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This case study examines the local storytelling practices of two radio stations in Los Angeles: one a commercial hip-hop station, the other a public radio station managed by Minnesota Public Radio with a news-talk format. Interviews with station staff and direct observation of station practices provide data that reveal specific practices showing how stations can apply communication infrastructure theory in attempts to forge the connections between the media, community residents, and the local organizations that bind neighborhoods. Obstacles to sustaining these practices are noted, including commercial pressures and journalistic principles that may hinder advocacy.  相似文献   

This article explores the history and development of college Net-radio and analyzes the factors underlying Net-only college radio's growing popularity. It reports on an ethnographic study conducted in 2005 about one of North America's first Net-only college radio stations, City University of New York's (CUNY) Brooklyn College Radio.  相似文献   

Fred Allen, a leading network radio comedian from 1932 to 1949, was one of the few broadcast comics to specialize in social commentary. In a medium which strove to avoid the controversial, Allen performed three important functions of the social critic. He denied the truth of cherished American beliefs and toppled sacred national idols. He challenged the authority of dominant social groups, particularly business leaders, most particularly network radio executives. Finally, he defended the freedom of the individual artist especially writers and performers, in the mass media. Allen's legacy is a reminder that radio during the 1930s and 1940s offered more than diverting amusement.  相似文献   

2008年1月18日以来,我国南方大部分地区遭受雨雪冰冻灾害,给当地人民群众生产、生活造成了严重影响.灾情发生后,中央人民广播电台迅速行动,从1月21日开始,打破既定节目编排,在覆盖全国的"中国之声"推出全天特别直播<爱心守望风雪同行>.全天直播持续到2月5日,先后有270多名编辑、记者、主持人、技术人员投到报道当中.从1月20日,尤其是1月29日以来,中央电台重点新闻节目<新闻和报纸摘要>、<全国新闻联播>以二分之一左右的时长报道抗灾救灾工作的最新进展.春节期间,这两档节目重点报道了胡锦涛总书记、温家宝总理奔赴南方灾区考察抢险抗灾,慰问灾区群众的情况;及时全面报道国家应急指挥中心、国家各部委各机构、各行业、各地的抢险救灾举措和行动;同时结合广播特点,组织设计了一系列录音报道,展现各地加班加点保证煤电油运,保障市场供应,社会稳定.<全球华语广播网>多次与地方广播电台并机播出,重点关注重灾区的抗灾救灾工作.<国防时空>从1月23日开设专栏<军徽闪耀风雪同行>,集中报道奋战在抗灾救灾一线的解放军武警官兵的事迹.  相似文献   

The use of live entertainers is well-documented on radio networks, but not for local stations in rural America. This study examines the period of decline in the use of live entertainers starting in 1940 and the pinnacle of live performance on WDZ, an independent broadcaster in central Illinois that featured folk and hillbilly style entertainment. World War II, the FCC's tolerance for recordings, union struggles, and changing management emphasis from programming to sales were factors in the live performance decline. Management transitioned from emphasizing local interests to maximizing economic return with less expensive programming while relocating to a larger market.  相似文献   

中文社会科学网站的评价对网站的建设和学术研究都有十分重要的意义。文章以图书情报类网站为例进行评价研究,得出该学科的核心网站,并以此为基础探讨中文社会科学网站评价指标与方法体系。  相似文献   

采用参与和介入观察、访谈等田野调查方法,对芝加哥公共图书馆基金会发起的虚拟导航员项目在唐人街社区公共图书馆的运行情况进行了深入调研。该案例研究表明,社会资本在图书馆读者尤其是特殊社群获取计算机免费培训信息方面扮演着支配型角色;桥接型社会资本为社群数字贫困成员实现数字脱贫提供了先决条件;社区公共图书馆在社群成员的数字化生活中可以成为一个重要社会网络节点。以芝加哥公共图书馆基金会为代表的非营利组织可以增加公益信息机构如图书馆的团结型(内部型)社会资本储量。  相似文献   

