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The dominant organizational form of vocational education and training in Switzerland is the dual-track system, in which trainees sign an apprenticeship contract with a training company. Notably, 10 % to 40 % of those contracts are terminated prematurely each year, depending on region and occupational category, which is an important topic of concern for politics, practice and research. Thus, premature contract terminations (PCTs) are associated with high costs for society, companies, and young people. This study of 335 companies involving cooks and painters from German-speaking Switzerland aims to investigate the relationship between training quality and PCT. Of these companies, 136 had been affected by a PCT, and 199 had not. The results indicate that training at the workplace is universally of rather high quality. In line with the previous literature, trainees evaluate quality significantly lower than trainers. Furthermore, there are considerable differences between the two occupations: cooks evaluate their training quality more positively than painters. Moreover, cluster analyses indicate that high quality training can help companies avoid PCTs.  相似文献   

技术是可以将人类的潜能转化为资本的人类智慧与力量的结晶,教育技术与绩效技术就是这种结晶的承载体。教育技术与绩效技术的关系是学术界讨论的热点,教育技术与绩效技术有着在技术、绩效和个性化培养等方面的共同点,但是同时也在定义、核心、理论支持与来源、应用领域、培训/培养对象及实施者和最终成果方面表现出不同特点。  相似文献   

In the Swiss vocational education system, which is often called a ‘Dual System’, trainees enter into an apprenticeship contract with a training company. On average, 25% of those contracts are terminated prematurely (PCT). This article examines the relationship between training companies’ selection methods and PCTs. The investigation is based on a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design and on qualitative interviews. Trainers and operations managers (N = 335) of Swiss training companies for cooks and painters were surveyed. Half of the companies have been affected by a PCT in the past and the other half have not. The findings indicate that a certain amount of the explained variance between companies with and without reported PCTs can be explained by the companies’ selection process. Companies that were affected by a PCT use a job interview and a company visit significantly less often in their selection process than companies without a PCT.  相似文献   

Education is increasingly enhanced by technology, and at the same time, the rapid pace of technology innovation and growing demand of consumers introduces challenges for providers of technological learning solutions. This paper investigates Finnish small and medium size companies who either develop or deliver technological solutions for education. Twelve companies were interviewed in order to capture the entrepreneurial narratives of successful design of learning solutions. Data was analyzed based on a conceptual framework. The framework draws on the situation awareness concept, meaning that we seek to answer the question how the participant enterprises examine relevant elements in their environment with regard to their development process. The results show that all the mature companies included in the study have well balanced situation awareness, but amongst the incubating and accelerating enterprises, balanced profiles are rare.  相似文献   

基于多案例研究法,以中印各三家顶级软件外包企业为典型案例,从发展历程、规模、市场分布、发展战略、技术能力、营销能力以及人员素质等角度探讨中印软件外包公司之间的差异。比较可见,中国软件外包企业正在执行和印度企业类似的战略,近年来发展较快,但跟印度企业相比,仍存在比较明显的劣势。本文最后就提高中国软件外包企业的企业特定优势提出了五条对策建议。  相似文献   

高校实验室、实训室设备管理宜实行服务外包   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校实验室、实训室设备管理服务外包是将组织内一些非核心、次要的或辅助性功能的业务外包给外部专业公司,利用外部资源来完成组织自身的再设计和发展,从而使高校专注实验室、实训室研究和技术应用等核心业务,达到降低成本、提高效率、增强高校核心竞争力的一种管理模式,也是高校科技产业发展的另一条延伸通道。  相似文献   

技术与社会之间是相互影响、相互制约的复杂性关系,在现实中处于动态均衡的地位。广义上,技术决定论指技术发展与社会发展之间关系存在状态的思想理论形态;狭义上其指在技术发展与社会发展的过程中,技术因素对社会发展相对于社会因素对技术发展来说起决定作用,占主导地位。此论述不符合现实状况,现实状况应是技术与社会的动态均衡作用论。  相似文献   

