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新课程下,数学书面测评试题应充满人文关怀,突出应用性,注重过程性,强调整合性,以适应现代社会对综合型人才的需求;同时,要充分考虑到学生的个体差异,让不同人在数学上得到不同的发展。  相似文献   

在一些公办高校率先实行扁平化管理改革后,部分民办高校为了进一步增强可持续发展的能力,也在着手实施扁平化管理。然而由于民办高校和扁平化管理各自的局限性,使得民办高校扁平化管理改革面临诸多问题。依法治校,完善理事会或者董事会治理模式;建立职能不同的委员会;推行目标考核聘任,实行绩效分配;合理区分行政管理与专业管理的职能等几个方面是解决问题的有效办法。  相似文献   

李建军 《天津教育》2021,(1):67-68,71
数学课程教学中的错题管理工作一方面是为了通过错题找到学生数学课程学习中的问题和不足,另一方面通过错题的分析将其作为下一阶段数学课程教学的有效参考资料.错题管理工作的开展不仅要按照规范的方法执行,在具体的管理工作开展中,也要注意策略与方法的运用.本文结合初中阶段的数学课程教学探讨错题管理的科学对策,为提升初中数学课程教学...  相似文献   

启迪学生思维是课堂提问的主要功能之一.从美国老师《灰姑娘》课例得到的启示是:教师可从意蕴、社会、人生、技巧等方面引导学生进行思考,要引导学生自己"悟道",不要低估学生的思维能力.  相似文献   

张侨平 《课程.教材.教法》2021,41(1):105-109,137
普及教育推行以来,处理课堂中学生的学习差异一直是一个世界性的课题。在数学科,按照数学问题或习题的难度进行分层教学是一贯的做法,期望不同能力的学生逐阶而上。然而,激发学生的数学思考,提供不同学生更多的学习机会,是处理差异化教学的关键。在面对混合能力的大班教学中,运用数学开放问题,结合平行练习任务进行分层教学或是一条有效的处理学生数学学习差异的途径。  相似文献   

读后续写是高考英语新增加的书面表达考核内容。读后续写要求学生在准确理解文本的基础上,找出文本的核心要点,并结合所给段落开头和关键词续写出一篇内容上有逻辑衔接、情节和结构上完整的短文。文章以读后续写表达思维活用为论述要点,探讨结合学生的文本阅读和写作需求,引导学生由此及彼地运用要点摘录、核心词汇深思、前后语句联读、语句整理和回头审读等方法找到所给文本的切入点与发散点,提高学生的书面表达能力。  相似文献   

历史考试中选择题的特征有:最佳选择题或唯一选择题,组合选择题,因果关系选择题,异同选择题,史料选择题等。回答这些选择题的对策是:学生必须掌握课本知识或一些结论性语言,具备一定的知识归纳的能力,学会用历史的眼光看待文学艺术作品,不是用鉴赏的眼光看待文学艺术作品,教师在复习或讲课中应归纳各节的内容,要注意对学生能力的培养,加强对教材各章节的基础知识的掌握,从而形成或知识的网络,提高准确获取信息的能力。  相似文献   

“金字塔”模式的内涵是:点线面结合,表浅里渗透,融会贯通,螺旋式升华。具体应用中先讲授章节的知识点,然后连点成线开展生动的课堂讨论(其中穿插案例教学),再对大家讨论的结果进行整理和加工以形成知识面,最后以企业见习,实习等实践环节进行验证和强化。这种教学法具有循序渐进,从理论到实践,变被动为主动,能够解决实际问题等优点,具体实施中需要教师,学生,学校和社会协调一致的配合。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to explore trainer questioning strategies which aimed to scaffold development and learning in teacher training feedback sessions. Research was conducted with a group of Turkish pre-service English teacher trainees at an English-medium university in Turkey. Findings include a categorisation of different question types which seemed to prompt reflection and construction of knowledge. The data also suggest that trainees need varying levels of support through different question types to better scaffold their understanding of teaching. This study concludes with a data-driven framework of questioning strategies which can be a potential guide for trainers working with pre-service English teacher trainees.  相似文献   

This study attempts to explore the issue of intercultural and transnational negotiation in written English communication. I am interested in the reciprocal development of written discourse across cultural boundaries. My analysis focuses on academic writers’ sense of self and their individual ability to reach otherness when they share the roles of writer, translator, editor and reader. Using my experiences of writing instruction, translation and editing in the USA, South Korea and Russia, this article discusses the unconventional yet resourceful development of confidence in writing in English in the context of cross-lingual and transnational communication. As the examples show, emotional clarity and care for specific social purposes are often important in intercultural English academic written discourse.  相似文献   

