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基于历史档案资料,追述了伦敦大火后英国圣保罗大教堂重建时期石材采运的历史,揭示了各类石材的开采与运输方式、建造中引发的问题,并首次对石材的供应情况进行了定量分析,呈现了石材采运如何成为圣保罗大教堂的重建历时35年之久的主要原因之一。圣保罗大教堂的石材采运问题并非独特案例,同类型的石材在同时期其他建筑中曾被广泛运用,因此对研究那个时代的砖石建筑具有更普遍的参考意义。  相似文献   

Monumental stone decay is a consequence of the weathering action of physical, chemical and biological factors, which induce a progressive increase in porosity. To cope this degradation, bacterial calcium carbonate mineralization has been proposed as a tool for the conservation of monumental calcareous stones. The advantage of this kind of treatment is to obtain a mineral product similar to the stone substrate, mimicking the natural process responsible for stone formation. In this work, the possibility to induce CaCO3 mineralization by a bacteria-mediated system in absence of viable cells was investigated and tested on stone. Our results showed that Bacillus subtilis dead cells as wells as its bacterial cell wall fraction (BCF) can act as calcite crystallization nuclei in solution. BCF consolidating capability was further tested in laboratory on slab stones, and in situ on the Angera Church, a valuable 6th century monumental site. New crystals formation was observed inside pores and significant decrease in water absorption (up to 16.7%) in BCF treated samples. A little cohesion increase was observed in the treated area of the Angera Church, showing the potential of this application, even though further improvements are needed.  相似文献   

This study presents characterizations of weathering forms of the same oolitic limestone from four quarries and eight monuments exposed on various environmental conditions focusing on the waterproofing effect of endolithic organic matter. Patinas were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX), capillarity coefficient through weathered and unweathered sides, gypsum content and porous network morphology by epoxy resin molding. Study of weathering forms on old quarries indicates that lichens colonization (Verrucaria nigrescens and Caloplaca aurantia) can fill the superficial porous network with a dense network of lichenised fungal hyphae. Capillary coefficient measurement on natural and calcinated samples showed that endolithic organic matter can waterproof the stone and could act as a sulfate contamination barrier. Similar endolithic organic layer due to ancient lichens growth are found on some antique monuments of the Nîmes downtown and could explain their well-preserved state, unlike decayed 19th century churches that were never colonized by lichens.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the morphological and mechanical properties of masonry walls is very important for the refurbishment of ancient buildings, particularly when the requirements of both structural safety and historical preservation must be fulfilled. The masonry is not of homogenous material: its mechanical properties depend on stones, mortar, and texture which are very variable due to their dependence on the historical periods and the geographical area of the erection. For this reason, a deep knowledge of masonries built in different sites and historical periods is essential in order to evaluate both the capacities of bearing vertical load and the seismic vulnerability of the masonry structure. Three fundamental typologies of tuff masonry have been defined: they are the characteristics of different historical periods from the XVI to the XX century. The models are in full-scale in order to reproduce the three defined chronotypes. Original tuff stones quarried in the corresponding historical period, mortars similar to the original ones, reproduced according to ancient documents and original constructive techniques have been used for the construction of the specimens. Compression tests performed in displacement control have been carried out on the masonry models in order to determine the maximum resistance of the material and the corresponding strain, the ultimate strain and corresponding residual strength. In this paper, the procedure used for making the specimens and for experimentally evaluating the mechanical properties of post-medieval Neapolitan yellow tuff masonry are illustrated and the obtained results, even in terms of plastic capacity of these kinds of masonry, are reported.  相似文献   

The use of remote sensing techniques for the monitoring of historical buildings is attractive, since it can allow a fast monitoring of large surfaces without the use of scaffolding and, in addition, a thematic mapping which is easier to read. The studies on fluorescence lidar monitoring of buildings started a few years ago and are still in progress. Interesting results were obtained in biodeteriogen monitoring and in the identification of stones. The possibility of detecting fluorescence thematic images of large areas was demonstrated on both artificial targets and historical buildings. This paper describes the current state of the art on fluorescence lidar monitoring of buildings and the research trends for the near future.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first investigation on the remote sensing of stone monuments by fluorescence lidar. The advantages of this technique are manifold and can lead to a fast, extensive and inexpensive control of the stone cultural heritage. The experiments were carried out in both the laboratory and the field, and include the survey of stones coming from different quarries, of epilithic photosynthetic biodeteriogens and of a monument, the Parma Baptistery. The results constitute a first step towards a non-destructive spectral analysis of stone monument surfaces.  相似文献   

