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Science museums play a role in creating visitor experiences that relate to contemporary issues in science, and in linking audiences to the scientific enterprise and the community of scientists. In the Portal to the Public approach, science researchers are trained by museum educators with experience in inquiry‐based learning, and are then given opportunities to translate their current research for museum audiences. Portal to the Public offers one solution to museums seeking to sustain a commitment to delivering experiences that reflect the dynamic pace of research, and the need to connect local communities to scientific research occurring in their midst.  相似文献   

In this article we examined the scholarly output and impact of 81 women scientist at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Mount Sinai. The group was divided into three career level sub-groups based on the first year of publication of each scientist. We examined the number of publications, citations, readership and social media attention per each group. Our findings show that although senior faculty have more publications and overall citations, junior faculty receive more citations and more readership per paper. We also found that different career level faculty members receive different social media mentions. Mid-career faculty see more tweets that mention their research while senior faculty get more likes, shares and clicks via Facebook.  相似文献   

为承担弘扬科学家精神的使命,中国科技馆推出系列节目《党史里的科学家》,结合科技馆资源优势及现实需求,从节目形式、内容叙事与传播路径等全维度实现创新突破。这次探索为当代科学家题材电视节目创作、科普创作提供了新思路,更为媒介融合时代建构实体场馆与媒介的全新关系,通过科普影视作品将科普场馆、媒介、科技工作者与大众有机联系起来,提供了可借鉴、可推广的创作经验。  相似文献   

本文统计多媒体展品在中国科技馆不同主题展区的应用数量,再以美国探索馆展品作为参考,分析探索馆展品与多媒体展品的本质特点与适用范围,探讨多媒体展品的应用场景与教育效果。  相似文献   

农村中学科技馆公益项目实施10年来,取得了显著的工作成果,已成为科技馆体系服务基层的中坚力量之一,同时也遇到诸多发展困境。本文以调研数据为依托,系统分析该项目的建设情况,从新时代项目发展的新趋势出发,尝试提出精准建设、资源开发、活动联动、标准研究、巡展开放、教师培育、多方共建等新举措,为谋划项目的高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Abstract This article describes Project ASTER III (Active Science Teaching Encourages Reform), a science professional development program for early elementary teachers, which is based on the premise that people learn best by doing. Very few professional development programs focus on early childhood teacher development and how best to integrate informal science centers into teaching. In ASTER III, development teams—consisting of university scientists, science educators, K‐3 teachers, and educators from a hands‐on science museum—developed 5E lesson plans aligned with the Ohio Academic Content Standards and the National Science Education Standards in conjunction with the museum’s exhibits. This study explores the impact of the ASTER III model on teacher perceptions about the role and effect informal science museum visits have on subsequent teaching and student learning.  相似文献   

我国科技馆事业进入快速发展时期,科技馆的建筑规模和数量不断增加。同时,我国科技馆建筑规划和建设过程中也遇到各种问题。本文结合国内外科技馆相关的案例,分析了科技馆建筑的选址、室外空间的功能设置、科技馆建筑的核心价值等问题,提出科技馆建筑选址的本质是城市功能规划问题、科技馆规划用地应考虑室外空间功能的综合利用、科技馆建筑的核心价值是适应公共科学文化服务设施发展的需要等观点。  相似文献   

The quality of content is a key attribute for assessing the globalquality of a museum application. Unfortunately, producing good content,especially in multimedia digital form, is expensive and time-consuming.One way to reduce the costs without sacrificing quality is to exploitthe concept of information reuse. The idea is to use (portions of) thesame multimedia material in different applications, possibly adapting itfor different contexts, for different categories of users, and fordifferent delivery channels (e.g., on-line and off-line). Informationreuse does not come free. To be effective, it requires a well-organizedenvironment in which information can be easily stored, inspected,retrieved, and adapted for different purposes. This paper describes theapproach adopted in the project ``The Virtual Museum of Italian ComputerScience History', funded by the Italian National Council of Research(CNR). In this project, all the digital material (documents, images,video interviews, etc.) is stored in a digital archive based on amultimedia database with a WWW front-end. The archive is designed forspecialists only: members of the editorial board of the project;researchers in the history of science; application developers (whoare looking for interesting content to include in their CD-ROMs or Websites). Each research group involved in the project extracted andadapted from the digital archive the multimedia material needed to builda different hypermedia application in two ``versions' – WWW andCD-ROM. These applications, both on-line and off-line, strongly reuse(portions of) the digital archive content, but organize and present itwith a totally different style, to address the needs of non-specialists(e.g., people who have some interest, or curiosity, in the history ofItalian computer science).  相似文献   

