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The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) initiated the Second International Technology in Education Study (SITES)--A longitudinal large-scale international comparative survey on the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in schools. The goal is to understand how ICTs effect teaching and learning in schools. SITES 2006 was the third module in this program to determine how teachers use ICTs, and to find out how school and education system factors influence teachers' pedagogical orientation. SITES 2006 administered three questionnaires: one for school principals, one for technology coordinators, and one for mathematics and science teachers, around 400 schools in each of 23 education systems. The main study took place during 2005-2007. This paper describes the South African educational context, provides an overview of the South African participation, speculates on South Africa's future participation, and provides a comparative glimpse of the use of ICTs in South African mathematics and science classrooms.  相似文献   

The first wave of educational reforms in Macau took place in late 80s and early 90s. In 1991, the first Education Law was approved in Legislative Council. It signified a path leading to more "disciplined" education system. It was then by legislative means through standardization, regulations, implementation of the universal free education, establishment of the "public school net", construction of a "localized" curriculum framework, and the definition of various kinds of teacher education enabled the government to participate in overall educational matters. Among all, curriculum development is a significant component in the arena of educational reform. The localized curriculum was first implementation in 1995 in all government schools with Chinese as a medium of instruction, and was not compulsory in private schools. Macau is now starting a second wave of educational reform, with special attention to the re-construction of the present curriculum. Thus, it is the objective of this study to examine and disclose the discourses and practices of the curriculum development in the territory in order to re-vision the future development. The time travelling tunnel gives two scientists the ability to travel in time and space in the television series in the UK in 1960's. In this paper, 'excursion into the time tunnel' is used metaphorically, to describe the research process for it is to be adventure and an exploration. Furthermore, the metaphor 'time tunnel' also bridges the present to the past and the future. This is how the author attempts to reveal the story of discourses and practices of the curriculum development in Macau through the 'time tunnel' interweaving with the past, the present and the future. This study stems from a particular stance of educational policy analysis. The study is informed by aspects of critical and post-structuralist perspective, with particular reference to Michel Foucault. In this paper, official document, namely Gazette (known as Boletin Oficial in Portuguese) is the focal point of interest.  相似文献   

The first half of the 20^th century witnessed the alternation of two regimes of different nature (namely, the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China) and the three monumental educational tenets set down by them. The tenet promulgated by the late Qing Government is of feudalistic characteristics, which puts emphasis upon the objective requirement for the educatee; the one issued by earlier government of the Republic of China, tinged with capitalist colors, stresses on the reconstruction of educational contents, and the one by the Nanjing Administration, duplication of the Three People's Principles in education, devotes itself to orientation of the educational function. These three educational tenets, each representing the educational volition of the country in different historical periods, reflect the general creed and policy of the government towards educational development.  相似文献   

The visit of Bertrand Russell to China during 1920 to 1921 was one of the most significant events in May Fourth Movement, and Russell pointed out that education was the most important thing for Chinese reconstruction. The author argues that we should interpret Russell's educational idea of China from a theoretic and practical point of view. The man in Chinese education is the key to the future of China.  相似文献   

In Chinese societies, moral education has always been considered the most essential component of education because the nurturing of moral persons is the prime function of schooling. The implementation of moral education has relied on the inculcation of values that reflect moral ideals. The emergence of the Information Age, with a plethora of information and ideas being disseminated instantly through informational technologies, has altered the educational landscape of the world and challenged the conventional approach to moral education. Given this context, we argue that it is important for Chinese educators to find an alternative approach to moral education that can embrace the new realities of our networked world. In this approach, lofty moral ideals should give way to simple and easily understood concepts such as respect, information and ideas in the "cyber world" should be exploited rather than shunned, and the genuine interests of children and youths should form the basis of moral education that is at once relevant and enlightening. In proposing this approach to moral education, we also assume that moral educators in Chinese societies, which include school teachers, parents, and organizers of nonformal education programs, would endeavor to understand the complex world of cyber realities and devise feasible ways to suit contextual educational needs.  相似文献   

