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新加坡自建国以来建立了适应本国多元文化并存国情的小学课程体系和考试制度,并随时代的发展作出相应的改革。文章展现了其具体课程发展历程和考试制度的变革,并归纳总结了其特点和未来发展趋向。  相似文献   

In this article I first discuss how in Singapore the concept of meritocracy captures both elitist and egalitarian aspirations, and the ways in which its education policies have for a long time vacillated between these conflicting dimensions. I then argue that critical studies of meritocracy need to go beyond an understanding of the term as an inherently unstable concept instantiated problematically in policy and practice. Rather, as I develop the argument further, the dynamics of meritocracy needs to be appreciated as an ideology that is negotiated by dominant social groups as these seek to legitimize particular distributions of social resources. Such dominant ideologies, however, are not only produced in the education system; they are also reproduced through it, often in far more complex ways. To see how these ideologies and their tensions animate the very mechanism that sits at the centre of the reproduction of (in)equality, viz. the curriculum, the rest of the article provides an account of how one particular subject area is differently taught in an elite and a mainstream school.  相似文献   

新加坡南洋理工学院专业课程建设的经验及启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
新加坡南洋理工学院重视按社会需求设置专业,专业设置程序严密,课程设置具有实用性、超前性和技能性特点.这些对于我国高职院校的专业设置和课程建设具有积极的启示和借鉴作用.  相似文献   

In this paper, I argue for the deparochialising of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) English A1 curriculum where teachers as curriculum-makers would critically assess text choice and where students have the opportunities to make critical readings and engage in conversations about issues raised by the text. Through the case study of the implementation of one English A1 curriculum in a Singapore school, I demonstrate the possibilities for a cosmopolitan literature curriculum that is attentive to both the global and the local.  相似文献   

In this article the author explores the policy discourse on teacher professionalism (TP) in Singapore. Various types of relevant policy texts are collected and analysed, considering the three different perspectives of TP discussed in the existing literature – the managerial view, the professional view and the transformative view. The author argues that the current discourse presents a hybrid notion of TP that integrates managerial and professional views to serve policymakers’ intentions, but this is a constrained view that may de-professionalise the teaching profession by narrowing TP to faithful alignment and effective implementation of the national curriculum.  相似文献   

课程生态观是新时期人们审视与反思课程发展的一种观念的变革,它充分考虑了人与课程的关系,并以促进学生的健康成长为宗旨。课程观的转变必然要求教师角色的转变相伴,在教师由领导者向看护者、局外者向参与者、教育者向学习者转变的过程中,教师和学生都能够得到共同的发展。  相似文献   

Once regarded as the most essential subject in the national curriculum vital for civilizing the public, English Literature has now lost its place of prominence. In this paper, I focus on Singapore where the subject was a core aspect of the colonial curriculum and where it is currently facing declining enrolment at the national examinations. In the first part of the paper, I discuss how Literature initially functioned to propagate colonial values education in Singapore and how, following Singapore's independence, its goals were overtaken by a nation-state model of values education. Limitations of this model provide the grounds for a transnational model of critical values education that, as I argue in the second part, may be powerfully conveyed through Literature. It is Literature's capacity to facilitate transnational critical engagements with values and explorations of identity especially involving highly sensitive aspects related to gender, race, and religion that represents the strongest justification in the light of its present demise. What Literature offers is the possibility of engaging with values beyond the confines of Empire or nation by grappling with essential questions about what it means to be a cosmopolitan as opposed to a nationalistic citizen inhabiting the world.  相似文献   

新加坡英语教学的发展与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
回顾了新加坡英语教学的改革与发展及其特点.概述了中国英语教学的现状。通过对比,得出了新加坡英语教育的改革对中国英语教育的几点启示。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the extent to which the implementation and assessment of the new citizenship curriculum in England treats learners as citizens or subjects by evaluating whether the interests of state or citizen predominate. Philosophical, contextual, and practical perspectives on citizenship education are drawn upon to evaluate mechanisms which mediate state power in young citizens’ lives. Current methods of delivering and assessing the citizenship curriculum in schools are challenged and the ideology underpinning citizenship education, as conceptualized in official discourse, is questioned. The view is advanced that citizenship cannot be reduced to what learners know (the informed citizen) or do (the active citizen) as it cannot be divorced from who they are. This paper focuses on citizenship education in the context of English liberal democracy but has a wide application as it addresses issues relevant to the state education of citizens elsewhere.  相似文献   

