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通过文献资料、问卷调查、座谈等研究方法,对郴州市11个县(市、区)的40所学校体育场地的开放情况进行调查,结果表明:学校体育场地设施在保证正常的教学前提下,课余时间向本校学生和周边广大居民开放,使之发挥更大的作用,从而可以缓解全民健身活动中体育场地设施不足的矛盾,促进学校体育和社会体育和谐发展.  相似文献   

The problem of urban sustainability will concern many disciplines during the first decade of the 21st century. One aspect of this will be an urgent reappraisal of notions of ‘the city’ in face of the crises of urban living represented in popular culture and substantiated by actuality; another, a search for alternative models of what urban professional practice, and urban settlement, might be, such as ‘action planning’ or ‘new genre public art’, or the Open City at Ritoque, Chile, or the village of New Qurna designed by Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy. A possible third aspect may be a multi-disciplinary approach underpinned by critical attitudes to the professional ideologies of planners, architects, designers and artists. Urban forms are produced historically through processes of planning and design; a number of possible futures are thus open. Whilst the dominant conceptualisation of ‘the city’ reflects the dominant values and structures of power in a society, these values and structures, like the model of a city, are contestable. Education has, then, a responsibility to interrogate received notions of both urban form and the methodologies through which it is produced. This paper asks how education might construct design as a critical practice, how imagination might reconfigure notions of ‘the city’.  相似文献   

The economic and sociopolitical context for implementing education for all (EFA) policy in Kenya is examined. The policy absolving households from the responsibility of paying user fees for primary education leads to a focus on the capacity of the government to fully fund universal primary education. Funding constraints are identified as the primary limitation to the realization of universal access. A proposal on projection for funding level required for the realization of universal access based on current enrolment and existing infrastructure is offered. International comparison in funding levels provide context for assumptions made regarding differentials in educational access and quality. It is apparent that even without improvement in quality of educational infrastructure, realization of universal access will remain an illusion unless the Kenyan economy is able to support her education system.  相似文献   

教师形象是教师的教育理念、教育行为、人格品性等外显的综合表现.近代欧洲的三位教育家--洛克、卢梭和第斯多惠,分别在他们的著作中塑造了三种不同的教师形象,即:德性之师、率性之师与真理之师.三种教师形象既兼具师者的共性,又个性鲜明,对于当今时代塑造理想的教师形象有着一定的启示.  相似文献   

提升"成人性":成人教育学肩负的使命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国成人教育学的现实困境在于成人教育合法性的让渡,抑制了成人教育学的发展需求。西方成人教育学科的发展路向、教育学科的争论与反思以及当今中国成人教育的深刻转型为成人教育学提升“成人性”奠定了未来发展的方向。  相似文献   

呼唤善的教育评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一教育评价做为教育过程的反馈环节,对整个中小学教育教学活动起着十分重要的导向作用。它不仅引导着学生的发展,而且对一个国家教育发展的水平、教育的后果及人才类型起着不可低估的影响。为了推进素质教育,促进学生全面、主动和生动活泼的发展,有必要对教育现状和教育评价进行深刻的反思。目前,这种反思集中反映在两个方面:一方面是对教育伦理的关注,其主要表现为对教育中社会公正和个体的主体价值的追求;另一方面是对教育异化的批判,即是从教育的本质和人性本质的高度进行反思。对教育伦理的关注和对教育异化的批判是从不同的理…  相似文献   

高中化学教材比初中化学教材要求高,内容多,知识面宽,<绪言>是开启高中化学宝库的金钥匙,对学生化学学科学习兴趣的培养,良好学习习惯的养成起着重要的作用.个别教师不太重视<绪言>的讲授,认为该篇知识通俗易懂,学生自已阅读教材就能解决.本文借讲绪言课之机,以游戏的方式开展教学,力图帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯.  相似文献   

加强农民工社会保障建设的构想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来农民工作为我国产业工人中的一个特殊群体,他们为国家的建设做出越来越多的贡献,但这支庞大的弱势群体的社会保障权益却存在诸多问题。保护这一越来越庞大的社会弱势群体合法权益,建立农民工社会保障制度,就成为政府和社会所迫切要解决的问题。  相似文献   

张李丽 《海外英语》2011,(1):188-189
The paper compares the difference between the passive voices of English and Chinese,the occasions for employing the main methods for translating English passive sentences,on the base of the characteristic of English passive voice.  相似文献   

根据农村中小学校长的实际情况,从校长专业标准的制定、校长选拔任用制度的改革、校长培训质量的提高和扩大校长专业自主权等方面提出了促进农村中小学校长专业化发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

自学院被确定为首批国家示范性高职院校建设立项单位一年多来,师生们抱着“创新理念谋发展,提升内涵建示范“的共同心愿,努力工作,实现了学院发展、改革、管理等方面的明显进步。同时,大家在创建的过程中深深体会到,只有解放思想,正确认识建设示范院校的重要性;抓住机遇,勇于探索、深化改革;大力弘扬“卓越、唯是、协同、学习“的学院精神,对学院的发展做到准确定位,完善管理;在规范发展与质量品牌建设方面,坚持有所为有所不为和坚持走特色发展之路,才能最终完成国家示范性高职院校建设任务,进而实现把学院建设成“国内一流,国际知名“的发展目标。  相似文献   

新生入馆教育引导是关键   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过揭示新生入馆教育的重要性和新生在利用图书馆时存在的一些问题,提出加强新生入馆教育的一些措施,进一步提高图书馆读者服务质量.  相似文献   

This case study examines the alignment between the Intended Curriculum, Implemented Curriculum and Achieved Curriculum of a fourth grade inquiry based unit, Food Chains and Webs. Specifically addressed are how the curriculum was modified to meet state standards, how teachers were trained, and how assessment of curricular implementation was aligned with student performance. Particular focus was placed on measuring how well students connect the findings of inquiry based lessons to larger scientific principles. Implications of this study suggest modifications necessary for effective teacher professional development and classroom practice.  相似文献   

大学授予博士学位前要求博士生发表一定数量与刊物级别的资格论文,存在合法性、合理性与可行性问题。我国国家学位制度的选择、传统特别权力关系的突破以及基本权利冲突下对公民受教育权的偏重确立了大学自治的有限性,削弱了大学制定学位授予标准的合法性,要求发表资格论文的规定没有现行法律的明确依据;发表资格论文的难易程度与教育质量不成正比以及不公正的学术评价机制又致使其合理性缺乏;博士生论文发表数量要求与期刊承载量之间的巨大矛盾、学术论文刊发难的现实情况以及延期毕业现象的泛滥,导致发表资格论文要求的可行性较低。因而当前我国大学授予博士学位前要求发表资格论文的规定要求过高而法理依据不足。  相似文献   

本刊接南京大学中国社会科学研究评价中心通知,要求刊物中的论文对文中重要资料要指明具体出处并详细到页码,否则期刊将不被选入CSSCI来源期刊。对此,本刊再次参照《中国高等学校社会科学学报编排规范(修订版)》拟订下述"《比较教育研究》投稿规则":  相似文献   

The demand for greater numbers of technically-trained personnel, along with the scientific sophistication needed to meet tomorrow's need for new technologies, indicate that we must take a new look at our present criteria for the selection of engineers for employment. Criteria must be more basic than the mere evaluation of personality, grades and interests. This fact suggests the necessity to redefine the present industrial concept of engineering.  相似文献   

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