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This article discusses how radio in Kazakhstan changed after the Soviet Union collapsed and market-oriented independent countries emerged. Since independence in 1991, the media, including radio, developed partly as a private enterprise and partly as a government entity with government radio operations controlled by the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Corporation. State radio stations in Kazakhstan are subsidized and operations do not depend on popularity or successful competition for audiences. Commercial stations have found support in advertising and continue to be successful. Although Kazakhstan has been independent for about 20 years and Kazakh stations are successful, the radio market in Kazakhstan is dominated by Russian radio. This article highlights the significant challenge for Kazakh radio as it continues to develop a uniquely Kazakh character that can promote Kazakh language and culture, and successfully attract a Kazakh audience.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the sociology of reading is determining, through the analysis of reading data, the social processes actually at work in society. This article analyses the results of sociological research done by the research staffs of libraries in Kazakhstan between 1991 and 1994. It focuses also on the problems faced by the sociology of reading in Kazakhstan, where such research was previously considered by the authorities as purposeful only in solving the practical problems of libraries. Today, reading in Kazakhstan is characterized by frequent changes in readers' demands caused by the dramatic changes in ideology, politics and economics in the constituent parts of the former Soviet Union. Reading in Kazakhstan is becoming more utilitarian. Pragmatic information needs determine the choice of literature. There is a sharp decline in the demand for fiction compared to the 1980s. Those intellectual spheres in which ideological control was severest, such as history and philosophy, flourish and effect reading. Finally, the decision of independent Kazakhstan to encourage the use of the Kazakh language is having an effect on reading patterns.  相似文献   


The main purpose of the sociology of reading is determining, through the analysis of reading data, the social processes actually at work in society. This article analyses the results of sociological research done by the research staffs of libraries in Kazakhstan between 1991 and 1994. It focuses also on the problems faced by the sociology of reading in Kazakhstan, where such research was previously considered by the authorities as purposeful only in solving the practical problems of libraries. Today, reading in Kazakhstan is characterized by frequent changes in readers' demands caused by the dramatic changes in ideology, politics and economics in the constituent parts of the former Soviet Union. Reading in Kazakhstan is becoming more utilitarian. Pragmatic information needs determine the choice of literature. There is a sharp decline in the demand for fiction compared to the 1980s. Those intellectual spheres in which ideological control was severest, such as history and philosophy, flourish and effect reading. Finally, the decision of independent Kazakhstan to encourage the use of the Kazakh language is having an effect on reading patterns.  相似文献   

With music being one of the key elements of radio, and plurality one of the most important principles of public service, this article’s central argument is that one of the missions of public radio is to foster musical elements produced in the country’s national language. Focusing on traditional musical genres of the Portuguese-speaking countries, we will analyze the role of music in public radio by selecting specific musical shows focused on the Lusophone world. In order to determine the presence and impact of Lusophony in national stations, music will be the common thread for a reflection on how multicultural their programming strategies are able to be.  相似文献   

Media exert a pervasive influence on personal and national identity. Kazakh independence in 1991 necessitated forming national identity where only limited common identity existed previously. This paper examines the socio-political context of Kazakhstan, explores how images in Kazakh music videos assist in conveying national identity, and addresses ongoing challenges that shape how Kazakh identity continues to develop.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the results of statistical research on the information massif of the “Abstract Journal” DB (of the Republic of Kazakhstan) with a volume of about 50000 documents, which was carried out based on a number of scientometric indices. The types of journals, thematic structure of the AJ DB and prospective directions for investigations are designated. The leading journals on the themes of the series of the abstract journal are revealed. The averaged ratio between the scientific articles of the Kazakhstan scientists published in Kazakhstan, CIS-countries and far-abroad countries is determined to be 80: 5: 1. The main themes of publications in the English language relate to chemistry, physics, and mathematics. The works in various fields of Kazakhstan science are presented in Russian journals.  相似文献   

This article discusses the development of radio broadcasting in the new Russia that emerged in the years 1991–2011. Changes in radio were part of the larger, complex and controversial process related to major economic, political and social changes in the Russian Federation after the Soviet Union dissolved. Radio programming developed to reflect the new political, social and public lives of the Russian people. The analysis examines the functioning of state, public, and private radio, and their competition for audience, the role of radio advertising, and programming broadcast content. The article shows that there has been the formation of a new type of free, uncensored journalism with experienced radio journalists experiencing a new environment.  相似文献   