The role of human dissection in modern medical curricula has been a topic of intense debate. In part, this is because dissection can be time-consuming and curricular hours are being monitored more carefully. This has led some to question the efficacy and importance of dissection as a teaching method. While this topic has received considerable attention in the literature, the question of how dissection impacts learning has been difficult to evaluate in a real-world, high-stakes setting since participation in dissection is often one of many variables. In this study, this challenge was overcome due to a change in the curriculum of a Special Master Program (SMP) that permitted a comparison between two years of students that learned anatomy using prosection only and two years of students that participated in dissection laboratories. Since each class of SMP students took courses in the medical school, and the medical school anatomy curriculum was constant, medical student performance served as a control throughout the study period. Results demonstrate that SMP students who learned through prosection had lower performance on anatomy practical and written examinations compared to medical students. When the SMP program changed and students started participating in dissection, there were measurable improvements in both practical and written examinations. These findings provide evidence of dissection’s role in learning and applying anatomy knowledge both within and outside the gross anatomy laboratory.  相似文献   

A graduate student in early childhood education discusses observations of his children during and after Hurricanes Rita and Katrina struck the Gulf Coast. He relates his use of responsive parenting and provides examples of his children's learning and play that emerged after the storms. He reflects upon how aspects of developmentally appropriate practice are applicable to parenting and how teachers may support reciprocal relationships with families.  相似文献   

纪传体正史《隋书》、《旧唐书》和《新唐书》中所记录的隋唐题材历史故事,为隋唐题材历史演义小说提供了丰富的素材。隋唐题材历史演义小说"依史以演义",存在六种情形:抄缀史籍,稍加润色;依史演义,扩充成章;剪裁合并,连缀成篇;据其一点,生发想象;偷梁换柱,背离史实;随意虚拟,自由创造。正史为历史演义小说的题材渊源和艺术源泉,但历史记录与小说叙事不可等同,史籍遵循实录原则,小说创作凭依想象、创造,这是性质完全不同的两种写作方式。  相似文献   

This study investigates the links between race, school choice and educational stratification in South Africa. It focuses on racial differences in families’ efforts to take advantage of choice by transferring to opportunity (i.e., transferring to a school perceived to offer students better access to educational opportunity than their current school) and explores the implications of those transfers for emerging patterns of racial stratification in access to high quality schools. Findings reveal significant racial variation in transfers to opportunity and suggest a complex link between race and the ways in which historically disadvantaged groups have engaged with the post-apartheid educational opportunity structure.  相似文献   


With the rise of accountability policies since the early nineties, the daily operation of English schools has profoundly changed. Through the in-depth analysis of ability grouping practices in one English secondary school, this paper aims to explore how the accountability shift and datafication impacted the practice of student grouping and students’ experience of education. The paper documents how an English secondary school which had fully endorsed the comprehensive ideal gradually shifted from mixed ability teaching to a rigid system of hierarchically arranged attainment-based grouping structure over a period of decades, and explores the pedagogical dilemmas that data-driven governance generates. The paper concludes that the school’s data-driven practice creates an environment of competition and an experience of incessant insecurities for the students which unsettlingly echo the culture of the late neoliberal labour market.  相似文献   

本文列举了目前我国高等教育(本文特指大陆地区) 在管理过程中存在的一些突出的问题, 并分析了出现这些问题的原因。作者指出, 高等教育管理中这些问题的存在,主要是由于计划经济时代形成的对高等教育行政化管理的体制和思维尚未得到改变, 以及我国高等教育管理类的法律法规不健全等原因所造成。最后作者针对这些问题提出了一些解决的对策。  相似文献   

《教育科学研究方法》是近年来电大新开的一门课程。作为开放教育课程,其考核方式,应有独自的特点。本从知识结构入手,分析了教材的知识分布,并就其自身及学员的特点设计各部分的考核方式,然后从考试题型结构角度,对每一部分试题的设计提出了建议。  相似文献   

In a state-wide questionnaire survey dealing with practical work in school science, science teachers (N = 257) in Tasmanian schools and matriculation colleges were required to respond to a validated list of 10 aims for practical work in order to establish a relative order of importance of aims according to practicing teachers. The aims were then rewritten as possible influences (as perceived by students) and the relative order of importance of influences established for the students (N = 724). The orientation of teachers and students towards the set of aims/influences of practical work were first examined separately and then compared. Teacher's aims are associated with a clear rank ordering of importance which shows little change over the whole grade range. The implications of this educational emphasis is discussed. It is argued that teachers aims are in some respects misguided or misjudged and when viewed against student perceptions there are some major mismatches. The instrument would appear to be a simple and useful way of evaluating the orientation of teachers and students towards the role of practical work in schools and raises many issues about the quality of the enterprise.  相似文献   

创新意识和实践能力的培养是高职素质教育的核心,更是促进高职学生创业、就业的核心竞争力。高职学生创新意识和实践能力的培养,是全面推进素质教育和实施科教兴国战略的关键,是在知识经济时代提高我国综合国力和国际地位的需要,是高职学生全面发展的需要。因此,要从构建合理的课程结构、创建创新型的教师队伍、营造浓厚的创新文化氛围、加强实践能力培养等途径入手,来提高高职学生的能力。  相似文献   

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