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采用眼动记录的方法,考察在中性和偏向句子语境中,动词歧义消解的过程。结果发现,在中性句子语境中,动词歧义词的意义通达是按照相对频率进行的;解歧信息作用于动词歧义词意义通达的晚期,对已激活的意义进行选择和整合。在偏向句子语境中,解歧信息作用于动词歧义词的意义整合过程,激活歧义词的适当意义,并对动词歧义词不适当的意义产生抑制作用;动词歧义消解的加工是延迟进行的。实验证明,在句子语境中,动词歧义消解的过程支持整合模型。  相似文献   

词汇歧义消解的认知研究:理论、方法与现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近20年来,在词汇歧义消解领域,研究者采用多种技术进行实验,提出了4 种典型的模型,即多重通过模型、选择通达模型、重排序通过模型和整合模型。到目前 为止,不同的研究之间仍然存在很大分歧。今后的研究应该在考察语境作用时间点的同 时,重点探讨语境影响歧义词意义通达的机制,特别是应该重视对歧义词加工中抑制过 程的探讨  相似文献   

词语的一词多义是引起词汇歧义的内因,语境不定是形成词汇歧义的外因。要真正消除词汇歧义,必须有效地调动认知语境。在认知语境里消解词汇歧义有词义层次网络、激活—抑制、词义通达、特征比较等多种认知模式,各认知模式或单独作用,或协同作用影响人们对词汇歧义的认知。  相似文献   

翻译过程中,单词语音相同而意义不同、一词多义或同形异义、语法结构不明、语义关系不确定、语用含义不明确和文化差异等都会导致歧义。情景语境和文化语境有助于理解词或短语等语言成分的具体语义,有助于排除歧义。目前歧义结构化解和翻译理论研究尚不成熟,歧义语境论不失启发意义。  相似文献   

歧义词在词汇判断任务中表现出的加工优势以及在语义任务中表现出的加工劣势常被研究者们统称为歧义效应。歧义效应的产生究竟是因为歧义词正字法与其语义表征之间联系的本质不同于非歧义控制词正字法与其语义表征之间联系的本质,还是因为词汇判断任务和语义任务所强调的加工不同,亦或是因为实验材料引起的决策冲突以及决策类型的差异等问题引起了研究者的极大兴趣。语义关联度(relatedness of meaning,简称ROM)效应的发现为澄清歧义效应研究中的一些不一致现象,深入探讨歧义效应产生的根源,了解词汇心理表征的本质以及更为严密的操控试验等提供了崭新的视角。  相似文献   

工作记忆在句法歧义消解中起着重要作用,句法歧义消解的理论争议涉及工作记忆在句子理解中的作用.研究句法消解问题时工作记忆的测量有两种方法:阅读广度任务法和"扇形程序".句法消解问题的脑功能研究发现,工作记忆能力的差异会影响对句子的加工:工作记忆能力强的人采用序列加工策略,而工作记忆能力差的人采用并行加工策略.歧义区间、加工策略、年龄等因素是工作记忆在句法歧义消解中的主要影响因素.在解决句法歧义消解问题的过程中,工作记忆的大脑激活主要涉及颞叶左后外侧、额叶左后回内侧和两侧视觉皮质等区域.在今后的研究中,首先应注意解决"在线"和"离线"不同实验范式造成的问题;同时应当更多地开展跨语言方面的研究,特别是应着重探讨中国人加工英语歧义句以及汉语句法表征和英语句法表征之间的关系问题.  相似文献   

陈继英 《考试周刊》2008,(48):77-78
英语词汇歧义指的是对句子中某一个词的意义有不同的理解而造成的局部歧义,在语境不明的情况下,很难判断句子的确切含义,造成理解上的歧义。巧妙利用词汇歧义这一语言现象,会取得意想不到的双关修辞效果,从而增强语言的表现力。  相似文献   

