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The genre-base pedagogy is based on genre and genre analysis theories. It provides a new direction to improve the teaching effect of College English reading and writing. This paper analyzes the notion ...  相似文献   

本提出教育学研究的两种范式,传统教育写作和教育学的诗化写作。传统教育写作追求“以理服人”,“解决”他人的问题;教育学的诗化写作追求“以思启人”,意在唤起问题。从“说服”到“启发”,意味着教育学话语品质的转向,意味着教育学生存方式的转向。  相似文献   

第二语言写作教学方法研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文着重于研究跟第二语言写作有关的主要传统的和现代的研究和教学方法,包括"受控写作"、"段落模式写作"、过程方法、学术方向写作、基于网络平台的写作教学模式等。其中有些现代写作方法的研究领域涉及项目的、语篇的、学科的、政治的、还有网络技术的问题。最后,作者指出相关领域的教育者和研究人员应考虑利用理论知识和调查结果自己判断什么是真正对学生有用的模式。  相似文献   

The article reports on a small‐scale short story writing project. It details the development of the project and shares the emerging findings. The aim of the project was to enhance the quality of students' writing while developing teachers' practice in the teaching of short story writing. The project team comprised the author and four secondary teachers of English. The approach to story writing outlined here was influenced by the example of gaming, where players immerse themselves in a secondary world, confront situations which demand problem‐solving skills, progress through a number of stages, and find satisfaction in completing the game. The project explored the link between talking and thinking and the value given to putting forward tentative ideas, raising questions and solving problems in a collective manner, in a whole‐class teaching situation. The teachers used guided classroom talk to explore each stage in the composition of a story. They challenged students into better ways of thinking or more elaborate forms of explanation. The teachers asked ‘what if’ questions to open up possibilities for the young writers. The teachers also had to judge when best to seize the moment and move the students towards writing. A key issue for the project was to explore the extent to which the structured approach helped to liberate the imagination of the students and improve the quality of their writing.  相似文献   

This article examines how one educator embraced Vygotsky's concept of the zone of proximal development (ZPD) while using drama to scaffold learning about Dr. Seuss's The Lorax for first-grade students. This learning event is interpreted with reference to the ZPD and the New London Group's pedagogy of -multiliteracies. The author asserts the importance of considering both old and new pedagogical -theories when approaching present practice.  相似文献   

西方修辞学理论认为体裁是复现的特定情景中的典型修辞行为。西方国家的相关教学研究表明,英语体裁写作教学能显著提高学生的英语写作能力。在EFL英语体裁写作教学新模式中,教师可以通过对比英汉语的相应语篇体裁来培养学生的体裁写作意识,提高学生的英语写作水平。  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine one kindergarten teacher's use of digital and multimodal technologies to mediate early writing instruction and explore the students' appropriation of that instruction to support their independent writing. Data sources included observations of writing instruction, as well as students' participation during independent writing time, student writing samples, and interviews with case study participants. Data were analyzed inductively using a semantic relationship analysis (Hatch, 2002). Results of the study revealed that the teacher used a range of technologies to demonstrate what it means to compose narrative texts and how young children could go about it. Students were attentive and motivated to participate in writing instruction and related activities, given their fascination with the technology and multimodal texts their teacher created. Students appropriated important concepts and strategies from their teacher's technology-mediated instruction, which they used to compose narrative texts during independent writing time.  相似文献   

Digital technologies have fast become integral within literacy learning and teaching across contexts as students engage with a variety of digital and multimodal texts. While teachers in New Zealand schools have a high degree of autonomy in the design and planning of literacy programs, little is currently known about how they understand and enact multiliteracies pedagogy (MLP). Using data gathered via interviews and classroom observations in an intermediate school in New Zealand, this article adopts a narrative inquiry approach to explore one teacher's approaches to using digital technologies and texts within literacy instruction. We explore in particular the ways in which MLP may be enacted implicitly rather than explicitly, within the complex matrix of teachers' personal beliefs and learning experiences, the perceived learning needs of students, and the school curriculum. We conclude with a call for the conscious and purposeful teaching of MLP, focusing on synaesthesia and the semiotic functions of texts.  相似文献   

In this study, I compared initial drafts of job application cover letters by nontraditional students in an introductory professional writing course with those by traditional students to determine if prior workplace experience improves rhetorical adaptability in students' writing. Although one might expect nontraditional students to display more rhetorical adaptability, this study reveals no difference. These results suggest that minor changes in pedagogy may help nontraditional students use their workplace experience to improve workplace-oriented writing in the classroom.  相似文献   

在全球信息一体化和符号资源表达多模态化的时代,商务英语教育应重视对学生多元识读能力的培养。通过深入理解多元识读能力的概念,并将多元识读教学法中的四个要素——情景操练、明确指导、批判性构架和转变式操练运用到多模态商务英语课堂中,可以创设出基于多元识读教学法的商务英语课程教学模式。该模式不仅能为学生营造一个更加真实化、立体化和多元化的商务环境,而且对学生多元识读能力的提高和学习积极性的提升起到了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

