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中英两国科学课程标准都强调科学探究是科学课程的核心内容。小学科学课程是以培养科学素养为宗旨的科学启蒙教育课程,只有将科学探究落实到科学教学的各项任务中,才能加深学生对科学的认识。从而使学生掌握科学知识与技能、过程与方法、培养情感态度与价值观,实现科学教育的目标。比较中英两国科学课程标准,英国科学课程标准中关手科学探究的描述值得我们借鉴与学习。  相似文献   

利用高中物理的素材,有目的的培养学生物理想象能力.  相似文献   

批判与反思:实践哲学视野中的中国教育学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育学在诞生之初就与实践哲学结下了不解之缘。日后的教育学因遗忘了实践哲学而走入了迷惘之境,同时也因实践哲学的复兴而走向新生。面对西方实践哲学的复兴,当下的我们该如何让教育学说中国话?为此,本文在阐述中国哲学和“教育学”的实践特质的基础上,从实践哲学的视角对中国的教育学进行了批判反思,以为中国教育学的未来发展寻找新的价值坐标。  相似文献   

Confucianism, long regarded as the key philosophy on personal character-building and interpersonal relations in Chinese society, used to be pivotal to citizenship education in Taiwan, but that has changed in the last 20 years. In the wake of democratization in the late 1980s, growing liberalism and pluralism in Taiwanese society prompted the authorities to widen the scope of the school curriculum to include a diversity of cultures and thus the influence of this ancient Chinese philosophy began to fade away. The new citizenship curriculum, introduced in 2010, is no longer structured around Confucian moral guidance, but has instead embraced pluralism. Confucianism, from the perspective of those Taiwanese citizenship curriculum designers who were interviewed, hinders the formation of civil society due to its overly strong emphasis on familial kinship and “sovereign-subject” paternalism. Engulfed by Confucian moral principles, the critical and reflective competence of the individual often fails to develop. The new citizenship programme therefore attempts to counter the emphasis on fostering “obedient citizens” under monolithic Confucian doctrines and envisions a resilient civil society open to pluralistic voices.  相似文献   

对当前学校体育运动会的探讨与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来 ,由于受传统习惯及大型运动会的影响 ,学校体育运动会在其组织形式、项目选择、参加人数情况上存在着许多问题 ,非常不利于学生身体素质的全面发展 ,也对学校体育的健康发展有一定的影响。因此 ,加强学校体育运动会的改革是非常必要的  相似文献   

The level of educational development in Pakistan is low. A decentralisation reform was introduced in 2000 to improve the delivery of basic education by designating the local government body with primary responsibility for administering it. A qualitative field study on local education administration at the North West Frontier Province found problematic issues which may be significantly hampering efficient and effective delivery of education, such as the transfer of teachers. Conversely, the informality of the interpersonal relationships was found to be a potential asset for advancing stakeholder networking and improving the delivery of educational services.  相似文献   

学校体育教育的改革应以人为本,要重视学生个性的发展,要适应时代的变化要求,要向终身体育过渡。高校体育教学应朝着切合学生身心欲求、增强兴趣、培养习惯、提高健康水平等方面发展,选项课教学满足了大学生的不同需求,能够推动《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要》中课程目标的实现。体育选项课对体育教学的组织管理、教师的业务素质、考核与评价方法以及场地、器材和设备等方面提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   


Language proficiency is highlighted in the literature on the adjustment and security of international students. India is the second top source country for mobile students globally, but few studies have focused explicitly on students from India. The purpose of this study was to examine the English language experiences of Indian students at New Zealand universities. This mixed-method study utilised a questionnaire (n?=?109) and interviews (n?=?15). Collectively the participants had high levels of confidence and proficiency in English language and adjusted more rapidly than many international students to the new academic environment. Major differences experienced by the participants between India and New Zealand related to unfamiliar forms of academic writing and tasks, and on the role of learning support services. Formal high value assessment was for some the first indication of a problem with writing. While most students adjusted through error-based learning others struggled with argumentation and avoiding plagiarism. These findings have relevance for local and international students. We recommend the use of, and research on, early low-stakes assessment of writing and on effective support services for students transitioning into new academic contexts.  相似文献   