数字化是未来发展的大势所趋,科学博物馆进行数字化建设势在必行。以英国科学博物馆集团为例,从综合运用多种数字技术,提升观众的参观体验;深入挖掘资源价值,拓展网络观众群体;探索创新合作方式,促进公众参与三个方面,分析了其数字化建设的主要举措。在此基础上,总结了科学博物馆数字化建设的三点经验:以总体战略为核心,统领科学博物馆的数字化建设;以观众研究为基础,指导科学博物馆的数字化建设;以新兴数字技术为突破,强化科学博物馆的数字化建设。  相似文献   

“博物馆信息学“札记   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
一   博物馆信息学(museum informatics)一词近年来频繁地出现在有关博物馆的文献中.这是博物馆及其相关的文化教育设施大量使用信息技术的一种反映,是专业人员利用情报学(信息科学)的理论和知识来研究博物馆现象的结果.“博物馆为信息科学的专业工作者提供了一个独特的研究知识的积累、分析和传播的独特环境.“(1)信息技术在博物馆的广泛应用,新博物馆信息系统的建立更为这种研究增添了新的内容.因此,我们可以像生物信息学(bioinformatics)那样,将博物馆信息学定义为应用信息科学的理论、知识和技术来研究博物馆的科学.(2)……  相似文献   

实地参观是博物馆学习中的一种常见且重要的形式。到科技博物馆实地参观,被许多中小学作为校内科学课学习的补充。美国研究人员以纽约市8年级学生为研究对象,通过分析2007—2012年学生去科技博物馆参观的情况和学生们在州级标准化测试中科学科目成绩数据之间的关系研究发现:实地参观体验对于8年级学生的科学课成绩有一定的积极影响,特别是对西班牙裔学生和享受免费午餐的学生有更大影响。这一基于观众调查和大量数据分析的研究内容、数据分析过程及其研究结果等,对我国的相关研究及博物馆实践都具有启发意义。  相似文献   

宁阳 《晋图学刊》2015,(2):41-44,58
通过对图书馆学类的有公开刊号的正式出版的24种专业期刊中搜集、整理2009-2013年学术课题类论文,全面、客观、真实地反映图书馆学课题研究及管理工作的现状和不足,发现问题并提出解决策略。  相似文献   

This paper describes a GEMISIS doctoral research project nearing completion at the University of Salford, U.K. and offers some preliminary findings. The aim of the project was to design an interactive multimedia application for a portable computer in a museum setting, to assess the application as an aid to interpretation and to examine its impact on the visitor's understanding and enjoyment of the museum experience. It will discuss the introduction of portable computers into museum galleries, briefly describe the design and development process of the interactive multimedia application, review the methodology employed and provide a summary of preliminary findings.  相似文献   

王恒  朱幼文 《中国博物馆》1998,(4):16-19,43
科学博物馆在知识经济中的作用与面临的要求科学博物馆在知识经济中的作用科学博物馆不仅是收藏和研究的机构,更是一个社会教育机构,它担负着向全社会公众传播科学的任务,它是公众接受终身教育的重要场所。知识的生产和分配的目的是使用。科学博物馆是对包括知识在内的信息进行搜集、研究和传播的机构。对于知识信息进行搜集、研究,并进行加工、整理,这可以看作是知识的生产过程;将加工处理后成为公众所易于接受形式的知识信息进行传播展示,这可以看作是知识的分配过程;而科学博物馆的收藏、研究和展示教育工作,其目的就是促进有关…  相似文献   

印度政府一直致力于改变义务教育相对薄弱的现状,基于科技博物馆的非正规科学教育是一条有效的途径。本文结合印度的历史发展与社会背景,依托印度政府提出的两项教育政策和三项科技政策,联系教育心理学的相关理论,结合印度加尔各答的比尔拉工业技术博物馆和尼赫鲁科学中心的具体案例,阐述和浅析印度基于科技博物馆的四类中小学科学教育在科学知识普及、科学精神传播、专才培养、参与式互动、针对性教育活动等方面的特点,试图为探索发展中国家基于科技博物馆的中小学科学教育提供思路。  相似文献   

人才对于对现代科技馆体系建设具有战略性、支撑性作用。《现代科技馆体系发展“十四五”规划(2021—2025年)》提出,“丰富科技馆体系人力资源,加强培训,完善激励机制,造就一支总量充足、素质优良、专兼并重的人才队伍。”本文通过对人才队伍发展现状的研究和问题分析,从工作理念、培养机制、激励措施、统筹推进等方面对人才队伍培养提出对策建议。  相似文献   

Abstract Digital environments are one of the newest methods of resource‐ and program‐creation to be added to the museum toolkit, and are increasingly employed by museums across all fields to support learning. Unfortunately, this category is also one of the least‐fleshed‐out components in the Learning Science in Informal Environments (LSIE) chapter devoted to media. The report does not take into account the increasingly interwoven nature of media resources, particularly those found in digital environments. It is imperative that museums both become familiar with the breadth of research that is available related to digital environments and that they continue to specifically build an understanding of how this works in a museum setting.  相似文献   

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