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Sanp Attention!!     
Easy编辑部今次终于走上大街,在城市的每个角落搜索潮人的身影,以Street snap形式为读者呈现时下街头最IN穿衣达人,让他们为大家亲身示范夏季穿衣经。  相似文献   

在东京恶劣的天气里,从公交车站走到火车站是一段乏味的跋涉:4摄氏度左右的低温,冰冷的雨水,还有穿透我身上层层衣服的强风。当夜幕降临时,这恶劣的天气愈加糟糕,好在那时我已经在成田机场里,不会挨冻  相似文献   

团队中的忙内Zelo第一个走进录制的摄影棚,略带害羞的点头微笑后对着工作人员——鞠躬,好感由然而生。突出的个子让人一下子就注意到了他,虽然在哥哥们说话时,只是很认真的侧头倾听,并不多语,这大概是很多组合中最小成员的通性吧!  相似文献   

今年国庆,祖国迎来了60岁华诞,sixty-year old,这没错!但如果你说sexagenary,就会让人眼前一亮,并不是每个人都有机会亲临现场观看这场parade——“建国60周年大阅兵”,但,我们可以电视转播,报刊图片等方式关注那气壮山河的阅兵队伍分列式(march past)表演,届时威来的军姿和整齐划一的步伐一定会深深震撼全世界。  相似文献   

文本的解释性对话与时代的问题式对话是马克思主义哲学研究中的两种不同的对话范式,它们代表着深化马克思主义研究的两种不同价值取向和目标诉求,前者力图通过对文本的悉心研读,客观地把握马克思本人的思想;而后者更关心的是如何激活马克思的思想方法在当代的意义。虽然两种思路差异明显,但并不是二元对立,两者之间存在着借鉴与互补的关系。  相似文献   

报告文学是一种社会责任感特强的文学形式,为被压迫、被剥削、被奴役的劳动群众呐喊,是它与生俱来的本质属性。今天时代已发生了巨大的变化。在中国,劳苦大众没有政治、经济地位的状况已根本改变,早已免去饥饿和死亡的威胁。但在社会主义初级阶段,面临社会的变革,贫富差距的拉大是客观存在的事实。然而在当代文坛上,“时尚文学”存在着脱离现实、脱离群众的商业化、享乐化的倾向。关注人生、关注弱势、关注民族的未来,是报告文学当仁不让的社会职责。  相似文献   

儿童早期教育的重要意义早已被人们认知,情感教育对幼儿未来的发展有着极为重要的作用,是促进幼儿全面发展的重要因素。对幼儿情感教育的意义、目标与内容进行了探讨,并对幼儿情感教育的实施提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

本文指出当前中国经济学存在的混乱及其危害,评述了左大培《混乱的经济学》的主要观点,认为它是清算经济自由主义的一部力作。  相似文献   

近年来,全球患结核病的人数逐年上升,虽然世界各国,包括我国在内都采取了紧急措施来控制该病的蔓延,但仍难以控制。目前,个人的防范意识已经成了该病难以控制的关键所在,尤其是患者,普遍存在不规范用药,成为耐药性菌株出现的主要原因,耐药性菌株的出现导致该病难以治愈,因此,人人了解结核病,增强防范意识对有效控制结核病的蔓延来说,已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

Changes in visual attention and story comprehension for children (N = 132) with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and comparison peers were examined. Between the ages of 7 and 9 (Phase 1) and approximately 21 months later (Phase 2), children viewed 2 televised stories: 1 in the presence of toys and 1 in their absence. Both groups of children showed developmental increases in visual attention and stable group differences over time. Deficits in comprehension among children with ADHD, however, increased over time. Whereas comparison children’s recall of factual and causal information increased over time in both viewing conditions, children with ADHD showed no developmental improvement in recall of factual information in the toys‐present condition and no improvement in recall of causal relations in either viewing condition.  相似文献   

从神经生理学的角度对以往有关的注意信息分配理论模型进行分析,提出了注意的“网状上行激动系统门控模型”以及相关的神经生理学理论依据。期望在一定程度上达到对注意的分配理论去粗取精、去伪存真的目的。  相似文献   

This study examined the experiences of infants and toddlers in New Zealand child care centres to evaluate whether they provided opportunities for learning in the context of shared attention. One hundred childcare centres througough New Zealand comprised the centre sample. Running records were carried out on 200 under 2‐year‐old children (99 boys and 101 girls, two children from each centre) for 20 minutes each. Two hundred and thirty six episodes of sustained joint attention were observed during running records, most commonly during object/toy related play, but also at a relatively high level during caregiving routines, book/picture related activities, messy creative activities and large motor play. A third of all children in the study participated in no joint attention episodes at all. Just over half (51.3%) of episodes were child‐initiated and just under half were adult‐initiated. Centres with no joint attention episodes scored significantly lower on the Assessment Profile Infant Score and centres with smaller group sizes and some Diploma level trained staff had more episodes of joint attention. Qualitative data provided evidence of staff sensitivity and responsiveness, close relationships between staff and children, reciprocity between staff and child, the central importance of language and shared meaning and the richness of joint attention episodes as a context for learning.  相似文献   

Two hundred and thirty-four museum visitors of all ages were observed as they entered the Object Gallery area of the Florida State Museum. Visitors were observed under conditions where objects were available for close inspection but could not be manipulated (baseline data) and later when the same objects were placed on tables and were available for visitors to touch, move, and use a variety of senses to inspect them (intervention data). Data were recorded on the sex, age, and number of subjects in these areas under each of the above conditions. The results obtained show a significant increase in the number of visitors entering this section of the museum when manipulatable objects were available. Baseline data showed that 58.5% of the people who entered the Object Gallery went into the drawer section. However, when manipulatable objects were made available this increased to 82.3%. Chi-square analysis was used to determine whether the presence of manipulatable objects in the area increased the number of people who entered the area. It did (p < 0.05). Chi-square analysis was also used to determine whether entering the drawer section depended on age or sex. It was found that more children entered the drawer section than adults (p < 0.05) and significantly more female children and female adults entered as a result of intervention (p < 0.05). At the same time, more male children than adults entered after intervention (p < 0.05) than before. These data are supported by considerable curiosity research indicating that both children and adults are attracted to novel as well as complex stimuli which can be manipulated in both formal and free-choice environments. The data also support the growing movement to hands-on exhibits in natural history museums and science centers around the country, as well as hands-on classroom activities from the perspective of their attention attracting and holding power and their curiosity evoking characteristics. Whether these positive factors also lead to increased knowledge or skill development is a question yet to be explored.  相似文献   

He's making his first film,the fantasy adventure film The Great Wall,and 17-year-old Wang Junkai already has millions of fans in China and around the world.  相似文献   

"注意",是语言学习过程中一种重要的认知机制.从注意的相关概念及其理论人手,讨论其在二语习得输入、中心加工和输出阶段中的作用,并梳理语言教学中的注意研究,在此基础上进行反思,以便更好地认识、发挥二语习得中注意的作用,促进二语教学.  相似文献   

继“经济人”、“社会人”之后,出现了“新人”——“资源人”。“资源人”追求自我实现和自我完善。管理者应重视“资源人”的需要,关注人的资源性,以开发、充实、培育和运用人的资源为已任,使“资源人”的自我资源得到充分利用和发挥,在自我实现和自我完善的同时,促进社会的发展。  相似文献   

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