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Parents of children with educable mental handicaps, behavior disorders, and learning disabilities completed a questionnaire on the types and numbers of program modifications needed to persuade them to accept full-time mainstreaming for their exceptional children. Results suggest that successful full-time mainstreaming requires parent involvement. Contingent upon recognition and implementation of their recommendations for mainstreaming, most parents are supportive of full-time integration of their mildly handicapped children in regular classrooms. Parents' specific mainstreaming recommendations are discussed along with educational reform implications.  相似文献   


This article describes the various changes in beliefs and practice that have occurred in relation to children's learning and recall of basic number facts. The writer also reports results from a survey involving the assessment of basic number knowledge of 2297 primary school children in South Australia. A comparison was made between their results and the results obtained when similar children were assessed on the same tests twenty years earlier. Children's overall performance in the recent testing was inferior to that assessed in 1975. The differences between the average scores in 1975 and in 1995 reached statistical significance (p < .01) in twenty‐three of the thirty‐two comparisons made. The decline in rapid recall of simple addition and subtraction facts was relatively minor, but poorer performance in recall of multiplication and division facts was more significant at all age levels. An argument is put forward that it is still very important for children to develop automaticity in recall of number facts in order to facilitate higher‐order processing in problem solving.  相似文献   


Fifty seven mothers of children aged 6 to 12 with dyslexia or other learning disabilities were randomly allocated to a group coping skills program (n = 32) or a wait‐list control group (n = 25). Parents completed pre‐ and post‐intervention measures of parenting competence, stress, coping skills, and child behaviour/emotional problems. Prior to the program mothers reported high stress levels associated with child and school factors. After the program significant reductions were found for stress, isolation, self‐blame, and greater emotional closeness (attachment) to the child was reported. Significant reductions in child behaviour problems (externalizing behaviours) and moodiness were also found. Child internalizing behaviours remained high with nearly half the parents reporting child emotional problems (withdrawn, somatic complaints, anxiety/depression). Future interventions with families and schools are recommended to prevent children with learning disabilities and their parents experiencing high levels of emotional distress.  相似文献   

The Internet can be an excellent tool to help people with learning disabilities access relevant and appropriately written information. However, little work has been undertaken to ascertain web design or content preferences for this cohort. This paper examines methods to address this issue. Twenty five participants were presented with three web sites dealing with employment information. They were asked to browse each and carry out a series of set‐tasks. Interviews and a rating scale ascertained preferences. The problem of acquiescence bias, the tendency for people to automatically agree with those in perceived positions of authority, was minimised by the avoidance of ‘polar interrogatives’ (questions requiring a ‘yes/no’ or similarly polarised answer). Participants liked the use of pictures, especially when they featured other young people with learning disabilities. Abstract content related to money or benefits often went unnoticed. Audio was appreciated where offered, although not extensively used. Preferences regarding text size and menu position were also established. Results are compared to other relevant literature and recommendations formulated to help web developers and information providers. The methodological issues inherent in this study were the use of the rating system, and the interview technique. The former was adapted following early findings that the neutral position, on a three point scale, was confusing. Using four points avoided this problem and produced more varied results. Avoiding polar interrogatives greatly helped in minimising ‘acquiescence bias’. The study concludes that it is possible to elicit considerable information from people who find it difficult to articulate their views.  相似文献   

This study was designed to characterize the conversational engagement techniques employed by children with and without learning disabilities while in a dyadic interaction. Engagement was defined and measured in terms of the degree to which utterances provided information and evidenced responsiveness to one's conversational partner. Sixty (30 with learning disabilities and 30 nondisabled) 9- to 13-year-old subjects participated. Analyses indicated that the subjects with learning disabilities (LD) could and did employ engagement-related techniques similar in levels of sophistication to those of their nondisabled peers, although they did so less consistently and frequently. Further, the relationship between affective measures and the engagement-related techniques used by the subjects with LD differed markedly from those of the nondisabled subjects. The results are interpreted from a motivational standpoint and suggest that future research should focus on the knowledge and application of engagement-related techniques of the children with LD, across settings and conversational partners.  相似文献   

