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Cats is my favorite opera. It has been put on throughout the world and is loved by all the opera fans. I know much about the opera 1 . It has been performed more than 1,500 times up to now. In April 2004, it came to Beijing for the first time. The opera tells us that 2 . One day, they decided to choose a cat to go to paradise(乐园). So each of the cats introduced himself and showed himself. 3 . At last, a very old cat came out. She sang a song called Memory. She sang, "...Memory, all alone in the midnight. I can smell of the old days. Life was beautiful then. I remember the time I knew what happiness was. Let the memory live again..." From this song, we can know 4 . At the end of the opera, the cats chose the old cat to go to paradise. 5 . I like it very much.  相似文献   

A little girl was standing in a swarm of elementary school kids trying desperately not to draw attention to herself and trying to fit in.Fitting in is a state of mind that every single person goes through,because fitting in means that you are normal and that you are accepted.However,as I grew older,I threw the goal of fitting in out the window.To me,it became no longer important to fit my Asian face into the sea of Caucasian faces I see everyday.It became a thrill to be different and unique,and I flaunted my Chinese culture rather than hid it.……  相似文献   

tell it like it is 实话实说A:You shouldn’t have told me the result of my maths exam.I’m too sad.B:Well,I always tell it like it is and sometimes the truth hurts.甲:你真不该告诉我数学考试的结果。我太难过了。乙:嗯,我一向实话实说,只是有时候实话伤人。  相似文献   

I pun up to the dowdy brick factory in ablink-and-youll-miss-it Pennsylvania town.Itdoesn't look promising.But I open the door.and the sweet dark smell of chocolate draws mynose first into the Wilbur Chocolate Co.factorystore in Lititz.Although the town seems ahnostdeserted.the tiny store is packed with shoppersloading baskets with“Buds”.drops of silky choco-late.I slip into the endearingly amateurish muse-um in the next room,where a dress shop dummyleans against old chocolate-making equip-merit.Then I see it.Behind cocoa tins.there's awindow onto a working kitchen.A white-haired ladypipes blue icing on chocolate ballet dancers.Ringthe bell,a sign says,and shell hand-dip a chocolatejust for you.I ring,and float into chocolate nirvana.  相似文献   

1.in my book 照我看;依我的观点A:Do you think I should trust Tom and let him do it?你认为我可以相信汤姆,让他干那份工作吗?B:In my book.Tom is not a responsible person to betrusted依我看,汤姆不是一个值得信赖的认真负责的人。  相似文献   

1 my fingers are all thumbs笨手笨脚A:Hi,Jenny can you come and lend me a hand? B:Sure.What is it? A:I can't tie up the ribbon round the parcel.You know my fingers are all thumbs. B:OK.Let me help you. A:喂,珍妮!你能过来帮我一下吗? B:当然可以。什么事? A:你知道我笨手笨脚的,怎么也不能把绸带绑在包裹上。  相似文献   

A Happy Moment     
美国程若愚,12岁 I think one of the happy moments in my life is when I graduated from the elementary school. 我想在我生命里小学毕业的时刻是一个快乐的时刻。 Last year I went to America and went school there. We had a graduation ceremony. At that ceremony I got a lot of awards. I got an All As' award. I was really happy because only two students in my class got this award. When my name was called to get the award, I couldn't even believe it. At this moment I thought a lot. I recalled the time when I first arrived in America. 去年,我到了美国上学。我们举行了一个毕业典礼。在典礼上,我获得了许多荣誉,还获得一个“全A”奖。我真的非常高兴,因为班上只有两位同学获得这个荣誉。当我的名字被念到获得这个奖项时,我几乎不敢相信。此时此刻,我思绪万千,回想起了我刚到美国时的情景。  相似文献   

1.do wonders创奇迹,取得惊人奇迹 A: I'm so nervous about tomorrow's audition. B: Don't worry about it; I believe your talent in playing. A: If I were a robot, I'd be able to do wonders. B: What, for example? A: I' d be able to go under the sea and go into the outer space.I wouldn' t have to worry about anything. B: But all of these have nothing to do with an actor, if you want to be, because the robots have no feelings. A:明天的表演面试我好紧张。  相似文献   

