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百年大计,教育为本。近些年幼儿教育越来越受到全社会各个群体的关注。英语作为第一国际语言,一直都是中国教育学科中较为重视的科目。如今,幼儿英语教育领域飞速发展,但由于幼儿这一受教育群体的特殊性,英语教学方面存在诸多问题与困难。文章在针对几点幼儿教育问题的分析基础上,提出如何更好科学地提高幼儿英语教育教学质量,提高孩子对英语的兴趣,促进孩子语言、表达、思考、观察等一系列能力发展。  相似文献   

从教育文化学的角度来说.幼儿教育就是教师代表的成人文化与幼儿文化互动的过程。在传统的幼儿教育模式下,幼儿文化基本上被深埋于高压控制的以教师为代表的成人文化氛围中。这种单向的文化交流模式使得幼儿文化几乎丧失了独立存在与发展的空间,是严重失衡的模式。在这种模式下的教师常采取武断的、控制性的手段对幼儿文化进行成人化的修改。  相似文献   

自闭症幼儿作为特殊群体,对于幼儿教育工作提出了更高的要求。因此,本文对幼儿教育中自闭症幼儿的教育实践进行探讨分析,以希望为自闭症幼儿健康成长提供可行性的建议。  相似文献   

早在20世纪70年代,"生态"式教育的理念就被应用于幼儿教育之中,其作为一种全新的幼儿教育模式,为幼儿营造生活化特定化的教学氛围,使教育对象在特定环境下认知、体验、学习、反思。以生态教育为出发,对幼儿的礼仪养成教育进行深入的分析和研究,致力于全方位、系统化、科学化地制定幼儿生态式礼仪养成教育实施策略,有效促进幼儿、幼儿教育机构、家长等各方的和谐发展。  相似文献   

文章着重论述幼儿教师应具有的素养热爱幼儿、尊重幼儿和理解幼儿;不断更新幼儿教育观念,转变自身角色;主动地设置幼儿课程以及具有的专业知识.以此为出发点改变我国幼儿教育中存在的不良现象,提高幼儿教育质量.  相似文献   

文章指出了现行的幼儿美术教育存在的三种“倾向”,从多个角度分析了形成这三种倾向的原因,并根据幼儿美术教育的特质,有针对性地提出了在美术教育中发展幼儿创造力的方法和途径,可资幼儿教育工作者参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

农村幼儿教育与城市幼儿教育在教学条件与教学水平的发展方面都存在很大的差异,虽然我国教育部近年来已经开始对农村幼儿教育给予很高程度的重视,但农村幼儿教学水平与能力的提升并非一朝一夕就能解决的。作为农村幼儿教师,从教师的角度对幼儿教学进行调整,使快乐与发展成为幼儿成长的主线,才能够更好地促进我国农村幼儿教育教学的改革,促进我国农村幼儿教育教学的快速发展。  相似文献   

幼儿教育小学化是部分地区教育的一种倾向,它在一定程度上会挫伤幼儿学习的自尊心、自信心和降低其学习兴趣,压抑幼儿的天性,影响幼儿的创造力和想象力,降低幼儿的幸福感。因此,幼儿教育工作者应树立正确的幼儿教育观念,尊重幼儿教育的规律,开展启发式、游戏式教育;树立科学的办园理念,建立家校教育共同体,加强教育监督和引导。  相似文献   

随着幼儿教育改革的深入,各种课程论研究的不断发展,使幼儿教育工作者对幼儿游戏的作用有了更深刻的认识.游戏在幼儿教育领域游戏占有极其重要的位置.幼儿游戏是学前儿童的基本活动,也是幼儿园一日活动中的重要组成部分.幼儿游戏对幼儿认知的发展、社会性发展及情感发展都具有积极的促进作用.所以幼儿园教育应以游戏为基本活动,科学的组织指导幼儿的游戏活动,让幼儿在轻松快乐的游戏中学习和发展.本文从游戏对幼儿发展的意义、幼儿园游戏组织存在的问题、幼儿园游戏指导策略三方面进行了论述,希望能够对广大幼儿教育工作者有所帮助.  相似文献   

随着我国的教育压力逐渐升高,教育中心也逐渐向低龄层次延伸,这其中首当其冲的就是幼儿教育。幼儿教育作为重要的基础教育,对幼儿的成长有着积极的影响,与之对应幼儿师范类学校教育也具有重要的意义。但目前,幼儿师范类教育存在较多问题,例如学生学习基础较为薄弱,学生学习态度存在较大问题,在幼儿师范类学校数学教育中,此类问题更为凸显。本文就幼儿师范类学校数学教学展开探究,分析其中存在的问题,找寻对策,以期能够为优化幼儿师范类学校数学教学提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The messages conveyed by visual representations in the early childhood education (ECE) environment are critical to ensuring the success of inclusive practices. Given that anti-bias education permeates and affects everything which takes place in ECE institutions, the challenge for early childhood educators is to think creatively about how classroom walls can be used effectively as part of an educational environment rather than for purely decorative purposes. Our research aimed to examine, through a content analysis of the illustrations, the representation of the body taking into account the different categories as they are portrayed on nine different ECE classroom walls in Spanish public schools. Results show that the ECE walls are teaching gender equality to young children, with no single predominant role for girls or boys, but that they are not contributing to children learning about corporal diversity related to disability and ageing.  相似文献   

This paper examines early childhood education (ECE) by applying and developing relational-spatial perspectives on everyday life in educational institutions for young children. The aim is to investigate the dynamic process of construction of space and to illustrate with selected empirical episodes how this process occurs in ECE. Drawing on authors such as Soja and Bourdieu, the starting point for the analysis is that space is socially produced in everyday interactions in a process that intertwines the physical environment and concrete objects, personal interpretations of physical and cultural space, and cultural and collective views about space in ECE. We illustrate this process with ethnographic data from two day care centers. The analysis shows how children and educators engage in the process of constructing space from diverse positions and how the institutional context is embedded within this process.  相似文献   

