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Dance has been a part of the physical education (PE) curriculum in several countries for a long time. In spite of this, studies demonstrate that the position of dance in the subject of PE is contested and that little time is devoted to dance. The overall aim of this article is to examine the position of dance as a pedagogical discourse in Swedish steering documents over time. The empirical material consists of five Swedish curricula for PE over a period of 50 years (1962–2011). Discourse analysis is used to identify organised systems of meaning, including privileged and prioritised values. Our theoretical frame of reference draws on Bernstein's concept of codes. Three different knowledge areas within dance are found in the text material: ‘dance as cultural preserver’, ‘dance as bodily exercise’ and ‘dance as expression’. Three pedagogical discourses emerge from these knowledge areas: an identity formation discourse, a public health discourse and an aesthetic discourse. The identity formation discourse in earlier curricula focuses on the perpetuation of Swedish and Nordic cultural traditions, while in later curricula, it emphasises the construction of a broader multicultural identity formation related to the understanding of different cultures. The public health discourse constitutes a prioritised understanding of dance as physical training related to a healthy lifestyle. The aesthetic discourse, which has the weakest position over time, represents the valuing of embodied experiences and feelings expressed through movements. This discourse is closely linked to the construction of gender. Over time, a new performance code came to surpass the former competence code in the steering documents. The performance code positions dance in PE as mainly a physical activity with little artistic or aesthetic value. The pedagogical discourse of dance remains within a highly disciplinary framework of social control. 相似文献
从体育教学实践和体育教学研究两大方面分析论证了体育新课改过程中出现的偏见与极端化现象.主要包括教学实践中出现的谈化课堂常规、过于追求服装道具、教学目标过于形式化及教学理论研究中出现的语言表达绝对化、研究对象的以偏概全、研究内容的跟风现象. 相似文献
J. Simmons 《Sport, Education and Society》2018,23(2):186-202
Policy enactment is a dynamic process, which invites agents to uniquely create and recreate policy as an ongoing process. Few policies arrive in school fully formed and the process of policy enactment involves teachers navigating policy frameworks in a way that provides success for each individual pupil. This research examines the complexities involved in teacher enactment of new policy in schools with the added caveat of investigating the impact that high-stakes exams place on teachers to act as agents of change. The primary objective was to ascertain whether inhibitors and facilitators identified in literature were recurring during the period of change in physical education (PE). The secondary objective was to investigate how PE teachers enact curriculum change utilising a flexible curriculum framework to achieve success at examination level. The research reflects a journey from the broad realms of curriculum studies towards a more in-depth analysis of the realist theory of analytical dualism. Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with five full time PE teachers working within one secondary school in Scotland. The results indicated that revolutionary change was somewhat stagnated by potent inhibitors such as a lack of collaboration with policy-makers and vague course documentation. These were compounded by an inherent desire for pupils to succeed that induced feelings of wariness and indecision amongst teachers. The flexible curriculum and guidance offered by policy-makers was insufficient for teachers to confidently pose as curriculum decision-makers, resulting in a call for a more explicitly structured course. It became clear that teachers acting as agents of change who help devise and develop policy require support, collaboration and direction to empower and buttress their decision-making, particularly when faced with the high-stakes nature of the examination climate. 相似文献