According to the skill transfer concept, people may use general technological skills to solve new problems. To test this concept, a technological transfer test was included in a randomized controlled-intervention study aimed at the causal relationship between computer use and autonomy of older adults. Older adults with and without exposure to computer training and Internet use and participants without interest in computers were administered this test. On two occasions, participants performed four daily tasks with everyday technological devices. Exposure to a novel technological challenge did not affect the efficiency of, and involvement in, other technological activities.  相似文献   

分析实现中、高等职业教育衔接的基础,并提出具体措施。分析表明,实现中、高职教育的有机衔接的基础是要更新教育理念并树立正确的职业价值观;可通过"校校企"合作推动职业教育集团化办学,从办学规划上实现培养目标、专业设置、教学过程的衔接,从基础建设上实现师资队伍与实训基地的衔接,从制度建设上实现招生制度、评价机制的衔接等措施来实现中、高等职业教育的有效衔接。中等和高等职业教育衔接有利于推动目前中、高职教育协调发展,为构建现代职业教育体系奠定基础。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Computer-based training is increasingly favored by food companies for training workers due to convenience, self-pacing ability, and ease of use. The objectives of this study were to determine if personal hygiene training, offered through a computer-based method, is as effective as a face-to-face method in knowledge acquisition and improved attitude toward food safety. Employees from four food processing facilities ( n = 94) were randomly assigned to a control group, a face-to-face training group, or a computer-based training group. Evaluation instruments consisted of a pretest and a posttest to measure knowledge gain, a step scale to measure attitude after training and retrospectively before training, and a brief set of interview questions. Results for both treatments and the control group indicated increases in knowledge. Analysis of the posttest scores, when controlling for the pretest scores, indicated the difference was significant ( P ≤ 0.05); however, post hoc analysis did not indicate which treatment was superior. There was a significant increase in attitude scores for both groups using paired t -tests, although the difference between groups was not significant when controlling for attitude scores before training. Issues that may limit application of the technology used in this study include low literacy and language barriers among employees, and time constraints within companies. These and other variables should be taken into account in future research studies addressing comparisons of training methods. This study is the first to demonstrate the effectiveness of computer-based training aimed at food handlers who work in food processing establishments.  相似文献   

Education in Basic Skills and Training for Productive Work   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The success of global policies and strategies aimed at training for productive work depends to a large extent on the level of development of basic skills among the work force and, likewise, training costs will vary according to the level of general preparation of those entering on the process. In view of the close relationship between the structure of the school system, the development of basic skills and actual training, different options are available to resolve imbalances between training for productive employment and previous basic education. Our conclusions are that training cannot replace basic education, that the process of technological change goes hand in hand with an increased demand for workers with a high level of education, that substituting training in specific skills for good basic education is not the most efficient option, and that one of the favorable effects of primary education is that it facilitates after- school training. This article seeks to identify certain dimensions of human resource training which are often overlooked in relation to both basic skills and specific training proper: namely, the imbalances existing between vocational training and previous education, and the options available for correcting them.  相似文献   

我国旅游企业竞争日趋激烈,但归根结底是旅游专业人才的竞争。员工培已成为各旅游企业都非常关注的一项人力资源管理工作内容。分析十堰市旅游企业员工培训的现状和造成该现状的成因,通过实地调研,从旅游企业内部管理的角度探索员工培训的若干经验,以期为旅游企业实际培训工作提供必要的帮助。  相似文献   

本文论述了植物生产类专业本科生基本能力是形成基本技巧的前提,能力通过不断训练演变为基本技能,基本技能通过与专业实践的有效结合形成专业技能,专业技能进一步提升为研究创新能力。提出了以基础性实验、综合性实验、设计创新性实验为平台培养基本技能,以校内外课程实习和综合训练为平台培养专业技能,以毕业论文为核心,以科技创新等竞赛活动为载体培养研究创新能力。  相似文献   

This quantitative research examined the contribution of an Online Collaborative Learning (OCL) program on attitudes towards technology in terms of technological anxiety, self-confidence and technology orientation among M.Ed. students. The advanced online collaborative program was implemented at two teacher training colleges in Israel for a period of 10 weeks. It was based on the TEC model that used technology to increase trust between students from different cultures through online learning. Students from the intervention group (N?=?47) and the control group (N?=?45) completed questionnaires which dealt with their level of collaboration, intrinsic motivation, satisfaction, and attitudes towards technology. Findings of the SEM path analysis indicated that a high level of OCL promoted positive attitudes to technology. Thus, involving students in OCL programs could reduce technological anxiety and increase technological self-confidence and technological liking. However, students’ motivation and satisfaction were found to have a strong effect on the change of attitudes towards technology in OCL environments.  相似文献   


