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Data from 104 public school children were analyzed to determine the psychometric and conceptual soundness of a new model-based measure of intellectual functioning: the Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test (UNIT; Bracken & McCallum, in press). The UNIT was designed to assess the construct of intelligence for at-risk children who are limited English language proficient. The UNIT and subtests from the Woodcock-Johnson-Revised Tests of Cognitive Ability (WJ-R; Woodcock & Johnson, 1989) were administered in counterbalanced order using standardized procedures. Spearman-Brown reliability coefficients provided evidence of the UNIT'S reliability: Global score coefficients ranged from .86 (Reasoning Quotient) to .93 (Symbolic Quotient). Confirmatory factor analyses of the UNIT provided evidence for a two-factor structure. Exploratory factor analyses of the UNIT with the WJ-R yielded support for the UNIT'S measurement of memory and reasoning constructs, although the many subconstructs assessed by the WJ-R and the UNIT preclude a simple interpretation. Correlations among UNIT global scores with age and with composite scores of the WJ-R provide additional evidence of the UNIT'S construct validity.  相似文献   

The current study examined the incremental validity of the Luria interpretive scheme for the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children‐Second Edition (KABC‐II) for predicting scores on the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement‐Second Edition (KTEA‐II). All participants were children and adolescents (N = 2,025) drawn from the nationally representative KABC‐II/KTEA‐II linked standardization sample. Consistent with previous studies, the full scale Mental Processing Index (MPI) score accounted for clinically significant portions of KTEA‐II score variance in all of the regression models that were assessed. In contrast, the Luria factor scores collectively failed to provide meaningful incremental predictive variance after controlling for the effects of the MPI. Individually, the factor scores consistently accounted for trivial portions of achievement variance. Potential implications of these results for the correct interpretation of the KABC‐II within clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to examine scatter analysis and Kaufman regroupings of WISC-R scores. Thirty-one non-learning-disabled children (NLD) and 29 learning-disabled children (LD) determined by individual IQ and achievement scores served as subjects. Scatter indices were computed within the Verbal and Performance subtests as well as between the Verbal and Performance IQ scales. Also, the regrouping categories proposed by Kaufman (1979) were examined. A significant difference in Verbal and Performance IQs was found between the LD and NLD group. Significantly more students in the LD group exhibited the Kaufman regrouping pattern than in the NLD group (p < .01). These results suggest that Kaufman regroupings and Verbal-Performance scatter analysis may be used to assist in diagnosing LD children.  相似文献   

Confirmatory latent profile analysis (CLPA) was used with the normative sample from the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, 3rd ed. (KTEA‐3) to determine whether it was possible to identify a latent class of individuals whose scores were consistent with the academic strengths and weaknesses related to dyslexia. The CLPA identified a class of individuals consistent with dyslexia across four‐grade level groups (first–second, third–fifth, sixth–eighth, and ninth–twelfth). The results of the CLPA were applied to the KTEA‐3 clinical samples of those with known clinical diagnoses. Individuals with Specific Learning Disorder in Reading and/or Written Expression had a higher probability of being in the dyslexia latent class. The use of CLPA as a tool for learning disability diagnosis appears plausible, though much more research is needed. The strengths, limitations, and future directions for the use of CLPA in diagnosis are discussed.  相似文献   

Competence in early mathematics is crucial for later school success. Although research indicates that early mathematics curricula improve children's mathematics skill, such curricula's impacts on oral language and early literacy skills are not known. This project is the first to investigate the effects of an intensive pre-kindergarten mathematics curriculum, Building Blocks, on the oral language and letter recognition of children participating in a large-scale cluster randomized trial project. Results showed no evidence that children who were taught mathematics using the curriculum performed differently than control children who received the typical district mathematics instruction on measures of letter recognition, and on two of the oral language (story retell) subtests, sentence length and inferential reasoning (emotive content). However, children in the Building Blocks group outperformed children in the control group on four oral language subtests: ability to recall key words, use of complex utterances, willingness to reproduce narratives independently, and inferential reasoning (practical content).  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between the Matrix Analogies Test-Short Form (MAT-SF) and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Fourth Edition and academic achievement as measured by the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement-Brief Form (KTEA-BF). The subjects were 71 referred students who were attending a large urban school district. The results supported the concurrent and criterion-related validity of the MAT-SF. This brief nonverbal intelligence test correlated significantly with the Stanford-Binet Areas and Test Composite (r = .73) and with the Math, Reading, and Spelling scores of the Brief Form of the KTEA (rs = .44, .44, and .38, respectively).  相似文献   

The Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning (WRAML; Sheslow & Adams, 1990) is a nationally standardized instrument designed to assess memory and learning skills in children and adolescents. This study assessed the relationship of WRAML scores to WISC-III and WJ-R results in three groups: (a) LD children with reading difficulties, (b) ADHD children, and (c) nonhandicapped referred children. Total sample size was 120. Discriminant function analysis demonstrated that the WRAML provided little distinguishing information for ADHD and LD children. Likewise, the usefulness of the Learning subtests is questionable. It is suggested that inclusion of working memory tasks that require reconfiguration of material, problem solving, and more complexity may be more beneficial in identifying processing weaknesses with suspected ADHD and LD youngsters. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent changes in mathematics curricula, both in South Africa and elsewhere, have begun to change the overwhelmingly symbolic nature of mathematics in schools (in the sense of use of mathematical symbolism), promoting more use of the oral and written language. Engaging students in `Writing-to-Learn' activities in mathematics classrooms has been identified and claimed by various mathematics education researchers as having a positive impact on the learning of mathematics. In this paper, I report on a piece of research, which is part of a broader study, on forms of mathematical writing and written texts produced by learners in grade 7 (12–13-year-olds) classes in six junior high schools in KwaZulu-Natal, in South Africa.  相似文献   

The concurrent validity between the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery-Revised Tests of Cognitive Ability (WJ-R, COG) (Early Development) and the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R) was examined. These two measures were administered in two separate sessions in counterbalanced order to 30 normal 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old subjects from the Midwest. Findings suggested that the WJ-R Broad Cognitive Ability (BCA) and the WPPSI-R Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) and Verbal IQ (VIQ) were significantly correlated, but that the mean BCA scores on the WJ-R (COG) were significantly below the mean FSIQ scores on the WPPSI-R by only - 4.50 standard score points. No age or sex differences were found on either the WJ-R (COG) or the WPPSI-R. Significant correlations were found between the WJ-R (COG) BCA and the following WJ-R (COG) Broad Ability Factor scores: Long-Term Retrieval, Short-Term Memory, Auditory Processing, and one test called Picture Vocabulary representing comprehension-knowledge. A significant correlation was also found between the WPPSI-R Performance IQ (PIQ) and the WJ-R (COG) Visual Processing cluster. Findings are discussed in terms of the theories of intelligence underlying each test. Implications for assessment of preschoolers under PL 99–457 also are discussed.  相似文献   

Eighty practitioners with varying levels of experience in the administration of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) were asked to complete a K-ABC Abilities Matrix to indicate their perceptions of the specific abilities assessed by each of the ten K-ABC Mental Processing subtests. The practitioners' responses were compared to the perceptions of the K-ABC authors, and, in roughly half of the judgements, a majority of the practitioners agreed with the test authors, while the remaining judgements constituted majority disagreements. The practitioners associated additional psychoeducational abilities or skills, that had not been identified previously by the K-ABC authors, with several of the K-ABC subtests.  相似文献   

In this study, data in the form of (preservice teacher) student voices taken from mathematical autobiographies, written at the beginning of the semester, and end-of-semester reflections, were analyzed in order to examine why preservice elementary school teachers were highly motivated in a social constructivist mathematics course in which the teacher emphasized mastery goals. The findings suggest that students entered the course with a wide variety of feelings about mathematics and their own mathematical ability. At the end of the semester, students wrote about aspects of the course that “led to their growth as a mathematical thinker and as a mathematics teacher…” Student responses were coded within themes that emerged from the data: Struggle; Construction of meaning [mathematical language; mathematical understanding]; Grouping [working in groups]; Change [self-efficacy; math self-concept]; and the Teacher’s Role. These themes are described using student voices and within a motivation goal theory framework. The role of struggle, in relation to motivation, is discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in the full scale reliability of the WISC-R were computed at three age levels when each subtest was omitted by itself. Reliability was then determined when combinations of the two to five subtests which independently lowered the full scale reliability the most were omitted. The same procedure was followed with those subtests which independently had the smallest effect in lowering full scale reliability. The deletion of any one subtest had a negligible effect on reliability. Only when the combination of the five subtests having the greatest independent effect on full scale reliability was omitted did the reliability drop below.90. Cautions were rioted concerning the exclusion of sub-tests even when reliability remains acceptably high.  相似文献   

