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A media-use questionnaire was completed by 3,261 7th and 8th graders and a subsample of 1,074 respondents was interviewed about their sexual attitudes and behaviors. Based on results from the media survey, respondents' top television shows, movies, music, Internet sites, and newspapers were content analyzed for portrayals or references to pubertal development, romantic relationships, body exposure or nudity, sexual innuendo, touching and kissing, and sexual intercourse. Overall, 11% of the media used by respondents contained sexual content. A measure called the Sexual Media Diet (SMD) was developed to assess each individual's exposure to sexual content in the media, based on the combination of media consumption and content. The SMD measure showed a statistically significant association with adolescents' sexual activity and future intentions to be sexually active, with measures of movie and music exposure showing the strongest associations.  相似文献   

Cultivation theory, and the study of long-term media effects in general, could benefit from the development of a scale that measures long-term television exposure levels. Theory and research into the organization, storage, and retrieval of long-term memory are used to develop a scale for measuring past and present television exposure levels. In a survey of 207 young adults, a Lifetime Television Exposure (LTE) scale is submitted to tests of criterion validity. Findings show the scale positively predicts cultivation outcomes above and beyond existing measures of current television exposure. Television viewing during early childhood, in particular, predicts young adults' current social reality beliefs. Methodological considerations and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The literature on selective exposure has made inestimable advances in our understanding of media and its effect on politics and the general public. However, much of the research on this topic has relied on potentially inaccurate assumptions. In our paper we apply an open-source, publicly available, high-dimensional measurement of meaning through word co-occurrence context (Shaoul & Westbury, 2010), which has historically been applied to questions of semantic relationships between words. This method allows scholars to avoid pitfalls from previous assumptions and determine previously unknown ideological positions of previously unknown sources. We demonstrate the validity and range of this method and provide a series of best practices for scholars who wish to employ this tool in their own research. Our method will ultimately expand the variety of research questions available as well as improving inferences, opening up new lines of research for scholars studying media consumption and political behavior.  相似文献   

Despite considerable evidence of an association between mass communication efforts and HIV testing behavior, the mechanisms through which this association may be established have been less extensively studied. Drawing on the integrative model of behavioral prediction, this study assessed the relationship between exposure to HIV/AIDS-related media content, individual intention to be tested for HIV, and the psychosocial variables mediating the relationship among 986 urban and rural residents of northwest Ethiopia. Structural equation modeling revealed that the relationship between exposure to HIV/AIDS-related media content and HIV testing intention was partially mediated by the three psychosocial variables associated with the integrative model (attitude, normative, and self-efficacy beliefs). However, whereas exposure to HIV/AIDS media content was found to be associated most substantially with attitudes toward HIV testing, intention to be tested was found mainly to be influenced by normative beliefs, which suggests that there is a possible mismatch between mass media programming and the prevailing psychosocial processes within the study population. The relationship between exposure to HIV/AIDS-related media content and HIV testing intention was also found to be mediated differently across urban and rural groups. Thus, it appears that the two groups may require different types of intervention to promote the desired behavior.  相似文献   

Scholars have long advocated empirical integration of active-audience and structural theories to best explain audience exposure to television. This study incorporated both uses and gratifications and structural variables in an integrated model of audience exposure. Results indicated that seven statistically significant factors—ritualistic motivations, use of the Internet, audience availability, the cost of multi-channel service, age, instrumental motivations, and gender—combined to explain 30.3% of the variance in audience exposure to television. Findings suggest that no single theoretical construct explains the complexities that determine exposure to television. Future inquiry should continue to seek theoretical and empirical integration as a way to understand and explain media behavior.  相似文献   

In this article we extend recent work on exposure to campaign advertisements, comparing the effects of television ads, radio ads, and campaign-related e-mails using an unusual panel data set that provides information on multiple media sources. Our findings, which control for the endogeneity problem that has plagued much work in political communications, confirm that media exposure does affect citizen attitudes. We also find additional evidence that the medium matters, with exposure to television ads tending to undermine system-supporting attitudes, whereas exposure to radio ads has an overall positive effect; contrary to expectations, the “new medium” of campaign e-mails had no discernible effect.  相似文献   

A primary argument for the widespread production of media violence is that audiences want to watch violent content. This assumption is examined in this meta-analytic review of existing research on both selective exposure to and enjoyment of violence. The results show that violence has a significant effect on both selective exposure and enjoyment, but in different directions. Specifically, violence increases selective exposure but decreases enjoyment of content. Potential explanations for these effects and moderators that could influence the results (e.g., sex, aggressive personality traits, type of content) are considered, and the practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

移动社交媒体环境下用户错失焦虑症(FoMO)量表构建研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
[目的/意义] 鉴于移动社交媒体环境下用户错失焦虑症(Fear of Missing Out,FoMO)已经逐渐成为一种普遍存在的现象,为了更好地测度用户在使用移动社交媒体过程中的FoMO程度,本研究尝试在中文情境下开发FoMO的有效度量工具。[方法/过程] 以现有相关研究文献为基础,结合用户访谈构建移动社交媒体环境下FoMO初步测度问卷,综合采用专家咨询、探索性因子分析(EFA)和验证性因子分析(CFA)方法进行量表开发。[结果/结论] 最终构建一个包含心理动机、认知动机、行为表现和情感依赖四个维度的移动社交媒体环境下用户FoMO测量量表,具体涉及16个相应指标。数据分析表明,该量表信度和效度较好,可为后期针对移动社交媒体采纳和持续参与的影响因素探索提供工具参考和理论指导。  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):234-239
Courses: Mediated Communication Theory; Media Criticism; Media Literacy; Senior Capstone

