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The most peculiar feature of the whole affair was the friendship of the young man for Tiburcio. The latter was the practical hunter, which actual experience only can produce. He could foretell the coming of a norther twenty-four hours in advance. Just which course deer would graze he could predict by the quarter of the wind. In woodcraft he was a trustworthy though unquoted authority.  相似文献   

The ease and apparent willingness with which some men revert to an aimless life can best be accounted for by the savage or barbarian instincts of our natures. The West has produced many types of the vagabond,-it might be excusable to say, won them from every condition of society.  相似文献   

Riding to the highest ground in the vicinity, they obtained a splendid view of the stream, outlined by the foliage of  相似文献   

Then there were the freight trains, the motive power of which was mules and oxen. It was necessary to carry forward supplies and bring back the crude products of the country. The Chihuahua wagon was drawn sometimes by twelve, sometimes by twenty mules, four abreast in the swing,the leaders and wheelers being single teams. For mutual protection trains were made up of from ten to twentywagons.  相似文献   

On the advice of his companion they had brought along blankets. The women of the ranchito brought other bedding, and a comfortable bed soon awaited the Americans.  相似文献   

唐代学中出现了一批值得注意的漂泊形象,其人物原型是举子、选人、小官吏等活跃在社会底层的小人物。他们到处旅寓,以天下为家,形成了一种客寓意识,具有游子品格和漂泊精神。在唐代学中,他们已经作为一种带有独特时代特征的学形象而存在,被赋予了独立的审美价值,也具有深刻的社会认识价值.同时也体现了唐代学贴近现实的写实倾向。  相似文献   

"孙志刚"案的发生引起了全社会极大的关注.从实行收容遣送到今天的救助管理,流浪乞讨人员的命运经历了强制收容到充满人文关怀的待遇.但是,在这种转变中救助职能的转换、资金的来源及运作、工作人员的索质要求等方面仍存在诸多问题.本文通过分析<救助办法>的特点及带来的变化和可能面临的问题,试图提出建议.  相似文献   

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