The Resolution on Certain Questions of the History of Our Party since the Founding of the People'sRepublic of China under the Direction of Deng Xiaoping
From the beginning of the Third Plenary Session of the 11 th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party to the end, the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party was considering to summary the experiences and lessons of the “ Great Cultural Revolution” and some certain questions of the history of our party since the founding of the PRC. In October 1979, Deng Xiaoping prepared to draft the resolution, and determined the general guiding ideology of establishing Mao Zedong's histori- cal position and upholding and developing Mao Zedong's thought which is the most important and fundamental key point. Deng Xiaoping maintains, after asking advices over and over again and developing extensive democracy, it is a good resolution as a whole, which really meets the original requirements and plays an important role to unify a common understanding of inner party.  相似文献   

Confucius has been eminent throughout histories in terms of his profound educational concepts. In this paper the author attempts to investigate the contributions Confucius had made in promoting the popularization of education at that time. The ultimate goal of this paper is to demonstrate the realistic significance of Confucius's educational concept, namely, "education should be done without the difference between the rich and the poor, or the noble and the mean".  相似文献   

This paper is about a research focusing on upbringing story problems of Hungarian. Sandor Karacsony's educational philosophy has already had several criticisms, primarily from the communist party's people, and from ideological and political viewpoints. But there were people blaming him for the deficiency of the concept and the lack of the pedagogic system. While studying and thinking his works, it might be declared that Karacsony's thoughts were embed in a peculiar system, revealing what must not be given up. Although, his language is slightly difficult, his direct style of writing brings learners through less understandable chapters and parts. The author grouped the overview of Karacsony's pedagogic system around 3 fundamental notions: the aim of the upbringing, the education and the theory of education. Sandor Karacsony was not only a high-school teacher and university professor, but also in his public functions, strived for restoring the relation between the educators and the pupils into a natural (for him) connection, he was out for developing tasks, expectations of the schools and the reformed institutions.  相似文献   

From the Salamanca Statement in 1994 to the Dakar Framework in 2000, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) has spearheaded an international movement for acceptance, equity and access in the education of students with disabilities. Inclusion, mandated in Salamanca, is considered the first step. Today, the focus is upon the identification and implementation of educational models that ensure access. This article discusses paradigm shifts taking place in special education in schools of the United States that respond to the ideals set forth in these statements: cultural competency, universal design for learning and collaborative models of assessment and instruction. Practices discussed here can provide guidance for educators worldwide as they strive toward the goals of Salamanca and Dakar.  相似文献   

施茹萍 《海外英语》2011,(7):370-372,391
Over the long process of history,education has always been considered as the reflection of civilization in any society.The first Chinese educational monograph On Learning states that "building a country,teaching for the first".In recent years,Chinese leaders even put forward the idea of "developing the country through science and education".It is clear that education is important for a country’s development.It plays a more strategically vital role in a world superpower like the United States.Chinese and American education,to some extent,represent eastern and western education.Under which,there are many different talents coming out.In 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics,his unprecedented achievement of eight gold medals makes Michael Phelps one of them.As an American legend,his education is a typical case,but also an epitome of American education.Based on Michael Phelps’s story and education,the thesis concentrates on differences between Chinese and American education.From his childhood education,performance before competitions,and his night life,the thesis analyses characteristics of American education,compares differences in Chinese and American primary and family education,educational essence and curriculums,and probes the causes and effects of those differences.In the end,the thesis puts forward some constructive advice for the reform of Chinese education under current condition in China.  相似文献   

In today's China, there exists a self-contradictory fact——on the one hand, China is in short of educational resources, and the average educational level of the total population is fairly low; on the other hand, many graduates are facing difficulties in finding positions or are taking positions requiring lower degree employees, which leads to so-called over-education and intellectual unemployment phenomenon in China. The paper analyzes the nature and causes of the over-education phenomenon. It argues that the present over-education phenomenon in China does not mean the surplus of the total educational amount, but is actually the result of "structural in-equilibrium" of higher education. The underlying reasons can be traced back to the influence of Chinese traditional culture, the existence of binary economic structure, administrative-led educational system, and inflexible market-information transferring system.  相似文献   

It is becoming more and more apparent that globalization processes represent, theoretically as well as practically, a challenge for educational sciences and therefore, it must be addressed within the sphere of education. Accordingly, educational conceptions have to adapt to globafization phenomena and focus more on alternative and innovative educational concepts. The observable phenomena that appear as part of globalization then lead to the following question: Is there still space for educational concepts like emancipation, self-determination, equal opportunities and fairness in distribution, democracy and common sense? The most indispensable tools for the development of equitable and peaceful contemporary education perspectives are a differentiated reflection on globalization phenomena and consequences, an intensive analysis and disclosure to address (global) conflict lines, the questioning of well-established concepts, the formation and embodiment of visions of the global future and the articulation of innovative education concepts. Modern social and political structures and practices have to be reoriented to combat the negative effects of globalization processes through the incorporation of more humane, socially fair and ecological principles. Educational science is sure to make an important contribution in making this a reality.  相似文献   