This study explored the impact of facilitating collaborative philosophical inquiry (CPI), in the tradition of “Philosophy for Children,” on connectedness pedagogies. The study employed an experimental design that included 59 primary teachers in 2 groups. The experimental group received an intervention that comprised training in CPI and the comparison group received training in Thinking Tools (graphic organisers), a subset of the CPI training. Lessons were coded on four variables of connectedness pedagogies, across the two groups, at three time-points. Teacher interviews were conducted to gather participants’ perspectives. Between-groups analysis of variance (ANOVA) on particular measures of pedagogy revealed that CPI significantly broadened teachers’ pedagogical repertoires, in ways that included drawing on students’ background knowledge and preparing a problem-based curriculum which connects students to the world beyond the classroom.  相似文献   

对我院开设体育选项课教学的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学校体育教育的改革应以人为本,要重视学生个性的发展,要适应时代变化的要求,要向终身体育过渡.高校体育教学应朝着切合学生身心欲求、增强兴趣、培养习惯、提高健康水平等方面发展,选项课教学满足了大学生的不同需求,能够推动〈全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要〉中课程目标的实现.体育选项课对体育教学的组织管理、教师的业务素质、考核与评价方法以及场地、器材和设备等方面提出了更高的要求.  相似文献   

The present article focuses on the growing emphasis on international dimensions of the curriculum in the UK. Educators and policymakers increasingly grapple with the thorny issue of how best to prepare future generations for life in a world changing so rapidly that no-one is able to predict precisely what knowledge and skills will be relevant for the adult of tomorrow. Overlapping with debate relating to the national context is that pertaining to the global environment, which manifests itself in current educational discourse relating to a growing number of concepts such as global citizenship education, international education, development education, world studies, and education for international understanding. Beginning with consideration of the curriculum context, this article highlights the growing number of international curriculum programmes being developed and offered worldwide, and in the UK in particular, before considering some of the reasons behind this growth and the implications of increased interest in programmes with an international focus.  相似文献   

Inclusive education emerged as an idea within United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s Special Education Unit and was presented as a new way ahead at the ‘World Conference on Special Needs Education’ in Salamanca in 1994. Since then, it has been on the global agenda as the overriding political objective within education. In spite of this, the international agreement, on an ideological basis, was not initially founded on a common interpretation of the meaning of ‘inclusive education’. However, the Salamanca Statement reflected clearly the idea of overcoming the divide between regular and special education. After 20 years, a vast amount of research and numerous reports and national strategies for implementing inclusive education, there are in these a lack of agreement over a common interpretation of inclusive education. Since 1994, the concept inclusive education has explored the world, so to say, without having landed, and the effort of giving it a clear working definition has thus far been elusive. In order to create a possible common ground for the mutual interpretation of inclusive education, I argue that it is important to see inclusion as an ethical issue. It is crucial to ask again what the purpose of inclusion is. To this end, it is vital to see inclusive education not just as a social and structural matter about how various aspects of a school are organized to meet diverse children’s needs in terms of personnel, pedagogical methods, materials and cultural structures, but also to see inclusive education as an ethical issue. Inclusion impinges on ethical questions because it is for the purpose of something. It conveys something that is valuable. Consequently, I find it pertinent to investigate the ethical aspects of inclusion. I do so in this article, firstly, by juxtaposing different interpretations for inclusive education in the literature. Secondly, I suggest some ethical aspects of inclusion in light of the so-called ‘capabilities’ approach.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the design and delivery of classroom pedagogies and students’ engagement with it in two different UK universities. Under the banner of curriculum design and Bourdieu's curriculum principles, the study set out to create modules that provided students with an interdisciplinary perspective on how the web is changing the way citizens live, interact and learn. Focusing on the idea that the web is becoming a tool of intellectual inquiry and an instrument of reproduction of knowledge inequality, the goal of this research was to transform knowledge practices by encouraging a learning habitus that relies on knowing how to learn rather than becoming ‘knowledgeable.’

