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have to do sth的句型表示主语“有必要或有义务做某事”。其中have的一般过去时用had,一般现在时第三人称单数用has。例: They had to go home on foot yesterday because the bus had gone. 昨天他们不得不走回家去,因为公共汽车已经开走了。 he has to look after her mother at home,for her mother is ill. 她不得不在家照看妈妈,因为妈妈病了。 在对have to句型进行疑问或否定变换时,若指通常或习惯上的动  相似文献   

1.have to…例句:I have to get home to do mywork. 我得回家干活。(L13) have to是情态动词,意为“必须,不得不”,后面跟动词原形,强调由于外在的客观原因而使主语必须做某事。have to在使用时,各种句型的变化方法与行为动词相同。例如: Do you have to go now?你现在就得走吗? He doesn’t have to do the work now.他没必要现在就做这事。情态动词must也作“必须”解,但它所强调的是说话者的主观愿望。例如: You must finish your homework first. 你必须先做完作业。  相似文献   

【同步阅读】Passage1I have two good friends.They are twins.One day I go to their home after school.Theyhave a very nice bedroom.The room is new.Amap of China is on the wall.A nice picture ison the wall,too.In the picture there are hillsand a river with a boat on it.A big desk is be-side the bed.Two chairs are behind the desk.Their books and pens are on the desk.Theirschool bags are behind the chairs.They have acat.It’s under the desk.The cat looks like ahat.A light(灯)is on the desk.1.What is not in the twins’bedr...  相似文献   

to the bus stop.4fell down.5 didn't have money to buylunch.6 had a Chinese lesson.二、阅读短文 ,根据所给时间状语改写短文Mrs.White usually gets up athalf pastsix and cooksbreakfastfor her family.After her children go to school,she drives to work every day.She has lunch in the factoryand finishes her work athalf pastfive in the afternoon.Onher way home she usually does some shopping for supper.And they have supper at seven o'clock in the evening.Then she often reads newspapers or watches TV fo…  相似文献   

Once Doctor Bruce and his wife had settled in Thorby,they decided they wouldlike to have their daughter,Jane,living at home.They took her away from theboarding school where she had been while they were abroad.Arrangements weremade for her to attend a local school.Jane did not regret leaving boarding school.She was glad of the opportunity to  相似文献   

同学们,“焦点访谈”节目和大家见面了,请细心关注本期节目。本期的焦点是:现在进行时的用法。【焦点一】什么是现在进行时?【主持人】现在进行时表示说话时(瞬间)正在进行的动作,或表示目前阶段一直进行的动作。现在进行时表示“正在做某事”。例如:I’m w atching TV.我正在看电视。She is cleaning her room.她正在打扫她的房间。They are waiting for thebus.他们正在等公共汽车。【焦点二】现在进行时的谓语是怎样构成的?【主持人】现在进行时的谓语由“助动词be am is are 现在分词”构成。现在分词的构成规则如下:1.一般情况下在词…  相似文献   

My American Life     
I went to America two months ago. The first city that I went to was Detroit. The air there was very clear, and had no noise nor pollution. I lived in a family. My host familys name is Charade Whitson. She is a very lovely girl. She is thirteen years old. Her family has five people; her father, her mother, her two brothers and her. We lived in a villa (别墅) . The house was very big, and had two floors. I have lived there for two weeks. In these weeks, I had a good time. They often took me to everywhere that I wanted  相似文献   

现在进行时表示说话时(瞬间)正在进行的动作,或表示目前阶段一直在进行的动作。例如:H e is listening to the teacher now.现在他正在听老师讲课。They’re w riting at the m om ent.此刻他们正在写字。Look。W ho’s standing under the bigtree?瞧!谁正站在大树下?但在下列  相似文献   

A Fire     
John and his wife Mary had a nice home and two lovely children.One day,they went on a business trip to another city where they would stay there for a few days.They hired@a woman to take care of the children. Several days later,when they drove back into town,they noticed smoke rising from the town and SO they went to see what it was.They found a house on fire and Mary said,"Oh,it is not our home.Let’s go."  相似文献   