The question of quality and value of human resources have been at the forefront of Hungarian agriculture for the past few years. The decreasing number of agricultural employees in Hungary in the last decade (1990–2000) is a result of the crisis caused by the change of the socio-economic system rather than economic and technological development. Along with the decrease in employee numbers, their qualification level also declined. The aim of our research is to present the results of surveys that we undertook to examine the problems of the qualifications of those employed in agriculture and human resource management. Our survey was carried out within the framework of a research program elaborated by the Department of Management Science at the University of Debrecen. We conducted a questionnaire-based research series amongst managers of agricultural companies. On the basis of the results we worked out an equivalent calculation system suitable for reviewing and comparing the different qualifications within organizations. Using the qualification equivalent as a recalculation factor, the aggregate qualification value and the qualification index of companies was calculated. From the qualification index we carried out different studies in order to compare and analyse the human resource management of organizations. We stated that the qualification index is below 1 in the case of 50% of the involved companies which means that the qualification of the employees in agriculture is extremely low in Hungary. We demonstrated that companies employing higher educated employees operate more effectively. In the case of companies with fewer employees the qualification indexes are higher.  相似文献   

EDI,即电子数据交换,使用比较成熟的、简化的计算机技术及通讯技术,可以实现标准化格式报文在计算机之间的传输.该文通过应用物流EDI系统的实例,分析在物流管理中应用EDI的效益:简化工程程序和信息流,使物流业务流程与贸易、运输和后勤保障等方面更加紧密地联系起来,降低物流全过程中的作业成本.  相似文献   

The stressful nature of the teaching profession is recognised worldwide. Consistent with the recent international attention regarding the connection between neurocognition and education, the study ‘Learn2be@school’ introduced a training for teachers about the occurrence of stress and the relationship between human behaviour and the functioning of the human brain. This study investigates whether neurocognitive insights contribute to stress reduction in the professional and personal functioning of teachers, and focuses more specifically on the impact of the training on their attitudes (attitude level), understanding (knowledge level) and handling (application level) of complex stress situations. Using a quasi-experimental study design with 12 participants and 28 non-participants, data were gathered twice through the use of vignettes and in-depth interviews. The results indicated an impact of the training, not only on the stress experienced by teachers in their professional and personal functioning, but also at the level of the teacher–student relationship and team functioning.  相似文献   

伴随着股权分置改革的基本完成,中国的证券市场进入全流通时代,上市公司进行市值管理势在必行,其必要性主要体现在以下几个方面:市值管理从根本上促进了上市公司经营哲学和经营理念的深刻转变;市值管理为公司管理层提供了有效的市场激励和约束机制;市值管理是企业家贯通资本经营和产业经营思维,提高个人能力素质的必然选择;市值管理能很好地促进上市公司经营目标的转型;市值管理有利于增强上市公司自主创新能力,促进国家科技创新体系的建设;市值管理有利于更好地实现资本市场优化资源配置的功能。  相似文献   

伴随国内外新一轮科技革命和产业革命的发展,在新工科的背景之下,以多方协同培养智能制造型人才为宗旨,通过以学生为中心、以企业需求为导向、以行业标准为准绳,在符合《中国制造2025》战略和中国工业4.0战略的前提下,摸索应用型本科高校多方协同的智能制造型人才培养模式,重构培养框架,培养符合对口行业需求、多数企业需要、社会高标准认可的智能制造型新工科人才。实现知识与能力配套,专业与行业接轨的双赢培养。  相似文献   

Often companies diagnose a performance gap, selecting training as the solution. Isolated training events that do not take a complete training approach produce less results, including value to the business, than a more comprehensive and integrated approach. What follows is a success story describing how Larson‐Juhl used a learning to performance approach to combine learning, leadership, and change management competencies to produce documented and sustainable results that added value.  相似文献   

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