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社交媒体已经成为教师知识分享的重要途径。教师个体在态度、知识以及所处外部环境等方面存在的较大差异,将影响其社交媒体环境下知识分享行为及动机。为此,以知识生态理论为基础,从知识因子、知识主体因子、知识环境因子和知识技术因子四个维度,构建社交媒体环境下教师知识分享行为动机模型。通过问卷调查法采集浙江省职业学校的341份教师样本数据,利用偏最小二乘法分析数据并检验模型。研究结果表明,知识环境因子、知识主体因子以及知识技术因子,均能够促进教师的知识分享行为。其中,知识主体因子对知识分享行为的影响程度最深;知识主体因子在知识因子对知识分享行为的作用过程中,起到完全中介作用;知识主体因子在知识环境因子和知识技术因子对知识分享行为的作用过程中,均起到部分中介作用。因此,要鼓励教师积极参与知识分享行为活动,应激发其行为意愿,依据关键行为动机因素及对分享意愿的影响程度,结合教师个体的专业化发展需求,制定差异化的知识分享激励策略。  相似文献   

随着知识管理的地位日益增强,组织进行知识管理的瓶颈之一是知识的分享。教育领域的教师知识分享逐渐受到关注,知识分享的主体是教师,适当的人力资源管理策略对教师的行为有导向作用。本文试图探讨教师招聘、培训、人员配置、工作设计、评估、薪酬、激励、沟通和组织文化等人力资源管理手段实现教师知识共享的管理目标。  相似文献   

在人类社会进入知识经济时代之际,隐性知识分享行为的研究愈显重要,分享隐性知识是提高企业竞争力的关键。因此,隐性知识分享行为成为20世纪90年代中期以来西方知识管理理论研究的热点问题,且已经成为知识管理理论研究的新领域。然而,目前学术界对于知识分享行为的解释众说纷纭,对于隐性知识分享行为的研究更是如此。  相似文献   

探索教师指导关系对学生知识分享的影响机制和边界条件,有助于有效激发学生知识分享行为.基于社会交换理论视角,提出理论假设并利用271份有效问卷数据加以验证.结果表明,教师指导关系对学生知识分享具有显著正向作用;学习动机和探索性学习在教师指导关系对学生知识分享之间起中介作用;成就目标导向调节了教师指导关系与知识分享之间的关...  相似文献   

本文从社会学的观点来分析权力,用社会交换理论来阐述知识获取权力的原理,并从古今中外的理论和实践来证明知识就是“权力”。  相似文献   

大数据时代,人们极易面临信息很多、知识很少的尴尬.本知识分享平台为面临此问题的企业、学校而开发.该平台是基于ASP. NET MVC开发平台的Web应用程序,能够将知识分门别类以树状(目录树)和网状(关键字)呈现,易于管理.企业、学校用户可以通过该平台随时共同关注知识动态,可在该平台上建立自己的知识树,收藏自己精心挑选的知识,关注自己感兴趣的知识类,管理自己的知识内容,同时分享自己的新知识,方便查询,更方便管理.  相似文献   

虚拟社区"virtual community"是人们通过计算机网络分享知识和信息的场所,计算机网络日新月异,虚拟社区也因此得到了飞速发展,用户通过公告栏、聊天室等电子载体交换信息、知识分享。以往的研究表明虚拟社区已经成为知识分享的重要途径,许多组织为方便员工的交流,共享与工作相关的信息建立了内部虚拟社区,但是理论研究仍然落后于实践。通过查阅文献,回顾了虚拟社区产生的背景及其形成过程,在此基础上归纳了虚拟社区的知识分享的特征和形式,分析了虚拟社区知识分享存在的弊端,最后进一步探讨和评价影响虚拟社区的知识分享意愿的因素。  相似文献   

有关课堂互动的研究文献中,鲜有从互动双方的角度同时研究互动效果。因此,本文借用社会交换理论对英语课堂互动效果的影响因子提出以下命题:社会交换理论对分析英语学习者的动机的启示;社会交换理论对英语课堂互动环境的启示;互惠原则与英语学习者的课堂承诺;协商原则与英语课堂小组讨论。  相似文献   

近几年来,高职院校实施知识管理的实践与探索越来越多,且不断深入,这并非偶然,而是由学校本身的特性、现实要求所决定。高职院校实施知识管理是一项系统工程,也是一个长期的、复杂的过程。在知识管理流程中,首先要解决的最基础、最核心的环节是知识资源获取与知识分享。高职院校可以通过十大途径获取知识、二种方式整合知识、六项措施分享知识。  相似文献   

