的富血小板的颗粒的粒径(130 nm和290 nm),分析富血小板的HA分子量(1.1×104 g/mol和3.0×105 g/mol)以及PNIPAm聚合量对患者的髋关节Haversian腺增生和滑膜炎及腱端炎的治疗效果。对富血小板的PNIPAm分子内及分子间疏水相互作用加强,形成疏水层,合成有机-无机杂化颗粒,设计合成结构可控、性能可调的微凝胶。结果:其中31例骨骼肌升高(110~1131μmol/L);10例骨骼支撑力升高。对患者进行心肌酶谱测试:其中5例CK(92~125 umol/L)、CK-MB(61~312 umol/L),骨骼淀粉酶:2例升高(125~3165 umol/L),骨骼反应时间:1例PT15 s。壳聚糖微球粒径分别为:2.1、7.2、12.5μm,这些因素都促进了骨骼的生长和修复,这些因素对释放(1-β-4)D-葡糖醛酸和(1-β-3)-N-乙酰基-D-氨基葡糖双糖单元有利。该治疗方案治疗效果较好,患者得到康复。结论:采用双向电泳分析,生成患者的富血小板血浆制备其他亲水性微球,提高患者体内的富血小板再生能力,对治疗患者的髋关节运动损伤效果显著。  相似文献   

目的:探讨人工髋关节置换术后翻修的原因、骨缺损的处理、假体的选择及相关翻修技术。方法:选择广西中医药大学附属瑞康医院2003年1月-2013年12月行人工髋关节翻修术的25例病例的临床资料,其翻修假体的类型:全生物型臼和柄12例,全骨水泥型臼和柄3例,只用骨水泥臼4例,只用骨水泥柄2例,混合型假体2例,用原假体2例。需要植骨8例。结果:疗效参考Harris评分:优19髋(90分以上)、良4髋(80-89分)、可2髋(70-79分),优良率为92%。翻修的原因:假体松动9例,假体沉陷4例,假体脱位4例,感染2例,假体松动并周围骨折2例,假体周围骨折2例,假体松动并脱位1例,假体断裂1例。结论:找出初次置换失败的原因,针对性的制定翻修方案,合理的选择翻修假体,具备一定的翻修技术及经验是髋关节翻修术获得成功最基本的条件。  相似文献   

本文以AT89C51单片机显示汉字点阵系统为例,介绍了仿真软件Proteus的基本功能和特点,研究如何使用仿真软件进行仿真,以及和Keil软件联合仿真的方法,对学生学习Proteus仿真软件具有一定的指导意义,而且提高开发效率,降低开发成本,缩短开发周期。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the predictive values of central obesity and hyperandrogenemia in development of insulin resistance and dyslipidemia in the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) patients in our region. Differences of fasting blood glucose level, insulin resistance index HOMA-IR, lipid parameters, waist hip ratio (WHR), body mass index, LH/FSH ratio and testosterone levels between 45 PCOS cases and 35 age matched controls were obtained. Strength of association between different parameters in the case group was assayed by Pearson’s correlation analysis. Dependence of insulin resistance and WHR on different predictors was assessed by multiple linear regression assay. Total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, LH, FSH, LH/FSH ratio, WHR and insulin resistance were significantly higher in the case group (p < 0.05). Serum testosterone showed strong correlation with insulin resistance and LH/FSH ratio (r = 0.432 and 0.747, p = 0.01 and 0.001 respectively) in the PCOS patients while WHR and serum testosterone level stood out to be most significant predictors for the insulin resistance (β = 0.361 and 0.498; p = 0.048 and 0.049 respectively). Hyperandrogenemia and central obesity were the major factors predicting development of insulin resistance and its related metabolic and cardiovascular complications in our PCOS patients. We suggest early monitoring for androgen level and WHR in these patients for predicting an ensuing insulin resistance and modulating the treatment procedure accordingly to minimise future cardiovascular risks.  相似文献   

