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《嘉莉妹妹》中嘉莉为了极力摆脱物质的贫困,只追求对物质财富的占有,而精神生活却极度空虚。嘉莉只顾自己的感受,从不理会别人以及社会,为了获得物质快乐而不惜出卖自己的身体,最终成为一个追求物质成功却精神孤独的失败者。拟从萨特的存在主义角度,试图分析嘉莉最终取得成功事实上是孤独悲剧的原因。  相似文献   

谭恩美作为美国文坛一名女性少数族裔作家,在性别和种族上都处于边缘性的境地。作为女性,在男权话语为主的文坛,她是一个"他者";作为少数族裔作家,对美国主流文化而言,她也是一个"他者"。但是这种复杂的双重身份却赋予她的作品一种鲜明而独特的女性主义特征。文章重点以谭恩美的《喜福会》为文本,通过女性主义的视角,来解析其作品中所表现出的女性主义特征。  相似文献   

一个懂得拥抱爱和追寻自由的女子,一个重视灵性高于一切的女子,一个远居沙漠勇于挑战漂泊的女子,前世的坎坷与羁绊终不能打败她高傲的灵魂。走进三毛的世界,感受她独特的生活方式,走进她再创造作品的世界,感受她的幻化自我的魅力,从琐碎的语言中,搜寻三毛完整的自我拯救的灵魂。  相似文献   

As Theodore Dreiser's first novel,Sister Carrie is one of the greatest naturalistic masterpieces in American literature.Carrie is tragic,though,she gains material success.In fact,she is a successful tragic heroine.  相似文献   


Carrie wanted to be a teacher more than anything else. But Carrie had a learning disability which interfered with the basic literacy skills of reading, writing, and language processing. Although she had entered the university through a special private program designed to identify and support studentswith learning disabilities,Carrie kept her disability a secret when she was admitted to the teacher education program. She did not tell her cooperating teachers or university supervisors about her difficulties until the incident in the high school resource room. Her experiences and the immediate and future dilemmas created for all teacher educators by Carrie's experiences raise larger issues about the balance between individual rights and public interest.  相似文献   

艾米莉·狄拿森,是美国最富传奇性的女诗人。她生前默默无闻,死后名声大作。艾米莉·狄金森终身未嫁,其爱情生活的失意,带给她巨大的痛苦,但诗人追求爱的永恒信念始终不渝,对爱的专注与真诚在其诗作中处处可见。艾米莉·狄金森的爱情诗描绘各种爱情生活体验,细致入微,蕴涵丰富,激情澎湃。  相似文献   

《嘉丽妹妹》讲述的是一个贫穷、充满欲望的农村女孩来到城市谋生,通过“堕落”的途径而“成功”地当上了名演员的故事;《珍妮姑娘》则叙述了一个贫穷、天性善良、甘愿牺牲自我的故事。她的“堕落”是为了拯救困境中的家庭。这两部小说虽然都是描写在商品社会、市场经济大潮下,两位女主人公人性的追求及其命运,揭露美国社会的贫富悬殊和道德沦丧。然而,德莱赛塑造的这两位女主人公:嘉丽和珍妮蕴含了两种不同的西方文学渊源,代表了西方文学传统中两种截然不同的女性自我意识的文学形象。  相似文献   

嘉莉妹妹的失落情怀一直是评论界十分关注的问题,然而消费文化的异化作用、美国梦的虚幻本质以及嘉莉妹妹的阶级身份、经济地位等社会因素都并非她倍感失落的绝对根源。立足于德莱塞的阶级观、财富观、爱情观、婚姻观、文学艺术观重读《嘉莉妹妹》可以发现,失落的嘉莉形象是德莱塞反思这些问题的文学策略,德莱塞因而成了嘉莉妹妹失落的绝对根源。从这一角度出发重新审视与嘉莉妹妹的失落情怀密切相关的伦理道德问题将会有完全不同的发现。  相似文献   

尤三姐是一个反封建的叛逆者的典型.她出自小巷寒门,虽寄人篱下,而绝不屈从于纨绔子弟的淫威,并主动出击,以其特殊方式进行反抗.她公然背叛"父母之命,媒妁之言"的封建礼教,理直气壮地提出自主择夫的主张,明确把爱情置于权势、金钱和门第之上.当她的爱情理想遭到封建势力的扼杀时,她以死进行抗争,表明了她的纯洁高尚,也表达了她对爱情的炽烈和执著.她的死是对封建礼教的控诉.  相似文献   

黄茹  史志梅 《海外英语》2012,(12):202-203
Sister Carrie is the young protagonist of the novel of the same name who moves from Wiscons to Chicago and accomplishes her rise to aristocracy in the cutthroat city environment.This novel mainly depicts this girl’ s metamorphosis.At first,she is no more than a poor bumpkin.However,in the end,she unexpectedly transforms into a glamorous actress.Yet,things by no means are as idealized as they appear to be.On the contrary,it is a process of struggle along with degeneration.  相似文献   