Decades of theorisation and research on the teaching and learning of second-language writing have hardly created coherent theoretically profound and practically relevant understandings of writing instruction. This article discusses the possibilities and insights created by bringing personal meaningfulness into the realm of writing pedagogy. Briefly revisiting the mainstream landscape of second-language writing theory and, more specifically, addressing aspects of (im)personal academic writing and publishing, we present an overview of the notion of wor(l)d writing, which implies the intimate interconnection of writing and the writer’s individual and social identity. Recognising the role of linguistic forms, cognitive processes and socio-political situatedness of writing practices, such a perspective underscores the importance of balancing these elements and going beyond them by bringing the self of the writer into the writing practice. On this basis, we argue that language and literacy education may be enhanced by acknowledging the little-explored wonders of writing and understanding it as an act of composing and narrating the word-world of the self-other.  相似文献   


Caribbean students are repeatedly engaged in rigid forms of writing to meet the requirements of external exams, which often leads to negative attitudes to writing. With current shifts to multimodal and multi-literate texts to engage students’ multiple literacies in learning, students’ creation of graphic novels in Caribbean English classrooms can enable their engagement in meaningful creative writing. To illustrate this, I draw on my recent experiences with four inner-city boys at a Jamaican high school who showed marked improvement in their attitudes and their creative writing skills after creating graphic novels. The preliminary findings from my research suggest a need for more personalised learning strategies and for more opportunities for students to use their home language in Caribbean classrooms.  相似文献   

关于写作教学有效性的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前中小学的写作教学主要存在写作教学内容缺失、写作指导缺位、写作教学观念落后、一些作文试题的导向错误、写作体式要求失当等问题。要解决这些问题,必须把"写什么"与"怎么写"放在提高写作教学有效性的层面加以反思。首先,要理清写作目标与写作内容的关系,要规定具体的写作课程内容;其次,写作教学的重心应该转移到切实加强对学生"怎么写"的指导上。  相似文献   

写作教学应注重写作主体素质的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大众化写作使得“精英”写作的经典模式被打破,而所谓的大众化写作不可避免地导致平庸、低陋,使得写作创作产生越来越多的文化垃圾。因此,提高写作者的写作水平是目前摆在人们面前的迫切任务。高校写作课的教学也应在提高学生写作能力方面做出努力,其关键是要加强写作主体的写作素质。所谓写作素质是指写作主体本身所具有的进行写作活动的所需要的基本条件以及达到的水平,是作者在围绕文章的集材、运思、表达等活动中表现出来的素养。素质的提高不仅仅是写作技巧的培养,在写作过程中思想素养、生活素养、知识素养同样也作用和影响着写作能力的形成。  相似文献   

Prior studies indicate that vocational students’ literacy practices are more demanding than is generally recognised. Employing a view of literacy acquisition as socialisation, we investigated the literacy practices of trades training in Carpentry and Automotive Technology, by interviewing tutors and examined course books and student writing. A register of spoken language was identified, which differed from everyday language in being highly technical, reflecting specialist knowledge and indexing an identity as a member of a trade. Students were found to read a wide variety of texts, including complex professional texts such as Building Standards, Specifications, Codes and manufacturer’s instructions, as well as tutor-produced course books. Writing was less prominent and included assignment questions, and tests and some preparation for professional writing. Further research into the oral practices of vocational study, based on observation of pedagogical practice, is suggested. Implications for vocational pedagogy include a focus on support for reading.  相似文献   

后过程法时代的外语写作教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,西方写作界在继“过程法”之后出现了从社会、政治角度研究作文教法的变化。本文针对这种变化,对写作理论的各个发展阶段作了简单的回顾,并分析得出以下结论:这种被特里姆伯等称为“后过程法”的新流派虽然有助于教师调整和完善其个人的教学方法。但是暂时还不可能占据“过程法”的主导地位,形成新一轮的“范式转变”。  相似文献   


There is now an increasing body of knowledge on creative practice-based doctorates especially in Australia and the United Kingdom. A particular focus in recent years has been on the written examinable component or exegesis, and a number of studies have provided important information about change and stability in the form and nature of the exegesis and its relationship to the creative project. However, we still know relatively little about the pedagogical practices that supervisors use to support these students’ development as scholarly writers, nor of how supervisors view ‘writing’ in relation to the creative practice components of the degree endeavour. This paper draws on data from a recent study of supervision in creative practice higher research degrees and it highlights the transformative nature of writing for the development of creative practice research scholars in the context of competing discourses on research writing. In contrast to institutional silencing of writing, the study relates numerous examples of effective writing-rich supervisory pedagogies illustrating how successful supervisors work with their students to bring their creative projects into articulation.  相似文献   

基于参与式教学模式的管理学课程建设探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管理学课程具有理论性和实践性的双重特点,以传统的教师讲授为中心的教学模式,无法满足现今本科教学的要求。管理学课程建设的首要目标应在于培养和提高学生的学习兴趣,通过精心设计参与式教学方案,利用多元化课堂组织的形式以及科学的评价考核体系,构建以学生为主体的学习过程,从而培养学生的应用能力和创新精神,提高其综合素质。  相似文献   

The author conducted a grounded theory study to examine multicultural training as experienced by 20 master's‐level students of color enrolled in multicultural counseling courses. Findings revealed an emergent theory of student of color learning experiences and multicultural course pedagogy. Implications for counselor educators are discussed.  相似文献   

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