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《Africa Education Review》2013,10(3):588-600

This article deals with the challenges in the implementation of education for all as experienced by principals in rural secondary schools in Mpumalanga. Interventions which have been implemented on national and provincial level to improve teaching and learning are not equally successful in schools countrywide. The central phenomenon of interest involved the determination of the management and leadership views of rural secondary school principals concerning their ability to ensure Education for All. A theoretical grounding of the situation was developed through a literature review. Interviews were conducted with principals in rural Mpumalanga to collect empirical data for the research. Two main aspects that emerged from the study, was the impact that change, tradition and culture have on teaching and learning in the rural secondary schools in Mpumalanga.  相似文献   


The growing use of the interactive whiteboard (IWB) in primary school teaching forms part of a number of initiatives within the schools of the United Kingdom to develop the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in teaching and learning. The IWB presents both challenges and opportunities to teachers, particularly in terms of staff development and training. This study uses classroom observation and semi-structured interviews with teachers now working in a recently built, technology-rich primary school to develop a generic progressive framework and developmental model for schools introducing the IWB. This framework can be used to assess and guide teacher progress on the continuum towards becoming a ‘synergistic user’. As teachers make this transition there is a fundamental requirement to adopt an interactive teaching style, alongside the gradual development of specific ICT skills. The study also examines implications for teacher education and training for schools, both prior and subsequent to the introduction of the IWB into classroom use. These include specific technical and pedagogical competencies which need to be addressed for effective interactive use of the IWB in classroom teaching  相似文献   

The National College for School Leadership (NCSL) was launched in 2000 with a remit to supervise and further enhance educational leadership development initiatives in England and Wales. Its corporate plan for 2003–07 set out a series of key objectives, which include a commitment to demonstrate the impact of the NCSL on school leadership. Some empirical evidence is beginning to emerge regarding the efficacy and impact of programmes delivered under the aegis of the NCSL but systematic studies of the ways in which school effectiveness is enhanced in schools that have been subject to multiple interventions in leadership development are less visible in the literature. This article reports on a study that included both a questionnaire survey and case studies of 10 schools which required school leaders, at all levels from middle managers to headteachers, to reflect on the impact that national programmes, both individually and cumulatively, were having on their personal professional development and on their schools as a whole. Findings of the study suggest that there is evidence that national leadership programmes are impacting positively on leadership in schools although the level of impact appears to be variable across programmes. The paper is offered as one contribution to the International Study of the Preparation of Principals (ISPP) project based at the University of Calgary.  相似文献   

To enhance the cost effectiveness of primary schools, the government of Hong Kong imposed a regulation for operating primary one classes up to a minimum enrolment rate in 2003. This policy has forced a number of village schools to cease operation. During 2005–2006, 36 of them were involved in this enforcement, accounting for two-thirds of the total number of such schools, causing a possible extinction of them. This paper is part of a research project with the purpose of tracing the history and development of village schools in Hong Kong since the 1930s and 1940s. Adapting Bourdieu's concepts of habitus, capital and field, this paper examined the village school context of Hong Kong from a socio-historical perspective and examined how the context was related to leadership characteristics of village school principals. Related issues were also discussed. It is hoped that the study has suggested a direction for understanding principal leadership within different school contexts.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a research based project 'Lost for Words', which is a loss-awareness training pack developed by the City Psychological Service, Hull Learning and Cultural Services, in a multi-agency and multiprofessional context. 'Lost for Words' responded to identified needs in both schools and bereaved children and was based on research in schools and with adults bereaved of a parent when they were at school. Several local initiatives were put into place in concert with the local hospice, including 'help' leaflets for local schools and library and resource centres. The paper also reports the evaluation of the project in Hull, which showed an increase in the number of schools training staff in the area of loss, and of schools having a procedure or policy for loss. Schools rated the area of bereavement highly, although loss through parental separation was rated even higher. The majority of schools thought that more loss training was needed, and the tracking of the book Wise Before the Event showed how input can 'wash-out', as the percentage of schools aware of the publication has declined over time.  相似文献   

This paper presents data from a study of five English primary schools. It examines some of the challenges associated with school autonomy and collaboration for state primary schools amid the uncertainty and complexity of governance in the present English education context. The paper features the voices of six leaders gathered from interviews that explored their thoughts about the academies movement. It highlights their fears that academisation, and particularly the imperative to join a large academy chain, will undermine their autonomy as individual schools. Accepting of the inevitability of academisation and the forms of network governance this reform offers, it highlights the head teachers’ moves to ensure their autonomy in terms of determining the timing and type of conversion. In relation to these moves, the paper reiterates the significance within effective collaboratives of member schools experiencing a sense of ownership, a common purpose, shared responsibility for students and their learning and relations of trust. The paper considers some of the tensions arising in this space in relation to competition, collaboration and school vulnerability.  相似文献   