教学背景:本课是2005年学校开出的教研课,我特别选取了人教社第四册第四单元“R ead and write”为教学内容,因为对话中含有对服装、色彩、时间、单元等多种话题了解的要求,也有书写方面教学难点,所以很有代表性,也富有挑战性。经过精心准备,整堂课算是成功,但存在着以下几个问题,值得大家探讨与思考。片段1:老师,我还想说(铃声过后)T:G oodm orning,boys and girls.H ow are you today?S:Fine,thank you.A nd you?T:I’m fine.Look,I w ear new jeans.W hatcoloris it?S:It’s blue.T:D o you like it?S1:Y es,I do.S2:N o,I don…  相似文献   

1.(as)dry as a bone 非常干燥A:Do you like this new place? B:Oh,no,it is as dry as a bone. A:Well,you will get used to it gradually. B:I hope so. A:你喜欢这个新地方吗? B:哦,不喜欢,这里太干了。A:嗯,你会慢慢适应的。B:希望如此。2.would give one's right arm要是……该多好A:Oh,I do envy Grace so much! B:Why do you say that? A:She is beautiful,talented and wealthy.She seems to have everything! B:Oh.I would give my right arm to be like her! A:噢,我真是太嫉妒格雷丝了! B:你为什么那么说? A:她美丽富有而又多才多艺,她看起来拥有了一切! B:噢,我要是像她那样就好了! 3.It is only a question/matter of time.只是个时间问题。A:Please tell me what Alice told you. B:I am sorry,I can't.I have promised her not to tell anyone else. A:Well,I will know it some day,it is only a matter of time. B:Well,better that way. A:请告诉我爱丽丝告诉你了些什么?  相似文献   

欢迎来到春节擂台赛,我是主持人海伦。注意了,这里共有三关,每答对一小题,你就会得到一块金牌,开始答题啦,看谁得到的金牌最多!.Missing letter?找字母:丢掉的字母是:()2.A riddle(谜语)!猜单词It has a zipper(拉链).Thereare some books inside(在里面),andit sits on your back.So it isa___________.A.bed B.pencil case C.schoolbag D.coat3.Make a call,填单词,帮助玲玲打电话。Lingling:Hello!May I speak to my grandma,Miss Yang?Grandma:Yes,____me.Speaking,please!Lingling:How are you?Grandma:Very well,and you?Li…  相似文献   

I will see it with one eye我用一只眼看“电影票多少钱一张?”“10戈比,孩子。”“我只有5戈比,请让我进去吧,我用一只眼睛看好了。”Ge t it till tom orrow双语木屋明天才能收到信米莉:“你在做什么?”茉莉:“我在给自己写信。”米莉:“写什么呢?”茉莉:“我怎么知道,我明天才能收到信呀!”12He n!s le g双语木屋母鸡的腿儿子:“为什么母鸡的腿那么短呢?”爸爸:“你真笨!母鸡的腿要是太长,它们下蛋时,鸡蛋不都摔碎了?”谚语与智慧All rivers run into sea.海纳百川Two wrongs do not make a right.别人错了,不等于你对了。The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean.井底之蛙,不知海阔。A good book is the best of friends,the same today and forever.一本好书,相伴一生。开心果@乌鱼  相似文献   

教学内容: 人教版《新起点英语》第二册第13单元第73课Shapes 4 new words:circle,square,rectangle and triangle A new chant 教学目标: 1.知识目标。学生基本做到:听音、看图、指认四种基本形状:circle,square,rectangle,triangle。学生借助图画和录音,了解歌谣内容,初步说出4种形状的英语单词,并在说歌谣的同时进行表演。2.能力目标。通过说唱活动培养学生的英语语感。通过动手、动脑的活动培养学生的观察能力、思维能力、语言能力及想象创造能力。3.情感目标。T:Do you want to ask me?S:What’S your name…T:My name is Jane.教师出示名片介绍:This is my namecard.It’s a rectangle.随后,介绍小组比赛的规则:Look!There are four shapes on the blackboard.It’s a circle…Whatcolour is it?Do you like it?It’s for you.Let’s have amatch.Who is the best? 备课思路:通过在Free talk中的真实交流,让学生感受到语言的自然和流畅。同时以讲解小组竞赛规则的方式渗透本节课将要使用的词汇,如新单词、颜色单词以及后面活动中要用到的name card。通过这种自然的方式把新的语言项目呈现给学生,使学生对新的内容得到初步的整体感知。活动三唱英语歌:Ten Little Candles Dance 教师出示蜡烛模型,提问:How many candles canyou see?学生回答:I can see ten.教师出示小棒,提问:How many sticks can you see?学生回答:I can see ten. 备课思路:通过表演唱,使学生的身体得到运动,同时复习本节课要用到的数字单词,为摆小棒学单词环  相似文献   

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