在和谐社会的背景下,弱势群体得到了越来越多的关注,弱势群体寻求和获得社会支持的途径也趋于多样化。其中,互联网成为一些弱势群体寻求和获得社会支持的主要手段。本文使用定量分析的方法,以乙肝论坛肝胆相照为研究对象,对其社会支持的体系结构进行了分析。研究发现虚拟社区中的社会支持关系网主要是由位于中心处的若干会员支撑起来的,越靠近关系网中心处的成员信息交换越频繁,交换的信息数量也越多;论坛成员获得的社会支持的种类与成员的活跃程度存在着相关关系。因此,个体要想在虚拟社区中获得更多种类的社会支持必须积极参与论坛讨论;论坛也应该采取措施鼓励成员多发帖进行交流,还可以通过外部手段增进成员之间的认同感。本研究为弱势群体提供了如何改进自己在网络社区中寻求社会支持的理论指导,也为肝胆相照之类的弱势群体论坛和网络社区提供了进行改进的理论依据。  相似文献   

Although community radio has a long history in South and North America, new models are evolving in other parts of the world from South Africa to Central Eurasia. True to its community roots, stations reflect the unique history, culture, and political climate of each country. Radio is the most democratic of media both in providing easy access to citizen participation and in being widely available. In rural areas from subsistence farmers in Mozambique to nomadic herders in Mongolia, radio is the only medium. With limited resources in new democracies, it is the most cost-effective medium. The expressive human voice and natural sound engage the imagination through story telling. Radio stations are not simply passive transmitters of information or hit music; they are a catalyst for building community, for improving health and education, for fostering a civil society. These are no longer theoretical visions; many stations now demonstrate all of these goals.  相似文献   

Kothmale Community Radio (KCR) is one of five community radio stations operated by the government-funded public service broadcaster Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC). Community radio was originally introduced to Sri Lanka under an UNESCO-DANIDA 1 1Danida is the overseas development funding arm of the government of Denmark. funded project called Mahaveli Community Radio (MCR).  相似文献   

作为一门学科的知识组织   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
作为一个研究领域,知识组织在LIS理论界得到热烈的研讨。本文从学科角度讨论知识组织的研究对象、学科性质、研究内容及其理论体系。  相似文献   

This article provides a historical account of Bush Radio, the oldest community radio station in Africa, based in Cape Town, South Africa. The creation of Bush Radio's precursor, the Cassette Education Trust (CASET) was a pivotal moment for the emergence of community radio on the continent. This people's history of Bush Radio tells the full story through the voices of the founders and staff, together with other sources of historical data. The article argues that although the apartheid state constructed essentialist racial and ethnic categories, CASET and later Bush Radio constantly positioned themselves in a space of liminality to interrogate and redefine these categories. Privileging an instrumentalist approach, this article shows the connections between ideology, politics, and economics as they converge to form the industrial structure, the political environment, and the cultural product of broadcasting.  相似文献   

By the multiple usage of immaterial resources across organizational and national market borders, globally acting media conglomerates are able to achieve outstanding synergies. For this reason, they are expected to realize higher margins of profit than smaller-size, nondiversified media firms. However, no empirical evidence has been found for a positive correlation between a firm's size or its presence in many businesses of the media industry and its economic performance until now. Consequently, possible synergies do not seem to be fully exploited in many cases. This article analyzes how to institutionalize and implement synergy management in decentralized media organizations. For these purposes, we first develop a basic understanding and then conduct an exploratory case study on Bertelsmann's approach, which overcomes the stress ratio between corporate coordination and independent action at the operational level. Distinguishing various product types and triggers, this case study renders the process of synergy management more precisely and illustrates how to arrange responsibilities between organizational units. Finally, by relating the results of the case study to the body of literature, we work out patterns of responsibility assignment and drivers of success for strategic integration. In contrast to operational integration, the latter may lead to synergies due to cross-divisional cooperation and business development.  相似文献   

