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图书馆权利冲突日益泛化并为学界所关注,图书馆权利冲突中的"权利"应为正当权利、法定权利并受平等保护。从微观视角,图书馆权利冲突既可以发生在不同的主体之间,也可以依内容作不同的分类,权利冲突的实质其实是利益和价值冲突,应采用利益衡量的原则来解决图书馆权利冲突。  相似文献   

Timelines serve as the organizing structure for many exhibitions. This essay explores the use of the timeline in museums in an attempt to understand its appeal and its meaning. The article considers the nature of narrative, and of chronology specifically, as well as the history of the timeline and of its use in museum exhibitions. Raising questions about the message sent by chronological ordering, the essay encourages exhibition developers to consider how exhibits might move beyond the timeline to provide visitors with a more nuanced historical understanding and a more active relationship to the past. If we stop taking the timeline for granted, we might find ways to complicate chronology while still taking advantage of its power.  相似文献   

本文从价值哲学的角度探讨了图书馆核心价值。任何一个组织或行业都有它的核心价值,图书馆也不例外。图书馆的核心价值是随着社会的变迁而变化发展的。但是,无论图书馆核心价值内容如何变化,图书馆核心价值始终是社会中一个组织的核心价值,必然以所在社会核心价值为基础,必须服从社会主义核心价值观。  相似文献   

Abstract This article reviews empirically oriented studies from the United States and Europe concerning visitor experiences in museum exhibitions in order to pinpoint similarities and differences among them. In the last 20 years, only a few scholars have tackled this research question in multifaceted empirical ways, although some of them have done so extensively. By comparing theoretical and methodical issues, as well as important results, we are able to outline several analytical building blocks that compose a complex framework of visitor expectations, experiences, and outcomes. Gathering credible data on experiences of visitors in exhibitions or museums, a method dating back to the tracking records of Robinson (1928) , is an ongoing challenge for the empirically inclined science of museum studies. Social scientists at universities and museums have been asking for 20 years: What are the findings regarding factors, structures, and consequences of exhibition experiences? Where are the blind spots? Which questions should be researched?  相似文献   

情境是与物相关环境信息的总和,有助于理解物的意义。在策展意图指导下,在博物馆内重建物品的情境可以将人、事、物间的复杂关系与抽象的历史背景及科学概念具象化呈现。近年,一些场馆采用沉浸式多媒体装置进行了情境重建的实践。这类实践拓展了再现环境的范围,创新参观体验,并在知识与情感两方面服务了博物馆的传播目的。本文试图通过一些案例,研究这类多媒体情境重建的特点,从选题研究、内容安排、空间设计与诠释活动四方面提出建议。  相似文献   

Many American and European art museums are now featuring small, highly-focused shows in their exhibition programs. In 1990, the Indianapolis Museum of Art organized an exhibition that reunited, for the first time in a century, the four landscape paintings created by neo-impressionist Georges Seurat during the last summer of his life. Using Seurat at Gravelines: The Last Landscapes as an example, this article addresses the advantages — for museums and their visitors — of the small temporary exhibition.  相似文献   

Abstract Intrigued by the crowd‐pleasing effects of “the spectacle,” some museums and exhibition designers have begun to enlist the principles used by theaters, theme parks, and public attractions in order to turn museum venues into awe‐inspiring experiences — thereby elevating this inclination into a principle we call Spectacular Design. This article summarizes the results of a year‐long study that compared and contrasted two categories of spectacle: museum and non‐museum. The concept of spectacle is here examined, and a formula is identified, so we can see the commonalities present in Spectacular Design both in public attractions and in museum exhibitions. The hope is to redefine the model for the museum field.  相似文献   

西方自然历史博物馆的展陈设计向来不是仅以科学作为独立的支撑。在其变迁中,艺术与文化的影响不可小觑。本文从西方历史、宗教和文化的背景出发,分析长期以来在自然历史博物馆的展陈设计中所隐含的科学观念与艺术文化现象,及其设计方式和影响范围。最后对新型自然历史博物馆所在学科理念和理论依据方面可尝试的突破方向做出了预期。  相似文献   

价值体系研究视角变迁下的公共图书馆价值   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文梳理了1984年“杭州会议”以来学界关于图书馆价值的研究历程,认为公共图书馆价值研究经历了初探、反思和拓展三个时期。在初探时期,主要以市场经济冲击下的社会价值辨析与计算机技术冲击下的生存价值争论为主;在反思时期,实现了从单一的价值研究向核心价值导向下的价值研究的转变;在拓展时期,制度保障价值、信息中心价值、经济促进价值、空间拓展价值和文化象征价值逐步彰显和确立,成为公共图书馆价值的集中体现。21世纪以来,图书馆发展的实践检验了这五种公共图书馆价值,印证了公共图书馆价值的理论研究。表2。参考文献43。  相似文献   