This quantitative study investigated the differences in perceptions and attitudes toward technology integration of K-12 public school teachers in rural, suburban, and urban environments. The purpose was to examine the relationship between frequency of use and perception of effectiveness of web-based learning tools based upon the type of school setting. A survey of 2,200 school teachers in a Mid-Atlantic state revealed significant differences of usage and perceived effectiveness among respondents. The research found teachers from urban schools trailed rural and suburban schools in usage and perception. Suburban schools indicated the highest perceptions of technology effectiveness, followed by their rural peers. Current teachers, administrators, and teacher educators may benefit from this insight to identify the most effective technologies, as well as work focus on improved use of technology, particularly in the urban classroom.  相似文献   

This article provides a case study of the implementation of iPod Touches on a one-to-one basis in a Scottish primary school. It focuses on teachers’ expectations for the project and the realisation (or otherwise) of these expectations. Findings suggest that the iPods offered opportunities for resource provision, interactive learning and extension activities. Technical challenges impacted on what could be achieved and some expectations, including sharing of resources and pupil work, and use for assessment, were not fully realised. Teachers also reported that some expected issues were quickly overcome. The development of teacher confidence with the devices remained a challenge after 12 months and they continued to seek meaningful ways to implement devices in the classroom. This case study contributes to our understanding of the pedagogical impact of mobile devices in schools and highlights the ways in which they can quickly become a valued part of the classroom environment. It suggests that implementation may not necessarily be a linear process of moving from assimilation to accommodation, as suggested by Lebrun, but that both phases may take place concurrently.  相似文献   

“人才资源共享”校企合作机制是学校师生与企业人士共同参与办学过程的一种人才培养方式,具有人才资源充分共享、校企互动合作更加深入、职业素质核心凸显,以及校企文化融合提升等特点.高职院校在开展“人才资源共享”校企合作过程中,必须坚持自愿诚信、平等互利、科学合理、目标一致、学校主导等原则.  相似文献   

关于中部地区农村中小学寄宿制学校的调查与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着国家"西部地区寄宿制学校工程"的实施,中部作为政策延伸地区,农村寄宿制中小学大量增加,寄宿制学生数量急剧上升,出现了"寄宿学校热"现象。寄宿制学校建设显现了新特征,学校管理面临新情况,出现了新的问题。实证调查表明,中部地区农村中小学寄宿制学校的迅猛扩充带来了办学条件水平有所下降的后果。问题的产生与中部地区在国家寄宿制中小学学校建设工程中的位置、地方主管部门、学校"准备不足、一哄而起"等因素有着直接关联。有关部门既需要立足长远,明确思路,又要采取措施解决"历史遗留"问题。只有这样,才能保证农村中小学寄宿制学校健康发展。  相似文献   

‘Transformative leaders for sustainable schools’, was a nationwide research project conducted in 150 primary schools in Cyprus during 2005–2007. The project explored the role of the principals in the organisation of sustainable schools. A mixed methods approach to data collection was employed combining quantitative and qualitative methods. This paper presents primary school principals’ perceptions of sustainable development, their views on the characteristics and operation of the sustainable schools as well as factors supporting or impeding the development of such schools in Cyprus. Our analysis reveals that the term ‘sustainable school’ is a concept only vaguely understood by the principals. Education for sustainable development is interpreted loosely as environmental education and sustainable schools’ operation is limited to sustainable development’s environmental aspects. Principals place their emphasis on environmental conservation, for satisfying humans’ needs whereas the notion of environment, economy and society are marginalised. The development of sustainable schools in Cyprus is restricted by limitations in time, lack of ESD teacher education, the centralised educational system and the overloaded curriculum. Suggested reinforcing factors are parents’ associations’ support and the school–community dialogue. Further exploration of the principals’ role as potential carriers of change and effective leaders is needed.  相似文献   

Visionary leaders shape their actions and initiate transformation to reach a specific goal. To do so is critically important in South Africa, where the education system offers limited opportunities to manage a school in a manner that deviates from the prescribed norm. School leaders typically encounter barriers such as the inadequacy of the national educational budget, poor teaching and learning quality, limited curriculum offerings and insufficient learning resources. One entrepreneurial school leader nevertheless, successfully crossed the boundaries of income, culture, language and technology, and as a result now provides efficient and equal education to less privileged schools in the immediate vicinity of his school, in a rural area in Mpumalanga Province. This article reviews the proactive, innovative and visionary leadership of this principal and assesses the pedagogical justifiability of his entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