For more than 25 years, a large percentage of young Australian children has been involved in arts and cultural experiences, but very little systematic information has been gathered to understand what they gain from these encounters. This article investigates young children’s cultural engagement and wellbeing within a festival experience – as creators making work for an exhibition at the festival, and as consumers participating in theatre, dance and festival activities. The case study involved 105 children (64 girls and 41 boys, aged 7 years 11 months to 9 years 1 month) and used a mixed methods approach incorporating quantitative surveys, qualitative focus groups and participant observation. Though the surveys did not show any changes in children’s views of wellbeing before, during or after the festival, focus group conversations revealed almost unanimous perspectives of positive wellbeing after the festival. The findings indicate that children’s wellbeing is a complex phenomenon that may be best explored using composite standpoints of children, teachers, parents and artists for achieving a clearer understanding.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,隔代教养在中国成为一个普遍的现象。国外的隔代教养研究相对成熟,有许多值得借鉴的方面。近年来,国外隔代教养研究关注的焦点和角度随着社会的发展产生了新的变化,关注隔代教养的各个主体、文化差异以及隔代教养的积极方面,并努力寻求有效的解决方案。  相似文献   

Western research over the last decade has shown that early childhood (EC) teachers’ perspectives on the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the early years strongly shape young children's experiences in educational settings and affect the integration of ICT into the classroom. The research in China is scant however. This article reports a study of Chinese EC teachers’ views on the use of ICT in preschools. Data consist of illustrative original quotations generated from interviews with four teachers, as part of a larger study. This study shows that Chinese preschool teachers had an emerging understanding about social and technological impacts on the use of ICT in early childhood education (ECE), but they recognised the value of ICT for young children and themselves in a limited way. This restrained young children's active and meaningful use of ICT for early learning and development. We argue that there is a need to develop explicit ICT polices and curriculum guidelines for the ECE system that emphasise young children's active and creative use of ICT for early learning and development, and better support teacher learning.  相似文献   

This study investigates the definitions of the construct “young children in need of special support” given by preschool staff in Sweden in 540 preschool units. The study has a mixed‐methods design based on qualitative analysis of an open‐ended question and quantitative analysis of questionnaire responses. The results reveal two general perspectives in definitions of the construct, a child perspective and an organisational perspective. Units with a child perspective had a higher proportion of children in need of special support, especially girls. The study highlights that the term “children in need of special support” is partially socially constructed and is partially based on perceived child characteristics. The perceptions of what is considered to be a child in need of special support held by staff in a unit may impact on the services provided to children in need of special support.  相似文献   

There is a significant body of research on children’s preconceptions concerning scientific concepts and the impact this has upon their science education. One active issue concerns the extent to which young children’s explanations for the existence of natural kinds rely on a teleological rationale: for example, rain is for watering the grass, or tigers’ stripes are for camouflage. It has been argued that this teleological tendency hampers children’s ability to learn about causality in the natural world. This paper investigates two factors (question wording and topic) which it is argued have led to a misestimation of children’s teleological tendencies within the area natural phenomena: i.e. those that are time-constrained, natural events or process such as snow, clouds or night. Sixty-six (5–8 years old) children took part in a repeated-measures experiment, answering both open and leading questions across 10 topics of natural phenomena. The findings indicate that children’s teleological reasoning may have been overestimated as open-question forms significantly reduced their tendency to answer teleologically. Moreover, the concept of teleology is more nuanced than often suggested. Consequently, young children may be more able to learn about causal explanations for the existence of natural phenomena than the literature implies.  相似文献   

对幼儿教师、家长各60名进行半结构式深度访谈的结果显示。幼儿心理健康特征主要体现在性格、个人行为及能力、人际交往与社会适应、情绪、道德品质五个方面,其心理健康观具有模糊性、经验性、主观性等特点,并不同程度表现出重外轻内、重适应轻发展的倾向。幼儿教师的判断相对准确、理性。家长更实用与功利。传统文化与价值观,彼此角色地位、自身经历及认知水平影响他们心理健康观的构建。  相似文献   

普惠性学前教育产生于我国构建以公平公正理念为核心的社会政策体系背景之下,它从国家政策走向地方实践、从学术理想走向社会现实仍需多视角、多维度的拓展研究。普惠性学前教育蕴含国家对学前教育发展的价值期盼和文化寄托,是慈幼文化变迁的时代性表达与彰显、民本文化演进的实践性转化与弘扬、共同体文化复苏的领域性传导与伸张。当前,普惠性学前教育的现实推进遭遇文化困境:系统性误识导致发展进程背离既定目标、文化堕距掣肘政策推进的动力系统、文化冲突阻挠社会群体的通力合作。以文化共鸣为切入点创新普惠性学前教育的发展路径,是中国语境下推动普惠性学前教育发展的必然之选。政策设计者需形塑舆论场域实现文化培育,政策执行者要消除文化区隔促进文化整合,政策目标群体应反思文化立场加快文化调适。  相似文献   

Homework is an increasing yet under-researched part of young children’s everyday lives. Framed by the international agendas of starting strong and school accountability, homework in the lives of young children has been either overlooked or considered from the perspective of adults rather than from the perspective of children themselves. This paper redresses this situation by reporting on an Australian study of 120 young children, aged four to eight years, where homework emerges as a key part of their everyday lives. Children’s own accounts of their everyday decision-making, using audio-taped conversations and concurrent paper-based timeline activities, show homework as accomplishing the institutional purposes of the school, while affording the children opportunities to demonstrate their competence in operating in an adult-generated education regime.  相似文献   

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