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ICT在高职英语教学应用听、说、读、写四个方面的语言能力有积极的效果,高职英语教师要转变观念,要更加了解和高效地利用ICT为英语教学服务,同时,引导学生如何利用ICT特别是网络进行英语交流。  相似文献   

目前以计算机和网络(ICT)为辅助手段的大学英语教学改革正在全国很多院校积极开展,本文通过对ICT环境下大学英语教学中认知主体大学生的自主学习能力、他们对于信息技术辅助英语教学、以及他们对于英语教师信息素养的需求的调查分析,反映出认知主体大学生们对于ICT英语学习环境中的真实体验和实际需求。  相似文献   

互联网和ICT技术的迅猛发展,在全球引发了教育信息化热潮和包括英语学与教在内的各个学科教学的革命。作为信息时代英语教师必备的ICT技术之一,Google搜索引擎(www.google.com)已成为英语教师获取教学资源,破解教学难题和开展教学研究的重要工具。本文对Google在英语教学与研究中的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

信息与通讯技术—ICT(information and communication technology)的简称为信息技术。近年来在教育领域,ICT也被广泛应用于高职英语语言教学。以计算机网络信息技术为依托,高职英语教学形成了以学生为中心的教学模式,激发了学生主动学习英语的兴趣,营造了良好的英语学习环境,提高了高职英语教学质量。随着信息化、数字化以及网络技术的飞速发展,利用现代信息技术辅助教学势必是高职英语教学的必然选择。  相似文献   

文章考察了国外ICT在幼儿教育中应用的基本立场、ICT在幼儿教育中的应用概况、ICT对幼儿发展的影响、幼儿软件资源的设计与开发、国外幼儿园教师培训等几个重要问题,并在此基础上总结了国外ICT幼儿教育应用对国内幼儿教育发展的启示,期望能为国内学前教育信息化的发展提供可借鉴的参考。  相似文献   

日本中小学英语教学与ICT的整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息时代的到来,信息技术的最新成果开始应用于日本学校日学科教学中,IT (Information Technology)开始与课程整合。为了强调信息技术在发展学生个人能力和培养学生参与社会竞争方面的重要作用,日本提出把信息技术(IT)改名为信息与交流技术,即ICT (Informalion & Communication Technology)。但是对于学校英语教学而言,ICT的应用并非一蹴而就,它迫切需要对长期以来传统的教学形态进行变更。  相似文献   

在我国,教育信息化从硬、软件的配备阶段发展到注重应用及其效益的阶段,开展有关学校ICT应用效益研究的必要性和重要性也进一步凸显出来。通过梳理和深入剖析欧洲国家学校ICT效益研究报告,对ICT应用效益的研究理论框架、研究方法、ICT应用效益的界定、ICT应用效益的表现及其影响因素等方面进行归纳和分析,既能够帮助我们理性认识信息技术在教育教学过程中的有限作用,也能够进一步厘清信息技术的有效应用问题,并提供关于学校ICT应用效益研究方面的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

欧盟发布欧洲中小学教育中ICT应用监控指标研究报告近期,欧洲委员会教育视听文化执行署在欧盟官网发布对欧洲中小学教育中ICT应用监控指标的研究报告。报告指出,尽管ICT的教育潜力在过去二十年被很多教育工作者认可,但是各国以及国际调查的证据显示ICT的应用仍没有引发大规模  相似文献   

混合式教学是大学英语教学发展的必然趋势。运用建构主义教学理论,将ICT为媒介的网络教学和传统的大学英语课堂教学结合起来,培养学生利用ICT工具进行网络自主学习、小组合作学习,以及利用网络进行学习交流和反馈的能力。课堂上主要采取以学生为中心的翻转课堂教学形式,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生英语语言综合运用能力和交际能力,从而促进高校大学英语教学的改革和发展。  相似文献   