文章从社会历史的角度和自身性格发展的角度去审视《嘉莉妹妹》中嘉莉这一女性形象。从社会历史的角度中,探讨其女性的命运以及角色问题;从自身性格发展的角度,分析其自身存在的形式与生活状态,并且通过这一形象揭示出其文学价值和现实意义:嘉莉的形象实现了作家所赋予她的美国精神的代表内涵。文章力求解读作品中反映的嘉莉的心路历程。  相似文献   

弗兰纳里.奥康纳是美国20世纪文学史上最优秀的作家之一。在她的作品中,她塑造了"丑陋"的男人众生相,以她独特的女性视角解构颠覆了与传统价值观背道而驰的男性形象,以此警醒男权文化偏执发展的最终结果是男性的性格与生活也严重扭曲。  相似文献   

何丹丽 《海外英语》2011,(8):295-296,303
Although Katherine Mansfield never claimed that she was a radical feminist, she showed her concerns and pondered on females through her life of pursuing freedom and independence, her creative writing skills and her short stories. She had her own feminism consciousness and viewpoints. She believed that man and woman were different and living in a different world, and it’s very hard to understand and communicate with the other sex. Man dominated the society in the economical and political areas in tradition that they had the speech right and ranked above woman. However, Mansfield saw the hope of the awakening of the feminism awareness.  相似文献   

艾米莉·狄金森(1830—1886)是19世纪美国文学史上最伟大的诗人之一,她出生在马萨诸塞州的阿默斯特镇,虽然出身名门却一生过着隐逸的生活,只是早年诗人在阿姆赫斯特学院度过两年的学习生涯,并且在回归故里之前曾来往于霍利克山女子学院,尽管她被当地人认为是很古怪的人,但她给人的整体印象是一个喜欢身着白衣、回避访客,最终足不出户的奇女子,所以这样一个女人的爱情观,就更加吸引人们对其探索和研究。  相似文献   

曹七巧这一文学形象是张爱玲对中国现代文学的一个贡献。半封建半殖民地的十里洋场是曹七巧悲剧形成的肥沃土壤。金钱与门第观念的迫害,使她从一个具有青春温情回忆的可爱姑娘变成一个阴鸷毒辣凶狠残酷的老太婆。在潜意识性变态心理、仇视与嫉妒心理、有意识寡居者护犊心理的驱使下,她反过来“食”了自己亲生子女的幸福,使她从一个“被食者”沦为“食人者”,成为一个“彻底的人物”。  相似文献   

谭恩美作为美国文坛一名女性少数族裔作家,在性别和种族上都处于边缘性的境地。作为女性,在男权话语为主的文坛,她是一个“他者”;作为少数族裔作家,对美国主流文化而言,她也是一个“他者”。但是这种复杂的双重身份却赋予她的作品一种鲜明而独特的女性主义特征。文章重点以谭恩美的《喜福会》为文本,通过女性主义的视角,来解析其作品中所表现出的女性主义特征。  相似文献   

The Norwegian picture book What a Girl! (original title Snill) by Gro Dahle and Svein Nyhus was published 2011 and immediately gained a large audience. The book tells the story about a girl who always behaves in the ways expected of her: she never confronts her parents, her teacher or her classmates. This behaviour makes her invisible; she disappears into a wall, causing those around her to take notice. After a while, she fights herself out of the wall, emerging a completely different girl, a strong girl with a will of her own. However, she does not come alone: she has taken with her all the silent females, who had disappeared into the wall before her. The picture book story has fascinated both young and adult readers, and many student teachers have discussed it as part of their curriculum at university. The experienced reader will find intertextual relationships to other texts, where women disappear into the wall such as Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper (1899) and Patrice Kindl’s The Woman in the Wall (1997). The less-experienced reader will encounter a fascinating story of a girl fighting for her freedom and self-esteem. This article will present a multimodal analysis of the cover page and some significant spreads building on social semiotic theory and tools for analysing multimodal texts. The analysis will give a basis for discussing the development of the main character as a liberation project.  相似文献   

美国女诗人爱米莉·狄金森一生创作了1800首诗。她生前恬谈,默默无闻,过着隐士般的生活。她终身未嫁,外表宁静,内心却隐藏着一个丰富、深邃、炽热的情感世界。本文主要剖析诗人的情感世界,并着重分析其爱情诗。从而,有助于读者进一步了解诗人及其诗歌构筑的世界。①  相似文献   

小说《所罗门之歌》里具有传奇色彩的派拉特作为一个悲剧性人物,她守护着家族的历史,却并不完全了解家族的历史;她独立自强,一直坚守着黑人民族文化传统,却没能与时俱进、融入到现实社会中;她有着大爱,并随时愿意帮助别人,可却被排斥在黑人群体之外,实际上她一直游走在社会的边缘。  相似文献   

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