Objectives: (a) To utilize service-learning to educate youth on media literacy; (b) to apply course materials and witness the connection between theory and practice; and (c) to promote personal and social responsibility through civic engagement  相似文献   

This research examines two recurrent conceptual issues of measuring media exposure in survey research—content specificity of survey items and whether exemplars should be provided to aid recall. In two population-based surveys, we evaluated three candidate measures of cancer patients’ self-reported exposure to cancer-related direct-to-consumer advertising (CR-DTCA); these measures varied in content specificity and provision of ad exemplars. All three measures performed equally well in terms of internal consistency, convergent, nomological, and discriminant validity. Increased content specificity or ad exemplars did not improve performance of the exposure measures. Participants were able to extrapolate from ad exemplars to report their exposure to broad categories of CR-DTCA. The briefest of the three measures posed the lowest level of survey costs and was deployed successfully for mailed and internet-based survey administration. We discussed future directions for application of these findings in DTCA research for other illness and for media exposure research more generally.  相似文献   

This study investigated social television viewing behavior by introducing the social engagement construct and validating its measurement scale. A total of 655 social media users in 2 online consumer panels were sampled to complete the 3-stage research strategy. Through conceptualization and operationalization of social engagement, this study identified 4 underlying dimensions in social engagement, i.e., vertical involvement, diagonal interaction, horizontal intimacy, and horizontal influence. These 4 dimensions represent a continuum in which audiences’ social engagement behaviors range from a lower level (vertical involvement) to a higher level (horizontal influence). The theoretical and practical implications of the social engagement construct were also discussed.  相似文献   

Young adults (N = 172) completed questionnaires that measured empathy, affective responses and exposure to frightening films, and perceptions of how aspects of scary content (suffering, danger, excitement, and a happy ending) affect enjoyment. Empathic concern was associated with less enjoyment of suffering, but more enjoyment of danger, excitement, and happy endings. Enduring negative affect was associated with higher personal distress and less enjoyment of suffering. Exposure to frightening films was associated with lower personal distress, more enjoyment of danger, and less enjoyment of happy endings. Interpretations of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

ISBD系列标准中要求在题名与责任说明项中著录的一般资料标识(GMD),不适应现代文献编目的要求,在国际编目规则第四次专家会议上已遭中国代表的质疑。2011年版的《ISBD统一版》用内容形式和媒介类型替代GMD,这一做法不仅可以改变世界范围内GMD著录不一致的混乱状况,还可为制定基于FRBR的编目条例奠定重要基础。表2。参考文献8。  相似文献   


The model of intuitive morality and exemplars (MIME) predicts that moral representations in media content can activate related moral intuitions in audiences, and that audience members in turn are influenced by their moral instincts to select content featuring corresponding moral values. This proposition was tested and confirmed in a two-phase study. Content analyses measured the frequency of moral domain representations in top-rated popular TV serials from India and the U.S., while an implicit measure (MF-AMP) gauged the strength of corresponding moral intuitions in viewers and non-viewers of these shows.  相似文献   

The life of knowledge workers in the information age is enwrapped in both uncertainty and opportunity. Organizations have faced ill-defined times by placing their confidence in the ability of digitally literate workers. We explored how social media communicators navigate the role stressors of this recently developed organizational position. The qualitative results revealed communicators struggled with and managed role ambiguity by relying on outside social media experts and Web analytics. A separate international quantitative survey of social communicators showed organizational leadership and social media self-development activities diminished levels of perceived ambiguity. The implications of this research suggest that organizational leaders possess minimal authority and influence in defining the role of knowledge workers.  相似文献   

随着互联网时代的到来,许多适用于传统媒体的研究方法和工具已不再能完全沿用,内容分析法在媒体研究中的应用必须根据媒介特性的改变而作出及时的调整与改进。与传统媒体的内容分析法应用相比较,内容分析法在互联网研究中的应用,在实施抽样、确定分析单位、收集资料和信度检验等方面已发生了显著变化。内容分析的自动化将是互联网研究中内容分析法应用发展的新趋势。  相似文献   

The article discusses the Jagiellonian Library's scanned version of its catalog of books published up to 1949. This case study analyzes the issue of information management in light of the history of the catalog from 1802 onwards and the process of making the catalog accessible via the Internet. It examines the consequences of the decision to scan the catalog on the various library departments' current procedures, as well as on library users.  相似文献   

Stepping beyond traditional mass communication and political communication frameworks, this study utilizes the integrated behavioral model to predict traditional broadcast and print news media exposure. Specific focus is given to experiential (Is politics interesting?) and instrumental (Is politics important?) attitudes. A secondary analysis is performed on 2010–2014 World Values Survey data (N = 6,961) consisting of representative samples collected from the United States, Germany, Australia, and Sweden. Interest is a statistically significant predictor of both types of news media exposure, but importance and Interest × Importance are statistically significant for broadcast only. The positive predictive value of political interest for broadcast is isolated to only those individuals who perceive politics to be of low personal importance. Discussion focuses on task difficulty when comparing broadcast and print news media exposure and the theoretical implications of the study’s findings. In addition, a research agenda based on the integrated behavioral model is proposed for the study of news media engagement.  相似文献   

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