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自20世纪50年代起欧盟的教育与培训政策,可以分为<罗马条约>后时期、<马斯特里赫特条约)后时期以及<里斯本总结>后时期三个时期,不同时期内的欧盟教育培训政策的法律基础、指导原则、主要执行方式对成员国的教育和培训系统产生不同影响.50年来,在经济利益的驱动下,欧盟在教育与职业培训方面的职能通过一系列的条约与政府间协议得到了不断的增强.但一些当前的迹象也显示,欧盟各成员国考虑到各自的利益,执行欧盟教育培训政策的步调并不一致.  相似文献   

里斯本会议以来,欧盟制定了多项促进成人学习的教育与培训方面的政策。近几年,国内学者对这些促进成人学习政策进行了不同层面的研究。通过对国内相关研究成果进行统计分析和系统的梳理,从政策的背景与特征、政策实施的成效与问题、政策发展的趋势等方面进行了综述。最后指出相关研究存在的不足和亟待加强之处,以供国内学者进一步研究之参考。  相似文献   

为应对知识经济的挑战,2000年欧盟确立了里斯本战略:到2010年,要把欧盟建设成为世界上最具竞争力和最具活力的知识经济实体,保持经济的可持续增长,创造更多更好的就业机会,社会更为和谐。欧盟以实现里斯本战略为目标,以扩大就业和提高就业质量为核心,不断开发出独立的VET指标或嵌套于各计划、框架中的指标,监控里斯本战略的实施。欧盟职业教育与培训具有整体性、质量指标前后连贯、质量指标与共同保证框架(CQAF)相联系等特点,对欧盟职业教育与培训质量的提高起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

为了从一个整体视角获得欧洲国家怎样推进<里斯本战略>的全景画面,本部分选择欧盟成员国、欧洲经济区国家和欧盟候选国一些有代表性,旨在提高职业教育与培训吸引力及其在社会公众和雇主中社会地位和形象的政策案例进行介绍.  相似文献   

林海亮 《中学教育》2013,(6):89-102
欧盟基础教育政策由宏观条约宪章、周期战略、教育与培训的战略框架(十年规划),以及学校教育质量、幼儿教育与护理、学生关键能力、辍学和移民儿童教育等政策组成。这些政策主要依托夸美纽斯计划而得以实施。欧盟基础教育政策的实施增强了教育的欧洲维度,促进了教育公平,提高了教育质量。欧盟基础教育政策在制定和实施过程中,扩大欧盟对基础教育的干预力度和基础教育对欧盟一体化的影响力度,通过合作联动欧盟所有成员国基础教育,为全球化、区域化的教育问题提供典范。  相似文献   

21世纪欧盟职业教育与培训政策的新特点马立红、罗尧在《职业技术教育》2011年第34期中,撰文指出欧盟的职业教育与培训政策引领欧洲职业教育,走在世界前列。进入21世纪后,欧盟的职业教育与培训政策呈现出更加突出欧洲维度,注重增强职业教育吸引力,强调终身学习的实践层面,加强弱势群体职业教育,重视技能水平的提升  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,欧盟将教育和培训作为其中长期发展战略的优先重点领域,其总体政策目标是:提高欧盟的教育、培训质量和效益,为欧洲人接受教育和培训提供便利,向世界开放欧盟的教育和培训体系,使欧洲迈向一个知识化、学习化和有凝聚力的社会。  相似文献   

<正>步入21世纪后,伴随着欧洲一体化进程不断深入,欧盟的职业教育与培训在政策与实践两个层面都经历了转折性的变化。在这一历程中,欧盟教育与培训的发展经验已引起了世界各国的关注,其发展的目标、理念、政策工具的开发与实施等逐渐成为国内外学者们研究的热点。当前中国经济社会发展面临着或经历着许多与欧盟相近的问题,欧盟职业教育与培训体系建设的经验与举措对建设具有中国特色、世界水准的现代职业教育体系具有重要的借鉴意义。本书以新世纪以来欧盟职业教育与培训政策  相似文献   

欧盟近日宣布,未来10年将加强推动欧盟国家职业教育培训,以确保职业教育培训质量足以培育出高素质的专业人才,满足未来劳动市场需求。欧盟主管教育文化暨多语主义、青年政策的执行委员表示“我们必须重塑欧洲国家职业教育与培训的形象,  相似文献   

欧盟职业教育与培训质量保障过程中,形成了欧盟、成员国、职业教育与培训系统、职业教育与培训机构、企业等多元主体共同参与的质量保障机制。在该过程中,各主体存在着一种互动关系,在欧盟职业教育与培训质量保障政策产生的各个阶段,存在着多元主体的博弈;在政策的实施阶段,多元主体注重相互合作;欧盟职业教育与培训质量保障政策的目标着眼于职业教育与培训的中长期发展。  相似文献   

Since its formal inception in 1976, EU cooperation in the field of education has known a number of major landmarks: the launch of the Erasmus programme in 1987, the inclusion of education for the first time in the Treaty (Maastricht, 1992) and, last but not least, the role given to education and training in the new EU 10-year economic and social strategy launched in Lisbon in 2000. The article explains why the inclusion of education in the Lisbon strategy was a major step forward and one that occurred in the logic of previous developments. 10 years later, and in an historical perspective, the author presents an assessment that is mitigated — although globally positive — , underlining not only the role played by the Lisbon strategy in relaunching and consolidating EU education cooperation, but also the weak implementation and ownership at national level that hindered its success. At the dawn of the recently launched new strategy for the next 10 years (EU 2020), she highlights the challenges to be met to close the gap between policy ambitions and implementation.  相似文献   