歧义有消极作用,也有积极作用,其消极因素常常引起误解,影响交际。消除消极因素的方法有五种,依据语境,消除语音我,补充信息,消除词主歧义,利用标点符号,消除并列成份引起的歧义;改变语序,消除修饰语歧义,增设语境,消除语句歧义。歧义的模糊性又使其具有积极作用,巧妙地运用歧义的积极因素能使语言四种效果;喜剧效果、讽刺效果、双类修辞效果、委婉表达效果。  相似文献   

汉字对日本文字的产生与发展有着重要的作用,它已成为日语语言不可分割的一部分。很多字形相同的汉字在汉语和日语中都在使用着。虽然字形相同,但用于汉语和日语中的汉字词汇的意义却有差异。为此,通过列举部分同形歧义词,并从语言实践角度,对其意义进行对比分析,以期准确把握同形歧义词的确切语义,减少误解、误译。  相似文献   

翻译歧义是跨语言间的一个常见现象,它是指一个词在另一种语言里有多个翻译。为了了解这种现象背后的认知过程,研究者对翻译歧义进行了很多研究。以中英双语儿童为研究对象,探讨汉语和英语之间的翻译歧义现象对他们学习和加工歧义词的影响,从而比较翻译歧义词与翻译非歧义词的学习难易程度。采用翻译识别的实验任务,测试被试者在该任务中对英语单词与汉语翻译之间配对正确与否的反应时间和正确率。结果发现,对中英双语儿童来说,歧义词比非歧义词更难学,这种现象可以用交互激活理论和扇形效应来解释。歧义词与非歧义词中英翻译对比研究是翻译歧义研究领域的一个有益补充,对未来关于翻译歧义的双语加工研究也有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Nine- and twelve-year-old children named target words which were preceded by sentences ending in words having more than one meaning. Sentences biased the ambiguous word toward its dominant (more frequent) or subordinate (less frequent) meaning. Targets were related to the same meaning as that biased by the sentence, the other meaning, or were unrelated. Targets were presented 0, 300, or 700 ms following the sentence. For both ages, dominant sentences facilitated responses only to the contextually appropriate target. However, subordinate sentences led to facilitation of the appropriate meaning only for the younger group. Older children showed greater facilitation for the inappropriate (but more common) meaning. These results indicate that younger children are more sensitive to the sentence context in which an ambiguous word appears, while the processing of the older children is determined more by the relative frequencies of the words meanings.  相似文献   

The diacritical markers that represent most of the vowels in the Arabic orthography are generally omitted from written texts. Previous research revealed that the absence of diacritics reduces reading comprehension performance even by skilled readers of Arabic. One possible explanation is that many Arabic words become ambiguous when diacritics are missing. Words of this kind are known as heterophonic homographs and are associated with at least two different pronunciations and meanings when written without diacritics. The aim of the two experiments reported in this study was to investigate whether the presence of diacritics improves the comprehension of all written words, or whether the effects are confined to heterophonic homographs. In Experiment 1, adult readers of Arabic were asked to decide whether written words had a living meaning. The materials included heterophonic homographs that had one living and one non-living meaning. Results showed that diacritics significantly increased the accuracy of semantic decisions about ambiguous words but had no effect on the accuracy of decisions about unambiguous words. Consistent results were observed in Experiment 2 where the materials comprised sentences rather than single words. Overall, the findings suggest that diacritics improve the comprehension of heterophonic homographs by facilitating access to semantic representations that would otherwise be difficult to access from print.  相似文献   

文章首先分析了中日同形词的形成过程和形式异同,然后找出《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》1033个甲级词中658个汉日同形词,从形意、色彩、词性等方面对汉日同形词的差异进行了分析,进而指出以日语为母语的汉语学习者习得汉语词汇时,同形同义词习得无难度,同形近义词和同形异义词应作为习得的难点和重点。  相似文献   

