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This paper presents a new prototype of an intelligent learning environment and the results of an experiment in learning by problem solving. Forty-six French secondary school students solved problems of polynomial factorization by interacting with the learning environment during four forty-five-minute sessions. The intelligent learning environment is a new version of the APLUSIX system, called APLUSIX/M0-V2, that has been implemented on a Macintosh computer. This system checks the validity of the actions a student wants to perform, tells the student why a query is invalid, does the calculations for the student, and gives advice if asked for help. The objective of the learning experiment was to enable students to acquire (i) knowledge in matching formal rules of transformation with a given expression; and (ii) heuristics of choice between possible transformations. The results confirmed the existence of several different levels of matching knowledge as well as several different student learning paths in the acquisition of matching knowledge. Heuristics appeared to be fairly easily learned with the APLUSIX learning environment.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a strand of activities for teachers of mathematics that we used with two cohorts of participants in a professional development program called Revitalizing Algebra (REAL). We first discuss our goals and describe the participants, and then we describe the construction and selection of the tasks followed by teacher responses. Finally, we reflect on different iterations of the tasks, their impact on the teachers’ thinking and practice, and the role of school and department culture in the process of change.  相似文献   

Problems faced by engineering students involve multiple pathways to solution. Students rarely receive effective formative feedback on handwritten homework. This paper examines the potential for computer-based formative assessment of student solutions to multipath engineering problems. In particular, an intelligent tutor approach is adopted and tested out on problems of truss analysis, studied in engineering statics. With a cognitive model for solving the class of problems, the tutor allows the student wide latitude in solution steps, while maintaining sufficient constraints for judging the solution and offering feedback. Proper selection of judging points prevents interference with productive student work, while avoiding accumulated errors. To monitor student learning, efforts to apply distinct skills were extracted on the fly from student work. Using statistical methods developed for intelligent tutoring systems, metrics of the effectiveness of the feedback and areas for further improvements were gleaned from error rates in successive opportunities to apply distinct skills.  相似文献   


El artículo comenta el trabajo previo de revisión teórica realizado por López acerca de la estabilidad y el cambio en los vínculos de apego a lo largo del ciclo vital, publicado en este mismo número de la revista. El autor, que en líneas generales se muestra de acuerdo con los argumentos expuestos por López, analiza en primer lugar los conceptos de estabilidad vertical versus horizontal, añadiendo detalles en los que queda patente la complejidad del tema tanto en lo que respecta a su abordaje teórico como metodológico. En este sentido, se plantean las limitaciones de los datos disponibles hasta el momento (fundamentalmente en lo que atañe a instrumentos fiables, válidos y comparables de unas edades a otras, las muestras empleadas, la escasez de buenos diseños longitudinales) y se introduce una reflexión crítica acerca de cuánta estabilidad sería esperable para confirmar los postulados básicos de la teoría clásica de Bolwby. Por último, se completa el análisis de López añadiendo una consideración acerca de las teorías del apego “de banda ancha” versus las “de banda estrecha” en la predicción del ajuste social posterior del individuo.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - Prior research has focused extensively on how emotion tendencies (e.g., duration, frequency, intensity, and valence) affect students’...  相似文献   

Advisory committees of mathematics consider abstract algebra as an essential component of the mathematical preparation of secondary teachers, yet preservice teachers find it challenging to connect the topics addressed in this advanced course with the high school algebra they must someday teach. This study analyzed the mathematical content knowledge that developed in preservice teachers during a semester course in abstract algebra utilizing Lerman's “person-in-practice-in-person” lens. This unit of analysis provided insights into the situated nature of the algebra learned by illuminating how the goals of the instructor and preservice teachers impacted the community of practice created in the university classroom and how participating in that community impacted the preservice teachers' mathematical identities.  相似文献   

针对当前职业学校教学中的典型问题,本文倡导基于智性学习任务设计与处理的教学策略,阐述了它的理论基础、设计与反思的维度、可能的教学演进过程;分析了教师在这一策略中的创造、编制与实施的典型困难,提出应区别工作任务和学习任务,丰富教学实践中运用的任务类型,学习任务的设计应成为当前教学改革之工作重心,而教师学习共同体的建设则是促进任务开发的重要组织手段。  相似文献   

This study investigated how different forms of tutor action influenced novice students’ performance on the Wason selection task, and how the students perceived the situation. In the control condition, the tutor provided supportive feedback which was minimal in terms of content (CG), in contrast to help in the form of directives (IM) or questions (QM). Based on the findings of studies of tutorial dialogue in the literature, we expected to observe: lower performance for CG (H1) and better performance with QM than IM (H2), a less positive perception of the tutor’s assistance for CG (H3), and that the tutees would differentiate between the IM and QM conditions (H4). These hypotheses were confirmed, with the exception of H2, IM and QM producing similar performances.  相似文献   