The Peabody Individual Achievement Test–Revised (PIAT‐R) and Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT) contain measures of written expression. However, these subtests are not theory‐based and were assessed with inappropriate psychometric analyses. This study attempted to enhance the study of written expression by reexamining the reliability and validity of the PIAT‐R and WIAT Written Expression scoring systems, applying theory and more appropriate statistical analyses. First, items were identified that were the most and least reliable, determined by interrater agreement. Next, the most and least valid items were identified, based on item–total correlations. Subjects included 50 adolescents, men, and women aged 13 to 46 years; raters were three graduate students with experience and training similar to that of the typical test user. Results indicate that seven items were too easy, as virtually all subjects received the maximum score on these items—these items were eliminated. The remaining 24 items were classified as both reliable and valid (9 items), reliable but not valid (4 items), valid with limited reliability (5 items), and neither reliable nor valid (6 items). The WIAT written expression scoring system was found to have more items that were both reliable and valid compared to the PIAT‐R scoring system. Items measuring global, rather than specific, content were also found to be more reliable and valid. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The use of computers is of considerable value for those learning mathematics. Their effective use depends upon adequate teacher education and the provision of sufficient hardware in classrooms where mathematics is taught. The purpose of using computers in mathematics classrooms is to engage learners' interest and involvement in the mathematics they are learning. To achieve this learners need to be in control of what they are doing. At present, turtle geometry and the use of relatively limited software packages appear to be most effective for this, but in the near future it should be possible to develop software tools which are both powerful and easy to use. These are likely to include information-retrieval packages; spreadsheets; and also 'microworlds' written in a language such as Logo or Prolog.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare rauding theory (Carver, 1995) to our own evolving model of reading acquisition, which supports stage and phase theories of reading development. The relations among rauding variables--cognitive power, auditory-accuracy level, word-recognition level, comprehension-accuracy level, reading-rate level, and reading-comprehension-rate level-were examined using structural equation modeling. The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children and the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement subtests were used to operationalize the various constructs. Carver's (1993) model was assessed at each grade in two parts, with overlapping paths allowing cross-validation of some coefficients. For Grades 1 and 2, the fit indices were above. 95, indicating a good model fit. One additional path was supported-from word recognition to reading comprehension rate. The fit indices for Grades 3 and 4 were above. 95, supporting the modified Carver model. Analyses for Grades 5 and 6 produced fit indices above. 90, indicating drops in the level of association among the variables compared to earlier grades. The results of this study offer support to Carver's (1993) rauding theory and further advance the theories that children go through stages or phases of reading development. Although word recognition is a notable component of reading development throughout the elementary grades, its contribution to comprehension begins to lessen at Grades 5 and 6. There is, however, an increase with grade of the influence of cognitive power on reading comprehension, which is greater for crystallized (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised) intelligence than for global (fluid and crystallized) or fluid intelligence.  相似文献   

Both forms of the PPVT-R, along with the reading, mathematics, and written-language subtests of the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Test Battery were administered concurrently and in counterbalanced order to 28 nonreferred regular education and learning disabled students. With the exception of correlations between form M and the reading and written-language subtests for the LD group, values did not reach significance. Alternate form reliability coefficients for the RE and LD groups were .70 and .65, respectively. Mean standard scores for forms L and M were comparable for the RE group, but form L yielded a significantly higher score than M for the LD population.  相似文献   

The basic question addressed in this study was whether the discrepancies found between the Mental Processing Composite (ability component) and the Achievement subtests of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) corresponded with the discrepancies found between the WISC-R Full Scale IQ and the PIAT subtests, or whether use of the K-ABC over the WISC-R and PIAT results in the identification of different students. The differences were evaluated using four standard score procedures for calculating a severe discrepancy. It was found that the K-ABC and WISC-R/PIAT approaches to the determination of a score difference resulted in the identification of different populations of students. The high average PIAT standard scores together with the lower subtest reliabilities appeared to be the primary source of disparity between the K-ABC and WISC-R/PIAT comparisons.  相似文献   

Kreutzer et al.’s (Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 40(1):1–60, 1975) metamemory interview has been widely used in children’s metamemory literature, yet the psychometric properties of the measure have yet to be reported, and the format and language of some subtests may pose problems for young children. Researchers often combine subtests with other tests purported to measure metamemory, yet there is little empirical data regarding how these subtests relate. It has been proposed that metamemory is comprised of distinct procedural and declarative components, but this has not been empirically tested in young children. Therefore, the two studies reported here aimed to adapt Kreutzer et al.’s interview to increase its developmental appropriateness, to examine the relationship between the interview subtests, to add subtests that purport to test procedural metamemory, and then to examine the factor structure of the resulting scores and investigate how metamemory changes with age across the elementary school years. The results suggest that the adapted versions of the subtests are generally less contaminated by language ability, especially for the younger children. Factor analysis indicated the presence of two declarative metamemory factors and one procedural metamemory factor. Both declarative factors followed a similar developmental trajectory, increasing steadily from early to late elementary school age, whereas procedural metamemory increased significantly between Grades 1 and 3 only.  相似文献   

The validity of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983) was investigated with a sample of preschool-age children. The sample consisted of 50 subjects aged 21/2 through 4 who were distributed roughly equally by age, sex, and race according to the 1980 census. The validity of the K-ABC was examined using the Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) (Slosson, 1982) and the Classroom Behavior Inventory-Preschool Form (CBI) (Schaefer & Edgerton, 1978) as criterion measures. The SIT and CBI-Preschool Form Verbal Intelligence Scale were found to correlate significantly (p<.01) with the global scales of the K-ABC. The K-ABC did not differentiate between age or sex groups, but blacks scored lower than whites. The findings are supportive of previous validity studies (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983) and two-factor theories of intelligence (e.g., Das, Kirby, & Jarman, 1975).  相似文献   

汉语中常见的数字连接词有"又(有)、单(丹)、零"。"又(有)"主要用于上古汉语中;"单(丹)"最早见于唐代,存在但并未用于专业的数学著作中;"零"最早见于南宋时期的专业数学著作中,在明清时期进入口语,并开始替换"〇",出现在专业的数学著作中,经历了由行业用语到口语,再到书面语的过程。  相似文献   

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