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In four experiments, each using a single conditioning trial, rats avoided a light more than a saccharin solution after these stimuli had been paired with footshock, whereas saccharin was avoided more than the light after these stimuli had been paired with lithium injection. The use of a single conditioning trial precludes possible US-induced differential orientations from influencing which stimuli will be associated on the conditioning trial. This cue-consequence specificity effect was obtained even when subjects conditioned with lithium received a non-contingent footshock prior to the test session, and when subjects conditioned with footshock received a noncontingent lithium injection before testing (Experiments 2–4). Weak aversions to the light in rats given a light-lithium pairing and noncontingent footshock and to the saccharin in subjects that received a saccharin-footshock pairing and noncontingent lithium administration were obtained in Experiment 2. However, these weak aversions were not obtained when subjects were given three nonreinforced exposures to the test chamber before the test session (Experiments 3 and 4). These results indicate that US-induced differential orientations do not mediate the cue-consequence effect in aversion learning.  相似文献   

The monkey’s capacity to extract tonal pattern from a sequence of tones was assessed in four subjects that had the benefit of substantial past experience in discriminating, matching, and remembering acoustic stimuli. In Experiment 1, the monkeys failed to transfer their well-established matching behavior to the matching of two structured sequences of tones that differed primarily in tonal pattern, indicating that for them tonal pattern was not a salient feature of the acoustic stimuli. Experiment 2 was an attempt to encourage tonal pattern perception by employing, within a discrimination paradigm, very simple tonal patterns and multiple exemplars of the positive and negative patterns; the transfer design, borrowed from Hulse and Cynx (1985), was a powerful one for revealing tonal pattern perception. Verifying earlier results from our laboratory, there was little in the monkeys’ transfer performance to indicate that they had extracted tonal pattern from the acoustic stimuli. Major discriminative control seemed to be vested in the first tone of each exemplar. This apparent cognitive limitation may be rather general among animals, perhaps reflecting an intimate connection between the capacity for tonal pattern perception and that for acoustically based language.  相似文献   

Higher order occasion setting with serially presented stimuli was investigated in an appetitively motivated, discrete-trial operant study with rats. Reinforcement of barpressing during an occasion-setting light (a discriminative stimulus) was contingent on immediately preceding second-order occasion setters (i.e., a click train or a buzzer served as a conditional discriminative stimulus). Moreover, the meanings of the clicks and buzzer were themselves indicated by a third-order occasion setter that preceded them (i.e., a white noise acted as a second-order conditional discriminative stimulus). Subjects responded more frequently and had shorter latencies to the first response in the presence of the light on trials during which barpressing was reinforced than on trials during which barpressing was not reinforced. The likelihood that the subjects solved the problem by responding to unique compound stimuli was minimized by the insertion of a 5-sec gap between the different controlling stimuli presented on each trial. Thus, these subjects appear to have mastered a second-order conditional discrimination, which is equivalent to third-order occasion setting if the discriminative stimulus (light) is viewed as a first-order occasion setter. Although the subjects learned to respond appropriately to each of the compound stimuli, differences in responding to specific stimuli were consistent with a higher order feature-positive effect. Some implications of higher order occasion setting are discussed, including the issue of independence between the different levels of occasion setting signaled by a single stimulus.  相似文献   