在当今经济全球化时代,我国英语文学教育因其无功利和反功利性而遭遇严峻挑战,其学科地位处于缺失状态,而其课程教学举步维艰。从后殖民主义课程观角度,作为半殖民产物的英语文学教育的历史发展过程显示,英语文学作为学科和课程一直被误解、误表、误述。我国英语文学教育工作者在充满政治张力和权力关系的历史过程中,表现出了学科意识淡薄、课程理念阙如、课程责任感匮乏、对英语文学理解偏差等问题。要从英语文学教育的特殊性出发,借鉴后殖民主义的文化批判态度、反话语霸权的立场等,促成英语文学课程范式的实质性改革。  相似文献   

浅谈新课程理念下高中英语作业改革   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在高中英语新课程的实施过程中,课后作业同样应体现新课程理念:注重英语教材中结构主义和功能主义相结合的编写思路,培养复合型人才,体现人人都得到发展;激发学生自主学习意识和探究学习意识。据此,高中英语作业布置可以尝试以下几个方面的改革:有声作业、口头作业与书面作业并举;口头作业的新颖性和多样性;作业布置的文化性、趣味性、层次性、实践性和延伸性。  相似文献   

本以日常社会交往中谈话的实例,从语法结构、词汇特点、交际语气、语调等角度论述了汉语对新加坡英语的影响。揭示了语言有趣的负迁移现象。  相似文献   


This article argues for the importance and relevance of postcolonial studies in achieving the goal of cosmopolitanism through Literature education. Having significantly redrawn the overall contours of literary study in the twentieth century, postcolonial studies as an interdisciplinary critical tradition provides us with a conceptual vocabulary, analytical lens and interpretive protocols with which to interrogate rigorously many salient aspects of contemporary globalization in our world today. There are at least three main areas where postcolonialism’s contribution remains vital: i) in critical discussion about the nation and nationalism, ii) in countering Eurocentrism, and iii) in the examination of form, style and literary poetics or aesthetics. In this article, I explore each of these areas first before suggesting ways in which Anglophone Singapore literature may be taught and read through these critical emphases, with the ultimate goal of answering nation-centred goals while also fulfiling the national curriculum’s desired outcome of growing empathetic and global thinkers.  相似文献   

作为海外华文文学创作的重镇之一,新加坡吸引了众多学者的目光,新加坡华文文学成为除台港文学之外的另一个华文文学研究的热点,研究不断深入,成绩斐然。  相似文献   

Set against the backdrop of reinvigorating the study of literature and concerns about the adequate preparation of students for the world of work, this paper explores how a Singapore teacher presented a literary text in the classroom. Drawing on data from a large-scale representative sample of Singapore schools in instruction and assessment practices, we discuss some of the potential consequences of instructional choice-making from a disciplinary perspective. Our findings suggest, for example, that when teacher-dominated discourse and interpretations dominate, instructional flexibility and responsiveness are correspondingly limited and restricted. These courses of action, we contend, may occur contrary to teachers’ plans and expectations. The paper closes by making a call for further longitudinal research across multiple research sites into the nature of literature pedagogy that has a strong disciplinary focus.  相似文献   

新加坡创新教育的实施卓有成效,为此提出了一系列教育政策改革,从教师创意培训、全面改革课程、搭建展示平台、培养创业精神等方面促进创新教育的实现。在此经验基础上,结合我国教育现状,提出培训创新型师资,实现创意教学;完善创新思维课程,提高创新能力;创新结合创业,培养创业精神等策略,以推进我国中小学创新教育进程。  相似文献   

目前对于新加坡华文文学的研究有如下特征:一是重点在对文学现象的宏观论述、文学史的研究、个案的研究以及问题的研究;二是重点在于后殖民理论和文化认同的研究;三是研究范围的不断扩大。同时,目前的研究也存在问题研究不平衡、理论单一的问题。  相似文献   

新加坡教育部于2011年颁布了新的高中数学课程标准,并于2013年在全国范围内正式施行。该课程标准立足于帮助学生发现自己的才能,发挥自己的特长并实现终身学习,将数学学习水平要求分为 H1、H2、H3三个不同层次,在教学目标、评价标准、教学内容和综合应用等方面有效关照了不同类型的学生,对中国高中数学课程标准的修订和课程改革带来了诸多启示。  相似文献   

A critical review is given on Singapore English. The historical introduction of the language provides readers a longitu-dinal insight into the development of this special variety. Then, the language fe...  相似文献   

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