对非营利组织——图书馆的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
廖腾芳 《图书情报工作》2004,48(11):87-89,97
在介绍我国县级以上图书馆发展现状的基础上,论述图书馆的非营利组织地位和中美两国对非营利组织的优惠政策,并提出借鉴国外的做法,将图书馆建成非营利组织,以解决图书馆的资金与资源问题。  相似文献   

社会性标签应用广泛,但理论比较落后。文章提出几个社会性标签理论,以理论为基础,概括出社会性标签的特性。社会性标签的优势突出,但由于自由性而存在的缺陷也相当明显。应该对社会性标签进行适当的控制,提出四种控制方法。其中,有对标签创建的过程中控制,也就是借助并结合传统分类法对社会性标签适当控制,分别是等级分类法对社会性标签控制和分面分类法对社会性标签控制;也有对标签形成后浏览进行控制,即标签云对标签呈现的控制;还有依靠用户社群力量,由用户共同改善他们创建的标签集合,即用户参与的社群力量控制社会性标签。  相似文献   

论文运用文献分析法,认为社会融合是一个过程和目标导向的复合概念,可以划分为基于文化适应的社会融合和基于结构融合的社会融入两个阶段.而从社会融合向社会融入发展的过程正是西方社群档案的建设之路.在这一过程中,档案工作者的职能有可能发生扩张,档案工作者可以成为社群档案教育家和政策分析师.  相似文献   

图书馆是个人发展与社会进步的历史选择,社区图书馆则是图书馆事业持续发展的必然结果。社区图书馆具有巨大的社会价值,是社区居民的知识殿堂、普通民众的终身大学、社会大众的文化设施与弱势群体的保障机构。当前,公共文化的积极建设、数字技术的迅速进步与知识信息的海量增长,为社区图书馆发展提供了难得的历史契机。未来的社区图书馆不仅是文化供给的实体组织,而且是文化交流的虚拟社区,更是文化共享的第三空间。参考文献21。  相似文献   

The combination of radio and the Internet has been solidly documented as a cross-media success for many advertisers. However, to what extent does the medium itself share in this success as it utilizes the Internet as a promotional tool? Even less is known about radio and the Internet in small markets. Based on a survey of industry experts located at radio stations in markets ranked loo+, this paper examines current promotional executions as well as explores possible future opportunities that small-market radio stations are considering as the Internet continues to grow and change.  相似文献   

For decades, radio was primarily a hidden or unseen medium to listeners. In recent years, digital technologies have transformed radio to a medium that can both be seen and heard. In particular, visuals on social media have given audiences a real-time glimpse of broadcast operations and talent, while enhancing interaction with stations. This study examined how commercial stations across the United States portrayed themselves through posts on Instagram. Using a qualitative methodology and social semiotic theory, results of the study revealed two dominant themes of station posts—station promotion and community—that signified the essence of radio stations.  相似文献   

曹钺  陈彦蓉 《新闻界》2020,(2):69-79
社交媒体在全球社会运动与政治变革中发挥的作用已引起高度关注,不过其具体的影响机制仍不明确且充满争议。本文利用TCS2015年的数据,使用Logistic回归模型对社交媒体接触(自变量)与线上、线下社会运动参与(因变量)之间的关系进行实证分析,并引入"政治自我概念"中的一系列心理变量(政治知识、政治兴趣、内在政治效能感、外在政治效能感)对个体性差异进行检验。研究发现,社交媒体展现出显著的、不可被抵消的动员效应。政治知识不会单独对社会运动参与程度产生影响,但可以与社交媒体产生交互效应,放大其对运动参与的正向效应。内在政治效能感既会对社会运动参与产生正向影响,又能强化社交媒体的动员效应。线上、线下两种运动模式的作用机制大致类似,但存在微妙的差异。上述结果部分支持了研究假设,反映出社会运动往往是个体心理与新媒介工具共同作用的结果。这些结论放置于台湾社会的现实政治语境中,可以带来思考与启发。  相似文献   

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