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The purpose of this study was to develop a program to help cultivate divergent thinking in mathematics based on open-ended problems and to investigate its effect. The participants were 398 seventh grade students attending middle schools in Seoul. A method of pre- and post-testing was used to measure mainly divergent thinking skills through open-ended problems. The results indicated that the treatment group students performed better than the comparison students overall on each component of divergent thinking skills, which includes fluency, flexibility, and originality. The developed program can be a useful resource for teachers to use in enhancing their students’ creative thinking skills. An open-ended approach in teaching mathematics suggested in this paper may provide a possible arena for exploring the prospects and possibilities of improving mathematical creativity.  相似文献   

物联网使得人们所处的物质世界极大程度地实现了数字化、网络化,使得世界中的物体既以传感方式又以智能化方式联系在一起。物联网技术在教育中的应用推动了"数字校园"向"智慧校园"方向的升级发展,使得基于物联网的智慧校园将校园中的物体连接起来,实现了学校的可视化智慧管理,构建了富有智慧的教育教学环境,为师生提供了一个全面的智能感知环境和综合信息服务平台,使课堂得以向真实的场景延伸。通过结合实例来探讨智慧校园的概念、功能、应用和发展前景,对于培养学生的科学思维和研究能力,加强师生的互动和区域教育资源的共享具有重要意义。  相似文献   

"业绩管理"(F5)课程涵括成本核算与管理、预算编制与控制、管理决策制定以及业绩评价等内容,要求学生具备一定的综合应用能力,需要学生根据不同商业情景选择适当的分析工具,做出正确的评估。但是在校本科学生缺乏实际工作经验,对外部商业环境知之甚少,这就迫切需要教师在该课程教学中引入案例教学,因为案例教学可深化学生对外部商业环境的了解,而且在常规化观点碰撞和交流中,学生的主观能动性和综合应用能力潜力都会得到充分的刺激和发挥。"业绩管理"(F5)课程的特点要求案例选择和设计时要国际化和本土化并举,要具有针对性和层次性,同时还要与课后习题挂钩。好的案例教学模式既有利于学生发散思维,累积能力,也有助于教师在案例教学准备、实施和总结过程中因材施教,教学相长。  相似文献   

基础教育阶段课程改革推动高师教师教育也要与时俱进,针对我国数学教学着重训练逻辑思维,在高师“数学教育学”课中提倡恰当地使用直观法,按情境展示、观察、操作、分析、类比、讨论、猜想、推理、论证、应用、总结、反思等步骤展开双边活动。直观法有利于激发学生学习兴趣、有利于提高教学效率、有助于发展学生直观形象思维。文中给出一个类比图的案例来诠释。  相似文献   

本文在分析经济管理类专业实验室建设现存问题的基础上,提出地方高校工商管理专业ERP实验教学平台的建设,满足了企业培训、学生培养特色等不同需求,促进了高校的实验教学改革,充实了理论教学和实验教学内容。ERP集成实验教学模式,提高了教师和学生的整体素质;ERP实验教学搭建了一个仿真企业平台,用来仿真企业环境、仿真企业流程、模拟职能岗位。  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to understand experience of students about transition from lecture mode to case study pedagogy in business management courses. Indian education system is predominantly a follower of the lecture mode of teaching from the grass-root level till graduation. Hence Indian students are relatively less familiar with the case based teaching method. In recent times, the case pedagogy has been rapidly replacing the lecture mode in higher education institutes of India, especially at the business management colleges. We conducted a grounded theory based interview of 33 post graduate students enrolled in a business school (B School) in India, which incorporated a pedagogy shift from lecture to case method during academic session 2010–2011. We found that some of the major factors which facilitated the transition process of the students to this new style of learning were previous educational background, prior work experience, course evaluation methods, institute policies and proper orientation through preparatory sessions. Our findings substantiated extant studies conducted in the context of western countries. The findings also provide a systematic analysis of the various issues in incorporating such pedagogic shifts, which may help academicians to successfully troubleshoot any problems associated with commencement of case based teaching in the Indian context.  相似文献   

Background:?Cloud computing has recently received interest in information systems research and practice as a new way to organise information with the help of an increasingly ubiquitous computer infrastructure. However, the use of cloud computing in higher education institutions and business schools, as well as its potential to create novel learning environments remains an underresearched topic.