Bulgarian book publishing starts developing as commercial system as early as the second half of nineteenth century. With the increasing of competition after the Liberation of Bulgaria in 1878, as main problem the lack of texts for publishing emerges. The Bulgarian literature was still too young to provide texts for the publishers with the required quality and quantity. That’s why the publisher’s main goal remains the translation of popular (in any sense of meaning) foreign authors. In relation with this policy two main problems emerged—the lack of translators from the main European and World languages and appearance of many intellectuals who pretended to have good Russian language skills. This resulted in Russian book editions of world literature being the main source for Bulgarian translations. The paper focuses on to the process of retransmission and republishing of texts from language to language and from place to place. Interesting conclusions are made on how the publishing market strategies affect readers and their perception of the most popular titles of world literature. The main thesis is that the language skills (or lack of skills) of the translator are important for the reader’s perception of the text but the publisher’s choice of foreign editions through the mediation of second country’s publishing system had critical importance for the perception of Bulgarian readers of classical and popular examples of Western literature.  相似文献   

The purpose of the Kazakh publication citation indicator that has been developed in Kazakhstan since 2005 is to carry out scientometric analysis of scientific publications to determine their citation rate. At present, the bibliographic database (BDB) on citation includes information on the publication activities and citation index of approximately 30000 Kazakh scientists and specialists. They had over 18000 scientific papers published in over 500 domestic and foreign journals. The total quantity of references to papers by Kazakh scientists was more than 28000. The Kazakh analogue of the science citation index determination system is an efficient tool for analytical work with the BDB of scientific publications, which makes it possible to calculate publication activities and citation parameters, which are used to define the value and demand for the results of scientific work in various fields of domestic science.  相似文献   

This paper presents one definition of the Russian Federation’s national security, identifies the role of scientific and technological progress as the basis for this security and shows the development of its innovation. The study treats the concept of expertology as a line of scientific and analytical activities; examines the techniques for the state expert assessment of scientific and technological goal-oriented programs, as well as their integrated support.  相似文献   

Notable radio scholars including Christine Ehrick, Phylis A. Johnson, and Caroline Mitchell have explored critical challenges of gender and sexuality radio research and its importance in relation to communities. A major issue faced in studying the early years of women’s history in broadcast is the ephemeral nature of the medium as many of the voices are lost in the ether, unrecorded or once deemed inessential to archive. Web-based radio and podcast archives provide renewed avenues for listening to lesbian and queer women’s radio across transnational borders yet many long running shows in Canada such as The Lesbian Show on Vancouver Co-Op Radio have only recently begun to surface as digital collections. As personal and institutional archives of lesbian and queer women radio begin to reach a public audience, analysis of radio works across decades of LGBTQ2+ activism and feminisms must be traced to understand the role of radio and digital radiogenic media in creating space and identity for queer activism. A turn to the past brings forward questions of analog and digital futures for radio and podcasting space as place to construct and shape queer and especially lesbian communities and identities in the North American broadcasting industry. Through research of notable live and pre-produced content including Dykes on Mykes on CKUT 90.3 FM, and The Lesbian Show on Vancouver Co-Op Radio, this work offers an exploration of radio and radiogenic media’s role in creating sonic space for queer and feminist subjectivities.  相似文献   

This paper gives the results of the scientometric analysis of foreign publications by Kazakh authors that was reflected in the SCOPUS DB in 1991–2008. The publication activity is expressed in 3883 documents, the citation index of which is 10 132. The average share of Kazakh publications in the total worldwide flow is equal to 0.017%. The citation rate of publications was revealed to have significantly grown since the 1996–2000 period. It is shown that most articles were written in English and published in periodical editions. The main themes of publications are represented by physics and chemistry. The leading foreign partners of Kazakhstan in the scientific sphere were determined. Kazakh-Russian scientific cooperation is developing most fruitfully.  相似文献   

The Public Broadcasting Act’s 50th anniversary provides an opportune moment to reassess justifications for creating a noncommercial media system. This commemorative occasion coincides with a particularly precarious moment for public radio and television’s future, adding some urgency to revisiting and reasserting its normative foundations. With this in mind, it is instructive to look back at public broadcasting’s long history to recover some of the original arguments for establishing an alternative to commercial news media. These earlier visions suggest a social democratic ideal for broadcast media, one clearly recognizing that a market-driven system cannot provide for all of democratic society’s communication needs.  相似文献   

