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Women's Day     
郭玮 《中小学外语教学》2009,(2):46-48,F0003

Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt was the most important abortion case to come before the United States Supreme Court in 25 years. It was also the first time that three women were seated on the high court to hear a case that challenged the fundamental right to choose abortion. I investigate the questioning by Justices Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagan at oral argument for Whole Women’s Health as a rhetorical enactment of feminist judging and argue that the rhetorical skepticism of the SCOTUS women—their persistent questioning, defiant expressions of doubt, and incredulous style—challenged the discursive boundaries of abortion jurisprudence and advanced a feminist demand that regulations to abortion rights receive heightened scrutiny from the courts. Importantly, Whole Women’s Health demonstrates how rhetorical skepticism may operate as a powerful mode of feminist legal invention—to disrupt the norms of legal reasoning and draw the traditions of legal discourse into doubt in order to authorize a discursive space for feminist legal judgment.  相似文献   

The paper tries to analyze women characters in Tennessee Williams' Drama The Glass Menagerie.Laura and Amanda,the daughter and the mother,represent the delicate and fragile southern female images.They both feel desper-ate about the reality and retreat to their own world of illusions.Laura,because of her crippled body,cannot face the or-dinary problems of life and withdraws into the world of glass animals.Amanda Wingfield is unable to face the harsh struggle for survival,constantly retreats to her past memories.  相似文献   

This qualitative research explores women's experiences of accessing higher education (HE) in England, through the mother–daughter relationship. Women's pathways to university and their funding histories are presented from both past and recent generations, to contextualise an understanding of funding HE in light of the 2012 tuition fee increase. Interview data indicate that the middle-class mothers in this study continue to engage and mediate their social, cultural and economic capital to enhance their daughters' education beyond secondary school and into the tertiary sector. Subsequently, social and educational mobility has been reproduced or transformed positively in all of the dyads. A Bourdieusian approach is used to explore the class-inflected patterns and themes between habitus, capital and field in the process of accessing HE. The advantage of mothers' continuing support through the mobilisation of capitals, along with their suggestions of anxiety surrounding tuition fees exacerbate the possibility of the marginalisation of access to HE for those from more disadvantaged or less-supported social backgrounds.  相似文献   

加拿大文学女王玛格丽特·阿特伍德的小说或诗歌表现出三大侧重点:女权倾向、民族主义和生态环保意识。作为兼有女性作家以及女性学者的双重身份,阿特伍德一直关注着女性在男性社会的挣扎和斗争。通过她在小说中创造出的形形色色的女性形象,可以看出女性在男权社会所处的“他者”地位。在她们中间,既有屈服于传统角色要求,深受压迫和迫害的圈内女性;也有进行反抗、积极地进行自我身份确认,最后实现自我身份构建,走出男性桎梏的勇敢女性。文中选取了阿特伍德的四部长篇小说中的一些女性作为研究对象。通过对她们进行分类研究,更好地理解阿特伍德小说深刘的主题思想,同时,对女性反思自身命运。实现自身真正的解放也有着积极的参考价值。  相似文献   

今年 Women’s Day 你最想要送她什么礼物?手机、相机、iPOd,还是本本?兼具时尚质感与实用功能的数码宝贝中,哪些是不容错过的极品?瞄准了炫酷抢眼的必送宝贝,千万别忘记投她所好更是关键!  相似文献   

The "masculinity" of Hemingway’s works has been the focus of literary critics and mass readers.Whereas,by analyzing the heroines in his novels,this thesis delineates another side of Hemingway.He was critical to the modern women and was appreciative of the ideal women.Moreover,he tried to establish a complementary union with an opposite sex by creating the ideal women.  相似文献   

In this paper I explore how women’s thinking subjectivity is structured by a need to negotiate between identifying with and repudiating our mothers. Oriented by Melanie Klein’s theory of matricide which posits that an infant’s capacity to think for herself originates in her need to separate from her mother, I consider the implications of this structure for women’s gendered experiences of intellectualism. To examine how this dilemma of matricide animates women’s thinking lives I read Helen M. Buss’s criticism of Carolyn Kay Steedman’s memoir Landscape for a Good Woman. I argue that Buss’s criticism of Steedman is symptomatic of her ambivalent relation to the problem of identification and repudiation that drives her own intellectual labour. I then turn to a scene in Buss’s memoir, Memoirs from Away, to examine how the matricidal dilemma resonates through her work of reading other women’s memoirs and of writing her own.  相似文献   

From a life course perspective, this article examines how an intergenerational sample of 20 African-American women in Chicago describe and make meaning out of their struggles and advancements to make inroads into the principalship. Being born on opposite sides of the Civil Rights Movement distinguishes markedly how these women perceive their experiences and share their stories about their journey to become principals. In the face of woefully restricted professional opportunities, African-American women born prior to the Civil Rights Movement portray their journey as a progression from conceding to “deferred dreams” to fulfilling their “callings.” In contrast, African-American women born after the Civil Rights Movement view their journey as one availing them to new horizons of professional opportunity. Their divergent reflections on the salience of race and gender in the professional realm sheds light on the scholarly contention that the tradition of activist-leadership in African-American education has waned in the 21st century. Tondra L. Loder is an assistant professor in the School of Education at The University of Alabama at Birmingham. Her research interest concerns the impact of social change and policy on the lives of urban educators and urban education from the theoretical and methodological perspectives of the life course and life history. Her teaching interests are in social foundations and urban education.  相似文献   


Early messages about reproductive and sexual health influence personal identities, health behaviors, and ongoing perceptions of sex and sexuality. Women are often socialized with negatively-valenced messages toward understanding their reproductive and sexual health. However, scholarship emphasizes a communicative approach for socializing intimate health behaviors and needs. The present study addresses the communication that prompts a shift in perception from early, harmful memorable messages to a more comprehensive perspective on sexuality. To do so, we qualitatively analyze open-ended survey responses from 191 women. Findings reinforce previous memorable message literature by revealing messages of shame, sex, abortion, childbearing, and fears of infertility. In addition, we extend the memorable messages construct by exploring how more positively valenced messages and individual moments of intervention redirect women in how they understand their intimate health and sexuality.  相似文献   

杨玲 《中学生英语》2013,(30):12-19
考点梳理一、重点单词1.成就;功绩n.achievement2.福利;福利事业n.welfare3.项目;工程;规划n.project4.学会;学院;协会n.institute5.专家;专业工作者n.specialist6.连接;关系n.connection7.运动;战役n.campaign8.组织;机构;团体n.organization9.举动;表现vt.&vi.behave  相似文献   

This essay examines the 1977 International Women’s Year torch relay from Seneca Falls to Houston to demonstrate the rhetoricity of mobility and theorize running as a mode of public address. The relay used the velocity of running to centralize athleticism and the female athlete as a crucial site for liberal feminist citizenship claims in 1977 in the context of Title IX and the struggle over the Equal Rights Amendment. The runners’ movement through space and place advanced a discursive performance of citizenship as they traversed the South. This analysis reveals mobility as a theoretical framework for rhetorical scholars interested in space, place, citizenship, and social movement.  相似文献   

【设计说明】《高中英语课程标准》指出"高中英语课程的设计与实施要有利于学生优化英语学习方式,使他们通过观察、体验、探究等积极主动的学习方法,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习能力……"。基于这一指导思想,这节阅读课关注教学过程中影响教学效果的的细小环节,如导入、读前、读中和  相似文献   

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