中国远程教育2003~2004亚太地区信息通信技术(ICT)在教育中的应用调查亚太地区ICT在教育中的应用调查报告近期在网上发布,该报告是联合国教科文组织亚太地区教育局协办的项目———“ICT在地区教育中的应用”的一部分。调查的目标是获得目前被证明有效,或在实现全民教育目标方面非常有前景的ICT应用和模式,尤其关注具有规模效益的模式。报告总结了ICT在教育实践中应用的如下趋势(Farrell,G.& Wachholz,C.,2004):将ICT应用于教育并不是新数字化技术出现才开始的。所谓新事物是“旧技术”与电子邮件、网络等新技术结合应用的各种方…  相似文献   

The paper reports on a particular strand of the outcomes of the English contribution to an Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development comparative study, ICT in Initial Teacher Training, which aimed to develop insights into how courses of initial teacher training prepare student teachers to use information and communications technology (ICT) effectively in their teaching. The paper extracts from the broader dataset the views of practitioners who were identified as being particularly ‘expert’ in their use of ICT, on what strategies and interventions are most helpful in developing teachers who are able to use ICT to enhance learning in their subject teaching, and also what it means ‘to be good at ICT’ as a subject teacher. Although some findings confirm research elsewhere on the importance of Technological and Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) frameworks, other aspects of the study question some of the assumptions which have been made about teacher induction in this field in England, which may have implications for the training of pre-service teachers in other countries.  相似文献   

中国学生发展核心素养要求重视培养学生的数字化学习能力,因此,教师必需具备一定的信息技术能力.对山西中部X市467名中小学教师信息技术能力现状进行调查发现,教师信息技术应用形式主要是:课前教学准备和辅助课堂教学活动.绝大多数教师对于常用计算机技能已基本掌握,网页制作等技能有待培训加强.教师的信息技术应用能力与教龄、学历、学段有一定关系.从低教龄组到高教龄组,教师信息技术应用能力大致呈现出"强-弱"的表现;不同学历组教师的信息技术能力存在显著差异,研究生学历的教师信息技术能力明显比其他学历的教师强;不同学段组教师的信息技术能力存在显著差异,小学、初中教师信息技术能力明显强于高中教师.  相似文献   


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have had significant impacts on many sectors in today’s knowledge economy. In developing and emerging countries, ICT have enhanced equity, quality, and efficiency in the education sector. However, the adoption of ICT in the South Asian countries’ education sector has not been at scale and its impacts have been limited. There are several gaps and issues that are hindering the wider adoption of ICT and limiting its impacts in the education sector. Through the case studies of the adoption of ICT for education in Bangladesh and Nepal, this paper examines the gaps and issues to be addressed in order to better leverage ICT to enhance education equity, quality, and efficiency. This discussion is guided by the ICT in the education framework that has been developed by the authors, and could provide insights into the state of ICT in education and offer strategies to better leverage ICT for the education sector of other countries in South Asia and the region.  相似文献   

ICT and Community of Practice   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The paper describes an action research study investigating ICT as an integrated artefact in lower secondary schools in Norway. The study is part of a national project called PILOT, which focuses on the pedagogic use of ICT in education. The aim of the project is to develop an understanding of how ICT can become an integrated part of the teaching process and the case study focuses on how ICT impacts the design of practice fields towards a community of practice concept in one PILOT school at the lower secondary school level. The findings from questionnaires, observations and interviews with the principal, teachers and students revealed that implementing ICT in parallel with other innovations and dismantling “preserving structures” has contributed positively towards developing the practice field and achieving the different aims for the school. The school has avoided an incremental implementation of ICT, and this seems to be an important strategy for the school's design towards a community of practice concept.  相似文献   

ICT implementation: what makes the difference?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the question of why some schools have managed to introduce widespread use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) into teaching and learning across the curriculum, where other schools have had much less “success” in this matter. The issue is addressed through interpretive, case study research in a UK secondary school where almost all staff are now using ICT to enhance and extend learning in their subject areas. After setting the context, a summary of the methods used and an overview of the findings are presented. Whilst some of the findings are specific to the context, it is suggested that much can be learnt from the single case, both by practitioners seeking to develop ICT use and researchers interested in taking the subject forward in other contexts.  相似文献   