Purpose:?To address the research gap, this paper investigates how the capabilities of cloud computing have fostered collaborative learning processes of students in the design of management classrooms. The research project has taken place in a three-year period and has covered five post-graduate knowledge management classes, which have been situated in the context of business education.

Research design and sources of evidence:?I have used an illustrative case study of five knowledge management classes as research design to explore and describe interconnections between methods of social constructionism and cloud computing properties which enhance collaborative learning experiences of students in the classroom. To develop a theoretical background for the case study, I first review literature on constructivist and experiential learning, new management profiles, and information systems. In the empirical part of the case study, I have observed the experimental blending of constructivist learning methods and the cloud computing platform Google Apps for Education in three post-graduate classes and two Executive Master of Business Administration classes on the topic of knowledge management. For the data collection, I have focused on collaboration processes to understand how students have used various cloud computing tools to work together, and how their usage has affected interaction and reflection in the observed courses.

Results:?Findings show that collaborative properties of cloud computing, when they are undergirded by methods of social constructionism, influence learning factors on cognitive, emotional, spatial and group levels and lead to substantial changes in teacher/student roles and behaviours. The ease-of-use, playfulness and immediacy of cloud platforms creates collaborative learning spaces and has the potential to foster lateral thinking and problem solving of students in the classroom.

Conclusions and contribution:?By illuminating mutual interrelations between learning factors, constructivist principles and cloud computing properties, the paper enriches the literature on the innovative use of information system technologies in universities and business schools. The paper provides, in addition, practice-oriented insights for pedagogical and methodological choices that undergird the capabilities of cloud platforms to foster collaborative learning processes of students in higher education institutions.  相似文献   

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is often promoted as an inclusive teaching methodology for supporting all students within diverse contemporary classrooms. This is achieved by proactively planning to the edges of a classroom by thinking of all the potential needs of students. To examine its effectiveness, a meta-analysis was conducted on empirical research, containing pre- and post-testing, published in peer-reviewed journals between 2013 and 2016 (N?=?18). Results from this analysis suggest that UDL is an effective teaching methodology for improving the learning process for all students. The impact on educational outcomes has not been demonstrated. The implications of this study will be discussed.  相似文献   


The case method is a definitive and foundational technology in business education. It was first developed as a vocational training tool equipping students for future employment. In this conception, the organisation was seen as a machine, and managers as the engineers who would maintain it through planned interventions. The case method allowed aspiring managers to practise intervention skills in a safe environment. Since the origins of the case method in US business schools before the First World War, conceptions of organisations have moved on. They are no longer seen as machine-like, but as complex, ambiguous, and protean. The 'wicked' problems that potential managers will face in an uncertain world require the development of critical thinking and sensemaking abilities. While the traditional approach to the case continues, its use as a vehicle to explore and manage complexity and ambiguity is emerging, although this is facing resistance from some students and staff.  相似文献   

浅谈案例教学在旅游公共关系教学中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游公共关系课程教学内容丰富,为实施案例教学创造了条件.本文认为案例教学有助于提高学生学习的参与性,增强学生对知识点的记忆和理解,锻炼和提高学生的独立思考能力、创新能力和综合实践的能力.针对目前旅游公共关系课程中案例教学中存在的问题,文章提出了建议和对策.  相似文献   

管理学具有很强的实践性和应用性,依据建构主义学习观,探讨探究学习、认知学徒制和合作学习方法在管理学中的应用,通过采用全程团队式教学实践的设计,寓管理学的理论于日常的学习与工作中,对提高学生的学习兴趣,使管理学知识内化为学生头脑中的思维模式,提高学生管理素养具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

《经济数学》是体育院校管理系学生的专业基础课.本文设计了《经济数学》课的3个教学案例,通过案例教学,教师引导所有学生积极参与,学生与学生之间有一种信息的交流,促使学生积极思考,相互启发和讨论.对学生通过自己努力总结出来的正确知识给予充分肯定,并根据教学惯例,以其名字或班级名字命名,充分地调动了学生挖掘知识的积极性.  相似文献   

英美法系的案例教学法和大陆法系的实例研习都有助于培养学生的法律思维能力。我国法学教育改革应该根据我国法学教育实际,同时引进两大法系的案例教学法,相互配合,注意与理论教学的衔接,共同致力于培养学生的法律思维能力。  相似文献   

