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分析顺德老龄人口的生存现状以及顺德老龄服务业的发展现状,针对顺德老龄服务业面临的有利条件与挑战,分别从政府层面、政策层面和社会参与层面提出对策性发展建议。  相似文献   

顺德个体私营经济现状与发展分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放二十年来 ,顺德的个体私营经济得到了快速的发展 ,现已成为顺德国民经济的重要组成部分。但目前顺德个体私营经济面临着一些问题 ,这些问题不解决 ,将严重制约个体私营经济的健康发展  相似文献   

基于顺德第三产业发展的基本现状.分析了顺德第三产业发展存在的问题及其制约因素,并提出了相应的加快第三产业发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

通过对顺德个体工商户的抽样调查,并采用横向比较的方法对顺德个体工商户的发展现状进行分析,并对顺德地区个体工商户的发展趋势做出预测。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,顺德大力推进农村改革,农村经济迅速发展,实现了从传统农业向现代农业的转变,顺德农村发生了翻天覆地的变化,取得了辉煌的成就。顺德农村改革创新的经验与成就,为农业现代化发展提供了借鉴与启示。改革开放是建设农业现代化必由之路。  相似文献   

顺德家电产业现状分析与前景思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家电业是顺德的支柱产业,其家电产品销量居全国领先地位,并形成了全国最大家电生产基地之一。本文结合产业组织理论相关知识分析目前顺德家电产业的市场结构、行为和绩效,并提出政策建议。  相似文献   

顺德龙舟有着悠久的历史,在其发展过程中,它继承了岭南传统文化的特色与个性,兼容了中原文化的内容,逐渐形成了顺德广大群众喜闻乐见的民俗和体育运动,并取得丰硕成果。2005年,顺德获得"全国龙舟之乡"的称号。"团结合作,奋勇拼搏,一往无前"的龙舟精神,更升华为顺德精神。顺德龙舟已经成为顺德一项具有国际影响力的文化品牌。  相似文献   

顺德人文精神是先进海洋意识的体现。该篇试从分析顺德地理文化入手,结合海洋文化特征论述顺德人敢想敢做、包容多元和开拓创新的人文精神,以及这种人文精神的集中体现——岭南状元文化及其历史延伸。  相似文献   

指出顺德旅游景点配备英文翻译的必要性,考察各景区的英译情况,总结其翻译特点,分析现有翻译存在的问题并提出改进建议,从而为进一步推进顺德旅游景点的中英双语化提供参考。  相似文献   

锡剧是苏南地方戏曲的一大剧种,却一直处于青黄不接的尴尬境地。文章通过对锡剧的历史和现状研究,尝试找出锡剧未来发展的正确道路。  相似文献   

顺德龙舟活动现状及发展策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在顺德,现代龙舟队在多年的国内外赛事中取得了辉煌的业绩,乡村龙舟活动每年也正常开展。但盛誉之下的现代龙舟队已面临后继乏人的困境,而乡村龙舟活动也出现后无来者的状况。要解决龙舟活动的传承问题.必须依靠政府的积极倡导以及民间的广泛推动,在当地大中小学校以及企业当中广泛开展龙舟活动。只有这样,顺德的竞技龙舟与传统龙舟才会出现较好的传承局面。  相似文献   


Chris Watkins was a member of the first NAPCE executive in 1982, and has continued on that committee and on the London committee ever since. He was chair of NAPCE from 1992 to 1994, and is currently chair of the Publications Committee. He has been a maths teacher in a large secondary school, a teacher in charge of a unit for pupils whose effect on school was disruptive, and a trained school counsellor.

He is now head of the academic group ‘Assessment, Guidance and Effective Learning’ at the University of London Institute of Education, where his current areas of work include school behaviour, mentoring, tutoring, personal–social education – all centrally linked to effective learning in classrooms and school. He is course tutor to the MA in Effective Learning and the MA in School Development, and is involved in consultancy to schools and training others in consultation. Current research projects include ‘The Violence-resilient School’ and ‘Learning about Learning’.  相似文献   

Issues within college algebra are well-documented. Over the past two decades, reform has brought about significant modifications in the course, yet to date there has been no synthesis of the efficacy of these efforts. This paper situates college algebra within a historical context, and synthesizes research on reform. I argue that, notwithstanding the successes brought about by change, the course is still not in a position to fulfill quantitative literacy requirements; that is, there exists nontrivial components of quantitative literacy that a college algebra course, by its nature, tends not to provide. I conclude with realistic steps forward for administrators and instructors.  相似文献   

In this article, I analyze a set of narratives about, and memorials to, Philip Ashton Smithells, the founder of physical education in New Zealand and a pantheon figure within the discipline. Rather than analyzing these narratives and memorials as stories and artifacts that accurately reconstruct Smithells and his ideas and practices, I conceptualize them as choices that create representations or interpretations that are independent of the truth. I also conceptualize the memorials to Smithells, which include a building, painting, photograph, lecture, and scholarship, as triggers for personal and collective memories. But neither narratives nor memorials can guarantee what individuals or communities remember and, in this sense, history, as representations of the past, is always fluid. Notions of choice and representation may unsettle those who regard history as synonymous with facts and truths and who seek the clarity of a definitive past. However, conceptualizing history as representations reminds us that our understanding of physical education, its origins and its founders, will continually shift with new reflections and as fresh ideas emerge, material conditions change, and events unfold.  相似文献   

分析北京文化的历史内蕴、现实状况和发展趋势。北京文化的魅力在于深厚的历史积淀和丰富的现实内涵。北京文化的特征在于独特性和代表性、凝聚力和同化力、稳定性和发展性。当前北京文化的重点在于文化产业发展、文化体制改革及传统文化的保护。北京文化未来的腾飞取决于:一、正确的文化发展战略,二、文化体制改革与文化产业发展相结合,三、提高文化安全意识,四、大力发展北京的旅游文化,五、抓住奥运契机,提升北京文化的品质。  相似文献   

1990年以来全球教育发展缓慢,且各国发展速度不同。普及基础教育仍是发展中国家政府与国际组织亟待实现的目标。这与近年来经济学关于人力资本对于经济增长以及社会发展的催化作用的研究发现形成鲜明对照。本研究基于一个新构建的教育数据库与1950—2010年的国民账户数据,采用不同的方法与若干国家案例,估计与人力资本积累缓慢相关的收入损失及其对公平的影响。研究还基于各国过去与未来加速人力资本积累的假设,推算了1900—1950年与2010—2050年的情况。研究发现,以人均收入表示的福利损失至少为7~10个百分点。此外,提高人均受教育年限对于减少收入不平等也有影响。  相似文献   

Rolland Paulston 《Compare》2000,30(3):353-367
The study is organised around three questions, i.e. (1) how have comparative educators, and relate scholars, used their creative imaginations to construct new knowledge and understanding about ways of representing changing educational phenomena and relations? (2) what genres and forms of representation have been appropriated or elaborated and how have these code choices influenced ways of seeing and thinking? and (3) can this self-reflexive history of imagination in practice be patterned as an intertextual field of difference, as a comparative cultural map that may help to open new vistas into the past and the future? In this, my desire is to move beyond the sterile polarities of modernist rule-making and poststructuralist nihilism in knowledge work. Here I should instead like to privilege a hermeneutic of imagination with its power of disclosure, which I believe marks our basic ethical ability to imagine oneself as another. Two figures and two tables help to visualise my argument and summarise findings.  相似文献   

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