The susceptibility to weathering of eleven carbonate and evaporitic Spanish building rocks was studied by means of dissolution experiments. Mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry and porosity of the rocks were also characterized in order to determine the potential relationships between these properties of the rocks and their dissolution rates. Rock slabs were submerged in a 0.1 M HCl acid solution for 72 h and the amounts of Ca, Mg and S released were measured, as well as the weight loss of the samples during the acid attack. Alabasters, which presented very low porosity, were dissolved to a lesser extent than limestones and dolostones in the time of the experiment. A significant positive correlation was found for connected with the weight loss of the rocks during dissolution and with the kinetic rate of Ca dissolution. Overall, the results highlight the influence of the porous network in the degradability of building stones by controlling their rate of dissolution. There is a positive correlation for all the rocks between weight loss along acidic attack and connected porosity, but no relationship between mineralogical and petrographical composition and susceptibility to dissolution.  相似文献   

Plasterwork, a very typical element of Islamic art, comprises highly artistic decorative elements on wall, arches, and vaults. Due to their gypsum composition, such elements are easily weathered, primarily because of low mechanical strength and slight solubility in water. This work has studied the traditional Islamic plasterwork in the halls and patios of the Mudéjar Palace (13–16th centuries) in the Real Alcázar of Seville. This palace complex was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987. The analysis of its porosity and shore C surface hardness has allowed determination of the mathematical correlation between them. Consequently, future evaluations can merely measure the hardness (a non-destructive test) to estimate the plasterwork's porosity (which reveals its mechanical strength and its degree of weathering). These elements must be maintained in order to prevent the spread of pathologies. In addition to requiring an in-depth knowledge of its materials, application techniques, and properties, to do so also demands simple techniques for regular assessments and criteria to prioritize interventions if they become necessary.  相似文献   

This paper examines how information systems can assist experts to analyse the state of conservation of buildings of historic importance. The main focus is on image compression, characterisation and recognition, all of which are fundamental for defining a database on the state of conservation. In particular, an overview of available methods is presented for characterising the structure of materials and recognising the various degrees of degradation. A new unified approach to image compression, characterisation and recognition is also proposed. Applications are included for processing stone images.  相似文献   

Limestone and marble, still frequently used as building materials are especially vulnerable to the destructive effects of efflorescence. The effect of interaction between five different calcareous stones and corrosive atmospheres has been investigated. A novel technique of stone degradation analysis has been used where thin sections of fresh stone materials were exposed in a corrosion chamber under controlled conditions (temperature, relative humidity (RH), SO2 and NO2 concentration). Following 1-week’s exposure; observations of the initial crystallisation were studied by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results obtained from the surface analysis clearly showed sulphation of the samples and formation of gypsum. Observations of the initial corrosion indicated differences in the location of efflorescence and its shape among and within the samples. The mineralogy, grain shape and size, mineral defects and existence of cracks and pores, all influenced the substrate’s reactivity. The most vulnerable areas and the places where the corrosion started on the calcitic stones were the triple grain junctions followed by grain boundaries, and on the dolomitic marble cracks and pores.  相似文献   

Stone conservation at Chambord Castle and monitoring of its changes over time is actually an urgent necessity in order to preserve and enhance this historic and tourist site. Its porous stones suffer from degradation problems depending on physical and chemical parameters that are the origin of frequent restorations. The goal of this research is to supply authorities of the castle with a tool for scientific monitoring and decision support, based on the acquisition of alteration mapping and on the estimation of degradation patterns, in order to permit rational programming operations of restorations. This paper proposes an approach for digital documentation about the conservation state of buildings. The approach is based on the connection between a structured 3D model and structured 2D mapping data. In particular, in the NUBES web platform, a specific interface has been implemented, permitting the displaying and cross-reference of 2D mapping data on the 3D model in real time, by means of structured 2D layer-like annotations concerning stone degradation, dating, and material.  相似文献   