The European e-Learning Forum for Education (ELFE) is a project initiated by the ETUCE (European Trade Union Committee on Education). An important objective of the project has been to study good experiences with implementing the use of ICT in schools. This objective has been broken down in seven operational research questions. Three of these questions will be discussed in this article: (1) What difference does the use of ICT make in schools where ICT is intensively used for instructional/pedagogical purposes? (2) How are the students influenced by this different way of teaching as compared to the traditional classroom education, both individually and as a collective? 3) What factors influence the intensive pedagogical use of ICT? The ELFE study applied a case study approach. Three innovative schools in each of five European countries (Denmark, England, Germany, Norway and Portugal) were purposively selected. Data were collected via questionnaires, interviews, observations and school documents. The findings resulting from the ELFE schools case studies illustrate that the implementation of ICT for teaching and learning may influence the functioning of schools in a number of ways. One can also conclude that students like working with computers and that they have no ‘instrumental’ problems. A number of factors seem to influence the successful implementation of ICT at school level such as a good infrastructure, a clear vision, policy and strategy. A crucial factor is support from national, regional and local authorities, as well as from the school leadership and parents.  相似文献   

詹姆斯·托雷教授在印度和非洲的调查发现:面向低收入家庭的私立学校在不断增长;原因主要是由于公立学校教育质量上难尽如人意,家长宁愿花钱也要把子女送到私立学校,所以促进了收费低廉的私立学校的发展.  相似文献   

Immigration in Europe has increased rapidly over the last years. As a result, schools are accepting students arriving from other countries at various stages of the school year. This can be a challenging process both for students and for schools. This paper describes the introduction of a peer-mentoring scheme to support immigrant students in three English schools, which took part in a European Union funded project that involved five countries. Data from semi-structured interviews with mentors, mentees and facilitators were analysed and highlighted a number of positive impacts, such as getting support from mentors, making new friends and increased confidence both for mentors and mentees. However, it seems that the way that the programme was implemented in the English schools, focused only on the individual students, rather than having an impact on the whole school. The implications of such an approach in relation to inclusion are discussed.  相似文献   

实践是思政课教学的手段和目的。"05方案"实施以来,三峡电力职业学院一直坚持探索思政课实践教学,教学模式渐具特色,效果显著。该校实践教学的实施立足于四个方面,即以联动的机制和充足的经费为前提,以设计符合学生身心发展需要的课堂实践为关键,以社会主义核心价值观引领校园文化建设为重大课题,以坚持"送出去和请进来"为重要途径,创新思政课实践教学。  相似文献   

教师发展学校是由从事教师教育的大学与中小学合作建设的,它以有效促进教师专业发展为目的,以现有中小学为基地,是教师专业发展的理想场所。教师发展学校的建设,双向激活了大学文化和中小学文化,尤为重要的是这两种文化的融合,要求大学教师和中小学教师结成伙伴,平等交流与对话,面向中小学教育的问题与前景,一起探索,不断创造,合作建构出充满生机的新的中小学校园文化。  相似文献   

The Delphi method: gathering expert opinion in religious education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ‘Does Religious Education work?’ project is part of the Religion and Society programme funded by two major research councils in the UK. It sets out to track the trajectory of Religious Education (RE) in secondary schools in the UK from the aims and intentions represented in policy through its enactment in classroom practice to the estimations of its impact by students. Using a combination of approaches, we are in the process of investigating the practices which determine and shape the teaching of RE in secondary schools through linked case studies, semi-structured interviews and a practitioner enquiry strand. In this article we focus on the first stage of the project where we used the Delphi method to elicit expert opinion on the aims and intentions of RE in secondary schools in Scotland, England and Northern Ireland. We outline the place of the Delphi process within the rationale of the project, discuss emerging themes and some of the issues arising from the use of this approach.  相似文献   

民族学校与社区文化互动关系是当前教育改革中关注的一个重要领域。探讨和建构民族学校与社区文化的互动关系,对学生的民族认同、文化理解以及民族文化的可持续传承都具有重要的意义。因此,笔者以文献、个案调查和逻辑分析等方法展开探讨,认为建构民族学校与社区文化互动关系是由学校教育的社会性、文化性以及农牧区中小学文化持续传承所决定的。建构二者的互动关系,是在确立民族学校的文化主体性的前提下,建立二者之间的文化对话和文化交往关系。  相似文献   


Over the previous decade, co-operative schools have emerged as a feature of, and resistance to, processes of marketisation in the English schools sector. The co-operative schools project, an education initiative of the UK co-operative movement, has been positioned as a ‘values-based alternative’ to the controversial academies programme. This paper examines the claim of the co-operative alternative and questions whether the co-operative schools project risks reproducing neoliberal values through a reliance on the ideal of the ‘self-improving school’. The discussion focuses on the evolution of one inner-city co-operative school. Through a close examination of its sociohistorical context, and with attention to the experiences of those involved, this case study explores the realities of a co-operative school striving to operate within a competitive system.  相似文献   

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