Separate groups of pigeons were trained to high levels of accuracy on 0-delay matching-to-sample with sample-response requirements that were either differential or nondifferential with respect to the sample stimuli. Differential subjects produced the comparisons by completing a differential-reinforcement-of-low-rates-of-responding 3-sec (DRL 3″) requirement during one sample and a fixed-ratio (FR 10) requirement during the other. Nondifferential subjects produced the comparisons by completing the same schedule requirement (either DRL 3″ or FR 10) for both samples. Following acquisition to criterion, the DRL and/or FR sample-response requirements were replaced by a nondifferential single-peck (CRF) requirement in order to assess the degree to which the samples had acquired control over choice in each group. This change disrupted performance in all subjects, but the disruption was greater for the differential birds, which generally performed at lower levels of accuracy and required more sessions of retraining to reach criterion levels of accuracy than the nondifferential birds. Follow-up experiments revealed that comparison choices by the differential birds were primarily controlled by their DRL vs. FR sample-specific behaviors. The relatively poor performance of the differential group during testing with CRF requirements suggests that the cue arising from the birds’ differential sample behaviorshad also overshadowed the sample stimuli for conditional control over choice. The unique, and rather unusual, aspect of this overshadowing effect is that it occurred in spite of the fact that the overshadowed cue (that provided by the samples) was necessary for producing the cue that resulted in overshadowing (the differential sample behaviors). This finding has potentially important implications for the differential outcomes effect in conditional discrimination learning and for attentional processes in compound-cue situations in general.  相似文献   

The Flipped Classroom (FC) method is used widely in higher education, with studies claiming various benefits. However, to date, little work has focused on what makes FCs effective for student learning. This study presents data collected from interviews with 14 UK-based undergraduate students, investigating their perceptions of participating in a series of FC sessions. Findings indicate that the FC format discouraged a significant number of students from attending. However, students who did attend the flipped classes reported valuing the resultant learning opportunities and enjoying the experience. This study sheds light on the learning process within the FC. Challenges in implementing the FC were highlighted both by students who attended and by those who did not. We conclude that implementing the FC should not be undertaken lightly or be seen as a quick fix; at minimum, it requires staff willingness and opportunities for engagement and peer learning.  相似文献   

Coding strategies developed in the acquisition of delayed conditional discriminations can be assessed by independently manipulating sample and comparison memory load. Two stimulus dimensions that can affect memory load were examined: Number of stimuli in the sample and comparison sets (two vs. four) was manipulated between groups in a 2×2 design, and discriminability of sample and comparison stimuli (hues vs. lines) was manipulated between counterbalancing subgroups and within subjects. The results indicated large effects of sample discriminability but not of comparison discriminability, evidence for retrospective coding. There was also a significant effect of number of stimuli in the comparison set (although only with hard-to-discriminate samples) but not of number of stimuli in the sample set, evidence for prospective coding. These findings suggest evidence for retrospective coding with easy-to-discriminate samples, independently of number of stimuli in the comparison set, and evidence for prospective coding with hard-to-discriminate samples.  相似文献   

Performance during simultaneous matching-to-sample was assessed in pigeons presented with element and compound visual samples. In Experiment 1, pigeons were trained with a symbolic matching procedure, in which different pairs of colored comparison cues presented on side keys were mapped onto a bright or dim houselight as one pair of sample stimuli and onto vertical and horizontal lines on the center key as a second pair of sample stimuli. They were then tested with houselight-line compound samples. It was found that matching accuracy for lines was significantly diminished with compound samples relative to element samples. Conversely, house-light intensities were matched as well with compound samples as with element samples. In Experiment 2, a similar effect was found with pigeons that had been trained to match only line samples. In Experiment 3, it was discovered that sample duration had no influence on the matching deficit found with lines following compound samples in birds either trained or not trained to match houselight intensities. These results, taken in combination with recent findings from experiments with auditory-visual compounds, suggest a restricted processing account of pigeon processing of simultaneously presented stimuli from different sources.  相似文献   

Pigeons were first trained on many-to-one delayed matching in which pairs of hue and line-orientation samples were associated with individual comparison stimuli. They were then trained to match two of the original samples (either hues or line orientations) to new comparisons, after which 2-sec delays were inserted between the samples and comparisons. In testing, the remaining samples were presented as interpolated stimuli during the delays. When the interpolated stimulus had been associated with the same comparison as the sample in many-to-one matehing, performance was significantly more accurate than when it had been associated with a different comparison. This finding adds to the evidence that samples sharing common comparison associations are commonly coded.  相似文献   