The preservation of historical monuments requires both a detailed understanding of water circulation inside construction materials, and a deep comprehension of the associated physical and chemical effects on building structure. Combining mass and temperature measurements may be a new powerful tool to achieve this purpose, as first results obtained on a wall of the Saint-Gatien cathedral in Tours, France, indicate. The proposed method has been evaluated with dedicated experiments in a climatic chamber, regulated in both temperature and humidity, using three types of stones: Tours tuffeau, Baumberg limy sandstone, and Rüthen sandstone. Climatic chamber data indicate that temperature gradients between rock surface and atmosphere provide a meaningful and practical estimate of the water flow, which controls the heat exchange between rock and atmosphere because of the high enthalpy of vaporisation of water. Continuous measurements of the mass of a sample confirm this assumption and allow the calibration of temperature data with respect to water flow estimations. Temperature gradients between points on the stone surface are also dominated by changes in the water flux, and they provide a sensitive estimate of local variations in the heat and water transport properties of non-saturated stones. Combined mass and temperature measurements therefore appear as a promising method to estimate in situ the global and local water flow between the rock and the atmosphere and thus to diagnose the state of stone degradation, or to estimate quantitatively the efficiency of treatment processes, both in the field and in the laboratory.  相似文献   

The presence of a diffuse biodeterioration phenomena can be observed across large areas of the outer surface of the limestone walls of the Church of the Virgin in Martvili. A differential erosion phenomenon was detected, suggesting a possible association with biological colonization. The erosion phenomenon is characterized by a circular discoloration leading progressively to the detachment of flakes of limestone at its center. Since the aforementioned process has not been described in the literature until now, the present study was focused on the interpretation of its origin and evolution. Three sides of the Church are affected by a variety of occurrences of circular differential erosion which display different stages of the process, whereas the western side is affected by epilithic growths across its entire surface. Surveys of the petrographic, mineralogical and physical features of the stone were made, and parameters such as density and porosity were recorded. Samples were analyzed by optical microscopy and SEM analysis in order to detected the presence of microorganisms whose species were then identified by means of morphological and molecular examinations. The study of cross-sections stained using the PAS method has confirmed the causal connection between microorganisms and the deterioration phenomena, providing information about their spread of penetration into the substrate and their substantial potential for causing damage. Dryness appears to be the main ecological condition favoring endolithic rather than epilithic growth. The most common isolated microorganisms were cyanobacteria (Chroococcales) and, to a lesser extent, meristematic fungi. The characteristics of the stone, and especially some endogenous discontinuities related to the accumulation of sedimentary layers and to the action of stone carving tools, might explain why the same differential erosion phenomenon occurs in specific areas of the block stones. The development of the differential erosion phenomenon shows a variety of stages of biological colonization. The progressive evolution of the deterioration process has been observed in detail: (a) firstly, white circular discolorations appear on the stone, which darken over time eventually becoming almost black; (b) circular perforations appear around the perimeter; (c) and finally a flake detaches from the center, leaving a deep depression in the stone.  相似文献   

For conservation of the built cultural heritage, the application of conservation products like consolidants or water repellents is often suggested. Their impregnation depth is a key factor for the assessment of the treatment efficiency. It will vary depending on the internal structure of the stone material and the properties of the conservation products. In this study a porous bioclastic limestone from Maastricht (the Netherlands) and a porous sandstone of Bray (Belgium) were selected for treatment with either ethylsilicate-based consolidant products or siloxane-based water repellents. We explore the potential of neutron radiography to visualize the conservation products after polymerization, since previous experiments already proved their detectability before polymerization. Additionally, water absorption by capillarity was monitored inside the samples. The experiments in this study illustrate that the ethylsilicate-based consolidants remained visible for neutrons even after the polymerization process, while the siloxane-based water repellents can only clearly be distinguished in the stone as long as they contain a certain amount of solvent. The study proves that neutron radiography can provide important additional information for the research in the built cultural heritage domain, especially as it allows to successfully visualize the impregnation depth of silicate-based consolidants inside natural building stones.  相似文献   