无线网络技术有着组网时间短、成本低、组网灵活、添加管理用户方便等特点,受到了大多数企业的青睐,越来越多的企业都有自己的无线网络覆盖,对于企业的业务发展以及员工的入网体验都有很大的提升。然而,无线网络也遇到了非法接入、密码破解、带宽盗用等一系列的安全隐患。在无线网络快速发展的同时,也要做好各方面的防护工作,使无线网络能够提供更加安全稳定快捷的服务。  相似文献   

The academic literature arguing that there is an urgent requirement for businesses to become more sustainable is rapidly expanding. There is also a demonstrated need for managers to develop a better understanding of sustainability and the appropriate strategies required to improve business sustainability. In addition, there have been international calls for educators to address sustainability in their programs. The aim of this study was to investigate the extent to which business sustainability was incorporated into undergraduate business and management courses in Australian universities. The high percentage of international students enrolled in these courses suggests our findings have implications beyond the Australian context. Students currently studying these courses are the managers and leaders of the future and their knowledge and skills will influence the extent to which business sustainability will be achieved. The findings demonstrate that more than half of Australian universities did not explicitly identify sustainability as part of their business/management curricula and those universities that did address sustainability did so, in most cases, only in a limited way.  相似文献   

Providing contingent or adaptive support (i.e., scaffolding) is effective. Yet it is unclear how it promotes students’ learning. In this mixed-methods study, we investigated to what extent the effect of contingent support for students’ learning is mediated by the extent to which students take up teachers’ support in subsequent small-group work. We define contingent support as support that contains adapted levels of teacher control or regulation based on the learner’s level of understanding. To explore the research question, we analyzed all interactions from 35 lessons of 7 secondary social studies teachers and 7 small groups of students. Logistic multilevel mediation analyses showed that the likelihood of students formulating accurate answers during small-group work was higher when students applied the teacher’s support in subsequent small-group work (as opposed to ignoring that support). However, the contingency of a teacher’s support did not affect students’ uptake or the accuracy of their answers. Additional qualitative analyses showed that students’ uptake of contingent support was sometimes hampered by untimely fading of the support. Moreover, we found that contingent support that was then gradually faded was the most effective in fostering students’ uptake of a teacher’s support.  相似文献   

相对于传统的授课方法,案例教学在行政管理类课程的教学中日益发挥着重要的作用。但我国高校目前的案例教学还存在一些亟待解决的问题,突出表现在案例库建设滞后,规模偏小,可供选择的案例较少,针对性不强,难以激发学生的思考等方面。提高案例教学效果需要从案例设计这一首要环节着手。  相似文献   

目前利用编程教学培养计算思维已经取得共识,人工智能案例驱动的编程教学解决了单纯的编程教学枯燥乏味、难以激发学生兴趣的难题。依据人工智能案例驱动的编程教学理念,在分析计算思维、Python、人工智能案例三者关系的基础上,提出了人工智能案例驱动的Python编程教学培养高中生计算思维的教学模型。以"有声小说"为人工智能案例驱动的Python编程教学案例,进行了具体的教学设计。研究采用准实验研究法,通过三个月的跟踪观察,辅以作品分析、学习成绩分析和访谈来考察人工智能案例驱动的Python编程教学对学生计算思维的影响。研究表明,人工智能案例驱动的Python编程教学对高中生计算思维的培养具有显著的促进作用。基于研究结果,提出了以下六条实施建议:要厘清教学内容、教学方式及教学目标之间的关系;关注所教知识背后的思维、方法与观念;引导学生对核心概念的理解与迁移;精讲知识并注重能力的培养;关注个体差异并循序渐进;重视情境对于学习的重要性。  相似文献   

王伟 《台州学院学报》2012,34(1):61-64,73
21世纪是数字化、信息化的时代,计算机技术、多媒体技术、通信技术在教学中的广泛应用促进了教学的立体化和网络化。网络化教学是对传统教学模式的一种变革,在网络环境下高校教师应重新定位自己的角色,培养学生学习的自主性和个性化,这是高校网络化教学要面对的重要问题。  相似文献   

行动导向教学法是以学生为主体、以学会学习为目标,学生主动用脑、心、手进行学习的一种教学方式。高职旅游管理专业教学中运用以职业活动为导向、以人的能力发展为本位、基于工作过程系统化的行动导向教学,能有效促进学生技能的形成、提高学生的综合职业能力。本文在介绍行动导向教学内涵和特点的基础上,重点阐述了行动导向教学法中几种主要教学方法在高职旅游管理专业教学中的运用,并提出了在运用行动导向教学法时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

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