The paper concludes that the Bourdieuian perspective on curriculum design still holds currency in the digital age, given that it shares an epistemology of practice similar to that advocated by a digital participatory culture. We also offer a critique to our approach, using Bourdieu's logic of practice to examine how education as a field displays (hidden) rules that students embody as their learning habitus. As students’ learning practices become doxified through their educational trajectories, learners find it difficult to engage with a curriculum that aims to diversify pedagogical structures and reflect a changing society.  相似文献   

用系统文献分析法归纳20世纪90年代以来我国教育学、心理学、社会学在家庭教育研究内容的进展情况,发现我国在亲子关系、家长教育观念、家庭教育方法、家长素质方面的研究较为丰富,而在家庭教育投入、家庭教育研究方法方面的研究极为欠缺;目前我国学者主要运用传统的理论思辨、调查分析和文献分析方法研究家庭教育,近年出现的焦点访谈、行动研究等新型研究方法在家庭教育研究中尚不多见。  相似文献   

文章从落实教育标准、支持教师教育一体化形成和教育学科课程改革现实问题三方面论述构建教育学科课程管理系统的必要性,阐述教育学科课程管理系统的结构和功能,提出构建包括"学习者选课指导系统"、"教师资格分级认证系统"、"教育学科课程管理子系统"和"教师教育机构认证系统"在内的教育学科课程管理系统。并对教育学科课程提出分为国家课程和高校校本课程进行设置的设想。探讨教育学科课程管理系统的管理与运作。  相似文献   

课程的基础学科与语文新课程改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课程的基础学科包括心理学、社会学和哲学,它们都有自身成长、发展的特定的社会背景。而作为人文学科的语文,它与心理学、社会学和哲学的关系更为密切。所以,我们对课程之基础学科进行分析,就是希望从中找出它们之间的内在联系,以此来指导语文课程改革的进程。  相似文献   

This qualitative study examines how authority was negotiated in an undergraduate teacher education course. As the teacher of the course, I involved students in on-going processes of collaborative dialogue and deliberation about issues of importance to those involved through cultivating a classroom community of inquiry. The findings suggest that constructing relations of mutual interdependence, deriving legitimacy from mutually recognized sources, and communicating about the problem rather than the people present potential frameworks for negotiating authority in teacher education. Such knowledge is important for informing efforts to foster democratic teacher education practices and prepare future teachers to teach reflectively.  相似文献   

晚明以降儒家"经世哲学"在三个方面出现了新的动向.第一,一批儒者对自然科学的兴趣增强;第二,以黄宗羲为代表的少数儒者反对用父子关系比拟君臣关系,也反对将君臣关系看作是主仆关系,要求将传统儒家的血缘伦理和传统的主仆伦理与理想的政治制度分离开来;第三,以戴震为代表的少数儒者反对以伦理代替法律,要求将维护长者、尊者的旧伦理与理想的公正法律分离开来.正是这三种新动向,显示了中国现代哲学的问题意识具有自己的内在根芽.  相似文献   

This research project focuses on teacher education in a field-based methods course. We were interested in understanding what could be when we worked with pre-service teachers in a high school physical education class to assist them in the process of learning to listen and respond to their students in ways that might better facilitate young people’s interest, motivation and learning. To develop a theoretical understanding of what happened in this field-based methods course designed to promote listening and responding to students as a way to guide curriculum, we utilised grounded theory. In this paper, we describe a model, student-centred inquiry as curriculum, which includes a cyclical process of building the foundation, planning, responding to students, listening to respond and analysing the responses. Student centred-inquiry as curriculum is a blending of action in the historical, localised and particular lived realities of students and teachers illuminated through inquiry with the simultaneous engagement of autobiographies, the negotiation of student voice and the social construction of content. We discuss this model as a possibility for transforming the status quo of teacher education and K-12 schools.  相似文献   

Weak effectiveness of bilingual education is an especially obvious phenomenon in non-key universities of China where students have poorer English ground and bilingual curriculums are unconstructive designed partly because of the scarcity of teaching resources. This paper discusses failures of these unconstructive curriculum systems from the view of cognitive learning and points out that just because of the lags in BICS and CALP of students in non-key universities, metacognitive process should be substantially considered and completely integrated in construction of bilingual curriculum system including aspects of bilingual allocation, subject design, bilingual arrangement and prepostive training. This paper takes International Business Specialty in non-key universities as an example and highly involves writer's teaching experiences.  相似文献   

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