Weekes  B.S.  Chen  M.J.  Lin  Y-B. 《Reading and writing》1998,10(3-5):201-221
We report two experiments investigating the effect of phonological priming on the recognition of two types of Chinese characters: compound targets which contain separate radical components; and integrated targets which do not contain separate radicals. We used a masked priming paradigm with varying prime-target exposure durations. In Experiment 1, phonological priming effects on compound target recognition were found following a 50 msec SOA. However, there was no evidence of phonological priming on integrated target recognition at this SOA. In Experiment 2 we investigated the time course of phonological priming effects at three prime-target SOAs (30, 50 and 80 msec) in a between-subjects design. Semantic priming effects were also investigated. Phonological priming effects on compound target recognition were found following the 50 msec and the 80 msec SOAs. However, there was no evidence of phonological priming on integrated target recognition at any SOA. Semantic priming effects on both compound and integrated target recognition were found in the 50 msec and the 80 msec SOA conditions suggesting that phonological and semantic activation are co-incidental during compound character recognition. We conclude that character type constrains the activation of phonology during Chinese character recognition.  相似文献   

中日两国语言间存在着大量的同形汉字词。其中,一部分同形词词义既有相同也有不同,使用时容易混淆,是日语学习的难点之一。本文就汉语词义多于日语词义的中日同形近义词进行分析,供日语学习者参考。  相似文献   

文化差异对翻译具有重大影响。现代语义学认为,英语词具有三种属于不同范畴的意义:一是词汇意义,二是语法意义,三是社会文化意义。也就是说,在不同的文化里,相同的词语可有不同的含义。因此,语境中的文化因素诸如宗教信仰、风俗习惯、伦理道德及文学艺术等在翻译中均起到极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

This study examined three processes crucial to reading comprehension (semantic access, integration, and inhibition) to identify causes of comprehension impairment. Poor comprehenders were compared to chronological-age controls and vocabulary-age (VA) controls. When listening to homonym primes (“bank”) versus unrelated primes, controls were faster to name pictures related to dominant (money) and subordinate (river) meanings at 250 ms interstimulus interval (ISI) but only showed dominant priming at 1,000 ms ISI, whereas poor comprehenders only showed dominant priming. When listening to subordinately biased sentences ending in homonyms (“John fished from the bank”) versus control sentences, all groups showed priming when naming subordinate (appropriate) pictures at 250 ms ISI: VA controls and poor comprehenders also showed priming when naming dominant (inappropriate) pictures. At 1,000 ms ISI, controls showed appropriate priming, whereas poor comprehenders only showed inappropriate priming. These findings suggest that poor comprehenders have difficulties accessing subordinate word meanings, which can manifest as a failure to inhibit irrelevant information.  相似文献   

reconmend和propose在意义上很接近,传统语法一般认为二词可替换使用,对语义和语境未做必要的探讨。通过对语料库中的实例分析,recommend和propose的互为替代并没有像传统语法说的那样轻松,其语域方面、类联接方面、搭配意义方面以及与宾语搭配时所呈现出的选择限制方面都存在异同,且差异的形成是有潜在的语义支撑的。从深层次的语义语用含义来对同义词进行辨析,能使我们更恰当地使用词语。  相似文献   

语义的内部意义特征及其相互关系以结构的静态形式勾勒了思维的抽象活动规律,并且以词法的符号特征和句法的线性模式制约了语言内部诸种意义的构建,从而决定了语义的缺省性质。但语言的个别使用方式和交际价值的实现则有赖于既定情境与意图等语外因素的作用。语义缺省的所指未定现象经话语层面整合得到语用补偿,形成对于意义的表达与理解机制。  相似文献   

根据"假"的词义发展轨迹,可以判定:在"假寐"这一固定结构中,"假"义为"非正式","假寐"的本质意义即"非正式睡眠"。这种"非正式"可以有多种外在的具体表现形式,如没有睡意、衣冠不除、时间短暂等。表示这些外在形式的意义是"假寐"的临时情境义,它只在特定情境中成立。将蒲松龄《狼》中"假寐"一词解释为"假睡"或"小睡"都不合适,前者只是揭示了其某一临时情境义,后者连临时情境义也未能准确揭示。合适的做法,是将该词的本质意义和临时情境义结合起来进行解释。  相似文献   

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