The utilization of laser light to produce fine and selective cleaning of superficial deposits and encrustation from stones was originally proposed more than 20 years ago by John Asmus who performed pioneering trials of laser cleaning on stone façades in Venice, Cremona and Padua. The opportunity to collect stone samples from these sites allowed us to carry out an original study aimed at evaluating the conservation state of stone surfaces cleaned 10–20 years ago by means of three different techniques: Nd:YAG laser radiation, micron sandblasting and chemical pads. Samples of various stone types, as Istria limestone, Botticino limestone and Nanto sandstone were collected and examined by means of optical and SEM microscopy, FT/IR, and EDAX analyses. The results provided preliminary indications that the state of conservation of stone surfaces previously subjected to laser cleaning is generally better in comparison with those which concurrently underwent mechanical and chemical cleaning.  相似文献   

The growing interest in the conservation of historic buildings encourages the development of water-repellent materials and methodologies to consolidate and/or protect stones. Recently, particular attention was devoted to composites of inorganic oxides nanoparticles and hybrid siloxane or silicone polymers. Here we present a study on the water repellence of a thin protective coating obtained through sol-gel process starting from Glymo and Dynasylan 40®, and loading the silicate matrix with nano-sized silica particles (Aeroxide LE1® -Degussa-Evonik). The coatings were applied to limestone, sandstone and granite samples. The silica nanoparticles have been characterized by XRD, the siloxane matrix through micro-Raman spectroscopy, while the surface morphology was examined by SEM. The efficacy of the treatments has been evaluated through static contact angle measurements and capillary water absorption. The optical appearance of the coatings was evaluated by colorimetric measurements. Nanoparticles at suitable concentration gave high values for the static contact angle (up to ∼ 150°), for all stone species even for four months exposure to atmospheric conditions. The coatings, in the water capillary absorption tests, however, behave as expected only for granite even if the long-term water direct contact reduces the hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

Bab Agnaou is one of the most beautiful gates of the 12th century town walls of Marrakech (Morocco). It is faced with poorly preserved stone, which has recently been subjected to preliminary laboratory studies for the purpose of collecting data useful for its restoration. The results of such studies indicate the presence of two macroscopically similar grey stones, classified as slates, which were probably sourced from quarries situated not far from the city of Marrakech. The schistosity of such stones, namely their laminated fabric, has much influenced the morphology of deterioration. The causes and mechanisms of decay have been investigated and connected to the presence of soluble salts, mainly chlorides and sulphates deriving from the mortar used to fix the stone blocks to the wall, and to local air pollution. Their concentration in the bottom 3 m of the gate due to rising damp has produced strong exfoliation and flaking phenomena through rapidly repeating crystallization/dissolution cycles. A minor contribution to the overall deterioration is due to hydrolytic phenomena partly responsible for the formation of natural brown patinas on the stone surface. Another brown patina formed of Ca-oxalates and with residual proteinaceous matter was also detected and is probably due to partly mineralized protection-treatments made with natural products such as animal glue. General indications for the restoration of the gate, based on these results, are proposed.  相似文献   

The electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) represents one of the widely used geophysical techniques for the exploration of the subsurface. In the last few years, this method has been demonstrated to be an efficient reconnaissance tool not only for monitoring degradation status of walls and foundations of historical buildings, but also for imaging the spatial distribution of injected mortar, commonly employed for consolidation purposes. A 3D resistivity tomography survey was carried out on four selected wall portions of the historical church of Montepetriolo, Perugia, Central Italy. The obtained 3D resistivity distribution models before and after grouting provided suggestive images of the internal structure of the studied walls. Moreover, the spatial distribution of the zones being filled with mortar was determined quantitatively by scaling the post- to the preinjection resistivity values. Using a well known correlation between resistivity and porosity, established in the geophysical community, a further step towards a more quantitative assessment was attempted to indirectly determine the unit volumes of the injected mortar The obtained results were satisfactory and in some cases almost similar to the yard data. Furthermore, two flat-jack tests confirmed the local increment of the mechanical resistance of the studied left front (2) and right lateral (3) wall portions.  相似文献   

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