How does the use of technology in Art and Design differ from its use in other subjects? What uses do art teachers make that might seem noteworthy to their colleagues in other subject areas? And are there respects in which ICT affects art teaching uniquely? The following report is drawn from two national, qualitative studies, carried out over four years and involving over two hundred skilled computer users in the UK teaching force [1]. The studies explored good practice in use of ICT in twelve separate curriculum subjects. Research addressed the following questions: How does ICT help teachers convey the central concepts of their subjects? What can be learned with the aid of ICT that might not be learned as readily in any other way? The study found that each curriculum subject uses ICT distinctively, has singular hardware requirements and is treated differently in terms of resourcing and access.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship among ICT infrastructure (i.e., computing devices and Internet), one-to-one computing program and student ICT activities in school. It also looks into the differences of how ICT is being used in the teaching of English, mathematics and science at the elementary school level in relation to the availability of computing devices, Internet connection and one-to-one program. A total of 360 Grade 5 students from three schools (120 students from each school) in the western part of Singapore participated in a questionnaire adapted from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) ICT Familiarity Component for Student Questionnaire regarding students’ ICT use. One of the participating schools has implemented a school-based one-to-one computing program for all its students for the past nine years, with the school providing the necessary computing devices for all its Grade 1 to 3 students and a student computer ownership program to encourage all its Grade 4 students to procure their own computing devices to be used till completion of elementary education at Grade 6. The regression analyses suggest that how ICT is being used plays a more significant role in predicting the frequency of ICT use for the various subject areas than ICT infrastructure and one-to-one computing program. Further analysis also reveals that one-to-one computing program and availability of computing devices have a significant interaction effect on the frequency of ICT usage for English but not for mathematics and science—the presence of computing devices seem to have an impact for the usage of ICT for English but not the other two subject areas. The findings concur with earlier studies that there are differences in frequency and how ICT is being used in the teaching of English, mathematics and science.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of how affordances of ICT‐rich environments identified from a recent review of the research literature can support students in learning science in schools within a proposed framework for pedagogical practice in science education. Furthermore other pedagogical and curriculum innovations in science education (promoting cognitive change, formative assessment and lifelong learning) are examined to see how they may be supported and enhanced by affordances of ICT‐rich environments. The affordances that I have identified support learning through four main effects: promoting cognitive acceleration; enabling a wider range of experience so that students can relate science to their own and other real‐world experiences; increasing students' self‐management; and facilitating data collection and presentation. ICT‐rich environments already provide a range of affordances that have been shown to enable learning of science but integrating these affordances with other pedagogical innovations provides even greater potential for enhancement of students' learning.  相似文献   

文章从信息化的理论基础及实践应用维度,探讨了教育信息化的构建结构及其组成因素。作者指出,教育信息化是一个复合型的概念,其中既有技术性的因素,也有非技术性的因素,它们共同影响着教育信息化的建设和发展。从社会变迁的维度看,教育信息化的中心任务是完成"个人"的现代化和信息化;从学校组织和管理的维度看,教育信息化是一个多层面的机构改革和完善过程:校园信息化、教学信息化、管理信息化等要素综合地构成了教育信息化发展的全景蓝图。最后,文章还对教育信息化的发展阶段及制约因素进行了多方面的论述。  相似文献   

One vision for Ontario schools is that the use of information and communication technology (ICT) will profoundly change both teaching and learning. Given the diversity of school settings, however, system-wide ICT integration and implementation must necessarily be defined in multiple ways. This paper presents a decision-making framework for guiding the infusion of ICT into different school settings. First, sustainability of the ICT initiative is the identified as the key goal. Next, multiple contextual variables are distilled into five essential qualities. Then, sustainability and the essential elements are combined. The result is a dynamic framework that can be used to identify specific priorities for implementation and strategies for evaluation of ICT initiatives. Finally, it is illustrated how the framework can be used to guide the successful infusion of ICT in any situation, regardless of a school's previous experience with ICT.  相似文献   

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