Three experiments used a compound test procedure to evaluate whether superior conditioning results from the pairing of stimuli that are related to each other. In each case, a stimulus compound was tested after its component conditioned stimuli (CSs) had been conditioned by the same unconditioned stimuli (USs) arranged such that either related or unrelated CSs and USs were paired. Experiment 1 explored auditory and gustatory stimuli conditioned by LiCl or shock, using rats. Experiments 2 and 3 used second-order conditioning in pigeons to pair stimuli that were similar by virtue either of qualitative features or of shared physical location. In each case, the compound test provided clear evidence that pairing related stimuli produces superior associative learning.  相似文献   

Two pigeons matched to sample in a three-key operant conditioning chamber. In Experiment I, two different kinds of samples were presented on the center key.Element samples were members of one of two sample sets — colors (a red or blue disk) or lines (a vertical or horizontal orientation of a set of white lines). These samples were followed by their respective sample sets on the side keys as comparison stimuli.Compound samples consisted of a set of lines superimposed on a colored disk. Following these samples, either sample set could appear as comparison stimuli. Matching to compound samples was less accurate than matching to element samples. One interpretation is that sharing of attention among elements of a compound sample weakened stimulus control by each element. A different interpretation is that an element sample controlled matching better because it was physically identical to a comparison stimulus whereas a compound sample was not. Experiments II–IV evaluated this “generalization decrement” alternative by testing element- vs. compound sample control with both element and compound comparison stimuli. Irrelevant elements were added to form compound comparison stimuli, some of which were physically identical to a preceding compound sample, but never identical to an element sample. In all experiments, the addition of irrelevant elements of comparison stimuli reduced sample control. However, the generalization decrement hypothesis failed to predict how differences in performance maintained by element and compound samples were affected by different tests of sample control. Matching accuracy appeared to be independently determined by the number of elements in a sample and whether irrelevant elements were present during tests of sample control.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to match temporal (2 and 8 sec of keylight) and color (red and green) samples to vertical and horizontal comparison stimuli. In Experiment 1, samples that were associated with the same correct comparison stimulus displayed similar retention functions; and there was no significant choose-short effect following temporal samples. This finding was replicated in Phase 1 of Experiment 2 for birds maintained on the many-to-one mapping, and it was also obtained in birds that had been switched to a one-to-one mapping by changing the comparison stimuli following color samples. However, in Phase 2 of Experiment 2, when the one-to-one mapping was produced by changing the comparison stimuli following temporal samples, a significant choose-short effect was observed. In Experiment 3, intratrial interference tests gave evidence of temporal summation effects when either temporal presamples or color presamples preceded temporal targets. This occurred even though these interference tests followed delay tests that failed to reveal significant choose-short effects. The absence of significant choose-short effects in Experiment 1 and in Phase 1 of Experiment 2 indicates that temporal samples are not retrospectively and analogically coded when temporal and nontemporal samples are mapped onto the same set of comparisons The interference test results suggest that the temporal summation effect arises from nonmemorial properties of the timing system and is independent of the memory code being used  相似文献   


The flipped classroom has gained a great deal of attention in educational research and practice in recent years. The purposes of this study are to understand the relationship between students’ online self-regulated learning (SRL) and their perceptions of learning in a flipped classrooms (FC), to identify possible mediators in this relationship, and to explain how this relationship predicts students’ intentions to participate in an FC. Two questionnaires were used to gather data from 576 undergraduate or graduate students in Taiwan. The structural equation model showed that students’ in-class interactions and online SRL are predictors of their perceived quality of usefulness of online learning activities and positive experience of FC, and these, in turn, associate with their intentional behaviours of participating in FC. While students’ perceived value of interactions in physical classrooms directly related to their intentions to participate in FC, their online SRL predicts their intentions to participate in flipped learning only when mediated by the perceived quality of the usefulness of the online learning activities and positive experience of FC.  相似文献   