Bryan A. McCullick 《Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy》2014,19(5):533-544
Background: As the USA enters the second decade of the twenty-first century, it does so in a polarized political, social, and educational climate heretofore unseen in its relatively short history. Such a climate has implications for what role schools play in American society and especially how school-based physical education (SBPE) may need to reinvent how and what it contributes to the schooling of American children and, ultimately, the common good. Currently, SBPE receives verbal endorsement from the public and politicians yet little in the way of policy and financial support from legislators at national, state, and local levels.Aims: The purpose of this essay is to present a US-centered perspective on the current ‘position’ of SBPE and offer some modest (and hardly earth-shattering) suggestions for the immediate future from the perspective of a mid-career physical education teacher educator. Recommendations are made that may enable SBPE to make valuable contributions (perhaps even more that it currently does) and, hopefully, remove SBPE from the divided debate on what public schooling should include and how it should be provided.Conclusions: SBPE is in a precarious position where it can be severely wounded or even wiped out by those issues plaguing it or it can emerge from this time as a subject matter of great import. More importantly, it can emerge as this important piece of education on its own terms. 相似文献
通过问卷调查法,文献资料法,访谈法等对浙江省13所高等院校在职体育教师的心理压力源进行了调查分析,提出了调适体育教师心理压力的方法和建议,为更好地加强高校体育教师队伍的建设和管理,促进体育教育全面改革提供参考依据。 相似文献
体育教师的教育信仰是我国体育教育事业新的历史时期发展的动力源泉,文章通过文献资料法分析教育信仰的定义和它包含的具体内容,在此基础上联系体育教育事业特点分析在当代社会条件下体育教师教育信仰的重大意义以及主要内容,最后就如何树立正确的教育信仰提出具体措施。 相似文献
刍议素质教育与体育教师施教能力的培养 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
素质教育是适应社会发展需要而提出的一种教育思想,要求体育教师不仅要具备多种能力,并且在教学过程中把所具备的这些能力有机地结合起来,并运用于教学实践,对学生施加影响,这种影响力,感染力和多种能力的结合称之为施教能力。这是体育教育专业人才培养应注意的问题。从教学过程各环节分析论述体育教师能力的培养与素质教育的关系。 相似文献
本文通过对浙江省高中体育教师进行有关职后教育现状的问卷调查,并对培训的专家进行访谈,调查结果显示职后教育的帮助很大,但是有部分教师对职后教育的认识不够,参与动机较为一般,另外在课程设置、授课方法等方面与教师的实际教学需要存在一定差距。 相似文献
21世纪中小学文化课教师参与学校体育发展的战略研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
欧阳柳青 《武汉体育学院学报》1998,(2)
本文研究中小学文化课教师在市场经济大环境中对学校体育的作用及其影响;从大教育观、大体育观、体育权利、体育法规等角度论述了教师参与学校体育的必要性;分析了教师体育生活现状及其潜在的体育优势;调查了他们的体育愿望;提出了21世纪教师是“重视体育的教育家”的战略目标。 相似文献
本文通过文献资料法、案例法、逻辑分析法等方法,解析了体育教师专业化中的"个体户"现象,并分析了出现这种现象的根本原因,提出了解决这种现象应处理的一些关系。 相似文献
少数民族地区普通高校在传统体育课程的基础上,组织开发民族传统体育项目课程和符合本地、本校的体育课程资源,包括民族健身舞蹈、腰鼓、秧歌、民族式摔跤等。将开发的课程资源安排在二年级教育计划课时选修课中,三、四年级教育计划课时外任意选修课中及作为课外体育锻炼的内容。将我国传统"体质测试"经典教学法贯穿在大学体育课内外教学中,达到了增强少数民族大学生身体运动素质的目的。 相似文献
为重构高校师生生命教育观念,结合文献资料、逻辑推理、案例分析等研究方法,拟结合当前高校生命教育贯彻的现状分析出高校贯彻生命教育的新途径。一方面,教师要主动搭建生命的安全场地、做好运动损伤的防与治、掌握运动周期与运动节律;另一方面,教师要积极树立生命教育的取向,坚持以学生为本、尊重生命,正确认识学生存在的个体差异。 相似文献
运用文献资料、访谈、数据统计等方法,以湖北理工学院为例,就目前体育教师评价体系的现状、存在的问题进行的研究分析,并针对问题给出了合理可行的建议. 相似文献
新世纪体育教师教育能力亟待提高 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了适应体育教育改革的需要,从提高体育教师教育能力的重要性以及新世纪体育教师应具备哪些教育能力出发,提出了一些看法,以供参考. 相似文献
改革开放以来,我国广大教师的社会地位显著提高,但是,在一些学校,体育教师的处境却比较"尴尬"。从经济学视野考察,我国现阶段劳动力仍然是商品,体育教师的劳动与其他教师一样也是创造价值的劳动,因而体育教师劳动力也具有商品的性质。与其他教师相比,目前体育教师劳动力商品的价格低于其价值。要发展社会主义教育事业,就要尊重体育教师的劳动,并按其劳动力价值分配个人消费品。 相似文献
教师胜任特征是近年来教师专业化发展研究的热点课题之一,国内学者陆续做了大量研究。但是关于体育教师胜任特征的研究还比较薄弱,亟需更多的理论探讨和实证探索。采用文献资料法梳理了近年来国内体育教师胜任特征方面的量化研究,发现:(1)研究对象上,研究被试主要为中学体育教师(42.9%)和大学体育教师(35.7%);(2)地域分布上,研究被试(90.9%)主要来自东部发达省份;(3)研究方法上,所有的研究都使用了问卷调查法(100%),部分研究用到了专家访谈法(28.6%),很少有研究(14.2%)用到胜任特征模型建构的经典方法——行为事件访谈;(4)研究结论上,绝大多数研究者对胜任特征、胜任特征模型的把握不够规范。笔者对未来如何进行体育教师胜任特征研究提供了若干建议。 相似文献