With an increasing focus on knowledge mobilisation, there is a concomitant shift in how stakeholders, such as parents, ought to be engaged in the research process. The purpose of this study was to explore the research priorities of parents of Kindergarten to Grade 12 students with learning exceptionalities and disabilities in British Columbia, Canada. A cross-sectional survey design was employed. A convenience sample of 130 parents completed the survey. From a list of pre-selected variables, parents identified time to initial designation, high school graduation, and home-schooling/independent schooling as the three most important research priorities, with learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, and moderate behaviour support/mental illness as the three most important designations. In an open-ended response, parents recommended further areas for inquiry, including the effectiveness of inclusive education and school exclusion. Research priority setting can help create research agendas that align with the needs and interests of stakeholders.  相似文献   

The normal development of humor in children has been well documented with a predictable course that is tied to social, cognitive, and linguistic development in children. This study explored humor comprehension in children with nonverbal learning disabilities (NVLD). Children with NVLD were compared with children with reading disabilities and a comparison group of children with no learning disabilities to assess their comprehension of humor. The humor test was composed of a joke and cartoon section. No group differences in humor comprehension were found when the NVLD group was defined as having visual–spatial and visual reasoning deficits. However, when the NVLD group was divided into children with and without social perceptual difficulties as defined by a direct measure of social comprehension, significant group differences were found in the levels of humor comprehension. These results support the association of humor comprehension with social perception and lend tentative support to the hypothesis that children with NVLD may not be a homogenous group. Future study directions include further exploration into the nature of the association between humor comprehension and social perception as well as closer examination of the heterogeneity of NVLD.  相似文献   

Metaphoric competence in children with learning disabilities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Metaphoric competence was examined in two groups of children with learning disabilities and one group of nondisabled peers ranging in age from 9-0 to 11-0 years. There were five girls and seven boys in each group. One group of students with learning disabilities had a history of spoken language impairment and the other group did not. Subjects were administered three verbal metaphor tasks (comprehension, preference, and completion) and a visual metaphor task, the Metaphor Triads Task (MTT). The three verbal metaphor tasks were administered in three contexts: (a) sentence, (b) story, and (c) story plus visual (pictorial) support. The group with a history of language impairment consistently performed more poorly on the metaphor tasks than the group without a history of language impairment, who, in turn, performed more poorly than the nondisabled children on all but the MTT. Context variations had no effect on children's performance. Theoretical and clinical implications will be discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this report is to share the experiences and concerns of a group of parents of children with learning disabilities. Parents of eight different families were interviewed in depth, and seven themes emerged from the interviews. Parents discussed their involvement in their child's education, and their positive and negative experiences with school personnel as well as with seeking other sources of support. They expressed concerns about the social isolation and future well-being of their children with learning disabilities. They indicated many emotional strains from parenting children with learning disabilities, and that there are both positive and negative effects on the families. Implications for further research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The results of four follow-up studies of learning-disabled children are reviewed. A comparison of results among the studies and of analyses of individual variation within the studies suggest some factors associated with long-term outcomes. It is argued that in many cases learning disabilities are not a lifelong handicapping condition, especially if adequate treatment is provided during childhood.  相似文献   

Although parents of children with disabilities have forged systemic changes for individuals with disabilities, little is known about the phenomenon of legislative advocacy (LA) including methods and barriers. In this United States‐based study, 49 parents of individuals with disabilities participated in focus groups about LA reporting both positive and negative experiences with LA. One focus group was held in Spanish; notably, none of the Spanish‐speaking parents reported experiences with LA. When discussing methods of LA, parents reported a variety of strategies including: building relationships, educating legislators, collective advocacy, and encouraging fathers and other parents to meet with legislators. Parents also reported barriers to LA: lack of knowledge, disempowerment and feeling overwhelmed. Implications for research to better understand LA and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

In a survey, 840 parents of children with cognitive deficits who were educated either in special schools or in inclusive classes were asked to assess their children's school experiences. The results showed an overall high degree of satisfaction with the schooling, but there were marked differences among the parents' assessments depending on the degree of learning disabilities and on the type of school. Satisfaction with their children's social experiences and satisfaction with the special education curriculum depend on these two factors. All in all, many parents of children in inclusive classes were satisfied with their children's schooling than those of children in special schools. The analysis of the causes for discontent showed that dissatisfied parents had chosen the type of school under less favourable conditions and a larger part of them are still not convinced of this necessity of additional help. This applied to parents of pupils in inclusive classes as well as to those of pupils in special schools. Furthermore, parents of children with German as a second language showed a higher degree of discontent than others.  相似文献   

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