独立学院本科生导师制探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
导师制具有强大的生命力,原因在于它符合了高等教育发展的基本规律.独立学院作为一种新的办学形式,为适应当前高等教育发展的形势并根据生源特点,在人才培养过程中采用导师制.实现独立学院导师制的保障机制应做到加强导师的选拔与聘用,明确导师的职责,制定严格的培养方案,建立健全的运行机制.  相似文献   

《中国现当代文学名著导读》课程教学模式改革,应确立“以读为主、以导助读、重在导法”的课程导学的基本理念,并以此作为导学改革探索的基点。  相似文献   

Empirical evidence has attested to the benefits of autonomy support in a classroom context, in facilitating students' autonomous motivation, well-being, creativity, engagement, and persistence. However, most interventional research aiming to increase teachers' autonomy-supportive behaviors has been conducted in school and college contexts, with few studies aimed at university tutors. The current study implemented a brief theory-driven autonomy-supportive intervention in university seminars and developed an observational checklist instrument to assess behavior change. Tutors who received brief training in autonomy-supportive teaching techniques showed significant increases from baseline in two important autonomy-supportive behaviors in their classes. Potential implications and suggestions for further development of the intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) are educational systems that reflect knowledge using artificial intelligence implements. In this paper, we give an...  相似文献   

Failure has an important role to play in learning how to navigate highly uncertain organizational environments. But “failing fast” just for its own sake may in fact undermine learning if not set up or handled correctly. Using failure-based pedagogy, including generative failure, whole-person learning, and entrepreneurial thinking, an MBA course was designed and experienced by 48 students in three instances. Structured around a novel guiding framework of “brains, bravery, and belief,” the course has resulted in highly impactful learning for students. Student experiments are typically based around either exploring an entrepreneurial idea, developing or enhancing a particular skill, or applying skills and knowledge to help improve a societal problem. In each case, students are supported but also challenged to go beyond their comfort zones and encounter some intelligent failure in the journey. Regular reflection on their experiences, both from a cognitive and an affective perspective, is an essential element built into the course experience. The course, which itself was an experiment and not without its own instructive failures, is now an essential part of the MBA experience.  相似文献   


For the purpose of improving the quality in Elearning process and overcoming the limitations of the current online educational environments, we propose to take into consideration the emotional states of students during Elearning sessions. Our objective is to ensure the ability of emotional intelligence: Emotion Recognition, in an eLearning environment. Thus, we present an architecture of Emotionally Intelligent Elearning System (EIES). Within the development of a computational probabilistic model of emotions, we proposed a Bayesian Network (BN) model to deal with emotions in Elearning environments and handle the uncertain nature of emotion recognition process. In a second phase, we focus on the incorporation of the emotion recognition in the Elearning systems by developing a simulation of EIES based on the BN model, able to predict the students’ affects. Consequently, we reached positive and promising results related to the fact that simulated EIES based on the BN model of emotions predicts correctly the student’s emotion when an event occurs during an Elearning session.  相似文献   

In two experiments, rats were given intermixed or blocked preexposure to two similar compound stimuli, AX and BX. Following preexposure, conditioning trials took place in which AX (Experiment 1) or a novel compound stimulus NX (Experiment 2) was paired with a food-unconditioned stimulus in an appetitive Pavlovian preparation. Animals that were given alternated preexposure showed lower generalization from AX to BX (Experiment 1) and from NX to a new compound, ZX (Experiment 2), than animals that were given blocked preexposure, a perceptual learning and a perceptual learning transfer effect, respectively.  相似文献   

The mistakes made when attempting tasks often prove to be some of the most invaluable learning experiences. Despite this, outcome and results driven assessment formats largely penalise student performance errors or reward students who succeed by chance. The consequences of this paradigm are visible effects on student relationships with assessment. The student–tutor consensus approach to assessment was introduced to capture student learning achieved ‘from’ assessment to complement the measurement of performance outcomes. This approach parallels student and tutor judgement in a grade negotiation, affording the student an opportunity to share with their assessor what they have learned from the assessment activity. This student self-awareness was then considered alongside the conventional outcome-based score awarded by the tutor to generate a final grade for the assessed activity. Our study evaluated the perceptions of 90 undergraduate students enrolled in the bachelor of paramedic studies, who participated in this novel assessment approach as part of a final-year capstone topic. The results comprehensively indicated value for all aspects of the assessment approach, as well as a recognition that the skills will be useful in their future professional roles.  相似文献   

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