This paper describes possibilities of hypermedia inarchaeological exhibitions concerning aspects of visualizationand interactivity. It explains two very different kiosk systems,which supported exhibitions at the Kunst- und Ausstellungshalleder Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Bonn) in 1997 and 1998. The firstprogram deals with a very specific problem in (pre-) historyregarding demographic data of the Scythians (nomadic horse-ridingwarriors who lived in the northern Black Sea region, ca. 7th–4thcentury B.C.). It offers both an adventure-like experimentalsituation (including a simulation) and a small database tocompare the experimental results with real archaeological data.The second program covers general aspects of a wholearchaeological culture (the Iberians, former inhabitants of theMediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula, ca. 8th–1st centuryB.C.). The visitors can explore seven themes (``daily life',``environment', ``economy', ``art', ``religion', ``settlements',``foreigners') and a time line with important events. One of themain tasks of this program is the ability to allow the visitorsrealistic impressions of archaeological sites. This is achievedby providing interactive panorama technology – without a ``lost inspace'-feeling.  相似文献   

我国革命历史类博物馆及其展陈与其他类型博物馆相比,在其历史、主题、体系、内容、物、形式、环境及参考国外经验等方面,均存在着自身的特点或特殊性。只有全面、深入地探讨和认识这些特点和特殊性,才能从此类馆展陈的实际出发,找出适宜于其生存、发展的展示理念与手法。  相似文献   

Since the mid‐twentieth century, special exhibitions of art forgeries have appeared in many museums in the United States and Europe. These exhibitions have displayed artworks of many kinds, and have been structured around a variety of objectives and methodologies to engage the public. Fundamentally, they inform that public about an uncomfortable reality: that artistic deception is more common than they may think. The collective phenomenon of these forums displaying faux art has reached a point at which it is a topic worthy of study. This article draws upon representative examples of exhibitions of fake art to present an overview of their “what,” “why,” and “how” in light of commonalities and differences among them. It furthermore traces a loose historical pattern in these exhibitions that shows change over time as well as continuity.  相似文献   

主体性的教育已陷入了困境,与彰显人的本真的存在背道而驰.在后现代主义视野下,建构性的图书馆文化意识、人文性的图书馆文化关怀以及走向生活世界图书馆文化生命,是高校图书馆文化自觉价值取向的主体间性诉求.  相似文献   

从社会学视野来看,高校图书馆员与读者之间发生的冲突有现实性和非现实性两种形式。冲突产生的原因在于,疏导不满情绪的渠道不足或疏导效果不佳、图书馆员(读者)的相对剥夺感与不公正感上升。图书馆员与读者冲突具有正功能,即冲突能使图书馆员和读者反思和重新组织其行为,能激发和促进图书馆规章制度的建立与完善,并能创新图书馆服务机制以提高服务水平和资源的有效利用率。  相似文献   

历史文物和自然标本是两类属性各异的博物馆藏品,“跨界”展览在于通过这两类展品寻求人文历史与自然科学之间的结合点,实现相互融合。博物馆作为社会文化教育服务机构,应紧随时代发展步伐,从现代科学发展维度审视博物馆“跨界”展览,从人文历史和自然科学视角诠释人类文明,从“跨界”展览形式探讨博物馆展示手段,不断推出精品陈列,为广大民众奉献高品质的公共文化服务产品,使博物馆在社会发展中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

梁丽霞 《图书馆论坛》2008,28(1):130-133
文章探讨了展览在公共图书馆的发展趋势,分析了图书馆展览工作的特点和优势,对公共图书馆如何推进展览工作进行了深入思考.  相似文献   

张鸿飞 《编辑之友》2022,(1):25-29,56
自2019年开始,风头正劲的互联网平台遭遇强监管风暴,其背后原因是平台垄断和数字霸权带来的负面效应日益凸显.文章分析了我国互联网平台发展已明显呈现出的内卷化特征,指出平台内卷化具体表现为流量焦虑、价值漂移和数字霸权.内卷化的实质是创新不足导致的内向坍缩,惯性障碍、竞争约束和平台垄断等因素共同导致了互联网平台的创新陷阱,深层原因是互联网平台的价值主张层面出现扭曲和断裂,导致无法突破内外部资源约束,日渐陷入没有发展的增长.内卷化一旦形成便具有强大的惯性,互联网平台要想走出内卷困境,必须在价值主张的驱动下进行商业模式的深层创新,同时也需要从外部治理层面加强约束和激励.  相似文献   

李玮 《新世纪图书馆》2010,(1):49-51,79
“读图时代”大背景的推动、公共图书馆拓展延伸服务的需要以及馆藏文献资源的深度开发利用等诸多因素使得公共图书馆展览的深入发展被提上了日程。论文从南京图书馆近年来举办大型展览的实践出发,详细论述了如何从办展形式和办展内容两个方面提高大型公共图书馆展览的层次与水平。  相似文献   

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