The article addresses the way in which EU policy‐making operates, explains the relevance of ‘lifelong learning’ for the European Commission and analyses the mechanisms by which the Commission has advanced policy‐making in education and training since the Lisbon Summit. The article reviews in particular the alleged lack of effectiveness of the Open Method of Coordination in education and, second, the notion that the EU advances ‘slowly and persistently’ in its acquisition of competences in this area.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of the European Union's Commission in weaving together the Bologna Process and the Lisbon research strategy with its existing educational initiatives to define and disseminate an influential vision of European higher education. The article begins by outlining the Commission's activities in relation to EU education programmes, the Lisbon research agenda and the Bologna Process. It goes on to examine, in a variety of policy texts, the discourse of European higher education that is supported by, and supporting, these large-scale policy developments. Whilst the overall coherence and cohesiveness of this emerging discourse can be queried, the article argues that the Commission is drawing effectively on both Bologna and Lisbon to firmly constitute — and reconstitute — higher education as a European policy domain. The article concludes with an analysis of how different educational stakeholders are supported and restricted by the Commission's views of higher education, as articulated through its 'hybrid' Bologna/Lisbon agenda.  相似文献   

When achieving long‐term sustainable growth, the key role is assigned to ­knowledge‐based competitiveness. The new EU Member States therefore face a double challenge on the Lisbon road. On the one hand, higher expenditure is required to improve the quality of research and education input and infrastructure, and on the other, innovation system changes are necessary to increase the efficiency of expended resources. At the same time, both supply and demand sides must be adequately balanced in policy supporting knowledge‐based competitiveness. On the supply side, the position of the new Member States in EU‐25 has been defined in the competitiveness matrix; on the demand side, specific attention is given to the quality of human resources as a prerequisite of competitiveness in the EU as assessed by Czech companies. Finally, recommendations are formulated for the competitiveness support both in the form of a comprehensive innovation policy and a more specific support to human resource supply for innovation.  相似文献   

欧盟教育质量监测的指标和基准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧盟从构建终身学习体系的大教育观出发,确定了教育质量全程监测的16个核心指标和5个基准,其目的是促进教育公平,提高教育效率,培养学生的关键能力、创造力和创新能力,提高学生的就业能力,实现教育现代化,使终身学习成为现实,进而使教育系统为实现提高欧盟竞争力、保持经济增长、实现充分就业和增进社会聚合等里斯本战略目标而做出贡献。  相似文献   

This article traces the EC vocational training policy historically and describes the discursive alignments which brought the policy from a ‘common vocational training policy’ as laid down in Article 128, in the Treaty of Rome to the Lisbon Lifelong Learning strategy. The argument is that vocational training has served as a lever for the gradual expansion of the policy field into both general and higher education and for the establishment of a European discourse on Lifelong Learning. In the article, Ball’s concept of “policy as discourse” is used to identify the changing spaces of possibility within EC vocational training policy (Ball, What is policy? Texts, trajectories and toolboxes. Discourse, 13(2), 1993).  相似文献   

新世纪以来,欧盟少数民族政策出现了一个新动向:即从过去强调“人权保护”到强调促进少数民族的“社会融入”.“社会融入”政策强调从社会、经济领域入手,加强少数民族融入社会网络和市场经济的能力.该政策重点在于从教育、就业、健康、住房领域推动少数民族,尤其是罗姆族融入欧洲主流社会,该政策在实施中虽然仍然存在一些不足,但其政策理念及其经验教训,值得我们去关注和总结.  相似文献   

How effective is EU cooperation in higher education? This article treats the issue as one of effectiveness in policy-making. What are the policy ideas which the EU wishes to feed into a policy domain where it has to operate largely through political cooperation and a modest degree of incentive funding? What outcomes are possible? The question is of interest since Europe has two processes which aim for a better regional integration of higher education in order to boost the quality of European higher education and to make a global impact. These are the world- famous Bologna Process and the EU process to drive Europe's universities to make better use of their interlinked roles of education, research and innovation, part of a larger strategy (EU 2020, Lisbon) for European Union growth to support employment, productivity and social cohesion. Building on the theoretical insights of an institutionalist literature concerned with the dynamics of European policy-making in the knowledge domain (Maassen & Olsen, 2007; Gornitzka, 2006, 2010) and complementary theories of historical institutionalism (Pierson, 2003, Thelen, 2003) and agenda setting (Kingdon, 1995), this article examines policy-making on higher education cooperation in the European arena since the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992. It seeks answers to two questions. Why did the Bologna Process dominate the agenda from 1999 to 2004? How did the European Commission acquire the power to shape the issue of European higher education cooperation? Rejecting simple spillover explanations, it theorises in terms of policy entrepreneurship why the EU has latterly been effective in shaping European cooperation in higher education.  相似文献   

The neoliberalisation of higher education in post-communist central and eastern Europe, the new EU member states, is not seen as being distinct. Implementation of the Bologna Process and Lisbon Strategy means it has become part of the competitive global sphere of higher education. The transformation of post-communist higher education has attracted little attention, but it is in fact an example of an unprecedented radical 25 year-long transformation: from centralised non-research-orientated communist policy to the radical autonomous Humboldtian environment that emerged after the fall of communism to a strong European neoliberalisation. This article highlights not only the gradual and unique nature of these processes but also shows how they have merged to form the current neoliberalist hybrid. Focusing primarily on former Czecho-Slovakia and the subsequent Slovak and Czech Republics, it details the education policy strategies and initiatives that have contributed to this process. By examining the new educational policy framework at a Slovak university, it shows how Humboldtian culture encountered neoliberal culture: a distinct feature of post-communist neoliberalisation. It is suggested that the Slovak and Czech implementation of neoliberalism has not proved immune to forms of governance similar to those found under communism; rather the two have fused together.  相似文献   

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