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In today's complex computer training market, flashy presentations frequently prove the most important purchasing element while instructional design and content take a back seat to form. Courseware purchasers obviously require an objective and generic measure of computer assisted learning (CAL) courseware. Since any such measure must include a human evaluator this is a difficult objective to attain. Funded by a grant from the Westinghouse Corporation, the Center for Interactive Technologies, Applications and Research (CITAR) at the University of South Florida attempted to break complex concepts such as instruction, management and user interface into component pieces small enough for objective evaluation. A study involving ten CAL packages produced agreements among an average of seven of eight raters and reliabilities around. 70, while an investigation of traditional perceptual evaluation procedures by the same raters on the same courseware produced far lower estimates for both agreement and reliability. Seeking reasons for these differences, a detailed investigation of courseware summaries showed that evaluators tend to pay more attention to the presentation than to the instructional aspects of the courseware. This phenomenon apparently has less influence on the low inference CITAR evaluation model which produces relatively consistent evaluations of CAL courseware.  相似文献   

Conclusion The present evaluation procedures are useful if looked at as secondary data; if they are seen as broad and essentially complementary to the main business of schooling — student learning, and not as the primary outcome of schooling.When they are seen as direct or primary representations of the quality of programs, they are fraudulent and misleading. Moreover, they are dangerous to the humanistic image of man and our evolving understanding of the learning process.It is the heightening of this danger, currently being fostered by federal grant programs, accountability movements, industrial focus, and the national testing program, that makes it crucial to take a stand, now.We who are engaged in schooling activity are being made over by the pressures of our contemporary milieu. As I see it at present, the evaluation signs of the times can only lead, in the long run, to a process whereby we shall become middlemen technicians in schools that perform a service-training function.Distinguished Professor of Education at the University of North Carolina (Greensboro).  相似文献   

The results of a questionnaire-based investigation carried out across China regarding teachers’ professional development were used to create an extensive database. Chinese teachers’ subjective evaluation of a number of professional development policies was statistically analyzed. From their ratings, it is shown that in schools across China, differences exist in terms of the effectiveness of professional development policies in teaching profession. Striking differences exist between regions as well as between school levels. Multi regression analysis has shown that training and refresher courses are two of the major factors that influence differences in teachers’ evaluation of policy implementation. A key finding is that the provision of many different types of training does not necessarily help bring about effective policy.  相似文献   

In this research, the residential environment index system and evaluation model were established by means of subjective and objective methods. The methodology for establishing the evaluation system for residential environment was first analyzed; then the subjective evaluation data-base was established by questionnaire survey; and at the same time, the objective evaluation data-base was constructed by Geographic Information System (GIS); and then the related equation system between subjective and objective system was developed by multiple regression analysis. This research could benefit evaluation of the residential environment quality for various purposes, and also provide important rudimentary data-base for the development and improvement of residential environment for officials. Furthermore, the index system and evaluation model established in this research could construct a strong relation between subjective evaluation and objective data; and thus could provide a comprehensive, efficient and effective methodology for the evaluation of residential environment.  相似文献   

建立图像融合质量评价标准对于在不同的应用场景中选择适当的融合算法,以及对现有融合算法的改进和研究新的融合算法都是至关重要的。本文在分析目前广泛使用的图像融合质量主客观评价方法的基础上,对图像融合质量进行了主客观评价并对主客观评价结果进行了相关性分析,发现结合了人类视觉特性的客观评价方法与主观分析结果较为一致,充分说明了建立新型的、结合主观因素与客观因素的图像融合评价准则的必要性。  相似文献   

In this research, the residential environment index system and evaluation model were established by means of subjective and objective methods. The methodology for establishing the evaluation system for residential environment was first analyzed; then the subjective evaluation data-base was established by questionnaire survey; and at the same time, the objective evaluation data-base was constructed by Geographic Information System (GIS); and then the related equation system between subjective and objective system was developed by multiple regression analysis. This research could benefit evaluation of the residential environment quality for various purposes, and also provide important rudimentary data-base for the development and improvement of residential environment for officials. Furthermore, the index system and evaluation model established in this research could construct a strong relation between subjective evaluation and objective data; and thus could provide a comprehensive, efficient and effectiv  相似文献   

情态(модальность)是人类语言中一个重要的语法范畴。无论是在俄语里,还是在汉语中,句子都具有情态性(модальность),而主观情态(субъективнаямодальность)是其中一个体现说话者的表达意愿和交际意义的重要构成部分。情态在语言中特殊功能,从语用学角度,即информация是语者对该客观要素所持有的主观思想(субъективнаямысль),在俄汉语中,该主观情态的语用特征均需要通过命题的情态动词和情态副词的基本功能和附加功能来实现主观的更深层次的情态意愿。  相似文献   

徐陵论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐陵是六朝骈文大家,他的骈文与庚信齐名,是后世骈文的典范,其诗歌亦有较高成就。但文学史研究却忽略了对他的研究,这是很不公平的。我们今天应给他一个正确的评价,而不应抹杀他在中国文学史上的地位。  相似文献   

2002年,我校开展了主题为“发展性教学评价”的校本研究活动,2003年成为中国教育学会“十五”规划课题《主体教育的研究与实验》的实验学校。为此,我们对已有的课题进行了整合,把课题确定为《主体教育思想指导下的发展性教学评价》。三年来,在广州市教科所、广州市教研室等专家热情指导下,我校全体干部教师积极地探索发展性教学评价规律,有力地促进了课堂教学的优化,提高了学生素质和教师专业水平。一、分析形势,提高认识,树立发展性教学评价观教育部《基础教育课程改革纲要(试用)》指出:“要改变课程评价过分强调甄别与选拔的功能,发挥评价…  相似文献   

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