This study concerns Jewish clandestine radio broadcasting from the late 1930s through 1948 in Palestine under the British Mandate and briefly after the creation of Israel as a state. Concerned about security during this period, the United Kingdom had a policy of controlling information as much as possible. In 1936, the Mandate Authority created a local radio station modeled after the BBC's domestic service, but neither Jewish nor Arab political organizations had an electronic outlet for their specific points of view. Although it was impossible to stem the circulation of underground printed information, the British tried to stop the illegal radio stations operated by various Jewish organizations. This research reviews both the nature of the Hebrew‐language operation and the efforts of the British forces to stop them.  相似文献   

“Black Radio Listeners in America’s “Golden Age’” argues that U.S. black listenership has been all but ignored in radio scholarship regarding the 1930s-1950s, as has the context of America’s racial segregation and radio’s active role in affirming and propagating it. The essay argues for an expanded understanding of archive and archival methodology in order to gain a more complex, accurate, and varied understanding of historical black listenership, and, toward that end, performs culturally contextualized close textual analysis across media: a 1937 Lead Belly song (“Turn Yo’ Radio On”), Joe Bostic’s column for The People’s Voice in the 1940s, Frederic Wakeman’s 1946 novel The Hucksters, a 1949 feature on black listeners in Sponsor magazine, a 1934 Vitaphone Short featuring Cab Calloway, and Ann Petry’s 1946 novel The Street. Through engaging with widely-varied representations of black radio listenership, Stoever argues that black listening practices from this period not only challenge the periodization of this era as the “Golden Age” of American radio, but also upend traditional categories of active, passive, and “resistant” listening that scholars have employed to understand media reception, revealing that active listening can look and sound different for black listeners, particularly in a period when listening “actively” to segregated media in ways prescribed by the dominant culture often proved to be deleterious. The act of “turning one’s radio on” was a complicated act of agency for black listeners, not simply a passive form of ignorance, escape, and/or anesthetization as popularly represented.  相似文献   

Comrades at War     
Peter Busch 《Media History》2019,25(4):479-492

This article explores the methodological challenges and possibilities of writing a cultural history of broadcasting in French colonial Algeria during the tumultuous decades between the two world wars. In a diverse, multi-ethnic colonial society, how can historians and media scholars evaluate audience reception? What meanings did radio broadcasting acquire in the colonial context? To answer these questions, this article considers the controversies surrounding two culturally hybrid broadcasts produced by Radio-Algiers during the 1930s. A careful examination of the remaining historical record concerning these broadcasts, from newspaper accounts to archival sources, exposes the cultural fluidity that typified everyday colonial life and reveals how radio broadcasting politicized music and oral language in novel ways. Broadcasting—as a purely sonic medium—challenged the classificatory mechanisms of the French colonial state and the racial and ethnic boundaries that undergirded colonial society. In consequence, historical memories of Radio-Algiers and its role during the waning years of the French empire deny the sonic cultural hybridity that flourished over the interwar airwaves.  相似文献   

Radio stations were organized in Europe during the 1920s as state‐regulated public service institutions. Contrary to the model in the U.S., radio thus was embedded in the cultural and political spheres and accordingly kept outside of the market forces, although some countries allowed limited advertising. Radio's role as a national service faced increasing legitimation problems, and in most Western European countries, local radio was introduced as a divergence measure to balance political and cultural convergence of national radio. Generally, local radio activities were initially an attempt to revitalize a vivid public sphere. This article describes the development in the Scandinavian countries, where local radio developed in different ways with a rather strong commercial component that filled the “commercial deficit”; resulting from public service policies and a rather fragile component of noncommercial community stations. Although the structural development in many ways showed a different pattern than expected and wanted, local radio will have an ever greater role to play in a globalized media and information society.  相似文献   

A collection analysis project was carried out on the Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian studies collection at Miami University Libraries. The collection serves a diverse population of scholars and students. These constituents vary in discipline and in reading level of Russian and other Slavic languages. The goal for collecting for this area is to reflect this diversity of disciplines and languages, as well as to follow the collection development policy. The project thus had two objectives: to determine how well the collection supports users’ needs and how well it reflects the collection development policy. A very simple process for data gathering was used to determine the number of items in each subject, the items’ language, and the number of checkouts and in-house uses. The results showed some discrepancies between the policy and the predominant language of the collection, as well as a lack of use among materials in languages other than English.  相似文献   

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