Assessment is central to any educational process. Number Right (NR) scoring method is a conventional scoring method for multiple choice items, where students need to pick one option as the correct answer. One point is awarded for the correct response and zero for any other responses. However, it has been heavily criticized for guessing and failure to credit partial knowledge. Despite continued research in scoring methods, conventional NR scoring method remains the most popular and widely used procedure. Thus, the problem of crediting partial knowledge and guessing still exist. In addition, the current assessment practices do not take students' misconceptions into consideration. Thus, there is a need to propose a new scoring method that is able to minimize guessing, credit partial knowledge, yet able to diagnose misconceptions. This study proposed the development of a Computer-Adaptive Assessment Software (CAAS) for MC items using the new Number Right Elimination Testing (NRET) which take into consideration these three elements. This paper described the rational for using the NRET, the design and development of CAAS and the results of the pilot study carried out in three secondary schools in Malaysia.  相似文献   

In spite of having undergone one Century's vicissitude, China's educational management studies are still lagging behind those abroad. Two research lines, one being induction and generalization, another being deduction and transplantation, have been roughly evolved over these studies. Both of them have reached the level of empirical science. Since 1980s, they have developed in an unprecedented way. However, there are still some problems existing in this field. The first one is tha(a clan of multi-echeloned and multi-typed educational management studies has been multiplied in the way of trying to jump over certain developing phases and to obtain instant success and quick profits. The second one is the concept of what is educational management studies is still unclear, thus leading to ambiguous ideas or even confusions on this issue. The third one is that the study on educational management and the study on educational economy are forced to be tied together and become one by human forces, thus hampering the development of either field. Therefore, it is necessary to make reflections on and criticisms on these confused phenomena so as to preserve standardization and identity of this discipline and promote its healthy development.  相似文献   

孙景  陈杰 《海外英语》2012,(5):280-281
Hierarchy of Needs,one of the most influential motivation theories,was developed by Abraham Maslow in 1940-50’s USA.Hi erarchy of Needs theory has great significance in understanding human motivation,management training and personal development.The purpose of this paper is to investigate briefly the application of the theory to educational settings so as to guide a more effective education.  相似文献   

This paper studies the similarities and differences between the goals of bilingual education in China and the United States. China and the U. S. have similar purposes in providing bilingual education to language minorities at the elementary-secondary school level. The Americans use bilingual education as a remedy, but most Chinese treat it as a tool for tangible interests. American colleges and universities provide monolingual instruction only, but their Chinese counterparts are promoting bilingual instruction today. Many have considered American bilingual education a failure. The validity of China's collegiate bilingual instruction is under debating. More research work must be done before we learn how bilingual education may be efficiently and effectively provided to different groups with various educational needs.  相似文献   

张改焕 《海外英语》2016,(4):156-157
Babylon Revisited is one of Fitzgerald’s greatest stories. In this story, the protagonist Charlie comes to Paris to get custody of her daughter Honoria from his wife’s sister Marion, to whom the child is entrusted after Charlie fell apart several years ago. However, he is prevented by his late wife’s sister Marion for her selfishness and jealousy. Perhaps, Fitzgerald wants us to question whether Charlie is really prepared for parenting. The story hints that he isn’t, because it provides many hints that he has not separated himself enough from his past bad habits.  相似文献   

In the history of educational thoughts, there are mainly three analysis paths about the purpose of education which are "Con- structivism", "Functionalism"and"Education with no purpose". In the view of"Constructivism Education", the purpose of education is to realize person's own value. This analysis path include two branches, one believes that the purpose of education is to develop human's nature, the other claims that happiness is supreme. In the view of "Functionalism Education", the purpose of education is what the person could realize outside themselves but not the person own. For example, we could realize human socialization, political integration, economic growth or social equality through education. In the view of the "Education with no purpose", the purpose of education is to get more and better education, there is no other purpose besides education. Though there are many differences among those three analysis paths, they have a common point which is also the ulti mate target of education, it is to "educate full development person".  相似文献   

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