Forty sexually mature Mongolian gerbils served as subjects in a study designed to examine responsiveness to samples of urine. In a two-choice comparison situation in the home cage, each isolated gerbil was tested for amount of time spent with each urine sample during a 3-min period. Male gerbils spent significantly more time with estrus female urine than nonestrus female gerbil urine, and with nonestrus female gerbil urine than with either male gerbil urine or water. Female gerbils did not respond differentially to any of the stimuli. Neither sex discriminated between gerbil and hamster urine of either sex. Results suggest that female gerbil urine communicates sexual identity and, especially, sexual readiness to the male gerbil.  相似文献   

Four naive pigeons were given six generalization tests in extinction after periods of pretraining in which S+ appeared with food reinforcement and S? appeared in extinction. An analysis of sequential effects among presentations of test stimuli showed that the overall gradient was influenced differently by stimuli at the extremes of the continuum of test stimuli and by S+ and adjacent stimuli. Gradients consisting of responding in each stimulus when it was preceded by an extreme stimulus tended to peak at S+, while gradients produced when each stimulus was preceded by S+ or an adjacent stimulus tended to show a peak shift. This was true whether the overall gradient showed a peak shift or not. Two naive subjects were added and four additional tests were given after pretraining in which unequal frequencies of reinforcement accompanied both S+ and S?. Results of all 10 tests show that sequential effects occur during generalization testing in extinction and that these “local dimensional effects” are unlike local contrast. These stimulus-specific sequential effects may greatly influence overall gradient form.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the SAFE Homes (SH) program, a short-term group care program for children between 3 and 12 years of age who enter care for the first time. The program aims to improve case outcomes by consolidating resources to facilitate assessment and treatment planning. METHODS: The 1-year outcomes of 342 children who received SAFE Home services and 342 matched foster care (FC) control children were compared. The 684 subjects used in this report were selected from a larger pool of 909 subjects using propensity score matching to control for hidden bias in treatment group assignment. We hypothesized that SAFE Homes would result in greater continuity of care for children (e.g., fewer placements, more placements with siblings and in towns of origin), identification of more relatives for substitute care when needed, reduced use of high-cost restrictive care settings (e.g., residential, inpatient), and reduced rates of re-abuse through earlier detection and provision of services to meet child and family treatment needs. RESULTS: Prior to the initiation of the SAFE Homes program, 75% of the children who entered care in the State experienced three or more placements in the first year. The outcomes of both the SH and FC cases were significantly improved over pre-SAFE Home State statistics. The FC group, however, had comparable or better outcomes on most variables examined. In addition, the total cost for out-of-home care for the children in FC was significantly less, despite the fact that the two groups spent similar amounts of time in care (average time in care: 7 months). This finding held when the total placement cost was calculated using the State reimbursement rate of 206.00 US dollars per day for SAFE Home care (SH: 20,851 US dollars +/- 24,231 US dollars; FC: 8,441 US dollars +/- 21,126 US dollars, p < .001), and a conservative SAFE Home program fee of 85.00 US dollars per day that only considered the child care and custodial staffing costs uniquely associated with the program (SH: 13,314 US dollars +/- 21,718 US dollars; FC: 8,441 US dollars +/-21,126 US dollars, p < .001). CONCLUSION: Improvements in outcomes related to continuity of care can be attained through staff training. The SAFE Home model of care is not cost-effective for first-time placements.  相似文献   

Six pigeons were trained on a multiple-concurrent schedule. During both multiple-schedule components, two response keys were available. In Component 1, responses to the left key were reinforced on a variable-interval 45-sec schedule, whereas responses to the right key were not reinforced. In Component 2, these contingencies were reversed. Following each reinforcer, the component next presented was chosen randomly with equal probability. The two components were differentially signaled by presentation of various stimuli during Component 1. Over the course of the experiment, these stimuli were various intensities of light, a noise, and various fluctuating and static magnetic fields. While subjects showed good discrimination of the light and noise stimuli, no stimulus control using the magnetic fields was obtained.  相似文献   