【单词识记】1.cut v.切;割;砍。例如:()①—Where is my dad,mum?(2006湖北襄樊中考题)—He isn’t at home.I guess he_______grass in the gardennow.A.cut B.has cutC.will cut D.is cutting【解析】正确选项D。选项中cut是动词“割”的意思。()②Lookthere!Who_______the youngtree?Let’s go and stop him.(2006武汉中考题)A.does cut B.is cutting C.cut【解析】正确选项B。选项中cut是动词“砍”的意思。2.pour v.(常与down,out,into连用)流;倾泻。例如:He poured lots of juice into the glass.(选出与划线部分意思相同或相…  相似文献   

Mr Reece had a farm in the south of England. Mr and Mrs Reece grew a lot of things. They worked very hard. One day , Mr Reece said to her, “Let's go to London next Sunday. We can have a good lunch there, and then we can go and see aplay.”  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.pain【用法】1)名词,意为“疼痛”,表示身体局部的疼痛,其前一般用不定冠词,也可用复数。例如:M ary is crying because she has a painin her stom ach.玛丽胃痛得哭了起来。She had pains in her back all thetim e.她背部一直痛。2)pain表示“痛苦”时,是不可数名词。例如:Y ou w ill forgive m e if I have givenyou pain.如果我让你痛苦,请你原谅我。The pain in her heart was intolerable.她内心的痛苦简直无法忍受。3)pain作“烦恼,辛苦,费心,努力”解释时要用复数形式。例如:H e is a good teacher and takes gre…  相似文献   

名师导航——重点难点精析1.hove to的用法have to后加动词的原形,表示“不得不”“必须”。它有各种形式,可用于各种时态,其变化方式与实义动词have相同。例:-Where is Tony? -He can’t go with us today.He has to stay at home. -Why? -I’m not sure.I think he may have to help his father in the garden. -Oh,we’ll ask Bob instead.  相似文献   

今天,我们将学习时态中的新成员——现在进行时。咱们现在一起来结识一下这位新朋友。一、现在进行时的结构现在进行时的结构为:主语+助动词be(am/is/are)+动词的现在分词形式+其它。例如:Wang Fang is doing her homework now.王芳正在做作业。They are playing football.他们正在踢足球。  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.consider【用法】vt.1)考虑;细想(think carefullyabout something or about what to do),后面可接名词或从句,具有疑问意义的连接词或代词引起的不定式短语,动词的-ing 形式,不能直接接动词不定式作宾语。例如:You had better consider the plan.你们最好考虑那个计划。They have to consider what they shoulddo next.他们得考虑下一步要做什么。  相似文献   

一、现在完成时的构成现在完成时是由"助动词have/has+动词的过去分词"构成。主语是第三人称单数时用has,其余人称用have。例如:Peter has written six papers so far.彼得到目前为止已做了六张试卷。They have just had their lunch.他们刚吃过午饭。  相似文献   

看图回答:双休日,天气晴朗,同学们都忙起来了。他们要去做什么呢?请同学们试试用英语回答好吗?1.例:What is she going to do?She’s going to go fishing.3.What are they going to do?They’re________________________2.What is he going to do?He’s_______________________4.What is she going to do?She’s________________________Keys:2.He’s going to swim.3.They are going to have a picnic.4.She is going to the zoo.它们去做什么@梦妮…  相似文献   

【考点1】Mario,you used to bc short, didn‘t you?(p.10)【直击中考】1.Mr Smith___a super surfer.But now he is too old to go surfing.(2005太原) A.has given up B.is good at C.used to be 2.梅医生过去是个护士。Doctor Mei____to be a______.(2004湘潭)【解析】1.选C 2.填used;nurse。used to意为“过去常常”,后面接动词原形。  相似文献   

一、句中有 be 动词(指 is , am , are, was , were)、情态动词(指 can , may, must…)、助动词(指 will , shall , have, has , had)的,在其后面直接加 not。如 :1.He is a student.He is not a student2.Her mother can speak Japanese.Her mother can not speak Japanese3.They will go to Beijing next Sunday.They will not go to Beijing next Sunday4.You have already watched this TV play.You have not watch this TV play yet.二、句中的谓语动词是原形、第三人称单数、过去式的,则应在谓语动词的前面分别加上 do not(do…  相似文献   

The Rare People     
One day,Tim’s father stayed at home with Tim.It was 9:00.It was time to go to bed.But Tim is anaughty boy.He didn’t want to go to bed.His fathersaid to him:“I’ll tell you a myth,then you must fallasleep.Please don’t make troubles.”The words thatfather said had a good effect,Tim agreed.“I’ll tell  相似文献   

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