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王强  ;任艳军 《学周刊C版》2014,(10):106-106
在英语中,有一句关于人的认知规律的谚语:“Tellmeand I’ll forget,Show me and I may not remember,Let me try and I’ll understand,”翻译成汉语,这句话的意思就是:“告诉我的事情我会忘记,展示给我看我也不一定能记住。让我试过了我才能明白。”这一规律,要求学习者在学习过程中,不应该被动接受。不应该被“装满”,被“填鸭”,而应该积极主动地去探索体验,去感知获得。  相似文献   

正在英语中,有一句关于人的认知规律的谚语:"Tell me and I’ll forget.Show me and I may not remember.Let me try and I’ll understand."翻译成汉语,这句话的意思就是:"告诉我的事情我会忘记,展示给我看我也不一定能记住,让我试过了我才能明白。"这一规律,要求学习者在学习过程中,不应该被动接受,不应该被"装满",被"填鸭",而应该积极主动地去探索体验,去感知获得。教师只是这一过程的激发启迪者、引导规范者,不是思维代替者、命令下达者。因为学生的大脑不是需要被填满的容器,而是需要被  相似文献   

我们可以用这样一句话来表达语法教学的新.理念:“Tell me,I’ll forget,Show me,I’ll remember,Involve me I’ll learn.”英语教师应改革语法教学的方式,实施有效的教学策略,让语法教学充满生机。  相似文献   

They call me a man, but I'll never have a wile.I was given a body, but not given life. They made me a mouth, but didn't give me breath.Water gives me life and sun brings me death. What am I?  相似文献   

正一、引言语言教学界有一句名言:"Tell me,I’ll forget.Teach me,I’ll remember.Involve me and I’ll learn."这句话强调了学生在语言学习中的"主体"地位。在新课程理念的指引下,广大英语教师似乎已经理解了这种重要性,从"教师中心论"转到"以教师为主导,以学生为中心"的观念上来,广泛开展了自主学习的研究和探索,摸索并创造出形式多样的凸现学生"主体"地位的英语课堂教学模式。课堂上,师生  相似文献   

李静 《学周刊C版》2010,(10):45-45
教无趣,必不乐学。想让一堂课产生良好的效果.最主要的是要把学生带到课堂里来。在课堂上我总结了一些小技巧.如“动”“猜”“画”和设置真实情景来调动学生参与教学.并布置反馈型的作业来提高学生的英语能力。正如本杰明·富兰克林所说“Tell me and I forget:show me and I remember:invite me and I learn.”让我们带着学生去记忆、学习。  相似文献   

Kelly 《新高考》2014,(5):54-57
We didn't always live on Mango Street. Before that we lived on Loomis on the third floor, and before that we lived on Keeler. Before Keeler it was Paulina, and before that I can't remember. But what I remember most is moving a lot. Each time it seemed there'd be one more of us. By the time we got to Mango Street we were six--Mama, Papa, Carlos, Kiki, my sister Nenny and me.  相似文献   

I still remember the words “I love Beijing, I love Beijing Tian'anmen”-which I read in the Chinese textbook when I was young. Beijing has been mysterious for me all the time. I was eager to visit her. My parents took me on a tour to Beijing during the summer holiday, 2005. It is well- known that Beijing is the capital city of the People's Republic of China and also the second largest city in China after Shanghai. It was a great journey. Now let me tell you my experience to Beijing; let us share the happiness of travelling.  相似文献   

I hear,and I forget./I see,and I remember./I do,and I know./Tell me,and I forget./Show me,and I remember./Involve me,and I know.以上文字摘自衡水中学的英语课堂改革方案,简单的三十个英语单词却把我们英语课改分析得清清楚楚.  相似文献   

Be a good one     
Pablo Picasso, the great Spanish painter and sculptor, once said this about his ability: "My mother said to me, 'If you become a soldier, you'll be a general; if you become a monk, you'll end up as Pope.' Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso." No lack of confidence here!  相似文献   

How to Be Happy     
Blue's morther was dead when he was young. And now his father was to leave home to look for work in the town. "Son, remember what I told you. Take care of yourself. "I'll be home as soon as I can."  相似文献   

I remember daddy's hands folded silently in prayer
And reaching out to hold me, when I had a nightmare  相似文献   

I'll tell you, shall I, something I remember? Something that still means a great deal to me. It was long ago.A dusty road in summer I remember,A mountain, and an old house, and a treeThat stood, you know,Behind the house. An old woman I remember In a red shawl with a grey cat on her knee Humming under a tree.  相似文献   

Do as I tell you.照我的话做。Don’t question what I say.别质疑我的话。Do what you are told.叫你怎么做,你就怎么做。Do as I say,and you’ll be just fine.照我的话做就没错。Just do it.做就是了。You’d better take me seriously.你最好把我的话当真。Don’t ever disobey me.别想  相似文献   

Soon computers and other machines will be able to remember you by looking at your eyes! The program works because everyone's eyes are different. So in the future you won't have to remember a secret code (密码 ) when you want to use a machine or take money out of a bank. You'll just have to look at the machine and it will be able to tell who you are.  相似文献   

1. lead, guide, direct 这三个词语都有“引导、带路”的意思.具体地说: lead意思是“领导;引导”,指“在前面引路”。例如: You'll lead and we'll follow. 你带路,我们跟在后面。  相似文献   

Let everyone clap hands like me.
Let everyone clap hands like me.
Come on and join into the game.
You'll find that it's always the same.  相似文献   

石金涛 《中学生英语》2013,(14):16-18,48
一、完形填空When I was a child,my room liked to prepare food for dinner,every now and then. And I remember one night in 1 when she made dinner after a long,hard day at work. That Monday evening so long ago,my morn 2 a plate of eggs,sausage,and extremely burnt toast(土司) in front of my dad. I remember 3 to see if dad noticed! 4 all my dad did was reach for his toast,smile at my room,and ask me how my day was 5. I don’t remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him 6 butter and jelly(果冻) on that toast and eat every  相似文献   

A rabbit is playing near a river,and he hears a small voice:Hello,can you helpme?I’m ill.I need somesunshine.It’s verygood for me.Can youhelp me?No problem.I’ll findthe sun.I like summer best.Summer is good for swimming.哈尔滨市道外区泰山小学四(3)班张乃文31.一只兔子在小河边玩,他听到了轻轻的说话声:“你好,你能帮助我吗?”2.他向下看,是一株小草。“当然可以,我能帮你做点什么呢?”(兔子说)3“.我生病了,我需要一些阳光,那对我有好处。你能帮我吗?”(小草说)4“.没问题,我去帮你找太阳。”(兔子说)5.兔子跑了…  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Free talk and revision 1.Try to remember the teacher.T:Look at my face,please remember me.I have a round face.What does my face look like?Ss:It looks like a/an…(egg,apple…)T:I think my face looks likean apple very much.It’s red and sweet.Because I like eating apples.I like fruit.They canmake me pretty.Do you like fruit?2.Ss  相似文献   

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