An attempt was madeto manipulate the strength of internal stimulus representations by exposing pigeons to brief delays between sample offset and comparison onset in a delayed conditional discrimination. In Experiment 1, pigeons were first trained on delayed conditional discrimination with either short (0.5-sec) delays or no delays. When delays were increased by 2.0 sec, birds trained with a delay performed at a higher level than did birds trained with no delays. In Experiment 2, subjects were first trained on a delayed simple discrimination. Following a circle stimulus, responses to a white key were reinforced; however, following a dot stimulus, responses to the white key were not reinforced. The pigeons were then trained on a delayed conditional discrimination involving hue samples and line-orientation comparisons with differential outcomes. Choice of vertical following red yielded food; choice of horizontal following green yielded no food. Mixed delays were then introduced to birds in Group Delay, whereas birds in the control group received overtraining. When tested on a delayed simple discrimination with hue stimuli (red and green initial stimuli followed by white response stimulus), pigeons in Group Delay tended to perform at a higher level than did birds in the control group (i.e., although the birds in both groups responded more following red than following green, birds in Group Delay did this to a greater extent than did birds in the control group). Thus, experience with delays appears to strengthen stimulus representations established during training.  相似文献   

Pigeons were studied on multiple variable-ratio yoked-variable-interval schedules in which components had equal rates of food reinforcement and appeared equally often on each of two keys. Interpolated between component changes on the final multiple schedule were 10-sec probes in which both schedule stimuli were present, one on each key. During multiple schedule training, variable-ratio response rates were greater than yoked-variable-interval rates; however, response rate differences in the components were not a function of the mean ratio value for the 40-to-320-ratio range studied. During the choice probes, subjects responded more to the stimulus associated with the interval schedule than to the one associated with the ratio schedule. It was concluded that pigeons prefer interval schedules over equal reinforcement rate ratio schedules, because the former generate fewer responses per reinforcement.  相似文献   

Rats were used in a conditioned-suppression paradigm to determine whether an extinction treatment would enhance a moderately developed conditioned inhibitor (CS?). To dissipate unconditioned suppression to the training stimuli, the subjects were first habituated to the stimuli and then given Pavlovian conditioned-inhibition (CI) training involving reinforced presentations of a clicker and nonreinforced compound presentations of that stimulus and the intended CS?, either a light or a tone. Thereafter, experimental subjects received presentations of their CS? by itself, whereas controls received no further training. Following the occurrence and loss of conditioned suppression to the CS? in the extinction phase, summation and retardation tests showed enhanced CI for the experimental subjects relative to both the controls and their own earlier levels of inhibitory performance. In fact, the enhanced inhibition for the experimental subjects approximated that shown by a comparison group for which the CS? had been strongly developed as an inhibitor. These findings suggest that an excitatory representation is associated with the CS? early in CI training, and that subsequent presentations of the CS? by itself strengthen its inhibitory effect by allowing it to be nonreinforced in the presence of that representation.  相似文献   

Match-to-sample and oddity-from-sample problems with four colors were acquired by two pigeons under the supraordinate control of a line tilt superimposed on samples, Since the supraordinate stimulus terminated before the comparison stimuli were presented, accurate matching and oddity performance indicated trace stimulus control as well, The temporal extent of trace control was assessed in one subject by presenting probes—trials without a line tilt on the sample—in which the basis of correct responding was the supraordinate stimulus presented on the previous trial, Trace supraordinate control did not extend between trials, Subsequently, the delay between the termination of the supraordinate stimulus and the presentation of the comparison stimuli was gradually increased within a trial, Both subjects were able to perform matching and oddity over longer delays, and eventually on probe trials, although accuracy decreased, Results were discussed in terms of instructional stimulus control and memory.  相似文献   

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