Hormones play an important role in the development and regulation of reproductive function and the menstrual cycle of women. Extremes of body weight tend to affect the homeostasis of the hypothalamo–pituitary–gonadal axis. This cross-sectional study was carried out in 113 women (57 with primary infertility and 56 with secondary infertility) in the age group 20–35 years, presenting for hormonal evaluation of infertility in a tertiary care hospital. After preliminary clinical evaluation, anthropometric indices (height, weight, BMI, waist circumference and waist hip ratio) were measured in all subjects. Fasting blood sample drawn on second/third day of menstrual cycle was analysed for serum luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Serum FSH levels showed a significant positive correlation with indicators of central obesity (waist circumference and waist hip ratio in both the study groups). In primary infertility, significant positive correlation was also observed between serum FSH levels and other markers of obesity like body weight, hip circumference and BMI. In secondary infertility, serum prolactin and serum TSH levels demonstrated a significant positive correlation with body weight and BMI. Obesity is associated with hormonal derangements which are responsible for infertility. In overweight women with infertility, weight loss should be considered as a first line treatment.  相似文献   

付珍  李栋 《科技广场》2013,(5):137-139
本文阐述了模拟开关CD4053在单片机中的应用,包括模拟开关CD4053实现的防抖动电路,CD4053与单片机的硬件连接及其应用技巧。  相似文献   

This study examined how students who had no prior experience with videoconferencing would react to the use of videoconferencing as an instructional medium. Students enrolled in seven different courses completed a questionnaire at the beginning of the semester and again at the end of the semester. Students at the origination and remote sites did not differ in their reactions toward videoconferencing but there was a significant difference for gender. Women reacted less favorably to videoconferencing. Compared to the beginning of the semester, students reported significantly less positive attitudes toward taking a course through videoconferencing at the end of the semester. There were no significant differences in students' attitudes toward videoconferencing across courses at the beginning of the semester but there were significant differences across the courses at the end of the semester. The results suggest the need for better preparation for both students and instructors.  相似文献   

Ajoint study by Prof. ZHANG Zhibin from the CAS Institute of Zoology and his co-workers from Norway, US and Swiss have indicated that historical outbreaks of migratory locusts in China were associated with cold spells, suggesting that China's projected climate warming could decrease the pest's numbers. The study was published in Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences on 17 September, 2007.  相似文献   

A computer-mediated group is a complex entity whose members exchange many types of information via multiple means of communication in pursuit of goals specific to their environment. Over time, they coordinate technical features of media with locally enacted use to achieve a viable working arrangement. To explore this complex interaction, a case study is presented of the social networks of interactions and media use among members of a class of computer-supported distance learners. Results show how group structures associated with project teams dominated who communicated with whom, about what, and via which media over the term, and how media came to occupy their own communication niches: Webboard for diffuse class-wide communication; Internet Relay Chat more to named others but still for general communication across the class; and e-mail primarily for intrateam communication. Face-to-face interaction, occurring only during a short on-campus session, appears to have had a catalytic effect on social and emotional exchanges. Results suggest the need to structure exchanges to balance class-wide sharing of ideas with subgroup interactions that facilitate project completion, and to provide media that support these two modes of interaction.  相似文献   

Electronic data interchange (EDI) provides means for interorganizational communication, creates network externalities, requires an advanced information technology (IT) infrastructure, and relies on standards. In the diffusion of such innovations, institutional involvement is imperative. Such institutions contain governmental agencies, national and global standardization organizations, local government, and nonprofit private organizations like industry associations. The last type of organizations we call intermediating institutions. They intermediate or coordinate ("inscribe") the activities of a group of would-be adopters. Unfortunately, little is known of how these organizations shape the EDI diffusion trajectory. In this article we examine one specific type of intermediating organizations?industry associations?and how they advanced the EDI diffusion process in the grocery sectors of Hong Kong, Denmark and Finland. We identify six institutional measures, placed into a matrix formed by the mode of involvement (influence vs. regulation) and the type of diffusion force (supply push vs. demand pull), that can be mobilized to further the EDI diffusion. Industry associations were found to be active users of all these measures to varying degrees. Their role was critical especially in knowledge building, knowledge deployment, and standard setting. Furthermore, institutional involvement varied due to policy and cultural contingencies and power dependencies.  相似文献   

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