基于知识生态共享机制的图书馆应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以生态学的理论观点来分析知识共享问题,将知识放在类似自然生态系统中来考虑,将知识工作者视为有机体,从各有机体之间、有机体与系统的组织环境之间相互作用相互影响的角度出发来研究知识共享活动,探索图书馆知识生态系统中知识共享机制的理论体系。  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of organisational and individual factors on the knowledge sharing behaviour of UK academics. Although there a few articles that explore knowledge sharing between academics in an Asian context, there is currently only one article that explores this topic in a UK context. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 academics to gather insights into their views on the factors that affect knowledge sharing. Findings demonstrated that academics are prepared to share different types of knowledge; a range of factors affecting this process were highlighted by interviewees. Trust was discussed more than other individual factors and was often associated with social exchange. Culture was described by most interviewees as collaborative and leaders were generally considered to have integrity, but often did not themselves share knowledge. Regular face-to-face contact was emphasised as being critical for knowledge sharing. This study demonstrates there is a culture of trust in most departments and academics are willing to share knowledge with their colleagues. They do, however, believe that the matrix structure, that is typical of academic departments, has resulted in unclear roles and responsibilities, which could hinder the design of structures to promote collaboration and sharing.  相似文献   

为了更好地实现基于分布式本体的知识共享, 提出了一个基于本体环境迁移(OCI)的方法. 该方法同传统的本体集成和映射方法相比, 能减少实现复杂度. 该方法可以分成3个阶段: 给定术语的语义环境确定, 本体术语之间的语义相似度计算以及本体环境迁移. 针对分布式本体的一个本地术语, 其本体环境可以通过使用语义相似度计算从与该术语最相关的本地本体中确定和抽取. 然后, 该环境将被动态地迁移到源本体以获取更丰富的语义信息. 采用多智能体技术, 开发了一个分布式知识共享系统(DKSS)以演示该方法的使用. 实验结果显示, 该方法对分布式本体知识共享是有效的, 不需要维护全局本体或复杂的本体映射, 因此具有更好的可维护性和可伸缩性.  相似文献   

Background:?A good social climate is a precondition for developing a well functioning staff in university departments. However, as universities are becoming increasingly diverse in their staff composition, new problems for the social climate may develop. Organisations where members are open to diversity are known to be better integrated and to perform better. While the relation between a positive social climate and group functioning is well documented, we know much less about antecedents for such a climate.

Purpose:?The aim of this study is to examine the effect of internal learning and knowledge sharing engagement (sharing informal knowledge of a personal nature and the staff's application of each other's knowledge to task relevant problems) on diversity climate (openness to linguistic, visual, value and informational diversity) among university teachers.

Sample:?The study used questionnaire responses from 489 teachers in multicultural Danish university departments.

Design and methods:?To study antecedents for a good diversity climate, statistical analysis including hierarchical multiple regressions was applied.

Conclusions:?Results showed that group members' engagement in: (1) sharing informal knowledge of a personal nature; and (2) their application of each other's knowledge to task relevant problems had strong positive associations with openness to linguistic, visible, value and informational diversity. We conclude that interaction and knowledge sharing among teachers in multicultural departments is likely to have a favourable effect on the social working climate.  相似文献   


The ability to share knowledge is an important attribute that students develop in learning communities (LCs), enabling them to succeed in their education and careers. Insufficient research addresses the development of such knowledge sharing in LCs though, including whether it aligns with students’ success (i.e., grades). To address this gap, the current study investigates various determinants of knowledge sharing and their effects on student success. Survey data from 183 psychology students measure altruism, trust, belongingness (community identification), perceived social interaction, and attitudes toward and expectations of the benefits of knowledge sharing. A path analysis shows that trust affects the expected personal and community benefits of knowledge sharing indirectly, through students’ general attitudes toward knowledge sharing. Altruism, trust, and belongingness affect the personal benefits of knowledge sharing indirectly through social interaction. No significant relation emerges with first-year study success. Knowledge sharing as added attribute does not appear aligned with study success measured by individual course grades.  相似文献   

知识管理背景下社会科学成果评价体系的构建原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对知识管理的理念和方法的研究,结合我国社会科学成果评价体系的研究现状和应用情况,分析了影响社会科学成果评价体系的诸多因素,提出构建社会科学成果评价体系应遵循的八项基本原则和技术原则。  相似文献   

在产业集群信息联盟内部企业间知识共享具有天然的优势。信息联盟的介入能够极大提高企业间知识共享的成功性和效率,形成完善的知识共享机制,提高集群内部企业的信任度,拓展知识共享渠道。  相似文献   

This study suggests an integrative qualitative methodological framework for capturing complexity in mentoring activity. Specifically, the model examines how historical developments of a discipline direct mentors’ mediation of professional knowledge through the language that they use. The model integrates social activity theory and a framework of critical discourse analysis to guide the data collection, analysis and interpretation processes. Drawing on the case of mentoring in Arts Education, we describe and discuss the discursive character of the interactions between content and pedagogy in mentoring activity, as they grow out of the larger historical groundings of participants’ practice.  相似文献   

社会保障信息网站的评价,由于受到主观的、非确定性因素的影响,而具有灰色系统的相应特征.在分析社会保障信息网站特点的基础上,建立了社会保障信息网站的三维评价指标体系,应用灰色理论,结合层次分析法,对我国社会保障信息网站进行了综合评价.根据评价的结果,指出了社会保障信息平台建设中存在的问题,并提出了改进的建议.  相似文献   

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